Current Track: Blabb

I was chased by Eric in the meadow. Just having a fun time together.

Eric laughed while he was chasing me and he hollered, "Wait till I get my hands on you!"

I laughed while I was being chased and I looked over my shoulder while I was running, "No you won't! You can't even catch my tail!" I laughed even harder at the statement.

Finally I ran out of breath and I stopped where I was at and I was breathing heavily. Eric finally caught up to me and he started wheezing, "See...I told you I would catch you."

I rolled my eyes while I was wheezing as well, "Show off!" Then we both laughed.

While we were both laughing, I heard another voice, "Sierra!"

I looked at the direction of voice and I smiled when I saw him. It was Wayne and he's standing on top of a hill waving his hand at me. I sat down on my haunches and I waved back at him with my paw.

Wayne ran down the hill to meet me and Eric. He got right in front of me and I lowered my head to his level. Wayne started to pet me at my nose. I licked his hand.

Eric came to Wayne and he patted him on his shoulder. Wayne looked at him and he grinned. Wayne grinned right back.

I smiled at both of them, very content to see both of them with me. Then they both looked at me and smiled.

Wayne then said to me, "Sierra."

I said to him, "Wayne." Then I nuzzled his face.

But after I did that to Wayne all of a sudden he and Eric disappeared and I was alone.

Alone in a place that's not the meadow. But a place of darkness.

I was so afraid that I didn't know where I was at. I called out, "Wayne! Eric! Where are you?!"

Then all of a sudden the darkness began to shift and now here I was in front of Eric's house, and it's already burned to the ground.

My eyes went wide at the sight and I shuddered. No...Not again.

I screamed, "ERIC!!!" I ran to the ruins of the burned down house, trying to find Eric hoping that he's still alive. While I was in the ruins I found a body on the floor and I gasped.

I screamed, "NO!" Then I ran to the body and slowly picked him up off the ground. I carried him away from the house and onto the open ground. I let him down slowly and just stared at him.

Tears were brimming in my eyes. No...I'm too late.

I didn't save you...It's all my fault.

I turned the body over and saw his face and I gasped.

No it's not Eric.

It's Wayne! Wayne died!

I backed away from the body and shook my head repeatedly. No he can't be dead. Not Wayne! I shut my eyes tight at the sight.

He can't be dead! Not Wayne!

Then I heard a voice behind me, "You did this to him Sierra."

I whirled around and saw the figure behind me. It was Eric and he pointed an accusing finger at me. He snarled, "You did this to him! You killed him!"

I shook my head again, "NO! It can't be true!"

Then the world became dark again and Eric disappeared right in front of me. My eyes went wide and I called out, "Eric! Where are you!?"

I heard a voice behind me in the darkness, "It's just me and you now."

I gasped and I whirled around and saw not Eric, but a different figure. A blue dragon who looks just like me.

My eyes went wide at the sight. She's ME! What's going on here?!

The other me walked toward me, her eyes are different than mine. Her eyes are all white compared to mine. She has no irises.

The other me smiled at me and said, "What's the matter? Did you forget about me? It has been awhile since we've last spoken to each other."

I growled at her, "Who are you?! And what is this place?!"

The other me waved her paw around the area, "Why this is our home, Sierra. And who I am, well I'm YOU actually."

My face went wide, "What?! No, you can't be me!"

She laughed, "Oh yes, it is you! I am YOU! And this is our home! We have lived together for a long time and this is the place we've lived in."

I snarled, "Where's Wayne!? Where's Eric?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THEM?!!!!"

The other me glared at me, "You don't need to worry about them again. In fact, we are together now. Just like we always were. Ever since you've killed the king, I was always with you. In fact, you were born as a monster and you always will be!"

I shut my eyes tight denying the facts, "No! I'm not a monster! I never was!"

The other me shook her head, "You're just denying yourself! You think you can escape your past?! You think you can just move on?! NO! You can't! It's your fault that Eric died, the human you have loved and he died because of you! And there it was, a monster is born. And it's you! You've killed the king and you didn't give him any mercy!"

I shook my head, "I didn't want my life to be like this! I didn't want to be THIS!"

The other me snarled, "Well you are and you cannot escape it! And you think you can protect Wayne forever!? No, because he'll die too, and it'll be your fault!"

I screamed, "SHUT UP!"

The other me got close to me, close to my face and she said, "You can't turn back on yourself. You can't escape who you are."

I glared at her, "I know who I am! And I'm not you!"

Then suddenly the other me disappeared and in her place is Wayne. And he had a fearful look on his face.

He pleaded, "NO! Please Sierra, don't kill me!"

Suddenly I was beginning to lose control over myself. I was about to breath fire at him.

What's going on here?! I don't want to kill him! I love him!

Wayne pleaded once more, "Please don't kill me!"

I tried to regain control, but something is making me do a horrible thing. I tried scream at him to run, but I can't. My mouth won't form words. It only wants to breath fire at him. It's no use.

I could feel the smoke coming out of my mouth. I was about to breath fire at him. No Wayne run!

Wayne screamed at me, "NOOOOO!!!!!" That's when I let out a strong burst of flame and the fire consumed him. His screams are so loud, they haunt me.

My eyes went wide while I was blowing fire at him. NO! What have I done?!

The fire went away in a instant and all there was were bones. Wayne's bones.

I shook my head in denial. No....No!

But it's true, I've just murdered Wayne.

I screamed for him, "WAYNE!!!!"

Then I woke up with a gasp. I raised my head and started to breath heavily. After a second I realized that I was in my motel room.

I was dreaming of all that. That I've killed Wayne. It was all a dream.

I sighed to myself. Oh ancestors. I looked over my shoulder and saw Wayne sleeping close to me. My gasp didn't wake him up.

I sighed again. It really was a dream. He's not dead.

But...Oh god, I really thought I've killed him.

Tears started to form at my eyes. I'll never kill him. NEVER.

I looked at him one last time, before I laid my head on the furs and closed my eyes.

I know what I've done years ago was wrong. But I'll never do that again.

I'll never kill another human like that again. Not like killing the king. If a human wants mercy, I'll give him mercy. I gave Wayne mercy, before I took him to the city for the first time.

And I will always give Wayne mercy. I love him.

I'll never do it again. Ever.

For Wayne...For Eric.

I'll do it for both of them. No matter what happens.

And that's a promise, I'm willing to keep.


I walked with Sierra and Cody to the Braveheart. Just heading there to find Joanna.

While she was walking Sierra looked down at me and asked, "So tell me again, where are we planning to go on this trip this time?"

I shrugged while I was walking, "Well any place you would want to think of, I suppose. Honestly I just wanted to get out of the city for a little bit. Just go exploring."

Cody beamed when he heard me say that, "Yeah! I mean, it was fun when I went on the trip to that cavern with all the light crystals with you guys. I want to go exploring some more!"

Sierra laughed and said, "I suppose you love being out of the city, young dragon?"

Cody nodded profusely, "Oh yeah. Just to broaden my horizons."

I said, "Broaden your horizons? I like the sound of that! I need to broaden mine!"

Sierra giggled at me, "You already have."

I looked up at her and smiled, "Yep I have."

Sierra muttered, "You know I still can't believe that we're inviting the owner of the Braveheart to come with us. She hasn't been out of the city for years."

I nodded, "I know. And I thought why not? She can get some space from working so much. After all no one lives forever and might as well show her that everything outside the city has changed."

Sierra smiled at me, "That's...Very sweet of you."

I said to her, "Joanna's like a mother to me. Besides that, at least let her have some time off."

Sierra said, "Well I'm glad you're suggesting it to her." Then Sierra added, "But I seriously hope she considers it."

I nodded, "Me too."

Me, Sierra, and Cody kept on walking on the streets to the Braveheart. When we were close we all saw Amanda and Neal standing outside of the restaurant. Chatting with each other.

I waved at them, "Hey guys!"

Amanda waved back and beamed, "Morning guys!"

Sierra smiled at Neal and Amanda and asked, "Hello Neal, how was Amanda's sleepover at your place?"

Neal smiled and nodded, "I haven't had company for a long time. I'm glad you gave me the idea to let her stay at my house."

Amanda exclaimed, "Yeah! Neal's house has a beautiful fireplace and the furs he has are soft. More softer than the motel's!"

We all laughed and then I asked, "Hey guys, did you see Joanna in there? Me, Sierra, and Cody are getting ready to leave the city again and we were going to go get her."

Neal cocked his head, "You are? You guys just got back to the city and you want to go out again? Where are you guys going now?"

Sierra shrugged, "Just thought we go out somewhere. After all we had a fun time exploring out of the city before."

Neal grinned, "Well in that case, I'm coming with you guys. I wouldn't mind it."

Amanda said, "Yeah me too. I'm the outdoors kind of girl anyways."

I laughed, "Sure guys you can come. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do in the woods."

Amanda shot a glare at me, "What does THAT mean?"

I raised my hands in defense, "Nothing. Just nothing."

Neal cocked his head at me, "I don't get it."

Cody cocked his head at me as well, "Yeah, I don't get it either."

Sierra laughed, "Well guess what? I don't get it either." Then she lowered her head to my level and she nuzzled me. I petted under her chin. And we both smiled at each other.

Amanda smiled at us and said, "You two look cute together today."

Sierra grinned at her, "Isn't it obvious?"

Neal giggled, "Looks obvious to me!"

Cody cocked his head again, "What the hell are you guys talking about?"

I waved him off, "Nothing dude."

Cody pressed, "Doesn't look nothing, and now I just don't want to know."

Joanna came out of the restaurant and saw us standing outside. Her face went wide and she beamed at all of us, "Well good morning everyone!" She walked towards us and she sat down on her haunches, her tail curling around her, "You guys hungry? You know the restaurant's open today don't you?"

I smiled at her, "Hi Joanna. And yes we know the restaurant's open today. We were just talking."

Joanna cocked her head, "Oh? About what hon?"

I said, "Remember that me and Sierra are planning to leave the city? Well we're leaving today, if you want to come with us."

Joanna's face went wide and she said, "OH! Uh....I still don't know if I want to go. I mean...It's still kinda dangerous to me."

Sierra shook her head, "I wouldn't worry about it. Besides that things in that world have changed. There are no dragon slayers now. Not anymore."

Neal beamed at Joanna, "Yeah come on! You said that you haven't left the city for YEARS! At least take some time off from the restaurant."

Cody looked up at her with a pleading look, "Yeah, it sounds fun! Come on Joanna!"

Joanna laughed, her old lady laugh. Then she looked at us and said, "Well...I'll still think about it. But still no promises." And with that she whirled around on us and walked off.

Neal had a pity look on his face when he watched her walk away, "Well sounds like Joanna...Doesn't want to come with us."

Sierra shrugged, "Maybe she'll change her mind. Just give her some time to think."

Cody said, "Well I hope she does go with us. A little outdoors adventure would do her some good! After all whatever fear she has, she'll have to confront it someday."

Sierra nodded at the statement, "Too true, young dragon. Too true."

I shrugged and sighed, "Well if she doesn't want to come so be it then. We can't force her to change her mind. It's up to her."

Neal nodded and said, "Well me and Amanda are heading back to my house. So we'll meet you guys at the top of the wall. Alright?"

I nodded, "Ok, we'll meet you guys there later."

And with that Amanda and Neal walked away from us. Not before Amanda waved her hand at us.

Me and Sierra both watched them leave with smiles, Sierra said, "They look cute together."

I giggled, "Hey we look cute together as well. So what do you think of that?"

Sierra looked at me and said, "I think that's fine by me. After all we are cute together."

Cody cocked his head at us, "Ok, did I miss something? What the hell are you guys talking about?"

Sierra giggled and looked at Cody, "Trust me young one, you're too young to know this."

Cody narrowed his eyes at her and stomped his foot to the ground, "What are you talking about?! I'm not a hatchling!"

Me and Sierra laughed.


Me, Cody and Sierra are waiting on top of the wall together, waiting for Neal and Amanda to come. And Joanna as well.

I thought about Joanna. I hope she considers my offer. It'll do her some good to just get out of the city for a while. And while I was thinking about Joanna, I saw Sierra's face. Like she was thinking about something.

Like she did something wrong.

I frowned at her. That's odd. I know that she had that look before. Like she blamed herself for Eric's death. But this...This is different.

Now that I think about it, she never did tell me how Eric died, I mean I know he died in some kind of fire. I know it that much. But she never once talked about it.

She said that she has made a lot of mistakes in her life. She told me that before.

I wonder what she's thinking about?

I asked Sierra, "Hey you doing ok?"

Sierra shook her head like she was in a trance and looked down at me. She nodded, "I'm doing fine." She smiled at me, "Why?"

I shrugged, "No particular reason, you just had a weird look on your face. Actually you've had that look ALL morning. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

Sierra shook her head and gave me a comforting smile, "No really Wayne. I'm fine. I'm just..." She moved her eyes away for a second and then she looked at me and said, "Tired."

I frowned at her. Somehow, since I've known her for several days now I knew she's hiding something. Why haven't I thought about having her talk about what happened to Eric? Or why she left the city and never came back?

I really am wondering. But I'll ask her about it later. When the time comes.

Neal came to us flying with Amanda on his back. He landed on the wall with us on there and Amanda got off his back. Neal's wings curling behind him. Neal beamed at us, "Hey everyone."

Cody came to Neal, "Hey big red dude! What took you so long?"

Neal looked down at his friend, "Sorry about that. It's just that Amanda here had to look for her bag and it took her awhile to find it. I don't see what's so special about it."

Amanda shot a glare at him, "In case, I was going swimming with you giant lizards. My swimming clothes are in there. What did you want to see a naked human woman running in the woods?"

I giggled, "Well I'm not a giant lizard so what does that make me?"

Amanda narrowed her eyes at me, "You being a perv, that's what you are."

I laughed, "Ah come on girl! You know me all too well." That's when Sierra used her paw to spank my ass and I yelped and put both my hands to it. Ow!

I glared at Sierra and asked, "Sierra! What was that for?!"

Sierra glared at me, "For being a perv to a human girl."

I gave her a mock expression, "I wasn't being a perv!"

Sierra shot up her head, "Hmpf! Could have fooled me." Then she grinned at me, "That's what all males are like. A bunch of pervs."

Neal's eyes went wide and he shook his paw in defense, "What? I'm not a perv."

Sierra giggled and shot back, "Yeah right! Amanda called you a big red scaly pervert the other day. So I doubt your words."

Cody joined in, "Hey I'm a small green dragon, so does that make me a pervert as well?"

Sierra rolled her yes, "Come on young one, seriously? You have to ask us that question?"

Cody coked his head, "Well am I?"

Sierra shook her head, "Nope, you are a gentleman."

Cody jumped up and down on his paws, "EEEE! I'm not a pervert!"

Neal rolled his eyes and snorted, "I'm not going to get myself into this."

Sierra yapped at him, "Too late, you're already in it."

Neal muttered, "Damn it." Then we all laughed.

Amanda petted Neal on the neck, rubbing her hand on him and smiled at him, "It's alright big red dude. You're not a pervert right now. You're acting like a real gentleman now."

Neal twisted his neck to look at her and smiled, "Aw, that means a lot."

Then Amanda pointed her finger at his face, "But say that I have nice curves and I'll kill you."

Neal playfully cocked his head, "Why not? You do have nice curves."

She glared at him and she finally let out a sigh, "Why do I bother? Once a perv, always a perv."

That's when Neal rolled his eyes and muttered, "Yep and once a bitch, always a bitch."

Amanda stared fiercely at him and crossed her arms, "What did you just say?!"

His eyes went wide, regretting his words, "Eeep. Uh nothing."

I laughed real hard at that statement. Then Joanna came into mind, "Hey Neal, did you see Joanna fly while you were on your way here?"

Neal shook his head, "Nope."

I sighed and then I shrugged, "I guess she's not coming then guys. I guess we'll go on without her."

That's when we all heard flapping in the distance. We all looked at the direction of the flapping and I smiled when I saw Joanna flying toward us. Joanna glided to the top of the wall and landed on her feet.

She smiled at us, "Evening everyone!"

I walked to her and patted her shoulder, "Well you've finally shown up. I was beginning to wonder if you would ever want to come with us."

She looked down at me and nodded, "Yeah, I just wanted to see the forest for the first time in years. I told the workers at my restaurant that I'm going to be gone for a couple days. So that's covered. So I'm ready to go to the woods. I haven't been there since I was a young dragoness!"

My eyes went wide and then I beamed at her, "Well today is your lucky day."

Sierra came to us and added, "You'll like the woods now Joanna, trust me."

Joanna smiled at her and said, "So are we ready to go now? You don't have to wait for an old dragoness like me." She giggled at the statement.

I laughed and said to Sierra, "Alright, lets get out of dodge!"

Sierra cocked her head at me, "What? What does that mean?"

I giggled and waved her off, "Forget it. Lets get ready to fly."

Sierra nodded in agreement and lowered her body to the ground, "Hop up."

I walked to Sierra and I grabbed her wing joint and hurled my leg over her back. I sat on her, ready to fly now. Nearby I saw Amanda get up on Neal's back and she waved at me. I waved back.

I said to Joanna, "Hey hope you can fly faster than us, OLD LADY!"

Joanna laughed and playfully glared at me, "Oh so you got jokes now, hon? Well this OLD LADY will show you how flying really works!"

I patted Sierra's neck, "Ready?"

Sierra looked over her shoulder and gave me a smile, "Ready."

I muttered, "Lets do it." And with that Sierra started to flap her wings and we were being lifted off the ground. Neal, Cody and Joanna started to join in. Soon we were in the air and then all of us started to fly away from the city. I heard that Amanda shrieked by the sudden surge of air and speed.

I held onto Sierra tight by wrapping my arms around her neck and I tucked my legs in for grip. Then I started to relax my grip when we were away from the city. I sat up on her back. Admiring the sights on her back. The mountains they're beautiful from up here.

Then I screamed in high heaven, "WOOOOO!!!!!"

Sierra let out a loud roar of happiness. Along with Neal, Cody, and Joanna.

I looked at Amanda who is still on Neal's back. I could tell she feels alive up here as well.

All of us are. And it's great.


All of us flew for a while and soon we started to glide down to the ground to a nearby woods. I saw Cody landed to the ground first. Trotting to a stop. Then Neal landed with Amanda on his back.

Me and Sierra landed after Neal. Trotting to a stop as well. I jumped off her back  after we landed.

Joanna glided down to the ground last and she landed on her hind feet first and then her front feet. Her wings flapping for balance.

Joanna shook herself and her wings and muttered, "Wooo! I haven't flown THIS much in years."

I laughed and walked up to her, "Figured it would be good for you to get out of the city. To get a lot of exercise."

She looked down at me and grinned, "How thoughtful of you hon."

Sierra came to us and asked, "So how are you liking the woods now? Nothing hasn't changed much here, huh?"

Joanna looked around the woods, "Well I'll admit, nothing much really changes here. At least I'm...Not being attacked by dragon slayers."

I gave her a comforting smile, "Don't worry about it. If someone does attack you, we'll protect you."

Joanna cocked her head, "That sounds nice, but who's going to protect you?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, my wits."

Joanna giggled, "Really hon? Is that the best you can come up with?"

I giggled as well, "Well I'll admit, it's not the best thing to come up with. But still it's worth a shot!"

Joanna and Sierra laughed. Neal, Amanda, and Cody came to us and Neal asked, "What's so funny? What did we miss?"

Sierra playfully said to him, "We were talking about what a lame ass lover you are."

Neal's face went wide and he glared at Joanna, "You bitch, I thought you would always think I would be a best lover!"

Joanna shook her head and giggled, "Oh you'll do fine, hon. You'll do fine."

Neal kinda fumed at that statement, "Fine, my ASS."

Then all of us, except for Neal laughed really hard. And all Neal did was groan.

That's when Cody said out loud, "Hey I hope I'll be the best lover!"

Joanna looked down at Cody, "That's good for you hon."

Neal glared at Sierra and Joanna, "Alright, that's it! Gender war is about to start!"

Joanna cocked her head, "Gender war? I never heard of a gender war. What's that?"

I laughed and answered her question, "It's a war between the males and the females. It's a game, we all made up."

Sierra rolled her eyes, "Of course, we don't ever play it." Then she grinned, "But I think we can now."

Amanda walked up to Sierra and Joanna and said, "Yep that's right. And you Joanna are on the female team! So lets get these males and kick them all in the stones!"

Joanna laughed, "Well I guess it'll be fun."

Sierra laughed as well, "Yep, sounds good to me!"

My eyes went wide at Sierra, "Sierra! What did I ever do to you?"

Sierra glared at me, "Not what you did to me. For being a perv to Amanda today."

I raised my hands in defense, "Well on second thought, I'll take everything I've said to her back."

Sierra shook her head, "Too late, no take backs."

I closed my eyes and muttered, "Damn it."

Neal cocked his head at Amanda, "You're not serious about kicking all of us males in the stones, are you?"

Amanda raised her foot to prove her point, "Do you want to find out?"

Neal's face went wide and he muttered, "Ah crap."


All of us were sitting out in the woods during the night. Around the fire Sierra made. Just camping out for the night.

Since we're all staying out here for two nights just like before, might as well have fun being in company together.

I have to admit, I love being around with them. I looked up at Sierra who's laying on her stomach beside me. I especially love being around with her. She really does make me happy. Even Joanna is doing fine out here with us. Which I knew that she could do it

Joanna's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Wayne?"

I shook my head from my thoughts and looked at Joanna, "Sorry, what did you say?"

Joanna repeated whatever question she asked, "I said, you humans don't use horse carriages anymore? That you use...Metal things called...Cars?"

I giggled a bit and nodded, "That's what we use for transportation now yeah."

Sierra smiled, "I'll tell you the truth, while I was living in my cave away from the city for so many years, I've saw...Cars a lot. Pretty faster than riding a horse I could tell you that much. But pretty foreign for my eyes."

Joanna cocked her head, "I don't get it, why really?"

Neal and Cody cocked their heads at me and so did Sierra. I laughed when they were all staring at me, "Goodness guys. You really are curious."

Sierra nodded while she was staring at me, "Well we're dragons, what did you expect?"

Neal asked, "Yeah so what I'm trying to understand is why and how your kind changed?"

I shrugged, "Well it's kinda hard to explain about that really. Well...Sometimes the humans have a way of changing things. A way of building things."

Neal nodded, "Yeah, especially the way you build castles and villages."

Amanda said to Neal, "Actually, we don't have castles anymore. We now just have cities and towns. We don't live in places like that anymore."

Neal's face went wide with curiosity, "Really? Your kind built cities? You have cities like dragons do? I thought your kind just have villages."

Amanda shook her head, "No, in fact there are a lot of cities for humans. Like New York City, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris, London, Berlin, Miami, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, San Diego, Las Vegas, Moscow..." Then Amanda shrugged, "That's all I got."

Neal just stared at her and Amanda asked, "What?"

Neal still stared at her and Amanda repeated, a little bit irritated, "What? Quit staring at me already!"

Neal finally spoke, "You know in all honesty, this is the most bizarre things you have told me so far. Humans have built a lot of their own cities to live in. I thought we dragons built cities like that."

I giggled, "Surprised huh?"

Sierra asked, "What are your cities like? Are they like the dragon city?"

I answered, "Well...Things are a lot different than your dragon city. We have cars that drive through them a lot."

Cody cocked his head, "Wait? Does your cities have restaurants and stores, like the dragon city does?"

I exclaimed, "Oh yeah! In fact, we do have a lot of those things. More than you know."

Joanna asked, "Are your restaurants better than the Braveheart?"

I answered her question, "Well there are a lot of restaurants in my world. More than you could imagine! And nope, they're not better than the Braveheart. I really like your food."

Joanna smiled at me, "Well thank you hon."

Sierra just stared at me with her jaw halfway open, "Ancestors Wayne. I never knew that your kind had a lot of things. A lot of things than dragons do."

I smiled at her, "Yeah and there are these beautiful lights that shine during the night. You would think that they're beautiful if you flew over the city."

Sierra cocked her head, "Wait? Does your kind use flame to light the streets?" Then she shot up her head, "Ha! I guess you need to be careful of how you play with fire."

I rubbed the back of my neck. Oh boy, this question is going to be hard to explain to her. I took a deep breath and said, "Well...We don't use flame to light the streets in our cities. We use...Electricity."

Neal cocked his head at me, "What? What's Elec...Electri...."

I corrected him, "Electricity."

Neal nodded, "Right! So what is that? I don't know what that is."

I sighed. Oh boy. Then I said, "Well...It's kinda like flame, but different. It's hard to explain."

Cody asked, "How different?"

I answered, "Pretty different."

Sierra asked, "But what is it really?"

I sighed again, "Look lets just say...It's kinda like magic, that we use to make everything bright for the cities during the night. It's...Strange to you, but we use it a lot."

She still stared at me and I shrugged, "Like I said it's hard to explain."

Sierra said, "Humpf, well you humans have a lot of stranger things in your world now. I've never heard of any of this."

I giggled and put a hand to my chest, "Oh my things in my world are strange? Look whose talking, your kind has stranger things than my kind does, than I can really comprehend!"

All of us laughed at the statement. Then Sierra said, "Well still your things are and sound...Interesting."

I smiled at her, "Thank you. I tried to explain to you about them as best as I could."

Cody said, "Yeah well, you're a good storyteller."

Joanna smiled at me, "Yeah the things you have told us are really interesting."

Neal said, "Yeah, I wish we could fly over one of your cities just to see what they're like."

My eyes went wide and I waved him off, "I wouldn't try that. Because the people who live in one of the cities would-"

Sierra finished before I did, "Shoot us off the sky?"

I nodded and said, "Yes." Then I sighed, "Look guys I know you like us, but there are humans who are not like me and Amanda and quite frankly, I don't think they would accept you right away."

Neal growled, "Right, because they would either shoot us down off the sky dead, or they would capture and take us to their king. Then the king would judge us and then they would throw us in a dungeon made for us."

Amanda said to Neal, "Well actually, we don't have kings now. We have the president now. World leaders, that kind of thing."

Cody slowly cocked his head at her, "World leaders?"

Amanda ignored and said, "We also don't have dungeons anymore either, so that means you're fine. Unless the humans these days would capture you and test you. But I'm sure you guys wouldn't go quietly."

Joanna cocked her head at Amanda, "Test us? For what?"

I waved her off, "You don't want to know that part. The point is, we don't have kings and dungeons anymore. We just have the justice system now. And world leaders."

Cody asked, "Again, world leaders?"

Sierra waved him off with her paw while she was looking at me, "Not the point you little green runt. I'm curious about this...Justice system. What's that?"

I said, "Well...You see...Humans like us just judge any criminal who has made a crime and it's up to us who decides to go to jail or prison, which in your case...Dungeon."

Neal said, "So basically you're the kings, because you didn't do nothing wrong."

Amanda said, "Well not all of us judge. Only one person does and it's the judge."

Neal put a paw to his head, "You're giving me a headache."

Sierra laughed, "Join the club, show off."

Neal just grumbled. and Joanna said, "Wow, those are a lot of interesting things to talk about. Your kind really has changed."

I laughed, "Oh but that's not all! That's not even half the stuff I have told you!"

Joanna's face went wide, "Ancestors hon! You really do have a lot of things to talk about!"

Cody then got up and went to Amanda's bag, "Well maybe I'll find something in there. What have you got in there Amanda?"

Amanda glared at him, "Get your fat head out of my bag!"

It was too late and Cody had his head stuck in her bag and he's standing up with her bag still stuck on him, Amanda's belongings falling out of the bag "Hey guys, I can't see! Could you take it off for me? Please?"

Neal giggled and said, "Hang on I'll get that thing off of you." Then he reached down to Cody's head and pulled the bag off of his head.

Cody shook his head and smiled up at Neal, "Thank you pal. I thought it would never come off."

Neal nodded and saw something shiny out of all Amanda's stuff, "Hey, what's that?" He lowered his head and saw it.

My eyes went wide when I knew what he saw.

Amanda's gun. The gun she used to kill her father. Oh boy, how I'm going to explain that to them? Say that it's a weapon we humans use now these days? I hope they take my explanation well.

Cody picked it up with his paws and examined it close to his face, "Hmmm, pretty weird object."

Amanda's face went wide and she got up and ran to Cody. Then she snatched the gun out of his paws. She screamed at him, "Don't touch that!"

Cody backed away from her shocked, "What is it?"

Amanda tried to say something, but then she kept her mouth shut. She's wondering how she's going to explain this to them as well.

We're both in a pickle now.

Sierra got up off her stomach and asked Amanda, "Yeah, what is that thing? You seemed to be pretty keen on keeping it."

Neal cocked his head at Amanda, "What is it?"

Amanda hesitated and then she sighed, "Ok...Well...You see...This thing is called...A gun."

Sierra cocked her head, "A gun?"

I sighed and got up on my feet and helped Amanda explain it, "You see...It's a weapon we humans use these days. It's pretty dangerous."

Sierra frowned at me, "How dangerous?"

Amanda answered while she held the gun in her hands, "Very dangerous. And Cody is lucky he didn't kill himself with it."

Cody cocked his head at her, "How?"

I said, "Let me ask you guys this...You know about arrows right?"

Joanna nodded, "Yes hon, why?"

I answered, "Because what a gun does is fire a lot of dangerous things than arrows. And they're pretty lethal than arrows too."

Cody asked, "How lethal?"

Amanda said, "Lets put at it this way. One shot to your head and you're dead instantly."

Sierra growled and shouted, "What?!"

Amanda dropped the gun to the ground and held out her arms to her, "Sierra...Please calm down."

Then she glared down at me, "Wayne is there something else you're not telling me? You never told me that Amanda had a weapon in her bag. Did you know about this?"

I raised my hands in defense, "Well...Yes."

Sierra glared at Amanda and growled, "Who are you? And why do you have this weapon?"

Amanda's face went wide at the question, "I..I...It's hard to explain."

Neal glared her, "Well how about explain it?"

Cody and Joanna glared at her as well, and Amanda backed away from us, "Look guys I'm not who you think I am. I'm not trying to hurt anyone with it."

Sierra said, "How are we supposed to believe that? How do we know you're not lying to us?"

Neal said, "Yeah, you're probably planning on killing us with that."

Cody said, "I honestly don't know anymore. I thought you were our friend."

Amanda defended, "Guys...Please believe me. I'm not trying to hurt you. I would never hurt any of you."

Sierra still didn't soften her gaze, "I don't believe you Amanda. I know that humans are tricksters. And you're trying to trick us. So how do we believe you now? We probably shouldn't, cause the humans can be killers as well. And you're probably one of them."

Amanda had tears in her eyes, "I can't believe it! I thought you guys were decent! But I guess I was wrong! You're just like everyone else! None of you believe me!! Even when I'm telling you the truth, you don't believe me!" Then she whirled around and ran off into the woods sobbing.

I hollered at her, "Amanda!" But she was already gone. Then I whirled around and glared at all of them, "What the hell's the matter with you?! How can you accuse Amanda of being a killer?! She's innocent!"

Neal said, "Wayne, she's probably lying to you. Don't you get it?"

I shook my head, "No guys, you don't understand!"

Sierra lowered her head to my level and with a worried look on her face she said, "Wayne, please listen to us. I don't want you to die as well. I don't want to lose you. Listen to us about Amanda."

I shouted at her, "You don't get it! There's a reason why she has a gun with her."

Sierra narrowed her eyes at me, "We're listening."

I took a deep breath and started to explain to them about Amanda.


I left Wayne and the others to look for Amanda.

After Wayne told us everything about Amanda, what her life was like. I really felt terrible and not to mention guilty.

Amanda has been through so much and here we all were turning our backs on her. And she had the gun for a good reason.

I had a determined look on my face when I was thinking about her. I remember that Amanda said that I remind her of her mother. Now I understand why.

Because her mother's dead and it's because of her father.

I have to make it right. No girl should go through with that horrible ordeal alone. She reminds me of myself as well.

Alone with no one to talk to. I was like her once. Until Wayne found me.

I have to talk to her. I have to make it right. So I told everyone to let me go find her alone. She...Wants me more than everyone else. I could see it.

While I was searching for her, I could hear crying in the distance. I followed the sobbing and finally I saw Amanda sitting on a rock. Her head buried in her hands.

I had a sad and guilty look on my face.

Poor Amanda.

I'm sorry.

I walked to her behind her and when I got close I sat down on my haunches behind her. Amanda noticed my shadow because of the moonlight and she turned around on the rock to face me. Tears were stained on her face.

Now I really feel guilty. I really hurt her.

I lowered my head to her level and Amanda glared at me. She angrily said, "What do you want, Sierra?"

I took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

I sighed, "For everything. For saying I don't trust you. Everyone feels that way. We all didn't know you and we're sorry. We all are VERY sorry."

Amanda sniffled and said,"'You don't understand me. You don't know what I've went through. You don't even care about me."

I shook my head, "No Amanda. I do. I know what you've went through. Wayne told us everything."

Amanda asked, "What did he say to you?"

I said, "That your mother died and your father's the reason why she died. That you've killed him, because he was...Trying to hurt you. And that's why you ran away from home. I know everything now."

Amanda finally let the glare on her face melt away and she had a look of sorrow now. She sighed and only muttered, "Oh." She looked down at the ground. At my feet.

I said, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. And so is Neal, Cody, and Joanna. WE never should have treated you like that. We should've known that you would never hurt us or our kind. I'm sorry, that I didn't trust you." Then I gave her a comforting smile.

Amanda sniffled again and said, "Do you know why I was taking that gun with me, even after I killed my dad?"

I shook my head and asked, "Why?"

She took a deep breath and said, "Because I was afraid that someone would..." She shuddered at her thought, "Force themselves on me. I...Didn't want that to happen to me again. My father almost did that to me and that's when I've had it. I...Killed him for that and I don't want anyone else to do that to me." Then she started to cry again.

I only just stared at her, don't know what words to say to her now. I really don't know what to say to her.

All that I could do is feel pity for her.

While she sniffed and cried. She wiped the tears off her face with one of her hands and went on, "The truth is....Sierra. I...I don't know why my dad is so heartless. I didn't know why my mom didn't leave him while she had a chance. She just let all that stuff happen to her. And sometimes I hated her for that."

She wiped her eyes again, "But of course she was the only person I could talk to and I couldn't hate her forever."

She finally looked up at me and said, "And you want to know something else? I...didn't have a lot of friends. Everyone that I knew hated me for a few bad things that I've done. That I've did drugs. That's why I didn't have a lot of friends. They didn't talk to me. Treated me like I was an outcast. It wasn't fair. No one didn't believe me about my father abusing me. They...didn't care."  

Amanda went on, "I guess that's another reason why I left that town. Because I hated everyone there. I hated everyone, except for...My mother. My mother was always there for me. No one didn't help me, except for her. And she's dead now."

She shut her eyes tight, "I feel so alone Sierra. I really feel alone. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel so helpless and lost. I don't have any family and I'm alone."

Then she opened her eyes and said, "You don't know what it's like to feel alone, do you? You seem to have an easy life than me."

I shook my head, "No...You're wrong."

Amanda face went wide and I went on, "I was like you. I didn't have a lot of friends growing up. Except for Neal, he's my best friend from hatchling days. My parents died when I was a hatchling. I...Was alone for a long time and there's a reason why."

She asked, "Why?"

I answered, "Because when Eric...My love died. I didn't want to be around everyone, I...Really thought that it was my fault that he died. And that's not the only thing why I left."

She asked again, "What?"

I didn't want to tell her about my rampage toward the king and his knights. I only muttered, "Because I became a monster."

Amanda only stared at me and I said, "I don't know if I still am or not. I still wonder up to this day. It's...Not something you would forget. I was so alone for years. Way before you were born. I was alone for a long time...Until I've met Wayne. He made me open my eyes and I could see the light now."

I sighed, "The point is...The reason why I thought you would kill us...I didn't trust humans back then. I thought all of you were heartless, cruel monsters. But...I was wrong about you. I'm the one who is the monster, not you and I never should have treated you so terribly. And it's my fault."

Amanda for the first time since she came out here gave me a smile and said, "You're not a monster. You never were."

My face went wide when she said that.

Amanda went on, "The truth is...Sierra. I never thought of you as a monster at all. You're really kind and sweet to Wayne and you're so kind and sweet to me. You were never a monster. No matter how many times you say that to yourself."

I shut my eyes tight. She doesn't know yet why I call myself a monster. But I still...Should thank her for saying that. She really cares about me.

Amanda put a hand to her chest and said, "And...I got a confession to make. You see I...I really thought of you as my mother. You...Really remind me of her."

I nodded, "I know you did and I know why."

Amanda said, "You know, I still wonder how a girl like me would meet a dragon like you. I still can't figure it out."

I answered, "Because it's fate."

Amanda frowned at me and I said, "Eric once told me that the reason why we first met each other...Is because of fate. Fate brought us together. And I know now that fate brought me and Wayne together as well. Because I've lost Eric and Wayne lost his best friend Joanna Stanton. If it wasn't for their deaths we wouldn't have found each other."

I leaned my head close to her and nuzzled her face, "There's a reason why you've met me and the others. It's because of fate. If your mother didn't die, then you wouldn't be here. Then you wouldn't have met me. Fate brought us all together Amanda. And now you're here. Right here in front of me."

Amanda smiled and she asked, "Hey Sierra?"

I pulled away from her face and nodded, "Yes?"

Amanda said, "Did you...Ever had hatchlings?"

My face went wide at the question and I shook my head, "No, never. I never even thought about it, until Eric brought it up one time while we were together. And when he did...I sorta thought about it still...Up to this day."

She asked, "Did you ever want one?"

I remember a few times after Eric died...I've wanted one, but I wanted to be alone. I couldn't even mate with anyone because I wanted to be alone. I nodded, "Yes. When Eric died...I've wanted one."

Amanda smiled and slowly asked, "Can I...Can I be your daughter?"

I smiled at her, "Of course Amanda. Of course. I will always be with you. You won't have to be alone anymore. I can't replace your real mother. But I will be your mother, and I will be with you."

Amanda got up from the rock, staring at me and I heard her mutter one word, "Mom."

And with that she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tight. I could hear her sobbing again.

I returned the hug by wrapping my paw around her body. My tears were falling down my face as well.

Amanda said, "I love you mom."

I smiled brightly when she said that, "I love you too...Daughter."

With that we've cried for a long time together. In our embrace.

You won't be alone Amanda...Not anymore.

And I'll make sure that no one would never hurt you again.

Because you're my daughter.

And I will always be there with you...No matter what.

As a mother. I always will.