Current Track: Blabb

A week later, on a district of Miami; closed in his room, Maximiliano is in the middle of a game which the goal is to be the last player alive (Oh damn it! I'm almost there! I'm almost there!)

In the living room, Ellen watches with greed a series dealing with rivalries, power and plots twists (OH MY! Don't see this coming!)

While Azul is plunging into a reading blending romance, steamy situations and handcuffs (All this for this… disappointing!)

At the same time, Mr. Edwin, the postman, has continuing his daily tour on bringing mail for the three roommates. In his hands, bills, entertainments, a postal card and a letter. It's exactly 9 hours and 44 minutes sharp.



“I go!" Ellen yelled through the apartment.

Ellen runs to the door from opening at Mr. Edwin. Although he seems to be a few asleep, he finds a way to smile at Ellen.

“Hello Ellen."

“Hello Mr. Edwin."

“And here's the today's mail."

“Thank you."

“Seriously, you should put a mailbox on the entry."

“But if we did this, we couldn't say hello to you, and then, it's more convenient to have a trap door."

“Yep, logic."

“Otherwise, I have still not received my letter from Hogwarts." Ellen teased Mr. Edwin because he's a snowy owl.

“Pff, ha-ha-ha… I never heard that one before. Well, I must go. Have a good day.

“Thanks, bye."


“FUCKING HELL! I was coming this close to victory." I yelled in frustration.

“I'm full of hatred, damn it!" Antonio complained, in the same way.



“Oh, they call me… Well, gentlemen, we take a break, and we'll go back kicking asses."

“Aye, aye, captain." Ernesto exclaimed.

I put my speakers and I go to the door.


“Yes, what's the matter? Oh, it's you, Ellen."

“Sorry to interrupt you but you're got mail."

“Okay, thanks."

“You're welcome. Good hunting."

Without waiting, I closed my door again, and I inspect my mail. Oh! A postcard! With a draw of a Cuba Libre… Man, it's been a long time I don't got world from my parents. So, let's see…

Hola Canela,

In Cuba, it's still so sunny and hot.

I'm always loyal at the kitchen, and your mom, always plunged onto her albums.

Never thought I'd say this, but home is very quiet without you.

We hope you will see you again for the next holidays.


Tu papa y tu mama que quiere.


By reading this, I shed my little tear. Sometimes, we hate our parents but, in those moments, we miss them the most. Mama, papa, yo también, os quiero.

Well, what do we have next? A phone bill, offer for renewing hi-fi, advertisement for clothes' brand and… a letter. From Appol & Co. Never heard of this company.

Without asking too many questions, I tear the envelope and begin the paper, saying this:

Dear Mr. Furo,

I write to you to inform you that you are part of the seven candidates for the post of Husbando of the year. You are therefore invited at a meeting, next day, to have more information about terms and conditions about this advantageous position.

Thank you very much for your attention, hoping to meet you soon,


Victor Rowards, CEO

The most I read (again) this bloody paper, the less sense it makes. As a result, I had many questions in mind: How does this Rowards find my address? What does he mean by “Husbando"? What's this job? What does it pay well? Is it that prank?

Dude, I really need to calm down. For the moment, I need advice. Luckily, I know who could help me. But before I forget…

“Guys?" I called them.

“Ah, you're back. Ready to kick asses?" Antonio asked me, excited.

“Yeah, before this, I have a little thing to do."

“Okay, go ahead, we aren't in a hurry." Ernesto responded to me.

“Muchas gracias, vuelva pronto." I thanked them, by taking off my headphones.


After seeing the letter, girls seem to be as confused as him, the first time he reads it.

“What do you think?"

“I really don't know. It sounds to be a formal letter, but it stays unclear." Azul noticed.

“According to you, what should I do?"

“If the letter was for me, I might have gone at the meeting and like this, you will fixed about the job." Ellen suggested to Maximiliano.

“And if all this was only a setup?"

“Max, you are far from stupid. So, if something is wrong, you will see it, that's sure. So, for once, I will follow Ellen's advice: go see them and you will see later." Azul advised him.

“Are you certain girls?"

“We can advise you, Max. After, it's up to you." Ellen claimed.

After this small exchange, Max is lost in thought. After so many trials, is that sign is he waiting for? It could well be yes, it could well be no. As girls told him, only he could decide. And this one was the following:

“Well, before this, I have to go at the tailor." Maximiliano claimed to himself.

“Oh why?" Azul asked, mocking.

“I gain some weight."

“And especially bum." Ellen underlined, teasing.

“Oh, you're noticed too." Azul smiled at her.

“Fuck off, girls." Maximiliano replied, annoyed, by returning at his bedroom.

By taking this decision, Max didn't know it yet, but it will change his life for the rest of the year.