Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Misowled


“How did you guys lose
the deer that easily?" I exclaimed, my mouth was hanged opened staring at them
while the silence was held looming over us. Neither Horizoki or Huizuzu spoke.
Yet their heads were turned to one another in silence. Eyes interlocked as if
they were having a secret mental conversation in their heads. I, on the other
paw, just tapped my foot against the ground growling at them suddenly.
Impatient with their silence. We were standing in Vaster Square. The streets
were filled with reptiles about. All walking towards their workplaces or
whatever it is that they were going to do. With the traffic lights turning red
and green in sequential order, I opened my snout and questioned the two wolves
in front of me “Well? Got anything to say for yourself?" “None, Hunter."
Responded Huzizu with a frown, ears flatten upon the surface of his skull as he
had started whimpering. I exhaled a breath and shook my head. Kept my eyes upon
them before responding in a softer tone, “Fine. But you are going to help us
find her." “We were just about to do that anyway." Started Horizoki despite Huzizu
slapping his nose suddenly.


The sudden smack echoed
through the streets of Vaster. No one surrounding us heard it at all however
which was a miracle in the blessing to say the least. WIth an exhaled, I just
nodded in answer to the pair of wolves and turned my attention to Harkell and
Havlut. Motioning them with my raised paw to the horizon, they turned towards
me and nodded in silence. Following along while they sip their tea. “So we
needed to find that deer before anything worst comes to mind." “Define worst?"
Questioned Horizoki with a tilt of his head, though silence followed his
question afterwards. At my glare, he stayed silent while I continued my
talking, “The first thing we needed to do is post so flyers and posters; to
bring awareness to the missing deer." “I do not think anyone would be missing
that animal however, Hunter." Harkel pointed out with a frown onto his face, as
he added after his sentence “No dragon or reptile missed that son of a deer
anyway." “True. Unlike what happened earlier that is." I commented, nodding in
agreement with Harkel “But for the sake of it; lets just post them." A wave of
nods came from my pack. Quickly as they had talked, they peel themselves away
from me and heed into their own directions. They all had disappeared from my
eyes which came as a surprise even for me however.


A loud bell echoed
through the streets of Vaster as I turned away from the street and to the
building store behind me where the four wolves submerged from their hiding
spot. Out with supplies that they were holding in their paws. I chuckled,
crossing my arms before responding “So you guys wanted to start with scratch?"
No one said anything as they got right to work. For thus in a few minutes maybe
less, the posters were complete. It was an wanted poster; showcasing a mug shot
of the deer. However, unlike a real representation of the deer or a drawing of
what Doe looked like however. It was a full picture of the deer with grass
sitting underneath it. “That is not what Doe looks like." “This is what she
looked like when feral." Pipped Horizoki when Havlut slapped his face growling,
“We should start again." “We do not have time." Complained Harkell turning to
Havlut. Huzizu and Horizoki nodded their heads in agreement and Havlut exhaled
a breath nodding also before turning his attention towards me. “Now, Hunter."
He started saying. I turned to him, “Where shall we post this eh?"


It was a good twenty
minutes before we found a perfect spot for the poster and flyer. Unfortunately,
someone behind it was screaming and snuffling through the thick paper. We had
pretended not to hear it of course as I started praising my pack. “Great. Now
we just need to put up these more." “Where?" Asked Havlut with a tilt of his
head, “Everywhere!" I exclaimed with paws spread and a big goofy grin appeared
upon my face. At this, the wolves turned to one another and frowned. Yet they
all complied with my order however. For thus in a few minutes, the entire
street was filled with posters and flyers. Additionally, many individuals
reptiles found themselves stuck behind the paper. Growling, screaming, kicking
you name it.


Upon this, I smiled.
Surely now that the public awareness will see the does now. When my eyes turned
to the part of the street that we were in, I was literally surprise to see that
it was empty. I scratched my head, in ponderance why. Yet despite the sounds
that were erupting in my ears, it was rather hard to tell however. But a shook
of my head dispelled that thought as I motioned my pack and led them down the
street towards the next intersection at the very end. We had repeated ourselves
again. Putting up flyers and posters and stabling reptiles upon the back of
these wanted posters. Yet again the streets were empty. I had wondered if
anyone was even staring at our posters at all. However long into the afternoon
where we had placed the last of the posters up upon the brown fence in front of
us. It was the time that our ears flickered and warned us of oncoming noises
behind us. I, Huzizu and Havlut were the first to turn around and notice. Eyes
widened in surprise, upon seeing a large crowd of mob coming our way.


It was like a large dust
cloud coming straight for us through the desert and we are the victims. Huzizu
and Havlut screamed for once in their life, running away while dropping the
supplies upon the ground. I, on the other paw, tapped the rest of the wolves
and pointed to the dust cloud behind us. Horizoki, Haziyo and Harkell were
surprise by it. That Harkell exclaimed “What are we going to do." “Just run!" I
screamed at their faces and they departed from the spot quickly. Rounding the
corner and perhaps taking the same route as the first group of wolves. For by
the time they had disappeared, I turned my head over my shoulder and glance at
the dust cloud coming at me. It was drawing closer. Like real close. That the
skies of blue were changing rapidly to brown or pale or whatever color that
was. The buildings on the side were gone. Disappeared from my eyes as if magic.
I gasped with exhaled breath. Turned tail and ran like hell. I rounded the
corner and proceed to run through the empty street that awaited for me from the
corner. Running this street down, I rapidly approached the intersection at the
very end of it where immediately, I turned towards the right and fled.


I never knew how long was
I running for. Perhaps it had been a good minute or two. Or maybe more I guess.
But all I know was that I had survive and my pack did too however. We were
gathered in front of the construction site. Panting and breathing heavily with
our tongues stick out of our mouths. No one dared to say anything at all; for
the panting was our only priority however. Though during our break, I had
noticed that Havlut and Horizoki were on the floor. Raising their heads towards
the skies above us. Haziyo leaned against Harkell and Havlut who began pushing
him away from themselves. Haziyo acted like a ping pong between the two which
was a bit amusing and entertaining to watch. But that was shortly stopped when
Haziyo fell to the floor; face first and hard. That sudden sound stopped us and
forced us to turn towards him. A long silence came and we were uncertain
whether or not he was unconscious or alive at the time.


But a sudden voice called
out towards us. “He is alright. Just needed some water." I blinked, ears
flickered to the side unknowingly as I heard that familiar sound echoing
through my ears. For thus I had turned to the entrance of the square. Staring
there for a few minutes before widening my eyes, exclaiming so suddenly that my
voice was loud enough for anyone within the proximity to hear however. “Pop!"
The other wolves turned towards me. The wolf at the entrance glanced over too
and break into a smile. “Hunter? That you? Boy, you had grown… Tis been a while
since you had left home." “That is your dad?" Whispered Haziyo, crawling on his
belly towards me. “He looked nothing like you however." “Except for the fur-
Ow!" Havlut commented before being slapped on the face by Harkell who growled
at him. “What are you youngster up to these days anyway? Catching mice,
breeding? Getting a pack?" “Well we are already a pack." I say, pointing
straight towards the other wolves. My old pop glanced at my pack before breaking
into a smile, “They are your pack? They seem fine wolves however. Trim, build
and ready. Hopefully one of them is a female." “Pop!" I exclaimed. “Yeah that
is me." Started Haziyo in an high pitch voice. But that was silenced seconds
later when the other wolves jumped and tackled him onto the ground. Silencing
his voice to keep him from humiliating me further. The old wolf started
laughing again.


“So what are you guys
looking for?" “The deer." I blurted out, excitement causing me to open my mouth
while the other wolves froze. Turning their heads over to me. Despite neither
of them poised to tackle me to the ground and strangle me like what they were
doing with Haziyo, I smiled faintly at them in response. But turned back my
head to my old pop as he break into a smile nodding, “Going back onto your
hunting skills eh? Why I…" “...And he is back to his youthful days." I groaned
mentally, exhaling a breath before walking up towards him as he continued
rambling on. I raised my paw onto his nose; booping it suddenly as he stopped.
Eyes interlocking with mine however with the silence falling between us, I
started “As much as I like to hear about your youthful days. We are on a time
limit. I - We need to find the deer for…er. Special things. Special services
and such." “You guys having someone coming over?" The pop questioned me with a
squint of his eye before nodding his head, “I suppose so. Young wolves these
days anyway…" He muttered after his answer and he turned tail wagging his tail.
“Come on you idiots." I whispered, muttering towards my own pack as they
scrambled to untie themselves.


I was surprise that they
could not however. Due to some of their wolf bodies being interlocked with
another. It was like a ball of yarn with wolves that could not be untangled no
matter what they do. I smiled at them, chuckling silently while Harkell growled
frustrated at me. For with his eyes narrowed, he exclaimed with his voice
raised to the skies above “Damn it, Hunter. Get your old pop to help us out
like this!" “Why do you not like being with me?" Haziyo teased him with a fist
flying his way making contact with his face. The other wolves interlocked with
the two wolves fighting started screaming and yelling. Additionally, due to the
sudden jerking movements that the two wolves were also creating, their large
ball of yarn was moving left and right in sudden small movements before it
became detached to whatever was underneath them. Rolled onward through the
streets, gaining speed and catching up towards the old wolf while I exclaimed,
“Watch out!" But perhaps it was already too late anyway.


Later into the afternoon
where the sun started sinking through the horizon and the rays were retreating
away from the plains therein, we landed ourselves upon my old house. Back upon
the Northern part of Virkoal Forest. It was smaller than usual. Not unlike the
open terrain that we enjoy in Vikroal Forest however. Nonetheless, the house
was fit for just us anyway.


Me and Pop were sitting
upon the grounds; paws hiding beneath our bodies and fur while we started
chatting about the little things. Despite me being embarrassed about things
that were not suppose to surface however, I did find myself gazing away from
him. Turning my attention towards the kitchen behind us as I pondered about the
other wolves seeking for that hiding deer. I exhaled a breath and shook my
head. For my eyes closed and opened afterwards while my head was pulled towards
the ground. My pop perhaps have noticed this and kept quiet. A small smile
appeared instead before he departed his lips, questioning me just as I turned
towards him. “How did you met your pack anyway? Surely, you have an adventure
with them considering that they trust you as a pack leader." “You mean the
alpha right?" I corrected him. He just laughed shaking his head, “That too


I kept quiet. Pondering
over a small but radical decision on whether or not to spill the answer as to
how I did met them. On one paw, I did wanted to talk about it. Keep him
occupied with me while the others work to find that deer and at the same time,
talk to him about the past. Even after I had ran away from my real home
however. Shaking my head, wondering why am I remembering that past again. My
pop found my ears pulled back and laid against the skull of my head. A whimper
came from my throat. A small vibrant however. But was there none the less. As I
exhaled a breath and closed my eyes again, I nodded to myself. Turned my head
over to my pop; interlocked eyes with him and started explaining my runaway.


However, before I could
even speak a word. A sudden crash erupted the silence and the bonding I had
with my pop. He snapped onto attention and turned his head over to the kitchen.
With concern eyes, he walked and disappeared from my sights as I frowned pondering
if we were caught however. A long silence had worried me and I mentally debated
with myself, whether or not should I join up with the rest of them. But just as
I picked myself up and well onto my feet was the time my ears heard something.
Unorthodox however. That a surprise look upon my face popped suddenly, released
by my mental resistance however. For I blinked in surprise and cautiously
walked towards the kitchen, thoughts were running through my mind in wonderance
of what was unfolding before me. However, I did not had to worry at all when I
had noticed what was happening.


Before me stood Huzizu
and Horizoki arguing with one another. Their paws were pointing to one another
as screams and yells echoed between them. Between their feet stood a broken
dish; pieces were shattered in all directions that it was hard to make out what
design it was however. As the pair of wolves were chattering amongst
themselves, I turned towards the right. Spotting pop staring at them, a smile
breaks upon his snout. Before that faded away, he walked away and came back a
few seconds later with a dust and a broom. Upon spotting pop again, I growled
at the two wolves bickering. Getting them to stop and turned towards me, while
I whispered to them “Play along." A slight nod came as the growl came back
replacing my words while Huzizu and Horizoki started accusing one another. It
had not been a few seconds when a fight broke out between them where Horizoki
tackled Huzizu to the ground. A loud set of growls and barks came and yipped
from either of them while I jumped back. Smiling faintly at them in silence before
turning attention towards my pop who blinked in surprise at the two wolves
adjacent to me.


He grabbed them both.
Pulling them apart and brought them upstairs which they had disappeared from my
sights. Yet Huzizu and Horizoki winked their eyes towards me and I responded
with a raised paw, thumbs up upon them before breaking into a smirk as I turned
back around and headed back towards the living room once again. For there I
sat, patiently while staring at the white wall in front of me. With the silence
looming and surrounding me, I inhaled and exhaled a breath before opening my
eyes once again. My ears flickered upon hearing rapid footsteps come forth and
I turned my attention towards my pop whom groaned and shook his head, “You pack
needs some manners." “That they do." I joked, rolling my eyes remembering that
three of my packmates never learn and were committed to the same cause no
matter what.


So me and pop resumed our
talking once again. The conversation was long. It brought up upon my past.
After I had ran away from the city of course and ended up here in Virkoal
Forest where I had became their packleader at best. Surprisingly, the job to lead
had became easier as time and story went on however. Cracking jokes, running
from law, etc. I chuckled at some of the memories made with them, my packmates.
But upon the look of my pop; that was quickly set aside. We continued talking
again at a different topic this time around. Seeing that the pop had already
knew me being inside Vaster, he wanted to have a conversation about that too. I
nodded about it; speaking about things and keeping silence about others. As my
ears heard some loud sounds roaring from upstairs, I bit my tongue and stayed
silent. My pop blinked at me and raised his head towards the ceiling above us.
Tilting his head to one side as he questioned me, “Had your packmates been
always this troublesome?" “Half and half." I commented, chuckling again which
now he took consideration upon. “Do tell." He encouraged me, laying onto his
paws and raised his eyes at me. I break into a smirk.


With a followed up sound
and another crash from a window, I think, I began my long talk about my
packmates. And just as I had started too, in the corner of my eye; I spotted
Horizoki and Haziyo falling with a vacuum cleaner just outside our house.
Following the two wolves and a vacuum cleaner, an unknown dog also started
falling barking at the other 'dogs' below it. When that dog crashed upon the
ground, I heard whimpering. Following the whimpering, a loud explosion was
heard. Both me and Pop turned our heads over to the window where we started
seeing dust and particles and gray cloths sprayed everywhere and upon our
windows too. “We are alright!" Exclaimed, Horizoki. “What about the dog?"
Someone from the second floor shouted to them, “He is alright." “Injured."


“What is going on out
there? What is your packmates blattering about." Pop asked which clear
confusion as he turned his attention towards the window behind him. With a
surprise look upon his face that sudden change from his clear confusion
however, he ran towards the kitchen again and out the bark door. A loud yell
came from him which was heard all the way inside however. I bursted out into
laughter. But at the same time, I picked myself up and screamed at the wolves
upstairs “Time is up. Pop already knew our antics. Time to go!" “Got it!"
Exclaimed Harkell as crashes of windows were heard again. I ran towards the
front door. Grabbed onto the front knob and tilted to the side; opening the
door. I ran outside where I met with Harkell, Havlut and Huzizu. “What is going
on?" Asked Huzizu despite no one anothering him as we all ran together. From
the house behind us, back towards Virkoal Forest where we had disappeared
before his very eyes.