Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Working Class


“I cannot believe we have a new guy coming over." Zander chimed, trying to start a conversation despite the silence surrounding us. Half of us nodded our heads in agreement while the so few stayed silent and stared elsewhere. I was on of those who was silent, rather keeping my tongue before I say anything stupid towards my coworkers. Instead, I shifted my attention towards the seats that were in front of the cafe doors. They were a good distance apart from one another. But what bothered me was the lasers that kept running in all directions and filling the store with its soft annoying humming sound that I wanted to just turn them off, so I could enjoy dinner at least. I growled in response, clenching my fangs and darkening my face while my wings anxiously flapped. Often times hitting Kyro and Natty in the face. Zander often turned his attention to us whenever there was a shout coming from either of the police dragons adjacent to me.


But I was preoccupied with the lasers themselves. I continued growling, narrowing my eyes while looking to Zander in the eyes as if I had wanted to murder him in something. But a paw touched against my scale, cold as it was. It stopped temporarily of my heated anger and forced me to pause and reflect upon my decision while I shifted my head over to the source of that paw. Already spotting Kyro whom was giving me an assured smile upon his face, asked “What seems to be troubling you?" “The food service of this place sucks." I chimed, adding “Also the lasers are really annoying, do you think?" “I occurred." Responded Zander who a quick nod while Maujur and Abavina nodded their heads in agreement, whether or not it was towards Zander or me. Kyro, whom crossed his arms, nodded his head in response. But kept his eyes towards me as I gaze away from him. My eyes laid upon those lasers; how they were all around the place and filling up the diner with their annoying buzzing sounds.


I had wanted to talk to the manger about them. Maybe arrest the owner and jail him to teach him a lesson. But I know that I would not. It is not in the police code however, just an assertive motivation for my personal demon. At best, all I could do was pause and reflect. Maybe breath calmly to ease up the tensions that fog up my brain. After doing so, I had realized I was much better as a result. My wings were not so tight up. Claws already relaxing and laid against my lap. My face lightened up, eyes kept eye upon the black dragon in front of me with the silence already looming over us. Yet the food service had not came and most of our stomachs were already growling. I pouted. Zander growled angrily and impatient while the remaining kept silent and distracted themselves with other stuff as well. Looking over to the side, spotting Kyro and Natty talking about their daily lives. Albania looking out the window. Maujur glued to the table surface in front of her, then turned her head over her shoulder to look at the table behind.


A short time later, she gasped and bolted upright. Spread her wings which hit Zander in the face while he was tapping his foot upon the flooring below him. Once hit, he sharply turned to Maujur and growled threateningly at her, “What is your problem?" “Look over here." She pointed, turning her head over her shoulder while she looked at the rest of us. Everyone else caught her attention and blinked; Kyro and Natty were interested and looked from their conversation. I, on the other claw, just stared at her. I tilted my head to one side while questioning her, “What is on the other side then? Something interesting?" “A pony?" Kyro added, while Zander shook his head growling at him. Maujur shook her head too before answering my question, “A map." “A map to the diner?" I added with question, a nod confirms my guess. As I got up from my seat and motioned towards Maujur. The two of us walked one table over and shifted our attention towards the interesting table adjacent to our own. My eyes widened when I saw it and I had wanted to shriek or something, but kept my tongue and spoke professionally, “Guys. You need to see this."


“What is it?" Kyro was the first to speak as Natty and he got up from their chairs. Zander followed behind with Albania taking the rear. As the police dragons gathered around the table and fixed their eyes upon the table in front of them, they each had their own mixed feelings. Yet Zander growled as he muttered something underneath his breath, “So we found a map that showcase all the lasers, from start to finish. So what is the big deal anyway?" “This might have something to do with the lasers here in the diner." I argued, not even glancing at him upon this point while I stabbed the table and traced one of the lasers from its start towards finish, “All of these lasers seem to be pointing in different ways." Commented Natty while Kyro nodded in kind but said nothing else in addition. My eyes were fixed towards the map, a lot of thoughts ran by him like a marathon of runners. My eyes narrowed and traced mentally over the other lasers in kind before turning around and gaze at the real lasers surrounding us.


“One of you follow those lasers and see where they lead." I ordered without looking back upon my unit. They all turned their attention towards me, mixed responses from all. But none said nothing in response for they all nodded their heads before splitting off from the main group. “Stay here Zander." “Yes Yang." He responded while I tapped the map in kind before speaking to him. “Question the officers where those lasers lead. Mark them on this map with that marker laying at the top." I instructed him while he growled at me back before responding. But before he could even say a word in, I cut him off immediately and sharply turned around. Heading for the door in front of me was where I stopped and laid my eyes towards the ceiling above me. A green laser was there. Shining dimly upon my eyes and darkness that now surrounded me. I smiled only briefly before that faded off into the quietness. Raising my walkie, I pressed the side button and responded to Zander who already acknowledge me. I then started my walk and followed the laser wherever he may go.


Silence. It was all that I was given while my eyes trace the lasers above me as my feet followed along the lasers, dragging me along for the ride as I raced down the aisle towards the end was where I stopped. I planted my feet upon the grounds, lowered my eyes to level against the window in front of me. Yet I was confused and tilted my head to one side while I walked up towards it. I placed paw against the surface of the window, leaving a claw print on it. I raised my claws and covered a small area of the window. Leaning forth, I stared through the window. But my eyes widened surprise to see what was inside. A brown box sitting on top of the table, surrounding by what seems to be colorful blinking buttons. A tilt of my head ponders a question, but I bite my tongue before pressing the side bar again. “Zander." “What is up?" He responded, “I followed the laser pointers and knew where it lead me into." “What is the end?" “A window. But inside the window was a brown box surrounding by buttons." “Buttons? From a computer or something?" “Like that." A pause in our short conversation had allowed both me and Zander to ponder some more.


But it seems that this mystery would go a bit farther in when Kyro started calling us. “Guys. There is a control room from this end of the store." “What was inside of it?" I questioned, curious and interested in what they had found, “Not sure. But I could make out with one thing inside here. There is a lever with a huge white paper sign above it. I cannot make our the words however." “What were the letters?" “Stupid, Yang!" Growled Zander, interrupting the private conversation between me and Kyro while Yang yelled over the walkie at Zander. He later kept silent, but often times I do hear a cough or grunt coming from the black dragon however. We all ignored it and focused our attention towards the control room while I repeated the question again, Kyro took a short moment before answering me, “Seems to be the letters of the store name however. I wonder why." “Good question." I thought pondering before shaking my head and responded, “Alright. FIrst things first, we need to know how to break into the control room. Then break into this weird room that I had found also. We need evidence that prove this diner is odd." “Why?" Zander asked, but none answered him


Raising my eyes upon the lasers above, I gaze at it for a moment before something struck against my mind. A small smile submerged upon my face while I shifted around my surroundings and grabbed something from one of the tables adjacent to me. A small stainless colorless mirror, it was already broken somehow. While I wondered about where this mirror belongs to, I shook my head and turned my attention towards the task at claw. I stepped over to one of the chairs, hoisting myself up in elevation before stretching my claw high so it is level with the laser. It hit it and the laser was reflected elsewhere. Positioning at a thirty to sixty degree angle however. Pouting, I tilted the window a bit before showcasing a perfect angle. The laser was pointing down towards the other end of the diner. Hitting against one of the letters overhead. I stared towards it, pondering over just one letter. But shook my head and lowered my claw holding the window. Raising my other claw to my mouth, I spoke out towards the others after hitting the button in kind, “The laser hits one of the letters overhead." “Which one?" Kyro questioned me, “Letter, D"


A pause of silence came in response. I frowned wondering why just this one letter. Although my head aches and throbs like crazy, I settled myself down and plants my feet upon the ground. Still having a conversation with the others as I retreated towards our table. “One of the lasers hits the door, across from where our table is at." Responded Natty. I paused and blinked, shifting my attention towards the brown small door that runs across from where I was sitting. “One of the doors?" Responded Maujur “Yeah surprisingly." Natty finished, “I am already nearby that door." I commented, already up to my feet while I raced towards it. “10-4, Ling." “Sure." I commented back before settling the walkie down. I stared at the small door just inches from where I was standing, my eyes lowered upon it. I grunted, winds already folding as I made my decision and hit against the door. A small whine emerged from its sounds as I raised my head and looked to the horizon in front of me.


However and surprisingly, it was not much. The kitchen was not even big. Yet there were many important stuff inside here. Like the ref, the sinks, the heaters etc. A gulp tickled my throat while my stomach grumbled, I grabbed onto my pistol and raised it while I inched myself away from the door behind me. The place was silent but well lit however. The lights above me never flickered or brown out like the ones that our counterpart had entered into countless number of times. With a chuckle escaping from my mouth, I turned my attention towards the ovens of the kitchen. Then raised my eyes towards the burners and then towards the ref adjacent to it. I opened the ref and gaze inside. Feeling the cold breeze washed over my scales like a winter warmth, forcing me to shiver and flinched upon feeling the cold biting against me as my eyes were closed briefly. Opening them again to fix my attention upon an interesting thing that submerged upon my eyes. For I stared onto it in silence before raising my walkie and pressed against the side button once again,


“I found something here." “What is it?" Zander spoke rather impatiently as a growl escaped his lips vibrating against the walkie following the short silence. “I found a switch." “A switch? Perhaps having to do something with the lasers out here?" Kyro questioned, “Perhaps." I suggested and slowly walked up towards the switch. I grabbed upon the surface of the handle, slowly pulling it down with my strength. For afterwards came silence as the humming died down. Leaving behind a pause of silence, I heard Maujur spoke “I do not like this at all." “A door opened on the side." Cried Zander, “Same!" Exclaimed Natty. I blinked in surprise and turned around, making a run for it towards the small door at the end of the kitchen. However, I could not enter or exit from the door. It was glued shut as if someone had squirted glow all over it however. I blinked in surprise and tried the common things. But none seemed to work however. Pushing, pulling, unscrewing. Nothing!


I groaned in despair, my heart beating fast in my chest. While my eyes stared down towards the door in front of me, I pondered a bit before I raised my foot into the air. I stepped over the brown door and made it to the other side. For once I was free from the imprisonment, I race down the length of the aisle and regroup with my coworkers. However, to my surprise, I saw no one around. Alone and isolated from the others, I slowly panicked. But breathed calmly through my chest and lungs, calming myself down while my eyes opened up and shifted around the store. 'The lasers are gone.' I took noticed, having heard no humming anymore. I pondered if this was a good thing. Lowering my eyes to the grounds below me, I quickly spotted a set of footprints. Dirty as they were and were pointing westward. Towards one of the two exit doors on each side of the store. I raised my eyes, following the steps towards the exit where I pressed against the handles. The door unlocked itself, releasing me as I returned to the outside.


Darkness came again. My eyes narrowed. WIngs already spreading while my claw was raised to my mouth, I spoke towards Yang. Requesting her to join in onto the hunt. When she asked about my squad, I responded “They were all dragon napped it seems. How I was not sure for the lights were off before I could hear anything else." “Where did you think they all go?" I pondered for a moment, growling and huffing at the same time before speaking back towards her, “I think I have an idea. But can you help me out on this please." “Sure." Yang immediately responded and the conversation was cut there. While I lowered my claw and glance out towards the skies in silence,I had not realized that I unknowingly was in the air. Hovering just inches above the grounds below me. While I knew what I had wanted to do, I went with it and flew off into the distance. Away from the diner behind me as my eyes narrowed, pondering about the string of events that erupted in front of my face.


I returned to the park. The meeting spot for me and Yang however. While I had arrived upon the park, I dive down towards the ground. Flapping my wings often times before landing perfectly, I felt the grass below me moist after a cold hard rain and smiling only briefly. I then shifted my attention towards the surroundings, already spotting Yang at the distance. Her back was turned towards me and in front of some slide. Her wings were folded, yet her tail wagged at some thought alone. I break into a smile, walked up towards her and whispered into her ear. “Hey." “Hello." She smirked confidently, turning her head over her shoulder. Her entire body turned around as she faced me. Her arms crossed overtop of one another as she nudge her head forth. Taking this as a sign, I quickly nodded my head and spoke. Retelling the events that happened up towards the dragon napping of my unit. She nodded when I quieted down.


“If I had to guess where our culprit was heading straight into." Yang commented yet trailed while lowering her eyes upon the grounds beneath her, “I take it somewhere within Chaos. Perhaps at one of those abandoned buildings close by." “You think it is there?" I questioned her, she nodded briefly as quietness settled overtop of us, I exhaled a breath and shook my head. Annoyed by the capture. But also annoyed of heading back towards Chaos even though we were not invited there after our past encounters with the enemy. With a growl that threatens the silence, Yang took noticed of it and frowned back upon me. Her head shook as she spoke, reaching over to my shoulder “I know I know. We are not suppose to be in Chaos. Winteria made sure of it that it sticks inside our brains. But this is an important case for us. Your unit got captured, we are close into solving this case and getting the arrest of our culprit. But we need to slow it down." “One wrong more might cost something greater, you know." She smiled and calmed me down. I just chuckled in response to her before nodding. We nuzzled a bit before taking a quick kiss as Yang spoke after.


“Alright. Since we are not invited We will need to stealthily follow the footsteps and head into their destination. From there, we should be able to figure things out." Yang instructed and I gave a quick nod while she smiled briefly at me. “Oh yeah and before I forget" She started which stopped me from turning around and spreading my wings as I looked over my shoulder fixing my attention towards her. A brief smile escaped from her lips, brightening up her face as she spoke “A newcomer will be joining our ranks today. Had told him to meet up upon the border." “A newcomer?" I questioned, tilting my head to one side. But she said nothing in response to my question, and spread her wings. Flying high into the skies, thus leaving me behind while I flapped my own to follow her down. As we flew across the night skies and listened to the ringing that echoed in our heads, I pondered about the newcomer and the plan to infiltrate the realm adjacent to us all the while keeping silent. But none of my plans stick mentally and I groaned to frustration while I felt the tip of my wing being touch.


Thus, shifting my attention towards the dragoness adjacent to me. I watched her smile which reflected my own back towards her. As the warmth covers our entire bodies, I breathed a sigh and closed my eyes. Feeling the cold air breeze underneath my wings as I flapped them, heading straight towards the west to the edge/border of Chaos and Order where our newcome was met. For upon arrival, I spotted him. Blue scaled dragon who was squating down, keeping his eyes upon the road. His scales tensed and tightened as his lips was bitten by his own fangs. With his wings anxiously flapping and waving about, we arrived upon his steps as he suddenly looked up. “Are you…" He trailed, unsure of how to start a conversation while me and Yang nodded quietly. He smiled in response before getting up onto his feet. He extended his claw outward to me and Yang, nervously introducing himself as Ozkun. “Officer Ozkun." Yang responded, deep and dooming yet dominate at the same time which causes the blue sea dragon to flinched but stayed silent for the remains, “You will be joining Ling's unit. As such follow his orders to the point. But for now, follow me." Yang demanded, “Yes ma'am." Responded Ozkun, vibrating and shaking as his breathing quicken and his eyes stared to me and Yang.


“I am  Captain Ling." I slowly introduced myself, even though introductions were a bit far from now. “Officer Ozkun." He responded as we shook claws. “And I am Chief Yang," Yang said afterwards which Ozkun shook hers too. “Now that introducts are done, we can finally get to the good stuff."