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cannot talk about the city without first talking about the world is
is a part of. The Earth that I use is, like most, an alternate one.
Humans still exist, but are not the dominant species anymore, and are
in fact, something of a minority in most parts of the world. Instead,
the dominant species is (of course) anthropomorphic animals,
including more mythological ones such as dragons and unicorns, though
most are just as mundane as any human would be.

said, magic is also real within this world, but in the modern
setting, this is less well known or practiced. Even with the rise of
"super heroes," most are simply well trained individuals
that choose to enact vigilante justice with a flair for the dramatic
and flashy costumes.

within the dark shadows lurk those able to cast spells and wield the
arcane essence of nature. For good or ill. And even among these
secretive few, there are but rumors that more powerful, god-like
beings may walk among them as well.

Ferro City
it's basically an amalgamation of New York City with some Chicago and
Detroit mixed in, because I'm basic like that. The country is also
basically USA because I'm American, and again, basic. Sue

near 400 years ago as a trading port when the continent was first
settled, the city used to go by the name: Port Quiet. Despite the
unassuming name, even in the early days it was a bustling trade hub,
It quickly established itself as something of a neutral ground
between all the competing trade companies and foreign countries
willing to ship goods to this New World.

50 years after its founding, and after a brief war saw the country
owning the city changing, it was renamed to Ferro City, after the
many steel buildings being constructed at the time, and new thing at
the time. Another 50 odd years, and another war saw it changing hands
to the new nation that formed as a result. Just before the turn of
the 20th century, with the invention of the sky scraper, the name was
changed again to its current Alta Ferro City, gaining the slogan "The
city where steel meets the sky."

current days, Alta Ferro is one of the world's most densely populated
cities, with a population of over 35 million people. The city has
also sprawled outwards considerably, boasting an official area of
around 435 square miles (roughly 700 square km), making it also one
of the largest cities in the world. Though many smaller suburbs and
townships just outside of the city proper also claim to be a part of
the Greater Alta Ferro Area, increasing the influence of the city far
beyond its boarders.

history of the city is evident, especially when traveling to the
older parts. Long abandoned industrial warehouses and manufacturing
plants still dot around the edges of the town. Even the docks, while
still active, often feel like one has stepped backwards in time to
the early 20th century. The grand park in the heart of the town, the
third largest such park in the world, holds a large number of bronze
statues of great historical figures. Many other historical buildings
have been restored and maintained to preserve the history.

a city of such size, age, and population, it is unsurprisingly also
one of the most crime filled cities in the world, despite the best
efforts of law enforcement. Though the corruption within said law
enforcement has been an ongoing issue for almost as long as the
city's existence. Organized crime has always been an issue, and the
foundations of many of the biggest crime families and organizations
in the city have roots going back centuries. The city also has the
largest number of serial killers in the world.

is these problems, among others, that has also seen a rise in new
vigilante crime fighters. A new breed of violent civilians that have
taken to enforcing their own laws. Despite being illegal, these
vigilantes wage a war of their own on the streets against the many
gangs and mob groups. Unfortunately, most wind up dying for their
cause, with little changing from their endeavors.

all this, most people within the city are just average citizens
trying to earn a living and live their lives. The city also boasts
the most mixed population in the world. At any moment, one could bump
into anything from a mouse, to an equine, to an avian, to a dragon,
possibly all in the same corner store. The city also has the largest
single population of dragons in one location, at nearly 5

Ferro is a city where anyone can find anything and become anyone, be
it a business man looking to start anew, an actor looking for their
big break, or a criminal wanting to go pro. Alta Ferro has something
for everyone, even if it's not always the best thing for other