Current Track: Blabb

(Written by Soven)

Snow almost drops the phone as he hears the stranger say it again.

“We have your sister and we know where you’re hiding.” The males with obvious anger in his voice.

“Something wrong, Snow?” He asks and he stands up and walks over.

At that same time Flare walks down the stairs in baggy cargo pants. His shirt is off and draped over his shoulder.  He shakes his head to flip the hair out of his eyes. Flare sees the situation with a perplexed look on his face.

“Is something wrong...?” He asks hesitantly.

Snow slams the phone down, choking back tears. His head bowed and Flare cautiously approached him. Flare shoots Vap a glance and in return Vap gives a puzzled shrug. Snow dashes forward, sprinting between the two dragons. He throws the door open and disappears outside.

“What happened?!” Flare asks franticly to Vapruro.

“I have no clue, he must have gotten some bad news.” He says with a slightly upset tone.

Flare sighs and runs out the door after him.

“Snow! Where are you?” He says as he looks around quickly.

After looking around for awhile, he notices some leaves fall of a nearby tree. He looks up and sees Snow sitting hunched down on a high branch.

“Snow! What’s wrong?” Flare calls up to him.

“They have my sister...” Snow replies quietly.

“What did you say? I can’t hear you down here.” Please come down, I would have for you to fall and hurt yourself.”  He calls back up.

Snow bolts upright and yells down at him.

“They have my sister!” He spouts angrily before climbing down quickly.

He rushes up into Flare face.

“I said, they have my sister. She’s in Siberia...” He repeats.

“I - I don’t know what to say. What do they want, money or something.

“Yea, they’re asking for a ransom and I have no money.” Snow says solemnly

Flare puts his paw on Snows shoulder comfortingly. He guides Snow inside and down the hallway. He opens up a door Snow hasn’t been in yet and to Snows surprise, it leads down into a basement. As he walks Flare is talking.

“So, I assume you don’t know much about dragons seeing as I’m the first one you’ve ever met.” He says proudly.

Snow replies with just a nod. Flare guides him down the stairs and keeps talking.

“There are 12 dragon clans. I’m a member of the Zaikon clan.” He says as he pats his chest proudly with his fist. “And we are one of the five war clans.”

As they reach the base of the stairs, Snow’s eyes widen as he looks at the items covering the walls. He see weapons of all shapes. They vary from swords to fully automatic machine guns. There’s a large sniper rifle mounted on a rack in the back of the room.

“You see, this house is one like many all over the country that are battle ready. We keep houses like this incase there’s a confrontation.” He teaches and lets go of Snows shoulder.

“They messed with the wrong family.” He says reassuringly.

“Snow, pick a weapon. We’re going to get your sister back. We’re going to Siberia.” Flare pronounces confidently.

Snow walks further into the room, eyeing all the new weapons to him.

“I-I’ve never used weapons like these before... I’m used to fist fighting.” He says, slightly embarrassed.

Flare smiles and walks around inspecting a few of the weapons.

“It’s fine. We can do a bit of training if you. We have targets to shoot at. A good starter pistol would be that nine millimeter over there. I would also recommend grabbing some knife.” Flare says.

Snow nods and walks over, grabbing the pistol and a over the shoulder holster. He then walks over and examines the knifes. He grabs a basic one in a belt sheath.  These will help me protect my new family... He thinks to himself.

Snow looks up when he hears the door open and steps coming down the stairs. Vapruro smile and waves at him.

“So, I guess it’s time to fight then? I don’t know what happening but I’m here to help. If they mess with one of us, they mess with both of us.” He says.

He walks past Flare as he’s equipping small grade automatic pistols to each side of him. Vap walks up to the sniper rifle and slings it over his back.

“Ah, it’s good to feel the weight of the ol’ 99D on my back.” He states happily.

“Y-you use that one, Vap?” Snow asks timidly.

“Yup. I’m a much better shot then Flare her.” He laughs. “I’m the one always providing cover.”

Flare walks over and nudges his shoulder playfully.

“Don’t listen to anything he says, Snow. He’s just full of himself.” Flare retorts.

Flare reaches into his pocket and calls someone up. Snow tests the feeling of the weapons in his paws. The gun seems to fit naturally against his pads. He feels confidence start to flow through his blood and a strange sense of power coming from the whole situation. Flare pockets his phone.

“I got the plane ready. We just need to head to the airport outside of town.” He says.

Vap nods and heads up stairs first. Flare waves Snow over and walks with him outside, locking the front door behind him. He tosses a duffle bag into the trunk of his car and opens Snow’s door for him.

“Don’t worry, Snow. We’re going to save your sister.”  He says reassuringly as he rubs Snow’s shoulder for a second.

Flare gets in the drivers seat and takes off, arriving at the airport in little under half an hour.