Current Track: Blabb
News Report-James C. Callahan reporting, Date: 2019.10.05

Callahan: “James Callahan, here with Dr. Aaron Jefferson. We seem to have found a way to adapt to the climate change and thanks to Dr. Jefferson here, we can all rest peacefully tonight, knowing humans have a very long future ahead of them. Doctor, explain to us what exactly this adaptation is, please.”

Jefferson: “By messing around with human and animal DNA I have created a mutation process which combines the two in such a way as to bring furries’ dreams to life. Anthromorphic animals are the future of the human race.”

--In walks patient 000-A 5’9” female red vixen with long blonde hair.—

Callahan: “Damn, she’s a beaute, ain’t she. Well there you have it ladies and gentleman we have our future in front of us.”

Advisory Notice, Date: 2026.3.30








Journal-Mr. Edward D. Jameson (Pound ‘Catcher’), Date: 2036.5.17

Why must I always find them? It annoys me to no end. These kids less than twelve and all alone seem to be magnetized to me.  It’s not to say I don’t enjoy kids, just not furs.

Furs reproduce in litters of two or more. Scaleys? Ferals? They’re even worse. I once found a clutch of a hundred eggs left in an old, abandoned, Firehouse in downtown Chicago. We thought it was bad in the 2010s. God! Were we wrong! Just counting Anthros and humans we have a total population of well over people. It’s getting ridiculous.

The Howlers are the worst. Of course, that’s what they were today. A bunch of pups of ages six to ten came to me, thinking I was a police officer. Tch! As If! They were trying to report a rape of whom I assumed was their mother. God! I felt bad doing it, but they’re only dogs, so I caught them and carried them off to my truck. Them furs really need to learn to wear their id collars. That’s the only way I’m not forced to capture them.

Letter from James Monroe (Bull fur) to family, Date: 2035.12.25


Merry Christmas! I wanted to say that to your face but considering I’m in the Pound Ima have to let this letter carrey my luv.

It’s horrible here. They literally treat us like the guards in those prison muvies we used to watch. There ain’t a day that go buy I don think bout that fucking collar! If I had jus warn it, Mama…[word unreadable due to tear stain]…there with you celebratin.

Its even worse 4 me, mama. They no Ima fag. I haven’t felt worse in my fucking life.

Your son,
