Current Track: Blabb

The sun sets, stars begin to appear, the evening comes to his end. I went through all the city to find work even a short-term one but no nothing. Too bad, but my luck will finish turning one day, I'm sure.

In a meantime, I come home. Some cars overtake me, but I don't accelerate as far. At this hour, circulation is fluid so don't need to hurry.

Hmm…, some fresh breeze, there is nothing better to… PIN-PON! PIN-PON! PIN-PON! PIN-PON! Oh, damn it, I really needed it to end my day!

“The little red Cabriolet, park on the shoulder of the road… right now!"

Oh, crap, that voice! I really would that it will be anyone else… except this bastard. Without complaining, I execute myself and I wait. After hearing a door slamming, this dummy is coming at my side, smile on his face.

“Ah Maxim! My favorite customer, it's my pleasure to see you again!"

Pleasure unshared, asshole!

“Well, can I have your license and registration please?"

Without a word, I give them to him. In any case, I'm in order, so he's nothing against me. Unless being extremely insincere (which is badly his case.)

“Good, all seems to be in order."

So, in fact, let me go, dumbass!

“Well, then… we don't say anything. Not even an insult?"

No, I will not give into you, stupid.

“No, still nothing?"

Sorry but I will not crack this time.

“Good, given that cat got your tongue, we are going into station. What do you think about it?"

I think I'm not surprised by your decision and… fuck you very much!

“Now, get out of the car, hands in the air!"

Getting up eyes to the sky, I open and before I do the least move, he pins me against the hood, banging my head by the way.

“Aaah! Damn it! You don't have to be so rough like that!"

“Oh, the ferret has found his tongue. So, you… I promise you, you're going to charge a lot!"



And here I am again… in the confessional… well, it's not really a confessional but I've been here so many times, I get the feeling to have confesses all my sins. But whatever… I find myself in the interrogation room, waiting for my fate.

However, I'm not stressed out, I already know this situation a thousand times so let's put up with it and let's continue playing with their fingers.

Ah! Door opens… and this bastard enters, accompanied by the chief, a bald eagle just about my size.

“Well, let me deal with this, Hyatt. You can dismiss."

“Yes, sir."

Now, it's just us two, seated face to face. I can describe some dark rings, sign of hard work. Despite this, I can see some kindliness.

“Mister Furo."


Cold wind passes quickly, increasing tension between us.

“Can you tell how many times you found here this year?"

“Honestly, no idea!"

“Maximiliano please, I speak seriously."

By throwing an annoyed whisper, I respond: “I don't know, three or four this week."

“And we're only in January. Listen, if you don't stop your childishness, I will more trouble to support you two."

“Because it's my fault? I even don't know what I do to this guy!"

“Perhaps but provoke him is clearly not the best solution."

“Pff… in any case, it was always him, so…"

New silence but according to his funny faces, the chief tries to find his words. Finally, he advises this: “All I'm asking you it's… to bear him a little more and be more discreet. You can do it, isn't?"

“Oh yes, I can… Only problem, that's three years I've been bear him, and he didn't change at all since. So, you two have a problem."

Finishing this sentence, I cross my arms while avoiding hos sight. Seeing this subject annoyed me, he decides talking about something else.

“Well, except this, did you succeed to find a job?"

“No, always nothing."

“Ah, too bad. But don't worry, the Almighty always shows the way to all those who require help."

“Wait a minute, you… you believe on this?" I said, surprised by his revelation.

“You know, in this world gone mad, when you can't depend on family and friends, you need something to believe in."

“Yes, if you say so… But me, I know I can step on my family and my friends." I tried to not offend him.

“I'm glad for you so…. Well, I don't have any reason to keep you, you can go." The captain addressed me a weak smile.

“Are you sure?"

And he nods. So, don't wait. I stand up, and I speed along the door without turning around. I was practically out of the room when I heard chief shout my name: “Mister Furo?"

As a result, I was obliged to turning around to look at him and finally heard him, with a caring voice: “Take care of yourself. I wish you a good night."

“You too… mister." I saluted, giving back his smile.


Since I haven't my car (this Hyatt's really a pain in the ass,) I called a cab. Man! After this day, I'm beat, so beat I can hardly keep my eyes open. Honestly, I've had enough of this! If I was a full-blooded American, I wouldn't have a hell of a lot of problems. But it doesn't matter, whatever my nationality, I will always a hell of a lot of problems.

But never mind. And then I'm not ashamed at all my legacy. I'm proud of it, on the contrary. Because yes, I'm son of immigrant. If my mother has always been lived here, my father is coming from Cuba. And at their meeting is born an overflowing love, and then… me. But I will tell you another time, it risks being long to explain.

All this for say since my early childhood, I've always lived between Florida & Cuba, and I'm very attached to these two cultures. Badly, some people do and say some things to make life impossible. If my life was already difficult, it makes her almost unbearable.

And even if we give a funny look, I don't let things get me down. I have all the rights as any person in my situation, I've known my first love, my fears, my friends, my identity. In a word, it's my country and nobody could part it. Well… now then you almost know me, the fated moment is coming.