Current Track: Blabb
< If you had my love, and I gave my trust / Would you comfort me?
And if somehow you know that your love would be untrue / Would you lie to me and call me “baby"?>

Ah, nineties, the best years ever for music! Well, let's check that I have all. Soup… soya milk… orange juice… Okay, I think I took everything. Anyway, I'll be back if I forgot something. And, my side, I have all I need: cookies, soda, condoms and lubricant. That's perfect, I can pay and get out of here!

Pouf! What the… I turned myself and I saw a little fox (making half my size) sit on the floor, scratching his head, a little disoriented. I'm waiting for him to standing up, to tell him with an ironic tone:
“So, buddy, not looking forward when you walk?"

“Well, I'm… err… I'm sorry… I don't mean…"

“Wow, dude, chill. I won't do anything, it's okay."

“Um… really?"

“Yes. You were a little distracted, it's all. There's nothing wrong with that."

“Well, in this case, I will go… Goodbye."

“'Bye" “…cutie."

Oopsie, I think I scared him; he left quickly, almost running. Too bad I found him quite cute, this fox. At the same time, we can say with my six feet, one inch and my strong build, I don't go unnoticed. But contrary to what we can think, I haven't always been like this. In my childhood, I was quite plump while in my teens, I was very skinny. So, I've decided to make a move. It was rough, but I succeed. As a result, I prefer not showing off because keeping this athletic body is no easy task and I must train hard for keeping it.

However, I don't have the character of my height. By seeing me, people think I'm a strong man, dominant and sure of myself but it's quite the opposite. I'm not going out often, I can stay glued on my PC during hours, I'm more preoccupied by my levels' characters than my lifestyle, I spend a fortune for all kinds of accessories… in short, a geek at heart despite a terrible temper.

Now, you must say: “All this is interesting but when is coming the action?" Don't worry guys, the fated moment is coming… slowly but surely. Waiting by, let's just keep moving.