Current Track: Blabb

The smoulders of the fire crackle lightly and a light smoke drifts upward. Snow awakes to find his face snuggled tightly into Flare’s chest. He sits there warmly enjoying the contact with the large dragon. Snow moves his face up and nuzzles Flares neck. A few minutes later Flare wakes up from the gentle nuzzling.

“Oh, morning Snow. Heh.” Flare say quietly.

“G-good morning. Um.. Thanks for keeping me warm, Flare.” Snow say while blushing.

“No problem.” He replies kindly.

Flare gently moves away from Snow and flips the bag open. Snow shivers lightly and Flare gets up.

“I’m just gonna stock some wood on the fire for us.” He says as he flips the bag back onto Snow.

Flare walks around, gathering wood as Snow watches him wondering why he has such strong feelings for the dragon. Flare returns and tosses wood on the fire and getting it started quickly again. He sits on Vapruro’s log and grabs his backpack. He takes some jerky out of it and offers some to Snow. Snow nibbles on it slowly, warming himself with the fire.

“How long are we gonna stay here?” Snow asks.

“Uhh, I dunno. We’ll eat and get everything packed up. Hopefully we’ll cover a decent amount of ground today.” Flare says idly while snacking.

“Sounds like a plan.” Vapruro says;

They all eat and a hour later the makeshift camp is packed up and the fire doused with snow. They pull their snow gear on and step back out into the harsh landscape of Siberia. Snow pulls out a map and points to it.

“They said they were about here.” He says, pointing at the map and then pointing the direction they need to go.

"They said they were about here." He says, pointing at the map and then pointing the direction they need to go. Snow guides them through the tundra, watching all the trails he passes, gripping the firearm at his hip. "I don't remember some of these trails..." Flare shrugs, following close behind" Maybe who ever made the trails made new ones, how long have you been in the US anyway?" Vapruro nods, chiming in "I'm kinda curious too, you're from here and a bit young, how'd you get to the US and when?" Snow adjusts the pack he's holding" I came to the US when I was nine years old, so about seven years now? and my older sisters brought me, to escape from... family problems."

Flare looks at Vapruro, speaking up" if you don't mind me asking, what kind of family problems?" Snow picks up his pace "I'd rather not talk about it. not today at least, maybe after I get to know more of your family. maybe you can get to know some of mine as well."

Vapruro nods "Whenever you feel comfortable telling it we'll be there for you. Also we will meet some of them. After all we are going to save your sister, right?" Snow nods, looking back at the pair of dragons."I surely hope so.. I don't want her to get hurt."

Flare walks faster to catch up with Snow, putting his paw on the wolves shoulder."We won't let her or you get hurt. Now how about we all pick up the pace, if what you said was right we should be there in a couple hours."

The day toils on, the sun beaming brightly as the only feasible form of warmth causing snow to steam quietly around them. The bitter cold nips at every open slot of their heavy clothes. Snow shivers lightly and lets out an audible groan that goes unheard in the howling wind.

“Look at that!” Flare calls out, fighting the wind.

Snow follows the direction of his outstretched claw and sees a dense forest area. Until now the trees have been sporadic throughout the harsh terrain. The fur the on the nape of Snows neck starts to rise.

“She’s here... I can feel it...” Snow mumbles to himself.

“Lets hurry up!” He calls out, beginning to rush towards the woods. Flare and Vapruro follow suit.

They slow down when they reach the edge and peer in. It’s too dense to make anything out past around 30 feet. Flare and Vapruro take their packs off and start to arm themselves, Snow does the same.

“You’re sure she’s in her?” Flare questions.

“Without a doubt.” Snow replies with a firm nod. “I’ve always been able to feel my sisters, especially when they’re in danger.”

“For her sake, I hope you’re right.” Flare replies, walking over and resting his paw on Snows shoulder. “We’ll get her out of here.”

Snow reaches up and puts his paw on top of Flares, offering up a smile. Flare returns it and pats him.

“It’s time to get serious though. We have a job to do.” Flare says, putting his serious face back on. Vapruro flares his wings out and leaps up, hovering a few feet off the ground. Snow hops forward, letting out a small squeak. He turns around with his ears pressed down hard against his head, instantly moving up to Flare’s side and clinging to him.

Vapruro lets out a small chuckle. “I take it this is the first time you’ve seen a dragon in flight?”

Snow nods and starts to relax, still clearly intimidated by the power golden dragon flying in front of him. “I’m glad you’re on my side.” He mumbles to himself.

“I’ll provide as much cover as I can.” Vapruro says as he pulls the bolt back on his rifle and it gives a loud Click!.

Flare nods and gently pushes Snow back out. “Now, lets go save your sister. Make sure you stick close to me.” He urges as he pulls his revolver it, keeping it low. Snow slides his M19 out of it’s holster, doing the same.

Flare takes the lead and Snow keeps close behind him, both constantly checking trees that are wide enough to hide behind. Flare occasionally glances back with his peripherals as not to give Vapruro’s position away.

After a few minutes of walking, Snow asks quietly. “I’m not seeing anybody...”

Flare replies quietly. “They’re tricky, I’m catching the smallest glimpse of sides..-


Snow and Flare turn around quickly, seeing a wolf dressed in snow camouflage fall to his knees, clutching a hole in his chest with a loud groan. He falls forward and his the ground in silence. Birds can be heard flying out of the woods due to the loud noise. After a few seconds of holding their breath, Flare dives towards Snow, knocking him back with a shoulder and rolling to the side. A wolf had come up and was going for Snows back. Flare quickly rushes forward, jamming his pistol into the neck of the wolf and pulling the trigger. Blood splatters the snow behind them.

“Snow, stay focused!” Flare yells as he turns to see Snow just watching, maw open slightly. Snow shakes his head and grits his teeth, remembering his purpose. He turns around quickly as he hears brush and snow crunching behind him. More wolves begin to come out from piles of snow and from behind trees. Snow expertly dashes forward, dodging the first wolf’s knife jack and plunging his own into his enemy's chest. Snow gives it a quick torque and pulls it out, kicking the body away from him. Another wolf dodges his fallen comrade, raising a glock, Snow goes to raise his but before he gets the chance, Vapruro’s rifle can be heard again. Blood starts to seep out onto the wolf’s chest and he falls quickly. Snow quickly strafs behind a tree, using it for cover as more gunshots can be heard. He glances over and sees Flare doing the same, occasionally popping out and firing at the offenders. One by one, they start to fall to the onslaught of the three. After four more wolves fall, the last two start to retreat, firing random shots to keep Flare and Snow pinned. Snow leans out for a second and lets out a sharp yell and falls to a single knee. Flare looks over at him quickly, seeing blood start to drip from his thigh.

“It only grazed my leg, go after them!” Snow yells out.

Flare nods and starts to chase, using his wings for a burst of speed. He quickly overtakes the wolf that hit Snow and destroys his chest with a massive stomp. The last turns tail and starts to sprint further into the woods. Flare looks behind him to see Snow running to catch up, limping slightly.

“You’re sure you’re good to go on? I can go alone if you can’t.” Flare asks with urgency.

Snow shakes his head in protest. “I’m fine, I’m going to get my sister.” He replies, putting heavy emphasis on “going”.

Flare nods and they continue forward, eventually reaching a clearing. In the center is three wolves, one with a gun pinned on the head of Snow’s kneeling sister.

“Mol!” Snow yells and begins to rush forward only to be stopped by Flare putting an arm out in front of him.

“Stop, Snow. You need to stay calm.” Flare tells him.

“Well, Villiere. Looks like you finally came back.” The wolf with the gun on her head calls out in a thick Russian accent.

The corners of Snows lips curl in anger. “Mol, did they hurt you?” He calls out.

Mol lets out a slight whimper and the Russian wolf prods her with the barrel of the pistol.

“Better answer him, Pretty.” He says through a smirk.

She lets out another whimper and calls out. “Nothing t-to bad... Just some bruises and scrapes...”

Flare whispers out of the side of his lips. “Take the left, wait for signal.”

Snow growls quietly and pulls the hammer back on his pistol.

“Now, if you would be so kind as to call your sniper friend down-” He’s cut off as a bullet flies through the center of his skull. Before the other two have a chance to react, Flare and Snow raise their pistols, quickly firing off at their designations. Flares victim falls but Snow’s bullet misses it’s mark. The wolf takes aim at Snow but is stopped as Mol runs up behind him, grabbing his gun with her bound paws. She manages to wrestle it up and under his chin and quickly pulls the trigger. Blood splatters her white jacket and she lets out a loud scream, falling to her knees next to him. Snow and Flare run up, Snow pulling her tightly into a hug.

“Are you okay? Did he get you?” Snow asks franticly.

She shakes her head and hugs him tightly, crying into the chest of his jacket.

“N-no... I was just s-so scared..” She manages to choke out between sobs.

Flare taps his shoulder. “Snow, we need to go. We don’t know if there will be more. “

Mol lets out a high pitched squeal as she sees Flare. Her face quickly disappears back into Snows chest.

“Don’t worry. He’s a friend, you can trust him.” Snow says comfortingly.

Snow nods and cuts her bindings off carefully and helps her up. She puts an arm around his shoulder for support.

“The conditions weren’t exactly great..” She says, sniffling the last few tears.

“It’s fine, we just need to get back to safety.” Show replies as he begins to shuffle out of the clearing. As they move they hear gunshots behind them quickly followed by the sound of Vapruro’s rifle. They eventually reach the edge of the woods and Vapruro descends to meet them, shouldering his rifle.

“Only a few stragglers were going to follow. We don’t need to worry about them anymore.” He says, looking at Mol. “Glad to see the mission was a success.”

Mol flinches and hugs Snows side tightly. He can’t help but let out chuckle.

“This is Vapruro, he’s Flares brother. We wouldn’t have been able to rescue you without their help.”

Vapruro chuckles quietly and collapses his rifle down, putting it back in the case and putting it back on. “I’m a nice guy, don’t worry about me.” He tells her with a friendly smile.

She nods hesitantly but starts to relax a bit.

“We need to get moving. The sun is setting and we have to get back to that barn before nightfall.” Flare tells the group.

They reach the barn in only a few hours this time, following their tracks back. Camp is set up quickly and a fire is light and stoked. Everybody huddles around it, warming themselves.

“We’ll stay here tonight. Vap and I will keep watch. You should dress your wound, Snow.” Flare tells everybody, taking charge. He looks at Mol and offers her a smile. She looks away shyly.

“Well, I never got a chance to actually introduce myself. My name is Flare Zaikon.” He says with a friendly demeanor.

She shyly responds. “Nice to meet you... and thanks for helping Snow save me. He’s gonna have a lot of explaining to do.” She chides at him but looks back at Flare. “My name is Christie but my friends call me Mol.”

Flare nods happily. “Yea, nice to meet you. You two can take out sleeping bags. Vap and I will be fine.”

“Thank you.” She says thankfully. She walks over and picks it up, snuggling up in it next to the fire.

Snow lets out a slight whimper as he takes his pants off to work on the wound. He pulls the edge of his shorts up, revealing the open wound to the warm air. The sharp sound of a hard breath can be heard over the crackle of the fire as he pours water over it, cleaning the dried blood from his fur. Flare hands him a small vile of rubbing alcohol from a health kit he keeps in his backpack.

“You’re going to have to do it, Snow. Just do it quick.” Flare warns.

Snow nods and slides his sleeve into his maw, biting down on it hard as he pours the alcohol over the wound. Mol frowns as he lets out grunts of pain. He closes his eyes tightly and Flare presses a towel into it, wiping up the excess alcohol. He replaces it with a gaugh and tapes it down firmly. Snow lets out little whimpers of pain as he works. After a few seconds and pulling his pants back up, he relaxes back down and lets out a sigh of relief.

“Today has sure been eventful.” Snow says idly.

Flare nods and replies. “Definitely. You two should catch some sleep, we’re gonna make it all the way back to the airstrip tomorrow. The sooner we get home, the better.”

Snow nods, “That’s true.” He lets out a yawn.

He gets up and crawls over, getting in Flare’s sleeping bag.

“You sure you don’t want to share, Flare?” Snow asks almost with a worried tone.

“Yea, don’t worry about it. Dragons keep warm.” He says with a smile.

Mol snuggles her sleeping bag next to Snow and they both fall asleep. Flare walks over and talks to Vapruro, covering a few things and filling Vapruro in on information. The night passes normally and Flare keeps the fire stoked.

Morning comes around and everything is packed up quickly and Mol eats the last of the jerky Flare had in his bag. They all arrive at the airstrip by noon. Max already has the plane out and is doing maintenance on it when they walk up.

“Hey, I’m glad you guys came back. I was starting to get some heat from the locals. I was gonna leave tonight either way. We can head out now though.” He says happily.

Everybody piles in and it’s a little cramped but it works out. The flight home only takes a couple hours and in another hour they arrive back at the house, pulling into the driveway and turning the car off.