Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Winner Way


A cold morning was what
had awaited for me as I find myself staring out onto the horizon before me.
Quiet and peaceful however while I just wait for the inevitable. For my own
packmates to arouse in awakeness for the journey ahead. I exhaled a breath and
said nothing, shifting my attention forth towards the den that they had created
at the time. But all I had found was the emptiness that awaits for me. As I
find myself staring onto the dens, I closed my eyes and returned my attention
to the horizons above where the sun was peaking from the horizon. Arouse and
poised for the warmth day ahead perhaps. A gentle wind blew south from where I
was sitting and brushed against my own fur while I had shivered in silence. For
my eyes were closed at the time being, feeling the winds with my own self as I
heard everyone stir in their sleep or nap. Waking for the day ahead.


Wyott and Wivian were the
first to be awake. Following them were Wovan and Whitti. All four shift their
attention towards me just as they had came from their own dens. Stretching and
yawning while their sounds erupted upon the tranquility surrounding them.
Yapping much, they submerged from their own dens. Returning to the morning
daylight as their eyes fell upon me. I turned again and gaze at them, meeting
their eyes. Only Wivian and Wovan smiled faintly, the rest had became silent
for the time being. As another round of yawning had came, Wovan was the first
to break the silence “Where are we heading today?" “Back onto Canine realm,
seems like Rannar had something to say towards us in general." “Rannar?"
Questioned Whitti with a frown plastered upon his snout as his eyes now met
mine as I had nodded at him.


“Great." Responded Wivina
as she stepped forth from the line of Coyotes behind her and marched forth to
me while she had spoke, “What did he had wanted anyway?" “Something important.
He never said the details anyway." I commented, answering her question while
she nodded her head. A pause of silence fell between us before Wovan so rudely
interrupted everyone with another yawn just as Wivina and Whitti gaze upon him
for a moment, shaking their heads afterwards and stayed silent. Closing their
eyes while I spoke towards them, “We should go now. Everyone is accounted for
at the time's being." No one answered that but complied to my offer and I rose
to my feet, nudging my head forward. Then sprinted. Following me were my pack
as they trailed behind me, weaving through the woods and bushes that stands in
our way. Thus reaching the outskirts of Virkoal Forest and upon the plains of
the intertwine realms.


“Say." I heard Wovan
commented just as we had reached the plains, I immediately turned towards him
tilting my own head in question wondering what he was going to say “Whatever
happened to the Hunters?" “They had came from their own story already." I answered
Wovan and he blinked at me suddenly before chuckling softly, “I see. Where had
they gone to?" “They never said anything to me about that." I frowned, shaking
my head again and he blinked at me suddenly before mirroring me also and added,
“I see." “I will go and see Hunter after this journey. We have a lot to talk
about anyway." “Especially yesterday's insanity moment." “We do not talk about
that." I heard Wivian commented before Wovan so rudely interrupted her. For as
the two glared at one another without hesitation; both me and Whitti exhaled a
breath and said nothing but to watched them. Breaking the fight shortly
afterwards as we stood in between them, eyes hanging with glares behind them
while the two stopped immediately and gazed away. It was the only time that we
were able to even moved forward at all.


So we journeyed through
the plains in silence; feeling the cold washed away by the warmth that was
raised by the morning sun. It came from the horizon, rising higher into the
blue darkish skies above us where some clouds had formed in attempting to cover
it. But none had done so at the time. As my eyes were facing forth into the
horizon before me, I had noticed the silence surrounding me. For the ringing
echoed upon my own ears which had flickered due to the soundless around me. It
did indeed had me worried for just a moment in time however as I had glanced
over my shoulder. Turned over towards the other Coyotes as they were following
from behind. Keeping silence upon themselves. Yet their eyes were gazing
somewhere else at the time being. Because of this, they had not realized that
they hit against me from the back. A yelp came as a response; only I chuckled
upon their lack of awareness while Wovan growled upon me in silence.
Questioning me about me stopping all of the sudden.


But I never answered. For
my attention was sway to the horizon and in no time at all, I had moved
forward. This had startled the others for a bit, but none had decided to
question it at the time as they had just followed me down. Resuming their walk
and movement forward while their eyes stared forth towards the horizon before
them. We had journeyed through the plains; though it had taken us long and hard
to reach the canine realm than it was to reach the reptilian realm however.
Despite the two realms practically being adjacent to one another at the time
being. Just as we had reached it; I heard an exhale of a sigh came from each of
the Coyotes behind me and I break into a smile afterwards. Though I was silent
at the time of our arrival, there was something about them not complaining
every five seconds or so about where we were going at the time.


Canine realm. Perhaps it
was already mentioned in Rannar's point of view and someone's else's that I was
not mentioning at the time's being. But I do not have to explain it fully as to
what the realm was all about however. While my eyes laid upon the roads before
me and stretched forth towards the bleak horizon ahead, there I had spotted
someone standing still adjacent to the sidewalk and the stop sign and someone
else as well. I had perceived it to be Rannar as he was the one who called us
out from Virkoal Forest after all. Thus I smiled in response and walked forth,
entering thus into the canine realm at once. I had paid no attention towards
the outside surrounding around me; for they had gone quiet at the time's being.
My only attention was up front towards the horizon before me where I would be
meeting up with Rannar at the time. For about halfway through was when he had
noticed me and rose his paw above his head, waving onto me. I mirrored me and
ran up towards him.


When I neared was the
time when he spoke and slapped onto the back of the fox adjacent to him. He was
startled at the time and awaken suddenly, but he closed his eyes afterwards and
the snoring had begun following it. Rannar and I softly chuckled at him before
we had returned to meet one another as our conversation had started. Just as it
had did, Wovan, Wivina and Whitti walked up towards the sounding fox and poke
probed and did all that they could upon him. For they were curious about the
sleeping fox before them. Rannar, on the other paw, explained the situation and
the scenario that is before me and I frowned nodding at him. Though I had
bitten my own lip because of the dire of the situation falling before me.
Rannar had realized it and just chuckled again, shaking his head while defusing
my worried and anxious moment and just reassured about the fox's wellbeing at
the time. To make his point, he just pointed southward from where we are and
spoke. “From here to where I am pointing is where you will be delivering the
fox at the time. Make it before the afternoon where most of the foxes will stir
into awakeness. Canines of others would aid you into this journey, pointing you
into the right way of where the fox should be at the time." “Got it. So it is
indeed south from here right?" Rannar nodded his head.


With that I had suddenly
departed from Rannar's view, taking with us was the sleepy fox at the time as
he was held by the paw of Woven. Wivina and Whitti grinned amongst themselves,
seeing how this mission or objective was a bit easier for them at the time. We
only moved a few steps forward before Rannar's voice spoke out through the
silence following behind us, “Oh yeah. One more thing." But before he could
even say it, we heard something thud and a yell came afterwards. Immediately,
we turned our attention towards the source of the sound and noticed Wovan was
already onto the floor beneath us with the fox overtop of him. Curled up with
his tail onto his head, sleeping soundly. We were all shocked by this; yet
Rannar just frowned and exhaled following it before answering the silence of us
“... This fox apparently knows some self defensive tactics. So it is best not
to touch him while he is sleeping. Another thing is…" He trailed off before
pointing towards the fox who seem to be walking, departing away from Wovan at
the time. “... Is his sleep walking abilities." “How is he doing this?"
Questioned Wivian with a frown, glancing over to me while I just find myself
shaking my own head at the scenario before me.


With a groan, I
facepalmed against myself and growled which vibrated my own throat at the time.
For I was annoyed or something else at the time's being. But I just shake my
head, turning my attention to where the fox was going and nodded towards Wivina
and Whitti who acknowledged it before moving forth towards the fox. But never
touching him at the time for they fear that they would be unconscious like
Wovan here upon the ground. A chuckle had came from Rannar which demanded a
glare upon the werewolf suddenly. That he flinched and scratched the side of
his face with his paw, gazing elsewhere while I yelled at him. “You knew
something like this would happen did you not? Why did you not ask Hunters to
deal this against you instead?" “They were busy at the time." “Doing what?"
“Some sort of competition that they were participating in." I blinked
immediately. Harshly blew against my nose and glared at the werewolf suddenly
before shaking my head, turned around and departed from him. Joining up with
the rest of my pack while I grabbed hold onto the unconscious Wovan at the same


It had never taken that
long for me to catch up with the others. For they were lost heading southward.
Wandering street by street, questioning towards the other wolves, coyotes,
deholes and jackals that were there. Yet none of them had any sort of idea as
to what part of the south had Rannar meant at the time. It had grown to
frustrate me that I just slapped my own face with my own paw. Groaning and
vibrating my throat harshly while I find myself closing my eyes then reopened
them afterwards. We had taken about thirty minutes; the sun was already high
into the blackening skies at the time. There was no time to waste at all
however. As we pondered about what part of the south did Rannar had meant,
Wivina suggested “We should find someone who knows about this part that Rannar
knows about. Someone who is good friends with him however. Willing to share his
secrets with him-" “It would not work."Whitti frowned shaking his head just as
Wivina shift her attention towards him. “The canines remained their secrets and
getting them out is harder than trying to keep it in at the time." “So true." I
encouraged, nodding and acknowledging it while both coyotes shift their
attention towards me. Before shaking their heads and went back onto their own


I take the time to look
towards the fox behind me. He was already sitting upon the pavement  beneath him. Rocking his head as he attempted
to fight of awakeness. His tail was already curled around him. Yet to my surprise;
his paws and feet were only close towards himself. His ears already flattened
against his skulls, staying silent and not wanting to interrupted whatever was
going on surrounding him at the time. I find myself staring at him momentarily
before turning around towards my packmates and spoke, “You guys seeing this? He
is perfectly still. Make me think that he is not sleeping at all and just
pretending at the time." “What makes you think he is pretending?" Question
Wivina turning to me immediately then towards the sleeping fox behind me. At her
silence, she blinked then returned her gaze towards me to which I just gave a
smile back and stated nothing.


I had think we watched
the fox for a few more minutes at the time before we immediately departed from
our own spot. For we have a plan at the time that perhaps would not go wrong
and make it in time before the afternoon comes up. We had rushed through the
roads; straight towards the general direction of where we had hope was the
southern part of the canine realm. Towards where what Rannar was talking about
was our own goal. When we had arrived, we immediately stopped and gazed around
upon our surroundings. To our astonishment, we were a bit surprise upon seeing
that the park and square was empty. So few canines were here; scattered and
amongst their own group. Those that were not were walking or running away. Some
of those individuals had something inside of their own ears. Something that was
a bit familiar to me; but I cannot figure it out what however.I shake my head
as Wivina leaned herself towards the side; adjacent to me and spoke “Listen.
From my understanding, I am led to believe that we are looking for someone whom
is standing around and not doing anything." “I think he is wearing a  black jacket or something." Added Whitti
while I turned towards the two of them, perplex about their vivid description
of whom they were suppose to look for.


I just exhaled a breath
and shake my own head; dismissing their suggestions and descriptions at the
time and just stared up front into the horizon upon the following silence after
me while I spoke shortly “I do not think that either of you are correct at the
time. But this is not time to dwally however. The fox would escape from us if
we were to participate into this annoying conversation at the time-" “Er
Wissyon." I heard someone spoke and I immediately turned towards Wivina who
pointed towards the fox slipping away from us." “Get him!" I exclaimed in a
whisper and the two coyotes chased after him. “But do not-!" Before that
sentence was finish, I watched both coyotes grabbed onto the fox by the
shoulders with their own paws and immediately fell upon the ground,
unconscious. I groaned; something within me boiling but I had tried my best to
keep it at check for the time being while I glanced around the square.
Searching for anything that I could use at the time being with hope that I
would not get myself caught unconscious by him.


Although, there was a bit
part of me wanting to know what kind of power did the fox had and why had he
forced unconsciousness upon the others? I shake my head, dismissing the
curiosity that I had and replaced it with my own determination. For I gaze around
the square again; ignoring the gazes and stares that had came from the other
canines; the foxes, however, were a bit perplex and surprise upon seing their
own downed three coyotes at the time and just shake their heads chuckling being
moving on with their lives. For about long for me in searching, I had spotted
what I was looking for. A black collar lying adjacently against the water
hydrant. Being of his own business. I ran up towards it; but at the same time,
kept eye upon the fox behind me whom seem to be standing still at the time.
Staring off onto somewhere while the sense of sleepless had overtaken him at
the time. 'Perfect.' I thought to myself.


For I immediately grabbed
onto the collar upon the ground and raised it towards my eyes. I unwrapped the
collar suddenly, revealing what seems to be a long black string. Something that
I had needed to keep my distance from this unconscious inducing fox however.
With a smile that crept upon my own snout, I turned around and ran back towards
the fox. Immediately putting it onto the neck of the canine and grabbed onto
the length of the rope. Pulling and tugging against it as the fox was tug forth
towards me. But it was a bit too hard however that the fox closed in onto where
I was and I gasped suddenly; sidestepping on instinct before the fox could fall
down upon the grounds beneath both of us. I exhaled a breath and closed my
eyes; reopening them again and stare at the fox beneath me for a moment.
Shaking my head while I lead on through the square, hitting one of the
sidewalks onto the other side and into the alleyway.


Pure darkness had
welcomed me inside. The walls were closing in onto my position so it had
seemed. But I had ignored both the situation and scenario that befall upon me
and instead just moved forward, dragging along the tired fox behind me. A sense
of dust had submerged behind with the cloud rising and falling in between; the
fox had paid no attention to the dirt that was clinging onto the front of his
fur however. But the alleyway that I was upon was a bit longer than I had
realized however. For it had extended far into the horizon where the sun was
now hanging such. I looked towards the sun for a moment and exhaled a breath,
just pushing through the alleyway that I had found myself upon.


It was closer to the
afternoon that I had realized; But I was already close towards the destination
that I had needed to be. The only problem was the amount of buildings that were
there. All lined up adjacently of one another perfectly. Reaching to both ends
of the street where the intersections now laid closed upon both ends as well. I
find myself scratching my own head; both concern and confuse as to which
building it was. Before remembering that Rannar had not mentioned a particular
building however and I should he asking the citizens about it. Exclaiming, I
growled towards myself for not taking the initiative into starting a
conversation with the others. But at the same time, I did turned around and
glance behind myself in hopes of the fox still behind me. It was not. Gone it
was from my own sights. 'But how was that even possible?' I thought to myself;
raising my own paws upon my own head. Growling tired and annoyed by the
situation that came upon me. For I laid upon the ground, eyes closed at how tiresome
this day was became. 'And it used to be so good at the time.' I frowned