Current Track: Blabb

FlounderAway: Negativity Waves

Night had fallen upon the island sands as the temperature had gone colder and comfortable. A dragoness by the name of Virkoal was stomping her feet against the soft grounds below her, her eyes closed tightly. Virkoal seem frustrated with something that redness kept appearing onto her face. Beside her were her friends and teammates, also known as the first crew who set sails along the seven seas together with Virkoal's father, Neriax. They looked concerned and troubled. Their eyes constantly drifted from one to the other, making faces as if they looked confused as to the thought that was implemented in her head. Amongst the night there was shouting and screaming. Sands kicked up into the air. Temporary blinding several dragons that they closed their eyes and raised claws to them. Whipping them out. This frustration had gone off for a long time. Well into the young evening hours of the day where a bonfire was made in the duration of the pirates' wait.

It was also around the time that Virkoal had stopped and sat upon the sands. Her legs stretched and were wide, avoiding the fireplace between her legs. With her wings folded behind her and her cheeks puffed out, Virkoal crossed her arms and turned her head away as the waves to her side roared into her ears. Several pirates dragons had left them. Possibly plotting something. A course that would lead them northward and what lies ahead for them. All that remains after that was Virkoal and Xenao who was too busy digging into the sands with his claws. Looking rather busy for the dragoness that stands before him. Virkoal grumbled and muttered something. Finally getting up onto her feet and snarled turning her head over to the male dragon walking over to him.

Xenao looked up suddenly glancing at her while she rolled her eyes and spoke so suddenly, “Can we do something?"

“What do you insisted?" Xenao asked, calmed as ever while still digging his claws upon the sands. Virkoal narrowed her eyes and bluntly spoke, “Breed me." Xenao stopped. Redness all over his face as he slowly looked up to the dragoness standing over top of him. “Er… What?" “Breed me." She demanded. “Why? Are you still a young dragoness at heart to even bear- What is even your goal in this?" Xenao asked, a bit angry that his yell was a little louder than normal which took Virkoal back. “My goal? I just want to breed that is all." Xenao responded with no hesitation and looked at her with a narrowed look.

“Is this about the-"

“No! It is not." Virkoal interrupted him. Blushing red as she folded her arms and glanced away. “It is not." Her voice lowered to a minimum before throwing her claws into the air. Turned so Xenao was looking at her back and she fled away from him. Just like that. Virkoal fled from where she and Xenao were sitting upon. Kicking up sands as she does, entering into the opening where the waves washed before her. Tears fell from her eyes. Her face still red hot from a mixture of embarrassment and frustration and madness. That she frowned finally and released her claws from crossing one another. For, in the end, she sat there staring at the sands before her. Watching as the waves closed in onto her before retreating to the oceans behind. 

When as the moon hangs above her head was when she started hearing footsteps. Virkoal shifted her head and glanced to her side. Spotting Leonar who was smiling cheerfully at her in response, Virkoal puffed her cheeks and gazed the other way. But Leonar was persistent and sat down upon the sands facing the oceans in front of him, giving off a slight sigh. Silence fell between the two of them then, Virkoal heard him speak.

“What seems to be the problem there, princess?"

“There is no problem, Leonar!" Virkoal growled at him. Sharply glancing at him with eyes lit like fire. Forcing Leonar to stepped back a few inches away. Keeping their distance apart from one another was when Virkoal gasped. Realizing what she had done and frowned, tears swallowed up upon her eyes as Leonar leaned forward. Wrapping her in his arms and whispered, “Is there anything I could do to make you happy?"

A short silent fell from the dragoness. As she turned to him slowly and a smile crept from her face, her lips split and Virkoal answered “Can we bang?" “Bang?" Leonar asked a little unsettled. But Virkoal nodded her head slightly, still having that small smile upon her face. “Er… Sure I guess. Just let me get out my cock." Virkoal was pleased to hear that answer and nodded rather rapidly and excitedly. Though she kept those emotions to herself, she leaned over to him responding. “Alright. As we do so… Can I ask you anything?" “What is it?" Leonar asked Virkoal scooted herself over to him. Dragging her tail across the sands as she spoke lowering her voice down to a whisper. “Maybe you can give me some precious information about a certain someone."

“Alright. Now…" Leonar responded with a smile on his face, “If you would please look down between my legs…. You will see my-" But it seems that Virkoal had already answered that for him. As she shrieked and her eyes opened, her claws raised onto her mouth and she slid backward she exclaimed to him, “What is that!" “That, Virkoal, is my cock." “But that is a picture of a rooster. Not a cock." “I thought you wanted to see my rooster?" “no!" She shouted at him, getting up to her feet and stormed off leaving the dragon behind as he blinked for a moment, tilting his head to one side and frowned.

Virkoal was more pissed off. Her face was hot red and steams emerged from her ears. With her fangs grinding against one another and her feet stomping upon the sands that it seems to be bigfoot upon the area, she fled away from the pirates then screamed at the highest pitch that she could give. Letting go of all that anger and teasing. The frustration that bubbled up beneath her stomach. Virkaol could not take it. And in the mists of her ranging storm, her ears caught on to the conversation that the pirates were having.

“We need to quell her raging storm." Spoke Shinron.

“Oh, I know!" Spoke another dragon across from Shinron to which Virkoal believed it to be Tzico. She turned her head over glancing at the gathering dragons. Watching Tzico screamed out while running straight for her, “Aves the bloody sees! Go towards the mouth!" “Do not grind your 'boat' against her, Tzico!" Screamed Leonar while two other dragons chuckled at the inside joke they had. “Hope she does not go… Voring him all of the sudden." Xenao commented, nudging Nor.

Tzico tackled her to the ground. Sand dust was lifted surrounding them as the two dragons struggled against one another. They wrestled for some minutes or so with a cheering line of spectators watching from the line. Up until Virkoal was out of breath that Tzico finally let her go. Lifting her to her feet, the bell rang, and Nor stepped up towards the two dragons shouting.

“And your winner is… Tzico!"

A loud round of clapping interrupted from the stands. But soon died out suddenly when Tzico turned to Virkoal and spoke to her. “What is wrong?"

“What is wrong with me? That you want to know?" Virkoal replied, snarling at him. Shoving him away from her before crossing her arms growling. “I'd tell you now…." Her eyes narrowed at them, glaring at the dragon and the next until she laid her eyes upon Shinron who mirrored her. As the silence was short-lived between them, Virkoal answered the raging storm within her.

“The reason as to why I am angry is because-"

But something struck against her wing. Virkoal, Shinron, Nor, Tzico, Xenao, and Leonar all looked in the direction of where the arrow had landed. At the center of her wing. In response, Virkoal gasped in shock and worry. Panicking vividly as she could while her friends all came rushing towards her. Comforting her. But she pushed them all away and spoke as she spread her wings, “No. Enough. I will find him and the old dragons on my own. I have enough with all of you teasing me. Keeping me in the dark."

“But Virkoal!" Protested Shinron however Virkoal jumped without hesitation and flapped her wings several times into the air. Before losing control of herself and plunged into the seas. 

At her last remark, all she could hear were screams, splashes, and water splashing all around her as she blacked out.