Current Track: Blabb

Invane: ReTree


“Come on big money!"
Exclaimed Huzizu while the rest of us gathered around him. He rolled his hand
and dropped the dice upon the ground. It hit the ground a couple of times
before settling off, revealing the fate of our money. “Double ones!" Screamed
Haziyo in surprise as Harkell and Havlut groaned raising their paws onto their
faces, covering their eyes in the following silence. “Snake eyes. Ha." Spoke
the announcer in front of us with a smug plastered upon his face. He raised his
eyes towards Huzizu and added, “Sorry. But you guys lost. Now give me what I
owed." “Why did you seriously bet with five of our coins, Huzizu?" Growled
Harkell as he stared at him in silence while he gave the announcer what owned.
“Cause I thought we could get more money." “Not like this, you dolt." Spat
Harkell with his eyes narrowed at him. A pause of silence fell between them
while the rest of us backed away from the game we were playing; Huzizu shifted
his attention to Harkell. Mirroring that same narrowed look against him as it
looks like a standoff was starting between the two.


Nervously, Havlut and
Haziyo stepped forth inbetween the two and held their paws in front of
themselves with worried looks upon their faces. All four wolves were in the way
of one another, though in the presented scenario: it does looks like a two vs
one vs one however. Shaking my head at the sowed distrust between all four of
them, I growled and followed up with a bark at them. They all flinched suddenly
and turned their heads over to me as I spoke back towards them, “You are
embarrassing me. Look around you, the audience have gathered awaiting for a dog
vs dog realm." They did turned about and searched. Now noticing an audience
surrounding them. For each of them stepped away from one another; tails between
their legs and ears flattened against their skulls with silence following after
them. The audience dispersed then, muttering grumbling at the potential of a
fight. Although I could allow the audience to watch them, I could not since it
would make me a weak leader of the pack. Additionally, some other wolf in the
audience could step in and take the spot from me. Something that I would not
allow since all four of these wolves are…


I facepalmed which earned
a concerned look from Haziyo and Huzizu. Harkell and Havlut never cared and
just walked in front of us. As I stopped, Huzizu questioned me “What is wrong?
Something on your mind?" “I should had just let you guys fight. Another potential
to gain more money from this gullible audience." “Right…" Trailed Haziyo and
shook his head as he walked, following the two british wolves ahead of us.
Huzizu chuckled in silence or in answer, yet stayed silent afterwards as he
shift his head to the horizon beyond us. Therein, he spotted the other three
wolves already gaining a gap from me and Huzizu and he howled for them to
stopped. Surprisingly, they did after stretching their ears and glancing over
their shoulders. Both me and Huzizu ran to catch up towards them as they
resumed walking at a slower pace. “What took you?" “Sorry was self reflecting."
I answered without hesitation, hanging my head and glance at the ground while
the rest of the way was silence.


Before I had forgotten
anything. We were on the boardwalk of some beach in canine realm. We kinda like
it here despite the audience being canines. The waves of waters over to our
right; washing away at the sands before falling back rather quickly. Seagulls
flew above us, singing their voices loud and clear for anyone else to hear them
from below. They were rather loud however and a bit obnoxious at times. That
sometimes I did want to grab a shotgun and shoot at them. Gaining some lunch or
dinner there after. But something tells me that the author would not allow it.
Why? Because this is comedy and not survival, thriller or any of those other
genres that the author writes. So while we were walking alongside the shores,
heading back onto our hotel which we had no money to enter or file a room
however. I heard Huzizu groaned and probably growled following shortly it. As
Harkell and Havlut shift their heads towards Huzizu, he muttered perhaps
underneath his breath somehow. “I still think he rigged that game just to gain
those five coins." “You did remember to use the regular coins and not the ones
that VPD or Lizard had given to us." I say after a while as he froze and fell
behind. Nervousness was upon him. His fur stood on end, his eyes widened in
surprise as his voice was suddenly stuttering. Shuffling his feet as if he was
in some sort of dance, he hanged his head and shook it.


“Maybe." was his only
answer. I facepalm and exhaled a breath. “Idiot." Commented Havlut as he glared
at him. “Now how are we going to tell them about our sudden lost?" “Easy."
Responded immediately was Haziyo as he stepped in between me, Havlut and Huzizu
while we all turned towards him with confusion upon our faces. But he just
grinned like an idiot or something and inhale a breath before he spoke. Yet
Huzizu responded before him. He turned around immediately and sprinted. Closing
the gap between himself and that guy that we had 'played' a game with, he
suddenly disappeared before our very eyes except for Haziyo who frowned
suddenly. Grumbled a bit before walking forward to follow after him. But
Harkell stopped him by going in front of him and smiled, rather faintly. I
could not tell if it was a smirk, smug or something else. Regardless, we all
knew what would happened.


For in the seconds that
came and early into the sunset hours, we turned our attention towards Huzizu
who came back now with five coins in his paw. His fur was still on end; eyes
still wide and ears stretched as he ran forth towards us. Behind him was that
owner, screaming and shouting with his paw held high above his head. Though he
seemed to be a bit slower than him however. As Huzizu bypassed us and sprinted
away across the sands, kicking up particles that flew up into the midair before
falling again, we followed after him with mixture of emotions from each of us.
Harkell and Havlut could not believed it. Huzizu could however and he started
prancing around him with joy. Both Harkell and Havlut hanged their jaws, yet
shook their heads and closed their eyes knowing that we are really insane. Thus
chuckling lightly afterwards. As the gathered wolves were discussing with one
another, my ears perked remembering about that owner who came after Huzizu and
turned my head around. Glancing back upon the sands behind us. I scanned the
area for him. But had noticed that he was already gone. 'That was a surprise.'
I thought to myself while the four said wolves walked towards me. “We should
head back to canine realm. I bet you that the lizard is waiting for these five
coins." “Perhaps we should." I say after hearing him and faintly smiling
towards him.


“After all," I commented
while the four wolves picked themselves up from the sands, “We held onto these
long enough."


So upon the midnight hour
we had arrived upon the forest. Peace and tranquility was the place was. It was
even our own home also. As we gathered at the entrance of it; the four wolves
stepped in front of me. Putting themselves between me and the entrance of the
forest as I tilted my head to one side and questioned, “Why are you guys
there?" “Should we head in now?" Started Huzizu as he turned his head towards
me, I nodded in silence as the rest of the wolves started heading right onto
in. Disappearing from my sights, one by one until I was left outside of the
forest. I stayed silent and shook my head; exhaling a breath before following
them inside. I had not noticed that the forest was pitch dark. It was rather
impossible to see anything surrounding us which was a surprise even for me. Yet
despite the forest being dark; it was also noisy. Chirps and hissing surrounded
our ears as I flatten them and frowned, my heart beating fast as I had recalled
having fear in those snakes however. I had forgotten to mention that the road
ahead of us was straight. A straight shot towards the horizon, I meant.
Although yes, it was dirty. Brown coloring makes up the road. Rocks and 'rocks'
found in every corner and side of the roads however. The smell reaching up
towards our nostrils making some of us gagged at response.


“I had forgotten how
stinky it was here." “Anyone got a cloth?" Questioned Huzizu while Havlut
turned towards him with a question, “Why you need one?" “Its smelly." He
answered, no one said anything after that point. As we continued onward,
trucking ourselves forth through the dirty smelly road ahead of us. We finally
reached the end of it. A huge lake was in front of us; stretched side to side
where it touches against the forest trees on the sides. “I bet you it is deep!"
Exclaimed Haziyo suddenly as he rushed forward and attempted to jump right in.
But Harkell stopped him immediately before he could commit such a thing. With
his narrowed eyes, he nudged his head backwards where a brown sign was stabbed
against the soft grounds. Showcasing 'fishes'. “What kind anyway?" I asked
which Harkell shrugged and sat upon the ground in silence, I looked towards him
then turned towards the other wolves. But they were surprise that Haziyo was
dipping his paw upon the surface of the waters, hanging his head as he glanced
at his reflection. “I see no fishes here. I think it is fine." “Do not be
certain about that, Haziyo." Responded Havlut as he called back towards him.


Splash. “I guess he was
not certain, Havlut." I commented with a smirked as every wolf head turned
towards Haziyo already splashing in the waters with joy upon his face.
“Haziyo!" Screamed Havlut as he rushed after him and jumped into the water
following after him. He swam after him which was not far however. Then dragged
him back towards shore where he threw him onto land as he dug himself out from
the waters. Both Havlut and Haziyo were soaking wet; their fur was groomed to
the side. Yet drops of water was falling from their stomachs. While Havlut was
muttering to himself; continuing to dig his paw onto the chest of Haziyo, we
all gathered around him except for Huzizu who threw the five coins into the
lake and 'wished' for recover.


But instead of recovery
for Haziyo, the lake glowed pure white. It continued to brighten which causes
me and Havlut to shift our heads back towards the glowing lake where Huzizu was
standing on his hind legs, clapping his paws together and closing his eyes. A
few seconds into the lake brightening and glowing white, something came from
the waters before him which forced Huzizu to open his eyes as he gaze out
towards the waters before him. Another splash came. Then another. Before long,
we had noticed large koi fishes jumping out from the lake. They 'swam' at
lands, opening their mouths and swallowed everything in their paths. The air
swirled around them harshly as screams suddenly filled the bleak skies. We all
glanced at the koi then towards Huzizu who held his paws stretched to the side
as he started saying something that also filled the skies with his words too.
But then, one of the koi ate him. That was when, Haziyo woke up. He groaned as
he stirred in his sleep; tossing and turning as if he was having a bad dream.
Me, Havlut and Harkell looked at him with disappointment in our snouts before
one of us slapped his face forcing him to wake up suddenly.


For he jolted and swung
his head forward, hitting heads with Havlut who groaned as well. His fangs
tightening in his jaw while Haziyo scanned the area around him and spoke, “What
happened?" Neither of us said anything in response to him. For we were in the
dark the same as him. But after a long pause of silence, listening to the
screams and shouts coming from the inhabitants of the forest; Havlut perked and
flicked his ears as he had remembered something and said, “Oh yeah. We almost
forgot." “What is it?" Haizyo questioned with a tilt of his head, glancing to
Havlut who responded “Huzizu got eaten." A short pause came from either of the
wolves. Before long, Haizyo exclaimed while getting up onto his feet “Huzizu
got eaten!" The rest of us nodded in response as Haizyo stretched his paws
outward and snatched Havlut off from his feet. With me and Harkell staring in
disbelief of what Haizyo was about to do, we watched him as he ran with Havlut
being dragged behind him. He spinned him around a couple of times; gaining
speed and height or whatever before releasing his grip of the wolf. Sailing him
onto the air and straight into a koi's mouth.


For that he had dusted
his paws and smiled, pleased with himself. Walking back towards the rest of us,
he sat down onto the ground and wagged his tail happily. Both me and Harkell
stared at him; mouths opened and eyes widened. Pupils glowed white, disappearing
suddenly. With ears pulled back, I managed to speak to Haziyo in front of us.
Though it only came as a stutter. “Haziyo… do you even realize what you had
done?" “I threw Havlut into the mouth of the monster to save Huzizu." “True." I
agreed with him while Harkell nodded his head in silence, though it was only a
short nod and nothing else however. “But that was the wrong fish." “But do they
all look the same? Or at least have the same stomach or something? It is a
monster for wolf's sake!" He screamed at us, venting out his frustration before
shaking his head afterwards and in response. As he grumbled and turned himself
around, he stormed through the path that the koi was and disappeared swiftly
through the remaining forest trees that sticked around. All was silent therein;
except following after that silence was a loud of banging and fist punches
noises that we could not explain about.


Till we noticed the koi
flying in midair, disappearing into the skies. Or at least exploded in the
skies, I guess. Haizyo gathered Huzizu and Harkell in his back. Humming as he
walked towards us. Then dropped both unconscious wolves onto the grounds in the
silence before seating himself in front of us. “How?" I choked, still in
disbelief. “How?" Haizyo smiled with confidence, “With the power of video
games!" “Those do not exist in medieval times." Pointed out Havlut while Haizyo
turned to him and nodded his head, “Right. Forgot." I shook my head and said
nothing more while Havlut exhaled a breath, chuckling lightly as if he was
amused by Haizyo for a moment there. As the three remaining wolves stood there
around the two unconscious wolves lying on the ground, we listened to the
screams and terror surrounding us. But before we could end this scene, I did
had something to ask as I shifted my attention towards Haziyo and asked, “So
what are we going to do with the koi invasion then?" “Those are Koi?" Haziyo questioned,
tilting his head and I said nothing more 
than stupid question.



So morning was cracked
from the horizon. The koi invasion was defeated and the forest animals had
celebrated their victory. With half of the koi population dead upon the lands,
perhaps it was a surplus for the inhabitants of the forest to start feasting onto
them. Save for the bears however who were hibernating during this time. I had
forgotten what season this forest has and what had came next afterwards, since
we never lived here all our life that is. But despite that, it does not even
hurt to even ask someone to know. However, I had remembered that I just do not
care. So remaining seated upon the grounds just as the winds blew gently upon
our fur. With the sun rising gradually high in the skies, I exhaled a breath
and closed my eyes before opening them. Glancing over to Harkell and Havlut;
both of which were already awake, they nodded to me. “Guess it is time to
deliver these towards their owner." I say as every wolf nodded their heads.
“Quick! I know the fastest way to get there!" Started Huzizu while the rest of
us turned towards him immediately with fear across our faces.


It was just as we had
suspected. A cannon that somehow he stole from the inhabitants of the forest.
Thus at this, I had to facepalm once more. “Where did you get this?" Havlut
asked, a bit scared that his voice was starting to fade. “From the inhabitants.
They allowed me to use one of their weapons as thanks for aiding them in this
invasion." “What invasion?" Havlut growled, stepping to Huzizu and stabbed his
chest with his paw narrowing his eyes at him, “The one that you started?" “I
did not started that invasion?" Huzizu started, but felt the poke in his chest
while Havlut countered. I ran up towards the pair and separated them. One on
either side of me. As they glared and pointed paws, I said nothing while
turning my head to Harkell and Haizyo. Both of which stayed silent as they
walked around us, into the cannon itself where they disappeared. “Guys. Guys."
I say overtop of their screaming voices as they turned towards me suddenly,
“Get this over with. Return this cannon to them. Stop complaining." “Fine."
Havlut responded with a mutter as he too climbed onto the cannon. “Ok." Huzizu
responded too while getting behind the cannon and fired.


Although it left behind a
sizzle that floated into midair. The three wolves that were inside the cannon
walls never came out forcefully. Though they all were covered in soot then
after. While I tried not to snicker, Huzizu laughed for a good second or two
before turning his head back towards the cannon again and spoke, “Guess I had
forgotten the powder." “The what!" Exclaimed all three as their voice was
carried out from the interior of the cannon. For upon this, Huzizu grabbed a
jar of black powder from nowhere and stepped forth closer to the cannon where
he rose to his hind legs. Jabbing a paw into the mouth of the cannon and threw
the entire jar inside. A short crash came and some scream afterwards before
Huzizu fired the cannon again. This time, all three flew into an arc. Flying
high into the dawning skies into the direction of where the realm was.
“Alright!" He said successfully with a smile, I said nothing but walked to him.
“Its our turn now."


“Not so fast!" A voice
called out as both our heads were turned to the source of it. We were spotted
by a house. A literal house for goodness sake. For as I stared at the house
standing before us, Huzizu felt nervous suddenly as he gaze at it in response
who spoke answering the silence that surrounded us, “You own us five coins. You
lost during that game at the beginning of the story." “You do not own us
anything!" Exclaimed Huzizu as he grabbed me and himself, shoving us into the
cannon mouth and fired immediately. However, he had forgotten the black powder
and just covered us in soot then after. As I groaned, whether in pain or
something else; both me and Huzizu dropped onto the ground. Exhausted and the
house laughed at us suddenly. “Foolish fools! You would not get away that
easily!" “Yes we will!" Exclaimed Huzizu and he grabbed me again, sprinting
across the lake surface waters. The house tried to mirror Huzizu, but fell into
the lake. Thousands of bubbles float onto the air, each one was him screaming about
something. Or cursing us. Whether one comes first however.


As the bubbles fade till
they were extinguished, both me and Huzizu stared at the water lakes. Then
towards one another in silence before smiling. For we turned around and heed
away from the lake waters, walking with joy upon our faces as we slowly end this


“Roar!" Came a sudden
sound which we perhaps already knew it was the house. Upon hearing that noise,
we turned our heads over our shoulders and gasped. Mouths hanged wide. Eyes
widened in surprise. Before shortly after, we sprinted across the plains with
that thing behind us. Oh yeah, I forgot to describe what the house was. It was
huge that it covered the blue skies above it; casting a shadow that stretched
farther than we could see however. The house itself remained the same; save for
a couple of fishes that was nibbling upon its wood. 'Wink wink'. An evil darken
smile ran across his face. Huge eyes narrowed at us in response while white
small feet hit the grounds, creating earthquakes that vibrates the lands
creating cracked and down trees and such. We continued running; fear trailing
us. The harsh winds blew against our faces as we ran. Sprinting down the plains
before us till we noticed a isolated cave at the other end of the plains.


“Quick in here!" Started
Huzizu, motioning me as I nodded after him. For immediately we entered in; the
light fading from our eyes and darkness replacing it afterwards. We dove right
in, creating a large gap that would sustain and keep us away from harm up until
this story ends. “I really hope this story does end…" Commented Huzizu,
worried. His tail was hanged. Ears flatten upon his skull as he whimpered;
panting lightly. I panted too nodding my head as I wondered if the author's
hands were hurting writing this long however. But shaking my head, we continued
further into the cavern. Till we started hearing something in the distance that
forced us to stop. With my ears stretched out, I frowned and turned to Huzizu
who nodded. We both knew who it was and unfortunately, we were stuck at a hard
spot. Groaning immediately, I scraped the rock hard grounds underneath us in
nervousness while Huzizu whimpered and sat upon the cold grounds.


We were stuck. Between a
house that demanded money from us and a bear that we are fearful about. For as
I pondered how we going to get out of this. I just closed my eyes and curled
up. Huzizu stared at me with widened eyes. But recognizing that this was all
that we could do for now; he committed to the same cause. For before long, we
were fast asleep.