Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Duo Phoso


It had happened all way
too fast for us. One after the other, in each night. We were overwhelmed by
almost everything. The lizard that had captured all ten pages, but lost them
all due to a hiccup which we had believed it to be the Hunter's pack. Sixteen
of our combine forces disappeared; eight on each side. We have no other clue
where they had gone into or their destination at once. We were left with little
information and a lot of problems. I was found flying overhead one afternoon,
together with Zander and Kyro. Natty had stayed behind with Yang to fix the
issues. Meanwhile, Ozkun and Takaki made their patrols around the blocks in
silence. It was the only functional we all got in response to the crisis we had
on their claws. But looking to the two dragons tailing me, I had known that
they were a bit nervous and quiet about the breaking news that washed across
our city.


Flapping out wings, we
headed out north. Towards the place where eight of our dragons were wiped from
existence. We landed upon the ground hard. The vibrations beneath us shook the
ground and surrounding buildings, none of which had fallen upon the impacted we
had created together. I looked about upon the surroundings, searching for
anything that had a relation towards our disappearing guys. The streets held
nothing. The sidewalk was empty too. Even the allies there had nothing for us.
I growled as result, raising my claw high and motioned for the two dragons
behind me. Both Zander and Kyro nodded their heads, splitting up from me and
each headed their own direction. Zander headed north, towards a few buildings
ahead. He crossed the empty street and sidewalk, walking forth at the entrance
of some alleyway ahead of him. Kyro was headed opposite of Zander; he
disappeared immediately from my sight. But I just ignored him, knowing that he
already knew his way forward.


Both dragons immediately
left me alone, conducting their own investigation. Silence rings in my ears as
I listened to the quietness surrounding me from where I stand at the center of
the road. My head was still, pointing north towards the horizon and staring at
some building that was in front of me. I walked north a few steps, reaching
upon the sidewalk a little way ahead of me. Climbing up towards the pale block
beneath while raising my head high towards the building in front. A brown door
was in front of me. Reaching out towards it; I grabbed onto its knob. Pulled it
towards the side and opened the door; shortly after entering inside while the
fresh breath of air washes over my scales. I found myself at the main lobby; a
help desk was to my side. But no one was sitting there. Instead, a white piece
of paper sat at the chair where the receptionist would be. Immediately and
perhaps unconsciously, I turned towards the help desk. Split opened my mouth
and started to speak. But words were held back after realizing that no one was
at the chair. Paper was there instead. It was turned over; words were written
overtop of it as I leaned into the help desk and stared. Reading what the
contents said upon the paper.


But before reading it
outloud, I heard my walkie woke up with static filling the empty room. For out
came Zander whose voice was intertwine with the static somehow; making it hard
to hear what he had to say at times however. Grabbing the walkie, I rose it
high towards my snout. Pressed onto the button before speaking back in
response, “Zander? What is it?" “There are some information that I got to tell
you guys." He responded, his voice was a bit higher than usual. 'Was he excited
or nervous about something?' I wondered in silence, but shook my head
afterwards. Listening to what Zander had to say as he spoke it out, “There are
rumors that are spread across the northern potion of Vaster." “What were the
rumors?" Yang questioned, I was a bit surprise that Yang had taken interest
into this rumors that had ties with the case we were handling currently. “Some
dragons are claiming that the lizard had eight of those dragons missing in
photos somehow." “Photos?" I asked with a tilt of my head. Though this does bring
up a bit good points however and this answer did relieved some of our hardened
questions that were stuck inside our minds for a while, shortly before this
story began.


“Is this some kind of
joke?" Commented Kyro which Zander blurted out “No! No! It is not. This is
true." “Got to listen Kyro." Responded Natty as giggling faded in the
background static which perhaps was her and Yang at the same time however. I
just rolled my eyes and shook my head; pretending to ignore the rest of the
conversation while I peered upon the main room that I had stand in for a long
time it seems. Returning my attention towards the piece of paper again, I
walked around the help desk and grabbed it from the chair. Raised it leveled
towards my head and stretched it out so I would be able to see its contents
inside. “A machine located Southward, in between two realms." I tilted my head
to one side, pondering what it had meant by that quote. But I turned around,
set that to the side and searched about upon the room I was in.


For so far, I had saw
nothing here. The entire room was covered in emptiness. Not a single thing was
out of touch which had disturbed me greatly. For as I walked forth, setting
some space in between myself and the desk behind me, I walked towards the other
end of the room where a silver door stands in front of me. A white sign hanged
overtop the gray pale peg in front. Grayish rope hanged around the peg with a
sign below it. 'Closed'. I ignored the sign and grabbed the knob. But the door
would not opened somehow. I was a bit surprise. But my eyes narrowed upon the
door. Curiosity lingered upon my scales as I raced with thoughts inside my
head, pondering what the other side of the door hid from us. I stepped back
from the door; and charged forth towards it again. Bang! The door opened
forcefully on its own. Yet it breaks from its stem at my right side; falling
upon the ground as if it was murdered. I set my eyes to the horizon, gazing
down onto what was in front of me. It was nothing. Just a staircase leading higher
in elevation however.


Another sign was station
adjacent to the stairs, a red arrow was painted upon the sign along with some
black words hovering above it. What it said never concerned me while my eyes
were raised towards the skies, or rather the ceiling above me. Flapping my
wings a couple of times, I readjusted them and shook my head afterwards and in
response, knowing full well that perhaps this might be the wrong place after
all. So returning myself back towards the front door, I raised my walkie and
pressed the button. Speaking forth towards Zander, asking him to repeat
whatever was said. He claimed, 'eight dragons were rumored to be missing in
photos which were now posted all over town.' “Eight missing dragons in photos?"
I clarified which prompted Zander to agreed with me, adding “Yang had sent
Natty, Ozkun and Takaki to go deal with it. See what they can find in the
meanwhile." “And the rest of us?" “We are to repositioned ourselves in front of
the station, facing southward." I groaned. This indeed might be a long day.


But instead of
complaining, I applied the tactic. So together with Kyro and Zander, we flew
southward. Returning back towards the station where Yang was waiting for us up
front of it. We regrouped together with her as she welcomed us back inside. Led
inside, one by one, we entered through the warmth blast of fresh air coursing
through our scales after we entered into the main lobby upon our station. For
so far, nothing remains changed upon our main. The chairs were clean of dust;
desks were written in black. The photos and pictures were hang upon our pale
walls. I breathed an exhaled sigh, forcing Zander and Kyro to chuckle
afterwards while Yang just stared at us in response. For the first few seconds
or minutes had became silent with the ringing lingering in our ears for the
duration of the time being. We walked across the main lobby, I held my claws
behind my back while questioning Yang about the events that had conspired. For
we put together a list of things in terms of priority.


“First and foremost, is
the eight missing dragons. I had sent Ozkun and Takaki there to check upon all
the photos and pictures scattered across the town, just in case we get to see
any familiar dragons being inside the paper." “Guess they had made it to the
front page." Commented Zander despite the red dragon nudging him with a growl.
Yang turned to face the two troublemakers, narrowing her eyes at them before
turned back around and resumed forward. I just exhaled, a chuckle mixed in with
the exhale forcing me to cough a bit. But remained professional as Yang glance
at me for a moment before resuming again. “We needed to know if what these
rumors were spread were true." “If not then…" “It would spell disaster for our
reputation as officers." I finished for her, Yang silently nodded at that,
smiling a bit perhaps pleased or worried for me. But I just shook my head,
continuing for her however “This is rather important. As so you claimed, Yang."
“Indeed it is, Ling." She commented back, side glancing me again as we paused
in our steps.


We were already in front
of her officer. 'How surprising.' I thought with a small smile, glancing to
Zander and Kyro as the two positioned themselves a bit ahead of me. Their eyes
met with mine. But neither of them wanted to pitched into the conversation at
once. As they had remained silent, I turned to them just as the door behind us
opened and closed afterwards. Leaving us behind upon the silence of the room
and the grand return of the ringing that entered into our ears afterwards. Time
had ticked by. Zander yawned. Kyro kept looking at the leftmost wall for some
strange reason. I was position to the side of the door that Yang had entered
through. All of us were standing tall, claws behind our backs. Eyes forth to
the door on the other side of the room. By as the minutes go by, soon the three
of us were growing a bit bored of the situation that we had found ourselves in.
For as Zander kept on yawning from time after time, we constant heard from our
walkies statics and flashes of sounds as the faded voices appeared. Speaking
straight towards us with a calm voice.


Till one minute this had
happened. “We found eight wires stretched southward of Vaster. They each head
and attached themselves to the machine. Another eight were also found coming
from Canine realm." “So it is true." Commented Zander, as his eyes turned to
both of us. I gave a slight nod to the black dragon. Kyro remained silent as
his fear was written across his face however. The comment continued through the
walkie, “-The machines are humming. Glowing a bit red however. There are also
numbers at the side of the machines too and the wires that they were attached
to too." “What were the numbers?" We heard Yang spoke twice; one from the
walkie and the other behind the door. “Its in perfect eights. Starting from
Sixteen and cutting itself into half till it reaches one." “sixteen, eight,
four, two and one." Zander comment, “But what did those numbers meant? Why were
they painted at the side of the machine and the wire?" I questioned out of the
blue while Zander shrugged, frowning while looking at Kyro.


We each remained silent.
None of us talked for the duration of the conversation. Yet we were worried for
the red dragon somehow who seems to be agitated by the second this conversation
continues on. His yellow wings unfurled and spread; then closed itself
afterwards. His claws opened and closed. Foot tapping upon the ground in
nervous rhythms. “Kyro." I breathed, wanting to pop the question while he
turned towards me. We were shocked by his pale face too; having noticed that
his eyes were blinking out of synced if that was even the term. He kept moving
his head from side to side as he glances often upon the front door at the other
side of the room. “Kyro." Zander commented, having known that he could not hear
me at all. I stepped back and allowed Zander to walk forth towards the dragon.
Zander hunched himself upon the shoulders of the red dragon just as he lowered
his eyes, meeting the dragon's glances as the room surrounding us became softly


“What is wrong?" He
repeated again, “Those machines…" Kyro sputtered, his lips split just to say
those words. But shortly after became silent again as just his eyes stared to
him. He closed them  following afterwards
forcing Zander to blinked a bit, tilting his head towards the side as I walked
closer towards Kyro in response. “What of those machines?" The door opened
behind us; the three of us turned towards Yang who looked a bit confused upon
the mayhem that was conducted. But shook her head afterwards and narrowed her
eyes; stabbing her claw pointing at each of us. “I need you all to regroup with
the second." She faces me, “Ling, you take charge." “Sure ma'am." I nodded my
head, motioning my claw towards Kyro and Zander as we raced straight to the
front door across the room. Out upon the outside realm where we had noticed
that the entire scenery changed before our eyes.


A red sky was painted.
Buildings remained in the darkness. Lights from the lamps frequently turned at
a silent rhythm however. The streets' broken yellow dashes faded upon the
oncoming darkness that was welcomed. Pushing away the light of the afternoon
time while Zander questioned me, “Is a storm coming to kill us all?" “The
weather did say that we are suppose to have party cloudy to mostly cloudy
however." Kyro commented, answering for the dragon as he turned towards Kyro
again and growled, “And the winds?" “Calm?" “Guys shut up and head southward."
I growled at the two behind me, my yells reached their ears and they nodded in
the following silence. Neither of them talking while we spread our wings and
heed southward, hopefully to join in with the rest of the dragons whom we were
worried about since the ever changing events that spread across our realm.


“I had wandered if this
was happening to Canine as well." Questioned Zander despite the face slapped by
Kyro who growled at him in turn. Their infighting had cause the silence to fled
away. But I myself had ignored them at once while we reached the gates of
Vaster. Beyond it were the machines that Natty was talking about. All three
said dragons positioned themselves in front of the machines but were set at a
distance from them. All eyes were pointed to them however as we dived down and
landed behind me. As the rush of the winds, Natty turned around and smiled upon
me. I mirrored her after folding my wings. But changed expression afterwards as
I raised my claw high, pointing forth towards the machine that was in front of
us however. For upon this, Natty nodded her head and explained everything as
she could.


“These machines powered
up the lamppost. Some of them however." “Would we know which ones?" I
questioned her, Natty nodded responding “Yes. Those that have posters upon them
are the ones connected to this machine." “Any way to break them? Or cut off the
power?" Kyro questioned, Natty shook her head again and frowned “Nope. Me,
Ozkun and Takaki have tried everything. Nothing work." “These must be
powerfully tight if your tactics never work, Natty." I commented lowering my
eyes upon the ground where the black wires stretched and connect to the machine
in front of us. Natty gave a silent nod, frowning as her wings spread again “I
wonder if, those posters had anything to do with this machine. I mean there are
indeed eight of them, right?" We all agree with her, “We should perhaps ripped
them from their posts surely that would stop it." “But aren't the post stick to
them?" Ask Takaki as he joined the group, everyone turned towards him. Silence
loomed over our heads, no one talked while I pondered.


“Let just try it then."
Said Ozkun also rejoining the conversation while Takaki nodded his head with a
smile upon his face. I nodded after Takaki and spoke, “Kyro, take Natty and
Ozkun with you and head West." “near the border of the Canine realm?" Questioned
Kyro. I nodded as they departed following afterwards, I turned my attention to
Zander. Ordering him to take the rest of the unit Eastward. Zander nodded in
response, motioning the remaining dragons in my unit as they fled eastward. For
in the meanwhile, I shift my attention back towards the machine behind me and
stared at it for a moment. Rethinking back towards an earlier time, I had
remembered that someone had spoken about the perfect eights being there.
Gradually I walked forth towards the machine. Kept my eyes pointing to it while
darting towards the corners of my eyes, staring down onto the ropes that
connect with the machine at once. At closer inspection, I had noticed that
numbers were indeed ingrained above the wires. Starting from sixteen, counting
down by halves down towards one where the eighth wire was connected into.


I pondered over this
perfect eights. Wondering if there is any some sort of significance upon them
or were they just regular numbers fooling anyone that tries to half their
progress. '...And what is their progress anyway?' I added in my mind, pondering
over it critically as my eyes leveled upon the ingrained numbers again in the
silence that follows. I frowned. Tilted my head to one side while moving around
the perimeter of the machine before me. Searching for anything that could
relate towards disabling the machine at once. But having no clue, I heard my
walkie spoke up again. “The posts at the lamppost are missing a strip of
paper." I was shocked. A bit surprise that someone would do such a thing. That
I immediately grabbed onto my walkie and pressed hard upon the button again,
raising my voice as I growled into the walkie “Missing a strip?" “The top
potion of the paper is missing." 'How did that happened?' I wondered, 'How can
anyone create a perfect strip of clean cut piece just from that? Without any
sort of scissors or anything?' But my line of thinking was cut when more
reported the same thing.


For at the end; all eight
of our pages from the lamposts were all cut by eighths. Once again, we are
overwhelmed by this that I started to grind my fangs together and narrowed my
eyes. My mind rushing to ponder over the things happening; trying its best to
sort things out. But instead, I pressed onto the button again and immediately
spoken out towards each of them, “Rip off the pages from the lampposts." “You
cannot do that, Ling!" Yang screamed into the speaker immediately following me
releasing the button from my walkie. “Our entire realm will be covered by a red
sky. Things wills surface-" “What choice do we have, Yang?" I questioned, my
voice was almost yelling upon this point. But yet I had never cared one bit
evermore. For while I was breathing heavily from the screaming created from my
own lungs, at the corner of my eye; I had noticed someone was there. A strange
figure. Masked by his face making it hard to see what he was upon the inside.
Upon me noticing him, he flinched and deserted into the shadows. I growled and
went after him. Pressing again the button again as I spoke, “Everyone! I think
I found the perpetrator." “Ling, fall back now. This machine had gotten you
obsessed now!" I pause in my tracks; halfway through the space where the
machine was behind me. Yet my eyes set forth to the entrance of the alleyway in
front of me.


A slow breath escaped my
lips; I spread my wings hesitatingly. Unable to comply with the order that my
mate had give straight towards me. But how can I when, I thought of the culprit
that created this machine. Slamming my foot upon the ground, I calmed down and
raised my walkie again. Pressed for the third time it seems as I muttered the
words. Then immediately fell back just as the machine hummed louder in my ears
no matter the distance set between us however.