Current Track: Blabb


Importance of Water

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stood up, clearing his throat and straightening the red tie around
his neck. The brown-furred rat took a deep breath, then started to
speak, his voice professional and carrying around the room. "Water.
The element of life as many say. The body is composed of 90% water in
some form. It is over 70% of the surface of our planet. Evolution
theory states that life began in the water before crawling out onto
land. Much life still exists within the waters of our world."

looked out around those listening to him as he continued. "Water
is important to cultures, as well. Most early civilizations
established themselves near large bodies of water or fertile
riverbanks. It is essential to have a readily available source of
water for farmers to grow their crops." He pointed upwards.
"Even rain is essential, as are clouds in general. Rain brings
the water to the crops, and given enough time, can erode rock to
reveal usable materials a culture can mine to progress. Without this
precious resource, people would not exist."

stood to his full height as he nodded. "Yes. It would not be a
stretch to say that water is both the most abundant and most
necessary resource our world has." His expression turned to an
angry scowl as he slammed his hands onto his table. "SO WHY DO

waiter flinched, suddenly jarred out of his befuddlement by the angry
outburst. "Ah... s-sorry, sir. I-I'll get you and the lovely
lady your waters now!" The ferret turned and scurried off to the
back room in a panic.

giggled at the fellow rat as he sat back down. "If you wanted to
scare the man, you could have just pulled a gun on him."

smirked, shaking his head as he picked up the menu. "Nah. I like
this place, so I'd prefer not to get arrested here." He
chuckled. "I'll wait until our third date for that."

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