Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Silently White


Upon the midnight hour
where the crickets sounded echoed through our ears, I found myself staring
ahead at the forest before me. Silent upon my lips as I grunted, frowning
before shaking my head. We were told that several dragons disappeared inside of
these woods and the forest itself. It never stopped there however. As my head
was hanged and eyes were closed, I exhaled a sigh before returning back to
level grounds and walked forth towards the entrance of the forest. Disappearing
from the valley behind me. My unit had already started their investigation
inside and from what I had known; Kyro and Natty were already at the warehouse
searching for something. Zander was standing by the riverbed, looking onto the
waters that hang upon his ankles. But neither of them saw anything that would
aid in this case however.


I walked through the
woods. Taking a deep breath to take in the fresh forest air that entered
through my nose and deep inside my own body. While my mind began pondering
about the case that I was handing too, I had wondered why the culprit had
decided to put his stuff here. Including those corpse that he had buried upon
the forest floor. I started frowning. Scratching my own scales as I moved
through the forest. Stopping only once when I spotted Ozkun and Takaki before
me, staring at one another in the silence that loomed over them. In front of
them was the map of the forest. It was pretty big to say the lease. As I cough
to gain their attention, their heads turned over towards me. Saluted but I
waved it off before joining them upon their line. “What we got so far?" “Dead
bodies and something inside the house, both Kyro and Natty were unable to
figure out what was there." Ozkun said, I turned towards him. Tilting my head
to one side and asked, “What other senses can they find out inside that?"
“Well, Kyro did claimed it to be smelly like rotten cheese or something. Natty
held her nose to conform it however." “ 'Rotten cheese?' “ I questioned, almost
laughing a bit. A nod responded to my laughter before I settled myself
altogether and spoke,


“Let them continue
searching inside the house, surely then they would find something there
indeed." “Hopefully so, Yang." “Its ling." I corrected him, he saluted again
and turned back to the map as I rose my head and glanced out towards the
horizon of the woods surrounding me. Lots of questions were upon my mind. None
of which had answers however. Not like that matters though. As my head
continued to be filled by questions and little answers were given straight
towards them, I shifted my attention towards the river. Glancing over to Zander
whom was always crouched, gazing at something upon the surface of the water.
'Seemingly busy.' I thought to myself as I spread my wings and take off.
Remembering now of my own objective upon this given case. A gust of wind
settled upon my wings as I flapped them to maintain myself upon the air. I
hanged my head and glanced down. Staring upon the grounds below me in hopes of
finding something there that would akeen to my interest at best.


However, it had seemed
that the forest ran clean. Only trails of faint blood were painted upon the
grass. Heading far into the horizon where it disappeared into the fields of
trees. I stared at the blood trail and towards the trees for a moment, shaking my
head before returning back to where Ozkun and Takaki were however. Dropped down
to the grounds itself and folded my wings once more, Ozkun turned towards me
questioning “What happened?" “I found a trail of blood. But they lead straight
into the forest." “Forest? Let me look there instead then." Ozkun responded,
motioning towards Takakri who nodded as the two dragons flew off, leaving me
behind to oversee the process. With nothing else to do, I turned my attention
towards the map laid out in front of me. Sitting upon the stump of some tree
that was cut off already.


The map was a medium
size. Yet it had showcased everything that had to be here in the real life
forest of course. From the forest trees North and South of us; the riverbank
over to the right and the house at the dead center. I nodded my head, satisfied
that this was the correct map after all and smiled only faintly before pulling
my eyes away from it. Raised to the horizon and glanced over to the left,
staring down onto the riverbed once more where Zander was suppose to be
however. “Yang." “Ling, Ozkun." I exhaled a breath, pressing the black button
upon my walkie “Regardless, you are right. The trail of blood is cut off upon
the forest. It is too dark to see anything here." “Get a flashlight from your
pocket." I demanded, “Alright." Responded Ozkun while the connection was cut
off immediately and silence fell over for another time.


I turned my attention
towards the riverbed. Walking to it with curiosity upon my mind however. As I
started hearing the roars of the waters and 
Zander splashing his feet upon the surface of the waters, I hanged my head
and gaze at the riverbed. Seeing nothing there other than rocks, I frowned
before calling over the black dragon. He turned over and met my eyes; yet never
smiled as he spoke “I found some dead bodies piled adjacent to the river.
Pulled them back into here and tried to search some more." “Were there any
marks?" “None, Ling." “This does indicate that they perhaps drowned somehow."
Zander added more, I just nodded at him. Interested and curious about the
statement that Zander had said, I frowned before lowering my head again.
Staring down onto the riverbed below me before speaking to him once more, “Say.
The dead bodies, are they reptiles?" “Not just that." Zander confirmed, “But
canines too however. These canines were bitten onto their necks. There was fang
marks upon their necks." “Dragged?" “No." Another pause of silence.


It did had me thinking
however. Who could have dragged the canines here? At a far away place from
them? “Whoever dragged them, must have strong fangs." “Thinking about a wolf or
coyote?" Zander questioned me, I shook my head “No. Rather perhaps a shark or
something." “A shark can only live underwater." Zander protested, “But this one
however." I countered, recalling an earlier time of when we first encountered a
species like that living on land. As me and Zander fell silent again, the
walkie bursted into static which had startled me suddenly. Flinched upon the
sound and upon Zander's chuckle and me glaring at him in response, I pressed
the button onto the side of the walkie and waited. “Indeed we found it Ling."
“Found what?" I questioned, the voice crackled for a few minutes before
responding clearly to me now, “Four golden hats, silver wrenches and a
flashlight were found. Yet the flashlight seemingly was pointing southward. In
the direction of where that house was built." “Think you can meet up with Kyro
and Natty now?" “Yes." Responded Ozkun as the connection was cut immediately
and silence fell once again.


Returning my sights
towards the river, my ears flicked upon hearing Zander spoke once more. But
rather towards himself than to me, I turned towards him again and walked to his
side. Questioning about his muttering, Zander turned to me and raised a claw, pointing
straight towards a trail of blood that was beyond the river and the pile of
dead bodies adjacent to it. It led northward and disappeared into the forest
beyond us where darkness reigns. I stared at the forest for a moment, then
turned to Zander before frowning as he nodded his head in response towards me.
He pulled himself out from the river with me in tow behind him as we went to
follow the trail of blood. Wondering where it leads towards.


The darkness reigns over
my eyes as we began following the trail of blood Northward. It continued moving
that way. Never stopping it had seemed however. Zander made a face, glancing
around worriedly as if something there was going to jump at us. His eyes darted
about, taking in the forest grounds and glancing at the fields of trees that
now surrounded us however. We walked along the forest, following the trail as
it leads us deeper north. Until it stopped afterwards and we planted our feet.
Raising our heads high into the horizon, glancing at what we were seeing before
us. An unknown house was there built at the center of the wood. In front of
them was Natty and Kyro; the pair were sitting upon the steps. Glancing at the
grass in silence, wagging their tails. As me and Zander approached the two; the
two raised their heads high towards us and smiled.


“What have you guys
found?" I asked immediately, resetting all conversations towards that one topic
only while Kyro frowned and Natty said nothing for a pause in silence. Before
the red dragon spoke again and reported everything found inside, “A dead body
was found. Yet it seems that some other police unit had got to it before us
however." “Some other?" I questioned, a curious look upon my face prompted Kyro
to say more. “Yeah. There were yellow mark lines surrounding the body. 'Danger'
was the label written in between the lines of that mark." “What other police
unit was here other than us?" I frowned, but shook my head to address the body
afterwards. “The body was dead. Cold after two weeks it seems. Although we
could not tell if the body was a reptile or canine, due to no scales or fur
found about." “Were they piled off towards the side or something?" I
questioned, forcing the red dragon to shake his head again. “Nothing sir."


I just nodded and exhaled
a breath. Shaking my head at the unfortunate news, I turned towards Zander who
was busy staring at something else that perhaps had already caught his eye. At
Natty's mention and me nudging him following, Zander turned to reality and
glanced at the two of us in silence. But I peered upon him, questioning “What
were you looking at far West?" “A trail of blood. Surprisingly, it made a sharp
left turn from this house. Heading back into the woods once more." Zander
answered me which forced Kyro and Natty to perk up immediately. “That must be
it however." Kyro stated as I turned towards him, “That trail must lead towards
something. Like the culprit behind this entire thing or something." “Go and
find it." I asked of them and the two were relieved of their position, post.
Fled towards the west to take care of the trail of blood and left me and Zander
behind. As they disappeared through the woods itself, Zander turned towards me.
I nodded in silence. Together we entered the unknown house. Curiosity was upon
my mind as to what type of body that the two found themselves.


As we entered, the first
thing we had noticed was how pitch dark the place was. Additionally, it never
looked like a house. But rather a warehouse or something. Me and Zander were
surprise at this. Yet we never expressed it however while we split up and heed
our own direction through the place. The entire room was filled with junk and
filled to the brim it was. Lots of paintings, drawings and piles of paper were
lurking or lying about. Each of them were something unique; it was hard to tell
what 'uniqueness' it was due to how pitch dark the place was however.
Regardless, I continued onward. Weaving myself through the pile and heed upon
the opposing side of the room where Zander was now waiting for me there, we
turned our heads out in front before us; staring now at the body sitting upon
the brown table underneath it. A flash of light illuminated the entire body
briefly before disappearing altogether now. The two of us walked towards that
body and stopped, hanging our heads as we stared at it.


It was exactly like what
Kyro had said. The body was neither reptile or canine. Just plain. I motioned
Zander and he nodded, parting from me suddenly as he walked around the other
part of the room searching for a pile or basket of fur or scale. In the meanwhile,
I shift my attention back towards the body in front of me. Stared at it in
silence as if studying it. I looked over the plain body. Staring at its
perfectioness and had noticed that nothing was there. A cut. A bruise. Nothing
which was surprising for me. For as I was about to give up and heed towards
Zander in his search for fur or scale, something stopped me suddenly. It was in
the corner of my eye when I saw it that I had decided to look directly towards
it however. Something was sticking right out from the table that the body was
on and I crouched to look upon it however.


To my surprise, I saw a
drill. Adjacent to it was a bandage that looked the same color as the body's
itself. It had suddenly dawned on me what the body was like that I shouted for
Zander who came running back towards me. For upon his appearance, I explained
“its neither a fur or scale." “How was that even possible?" He questioned me,
yet I shook my head. Frowning before turning back towards the drill and bandage
in front of me. At my silence, Zander crouched down too and widened his eyes
also upon what he had saw. For thus he turned towards me, his mouth hanging
opened suddenly before returning his sights back towards the items at hand.
“That cannot be. A species such at that is gone from these two realms." “Yet
one exist somehow." I added, Zander gradually turned his head towards me.
Slowly shaking his head and picked himself up as I did the same.


A small silence fell as
we take in our mental words. But that was snapped in half when a walkie call
came from Ozkun and Takaki. Something that I took immediately. For by the time
I raised my walkie and pressed the button was the following time that Ozkun
spoke through the speaker of the walkie. He stated, “We found out that four of
the same species were found camping about." “Can you tell me what they were
eating?" I questioned him, a pause of silence acknowledged my answer “Sure.
Weird statement however though. It was the same common kind however. Bread,
drinks, eggs-" “Eggs?" Exclaimed Zander as his voice filled the room we were
in, causing me to flinched as I turned towards him with a scowl. He remained
silent, but his frown was there. We briefly made eye contact shortly before I
returned my attention to the walkie as I allowed Ozkun to continue, “A picnic
blanket was also found here too it had seemed. Red and white pattern it was
however. Nothing else." “Got it. Regroup with Kyro and Natty for me please."
“Where are they-" Immediately questioned Ozkun but I had interrupted him, “Over
to the left. Heading straight through the woods, they are found on the other
side." Silence followed afterwards while I turned towards Zander who remained


We headed out from the
house behind us. The door closed just as Zander turned his attention towards
me. We fell to silent. Neither of us talking. Yet our minds conversed with
ourselves. We had pondered about the body that we had saw. The body that neither
fur or scale. Questions filled our mind to the point that I had gained a
headache because of it that I forced myself to stared out towards the horizon
before me and exhaled a breath, before nodding to Zander. For we had agreed to
heed towards the left, regrouping with the others as to what they were doing in
the meantime.


We flew through the
treetops as the flaps of our wings caused the leaves to wave upon the animals
below us. We stared out front towards the horizon before us, silence upon our
lips as the flapping became our own conversation. We never had to leave that far
out from the forest itself however, for the rest of my unit were gathered in a
circle. Staring at one another while a conversation was held in the air;
laughter came afterwards. But was shot silent when we had arrived and their
attention was turned towards us. Walking up towards them, I raised my claw and
smiled only faintly. Kyro and Ozkun only mirrored me. Everyone else stayed
silent at best. For as we joined in onto the conversation, Takaki turned
towards me and questioned about the body inside the house.


At Kyro's request, I
spilled the answered immediately. A long pause of silence became my answer. I
glanced at each of them, frowning as my head was tilted to the side. My voice
was heard, echoing through everyone's ears as I questioned “What is it? What was
wrong with the body?" “Do you think… Someone placed it there to scare us? To
think that two legged creatures roamed the realms?" “it is farfetched. But it
could be the possibility however." Chimed Kyro as Natty added, “Other than the
body being ripped of its fur or peeled scales. Yes." “Wait." I interrupted
them, growling to gain their attention as Kyro, Natty and Takaki turned towards
me again “You guys believed something else differently than mine?" “Yeah." “But
the body was a bit larger than all of us combined. How do you even know what a
canine body looks like or-" “We can see it." Protested Ozkun, “But through the
skeletons?" I argued back.


A sudden silence came
between me and Takaki as we just stared at one another. No one said anything.
Not even the ones outside of our argument at all. As I found myself staring
down onto Takaki, she snorted and growled. Turned her head away and glazed towards
the forest while I find myself staring at her before shaking my head also.
“Besides, if it were a body of a two legged creature. Would that be impossible
considering that they are not living anymore?" Kyro argued, trying to defused
the situation between me and Takaki as I just snorted and crossed my arms.
Facing the red dragon before stating, “No. I know what I saw." “You are in
disbelief. There is no way that a two legged creature would exist in these
realms. It is pure animalistics." Takaki argued back, I growled in answer
towards her. “Guys" Started Kyro as he walked between us, “Despite the
difference. Think logically. Why would our culprit put that there?"


A short silence fell. But
our eyes grew gradually wider as a slow but hard realization struck us instead.
For me and Takakri turned to one another, then towards Kyro and the others who
stared back upon me and Takaki in the silence that follows. “Oh." Was I can
say, “Oh!" I exclaimed afterwards and turned back towards the others growling,
“Come on! We need to go now." “Where are we going!" Exclaimed Takaki, a bit
surprise by my sudden wing movement just as I had spread them and headed back
eastward, disappearing straight from their sights. FOr in a momentarily
struggle of realization, I flew fast. Beating my wings in a hurry, I raced back
with my team back towards the house where I last saw the body. And immediately,
opened the door and glanced inside.


Upon which, the body was
gone. In its place was a golden note, something that I had picked up
immediately. For when everyone else had arrived upon the door; Takakri and
Ozkun waltzed right inside, I muttered towards them “You are right." Then turn
to face them, a slight growl vibrated my throat as my eyes narrowed “Come. Lets
return towards Vaster. Something horrible had happened there." So we fled,
retreating back towards Vaster instead.