Current Track: Blabb

13. Current situation

Since they met at the park, several days had passed. And during this short period, Jack and Cyrus had time to practice drawing and piano, play innumerable video games, walk around the city, do some shopping, dining out, or go to the cinema.

However, these moments of relaxation weren’t eternal; thus, both had to return to their work. And even though their tasks could be painful, those little moments spent together made them more tolerable.

Thus, when Jack was assigned the shelving of an entire section with Fabian, it left him completely indifferent. Which astonished the canine, who found his comrade more docile than usual. However, he paid no more attention to it and started a conversation with the feline: “By the way… how it’s going between Cyrus and you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s been almost two weeks, you see each other.”

“Rectification: it’s been seven days and seventy-two hours, to be precise.”

“Agreed. But you’re quite close, isn’t it?”

Knowing his colleague, Jack knew he had something in mind. And since he didn't say it directly, it tended to annoy him.

“Well, get to the point right now, ‘cause I don’t get it.”

“Err, that's not much time you two know each other, and yet, you’re almost always together.”

“So what, you’re jealous?”

“Not-in-the-least. But just… when we’re very close to someone, it’s possible that something happens.”


When he looked at him, Fabian felt that Jack didn’t understand his innuendo and that he began to lose impatience. He then opened his two paws, then held them together. Once his mime was over, Jack merely stared at the Dalmatian, confused, but he simply nodded.

Obviously, this gesture had meaning, but which one? When two hands are squeezing, it is to greet each other. Or that we make an agreement. Or to show its affect... And it is by visualizing this third situation that Jack finally understood. It was far-fetched, but he could see where the Dalmatian wanted to go.

“Wait, you’re suggesting that Cyrus and me… we’re in a relationship?!”

“Well, you saw each other a lot lately, so… I’ve drawn my conclusions.”

“Well, let me reassure you, it doesn’t take this path.”

“You say that ‘cause neither of you don’t want to admit it?”

“No! ‘Cause neither he nor I, we’re interested in this kind of relation.”

“That’s it. And my sister is the President.” Fabian made fun of his comrade. “No, Jack, seriously.”

Here, there was no need to deny it. Sooner or later, the truth will reveal itself. And then, even if he didn't want to admit it, Jack already had a very precise opinion on this subject.

“Okay, you win. I’m going to tell you.”

“Ah, I recognize you better this time.”

“Ha, ha. Well, it’s true with the time we spent, I thought it would be bad if I was dating him. I mean, he’s breezy, charming, caring… So yes, even if I didn’t say it to him, I already thought about this.”

“Al-right. Good grief, I feel the but coming.”

“Of course, there’s a but. But… I don’t want to jump into a relationship if it’s not mutual on both sides. And there is the problem… I don’t, feel like Cyrus want this for us both.”

“Why? ‘Cause he’s too prudish to say it frankly?”

“Oh no, quite the opposite. No, the right word would be… hesitant, that’s it. Hesitant.”

“OK, and I imagine you don’t want to ask him the question explicitly.”

“Of course not. If I ask him this way, he’ll know what I’m thinking about. And it’s not what I want here. Problem is, I still don’t find how to do this. So, I confess… I’m in an awkward position.”

“Yep, I imagine.”

During a moment of silence, the two friends reflected. Fabian was looking for what advice he could give to the feline. Jack wondered if it was a good idea to have confessed this secret to the canine, and if it wasn’t going to cause him even more problems.

“Well, if you really want to know what he thinks, you just have to schedule a meeting between you two, and during the conversation, casually slip the subject.”

“Hmmm… not daft, except subtlety and me don’t see eye to eye, you know that.”

“Sadly… Wait, it makes me think… Love isn’t psychological, it’s not only feelings.”

“Yeah.” Jack assured, confused.

“Well, on the one hand, it’s true. But when we search love, we base ourselves unconsciously on the appearance, the build.”

“Fuck, this is long explanations, Fabian. Spit it out, please.”

“Well, it’d be enough to show him your body and watch his reaction, to know if he’s into you or not.”

“Like… strip off?”

“No necessarily. For example, go shirtless, and see if he’s embarrassed or not.”

Following this suggestion, Jack had a revelation, translating into wide eyes and pout pushing an exhilarating "Ooooh!" Even though he already knew this expression, Fabian couldn’t help sneering: “Ah! Knowing this look, I can tell you caught on.”

“Not only I caught on, I even know how to push his buttons without necessarily show everything.”

“Oh yes? But, how exact—"

Suddenly, Fabian was cut off by his boss, who spat: “CAN I KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING DAMN ALL?”

“Well, we—” Fabian tried unsuccessfully to explain himself.


While we could hear the bear grumbling "You've got to be kidding me!" or “Team of idlers!”, the two colleagues watched their superior leaving. His surprise intervention had the effect of a cold shower, but their ardors didn’t dishearten, on the opposite.

“Fuck, he has nothing else to do, this one?!” Jack mumbled.

“I’ll say nothing myself. As a result, what will you do to make him react, the mouflon?”

 “I’d like to tell you, but it won’t be a surprise anymore.”

“What, you serious?! At least I can know.” The Dalmatian got offended.  “In any case, it’s not me that will eventually be disoriented.”

“You're right about that. Alright, then… see you.”

As he watched the lion leaving, the sly look; Fabian though with a smile: “I don’t know why, but I envy as I complain, this mouflon. Sigh… I hope for him he has a mind of steel.”