Present Day
Inside Andy's room, me and him were sitting on separate bean-bag chairs watching another black and white movie. On the big TV screen, it showed Larry Talbot, who is played by the late great Lon Chaney Jr., as Andy had put it, already turned into a werewolf for the first time, and had now just claimed his first victim who was a local gravedigger. My eyes widened up for a second before lowering back down. Golly, that was quick...For a first timer. I shifted around in my chair a bit as I see a lot of people coming out of their homes and investiage after they hear the werewolf howling, and the werewolf running off soon after.
It's been nearly an hour ago, and almost noon now, since I left home to come over to Rachel's and only see Andy. After I had breakfast with mom, I decided to try to go through with the plan I made last night, which concerned Cat and where she lived, and something I haven't forgotten at all from sleeping. Standing outside my home all dressed up I called Andy on my cell, asking him if I could come over and hang with him for a bit. He eagerly agreed, since he'd planned to watch this certain movie today and he'd be so happy if I just watched it with him.
And here I was currently watching it with him, a little while later after walking twenty minutes from my house and all the way to town. I'll be frank as soon as I went through that front door and took my footwear off, Andy was dead set on having me watch this 'classic movie' with him and DRAGGED me all the way upstairs to his room like he was a child wanting his parent to go do something fun together. He was very prepared for my arrival, too, considering he had left out a seat for me beside his and had junk food and soda left on the floor just for the two of us.
The movie in case you were wondering was, in his own words as he described, 'The Wolf Man from 1941'. Honestly I have seen, from what I told Andy and learned from him, the remake of The Wolf Man before, which according to him was released in 2010, and I never seen or even heard of the original The Wolf Man. Before then I pretty much thought the version I watched WAS the original and WAS the only version made.
But looks like I was wrong. And I outa admit, this version I'm watching seemed more interesting and better than the remake...Least in my opinion.
As the film continued to play, a breath was let out of my chest. Cat, the main reason why I came here, was on my mind again. The whole time I've been here I did not ask Andy where Cat lived. Not yet anyways. I never forgot, it was because I didn't want to only just come here and ask Andy 'hey, do you where Cat White lives?' right away, hear an answer and then take off. He expected me to at least hang with him a bit and I didn't want to be rude and dissapoint him.
Only this certain question I want to ask Andy kept ramming against my skull and drove me crazy. I wanted to know where she lived. I wanted to know where Cat lived NOW.
With my head turned to Andy, I decided to just go ahead and wing it. Might as well get it over with now. I finally said a few words to him, "Hey Andy, can I talk to you?"
Andy looked at me, "Sure, what's up?"
I couldn't really concentrate on the task with the voices from the movie interrupting me. My hand motioned at the TV, "Can you pause this first?" He immediately responded with his hand grabbing the remote and pressing the pause button. Then while the movie froze during one of the character's speeches and Andy just dropped the device on his lap and waited for me to speak, I went to try to ask him with a cleared throat, "Alright, um...I've been wanting to ask you something since I got here, and it's a very important question."
Andy frowned up, "A very important one? Uh dude, does this question involve with...Our sexual orientations?" My face frowned too, confused by what he said. His eyes circled around the room, "I mean, we're alone here, and this kind of question you have HONESTLY seems to come at a VERY convient time. But hey it's ok if you are...Gay. I wouldn't mind it. I-"
"What?" I knew what he was saying now so I was quickly shaking my head and waving him off, "No, no, man, my question has nothing to do with that."
My statement drew up a wide look from him, "Oh." He giggled, embarassingly rubbing his neck, "Whoops...Sorry. It's just I seen a movie that had something to do with that before, and I thought you were gay and you had a crush on me and wanted to ask me if I was too." He waved the hand he rubbed with toward me, "But seriously, it's okay if you are. I'm not gonna call you names or anything."
That got me smiling and laughing, "Oh, no. I'm not gay, Andy. I pretty much have a very different important question. Nothing sexually orientated at all."
Andy laughed a bit before urging me, "Well spit it out, Matt. Don't keep me in suspence like a cliffhanger of a TV show season."
"Alright then." I held in a breath, then decided to start off asking him about Cat first, "Well...Do you know a girl named Catherine White?"
"Catherine White?" He didn't think her up at all, he basically just nodded his answer, "Sure, I know her." Then he shrugged his shoulders, added, "Well, I don't KNOW her, just know OF her. We never hang or anything. Why? Did you happen to meet her?"
"Yeah...We talked to each other."
That had his face wrinkled, "Wait, what?"
I repeated with a smile, "We talked to each other."
"Sure did. Kinda of a funny girl."
Both his hands were doing the time out sign as he apparently could not believe what he was hearing, "Whoa, whoa, time out!" I laughed a little as Andy pressed me again, "Are you telling me you actually TALKED to her...Like talked to her face to face?"
I answered, "Yes."
He was shaking his head in disbelief in a slow motion, "Holy crap...I never knew it was possible. I've seen her more times than I could count, and I never talked to her. I tried to, but when I do she justs-"
"Runs away?" Andy immiediately nodded, and I just mentioned, "Yeah, she told me she was very shy around people, especially new people."
"Shy? More like terrified." The palm of his hand pressed against his forehead as his eyes were back to being wide in total disbelief, "Jesus, you really did talk to her..."
I was only smirking at his reaction still, "You really don't believe it?"
He chuckled a bit when he dropped his hand back down, "Not really, but still...It's a big surprise. She hardly talks to anybody. She's like a ghost."
I admitted when my mind thought about the day when Cat took me to this house, and then ran away, "Yeah, since you said that, remember the other day when I first came over to your house and Rachel joked about a ghost leading me here?" I giggled, "Let's just say SHE was the 'ghost' who led me here."
His jaw dropped by my confession, "Oh, my god." I snickered, "I never would have guessed...I thought somebody else brought you here."
"Nope. Just Catherine."
Andy's eyes narrowed, "You gotta be freakin kidding me...Why didn't you tell me and Rachel this before?"
I shot my head to the right, "I dunno. Maybe I thought it wasn't that important."
He exclaimed, "Well Catherine White talking to you seems important to me! You never told us who brought you here that day and now you tell me! Come on, bro!" I bursted out laughing. When I regained my compsoure seconds later, that's when he asked with a soft face, "That is just so weird...How'd you get her to talk to you?"
"Heh heh...Well..." My hands and shoulders shrugged, "I guess if you 'accidentally' bumped into her and helped her off the ground if you knock her down maybe she would speak a few words to you. Cause that's how it started with me...Apparently."
"Uh huh." Andy responded with a small shake of his head, "Man...That is very bizarre." Then he smiled and added, "Well, bizarre, but also incredible."
"I guess it is...For her." Then my smile melted off my face and I sighed, bringing my gaze towards the huge TV screen, "But I might have messed everything up yesterday."
Andy frowned once again, "What do you mean? What else are you not telling me?"
My head faced his. I replied, "Remember last night I told you and Rachel that I had a bit of a bad morning?" He nodded in acknowledgement, "Well...It had something to do with...Catherine."
Andy's face showed a bit of concern, "Oh...Was it VERY bad?"
"Bad enough for her to not talk to me again, maybe." I huffed out some air filled with guilt and said, "...I got some explaining to do." And so I explained to Andy about what happened with me and Cat yesterday morning. How I was helping her shy away the shyness by taking her to Tobey and he suddenly attacked her, therfore scaring her, and then running off.
Now his eyes were filled with much confusion, the same amount I had before, "So your dog attacked her just like that?"
"Yeah, he just snapped." I snapped my fingers, "Came at her right away when she tried to pet him. He did that for no reason."
Andy hummed in thought as his face showed he was trying to think up of an answer, "Well...Maybe he did have a reason. Maybe it was because he hasn't seen her before."
I contradicted that statement, "I seriously doubt that's what it was, Andy. Tobey's never like that to strangers. Before he moved here away from Pittsburgh, he was always so friendly to any stranger who met him. Sure he would bark at them, but biting them is a whole other story. With her, that was the first time."
"Hmm...Well..." That's when he came up with another theory, "Was he in the K-9 Unit?"
I made a frown, "What?"
"Your mom's a cop, right? So was Tobey in the K-9 Unit? I think that's where you guys got him, right? Maybe Tobey smelled some drugs on Catherine and tried to attack her to keep her from escaping with them."
I slowly shook my head, "I seriously doubt that as well, because he was never once in the K-9 Unit. We got him from a different kind of place. He's a bit of a smart dog but not that smart. Hell besides, I don't think cops would let Labrador Retrievers into their unit."
He pretty much flat out stated with arms shrugging, "Then I'm out of ideas."
"Look, it doesn't matter WHY Tobey did it. The point is he already did it and he scared poor Catherine to death." I lowered my head in guilt, "And I feel terrible for what I did...I'm kinda worried about her. I haven't seen her since that happened."
Andy apparently felt sorry for me, "Ohhh...I'm sorry you're feeling that, man."
I shot my eyes up to meet his, "It's fine, but I do want to go to her house, so I can talk to her and tell her I'm sorry and it won't happen again. But the problem with that plan is I don't know where to find her. So, other than coming over and hang with you a bit, I wanted to ask you where her place is. Which by the way that was the 'very important' question I'm wanting to ask."
He said, looking a bit confused, "Wait...Asking me if I knew Catherine a few minutes ago was not?"
I just stared at him for a second before I shrugged, "Well I guess that question was very important too." I cleared my throat, then went on ahead to finally ask him this certain question, "Anyways, here's another...Do you know where she lives? You know in town?"
Andy replied with a little hesitation, "Ummm...I do, but you won't be able to find her in Fall Creek."
A confused look showed up on me, "Why?"
"Because she doesn't live in town...Only outside it, like you."
I was shocked by his words, "Oh." Hang on...This can't be right. Did Cat tell me yesterday that she doesn't live in the woods and lives in town? Or did I hear wrong? No...I'm very sure she said she did.
Did...Cat lie to me about where she lived?
I brushed that off, for now, and pressed my friend for an answer, "Alright, then where does she live?"
Andy answered with eyes rolling up and his hand cupped to his chin, "Well I never been there, but according to what I heard, she lives about almost twenty minutes up north from here...Down a dirt road off the main one in some big house with her family and...This guy, too, I believe."
"What guy?"
"Uh, some dude who packs a bit of muscle and wears a white tank top most of the time." He rolled his eyes, "Which damn, how can anyone NOT know he works out when he only wears that?" He pumped his fist against his mouth and cleared his throat, "Anyway, I heard his name is Todd Yoder...And I also think he and Catherine are boyfriend and girlfriend. I did see them kissing before."
A memory from a few days ago popped up in my head. One that was in the morning at the Country Cupboard after the day me and mom moved into that house. A guy with muscle and wears a white tank top...That sounds like that dude who sat with Cat at the booth in the restaurant. Todd Yoder...That's his name. So, he and Cat are actually dating. I never knew she'd went out with anyone.
What else haven't you told me, Cat?
Andy shrugged after a moment of silence passed by, "Anyways, that's it. That's all I know about where she lives. Hope it helps."
I nodded a bit since I gathered up all the info I needed, "It does...Thank you."
"No problem." He stated, his eyes shooting over his shoulder to his bedroom door, "And with that done, I'm sure you want to leave and go find her now?"
I smiled a bit, "No...Not yet." I put my gaze back on the TV, waiting for the movie to play again, "I want to finish watching the movie, see how it ends. I think finding her can wait a bit longer."
Andy giggled, "Ok." He settled in his bean-bag chair, picking up the remote and ready to play the movie, "Just to tell you something, the movie is about halfway done."
"Thank you again for telling me." After I said that, Andy pressed the button and The Wolf Man resumed playing. Although I felt the urge to leave and find Cat, I relaxed in my seat without taking my eyes off it, feeling more satisfied than that now that I know where she lives.
Heading up north from Fall Creek, I was strolling between the edges of the asphalt road and the woods, trying to find the dirt road leading to Cat's house. To tell you the truth, anticipation was growing in my chest from all the walking I made. I was so anticipated to see Cat again, other than feeling concerned for her like I already had been since I woke from bed this morning. Then I was thinking about Andy, remembering he offered to give me a ride to her house before I left his house after finishing that movie. A part of me wished I accepted it. That way I wouldn't have to walk and have a chest full of anticipation that feels it was gonna pop like a balloon. But I declined knowing how Cat was.
I had to do this on my own.
Lucky for me, I didn't have to wonder how much further I have to walk to find it. Cause a second after releasing a puff of air for taking another step, I found a dirt road. I smiled happily. There it is! Getting closer I also found a mailbox protruded on the ground near it, stating the owner of the residence: WHITE. I stopped in front of the road to read it real quick, then shrugged and said out loud, "Well..." I glanced down the path, "This is definitely the right road." I went on walking down it and into the forest, getting this over with. Let's go.
As my shoes left footprints in the dirt following each step I took, and I wandered down the road about thirty feet, I heard several birds at different spots in the woods making their pleasant chirps. But I wasn't letting my eyes look at any other direction to see where one of them came from. They were only straight ahead, with determination in them. While I was showing that on the outside, I was quite confused and curious on the inside. About Cat for lying about where she lived. I don't quite get it...Why would she lie about where she lived? Why did she tell me she lived in town when in truth she actually lived in the woods like mwah?
Was it because her home wasn't really a sight to behold? I doubt that. My brow furrowed in thought. Well, she lives with her family and boyfriend, but what are they like? I sorta had a few ideas about them coming to my brain. Was her family not fond of strangers coming over to their house, and perhaps even her friends? That could be a reason why she didn't tell me before, let alone not take me there. Or was Todd her boyfriend the jealous type and would beat the crap out of any guy who come talk to her? That might be another reason for it, and a very darn good one at that.
Despite what I thought, I wasn't turning around and walking home. I don't care if her family loves strangers and Cat's friends or not, and I don't care if Todd likes me or not, I'm not going home until I talk to her. A slightly nervous sigh came out of me. Which I hope I won't cause trouble while trying.
The walk on the road was longer than I expected to be, but soon enough I finally came across Cat's house. When I stepped off the dirt road and onto the bright green grass, I froze with a surprised look. I mumbled out one word, "Gesundheit." Andy told me that the house she lived in was 'big', but 'big' was an understatement. Her place was HUGE! Bigger than my house and Rachel's! In fact, her house was a sight to behold!
I saw what I believed to be a mansion. A brick-style mansion that has a grey rooftop and a huge chimney uptop. It held two floors, with an attic too probably for good measure. Rows of windows on each floor showed you every single room this place has, and only one was at the attic area as well. Out on the yard I found a couple vehicles parked in front. One being a four-door pickup truck and the other just a plain four-door car. I also caught sight a tiny shed nearby the building.
I chuckled in disbelief. Damn, Cat...Is that really your place? I shook my head out of this trance, focusing back to the task at hand. Alright, quit eyeballing her house and knock on her door.
I moved myself forward, slowly since I still felt a bit nervous about this. I paced till I stopped on a exact spot on the grass, and me and the white double front door on the house from several feet away were exactly facing each other. I was building up the courage to push myself to the double doors, the worriness about Cat's family and boyfriend stopped me momentarily from moving forward with this.
Then with a held in breath, I pushed my leg forward a step. Before I was gonna move my other foot in front of the other, I heard a rich voice behind me, "Can I help you?"
I jumped a bit and whirled around to find an old man, maybe in his late sixties or early seventies, standing there about a foot or two away from me. He had a slightly skinny body, thick grey hair, bushy eyebrows with brown eyes below them along with several wrinkles on his face. I saw that he appeared to be a bit shaky, probably due to his age. And the only expression I see in his eyes was curiosity.
I was surprised still by his appearence out of nowhere as my mind raced. Gosh where did he come from? Must have came out of the woods. I realized I was just staring at him and he was waiting for me to answer. I was about to my mouth and say something when he did, "The world is full of many unexpected things...But I never thought one of them would be standing here today." The elderly man slowly walked up to me a few steps, then leaned over a bit with his eyes studying me, "What's a young man like you doing in my property? Car trouble?" He said after he glanced around the yard, "Must be cause I don't see another car here."
I finally replied with a little shake of my head, "Oh, no, I don't have a car. I...I walked all the way here." The old man seemed to be confused about my arrival now. Before he was about to speak, probably gonna ask me another curious question, I cleared my throat and apologized with a tiny, nervous smile, "Look, um, I'm sorry that I came here unannounced...But I'm looking for someone."
His torso leaned back, "Looking for somebody living at my home, I assume?"
"Yes. I...I'm pretty sure you might know her. I'm looking for Catherine White."
The old man just peered at me for a moment...Then asked in a very curious tone, "What exactly do you want with my granddaughter?"
Granddaughter? So he is Cat's grandfather. Well, least he isn't mad at me so far...I think. I answered him, "Well...I'm a friend of hers. And I heard she lived here and I came over to see how she was doing." After that statement I planted a hand to my chest, "I don't know if she told you about me, but my name is Matt Ludlow. I live outside Fall Creek like you are, but you probably already heard about that, and-"
"Matt Ludlow?" A smile finally appeared on his mouth, "Why yes she has told me about you. A whole lot in actuality."
Now I was like him, showing curiosity, "She had a lot to talk about me?"
"Sure. In fact the thing she said that stands out about you was you are the nicest man she ever met."
"Oh..." I smiled from the words Cat told him, "Well it's true. I usually am."
He chuckled as he gotten more closer to me, "I should have known right away you were a friend of my granddaughter...But I didn't expect another person outside my family, other than the one I know who actually lives here, to show up either. Forgive me if I did not seem...Very welcoming of your presence."
I waved him off and shook my head, "Ah, it's alright." I gestured my hand towards him, "So you're her grandfather, right? What's your name?"
"Oh I'm sorry. Forgive me for that too." He introduced himself, "My name is Albert. Albert White. And I am the head of the White Family."
I giggled a bit, "I guess you must be since you own a place like this..." I twisted my body a little, looking at the mansion in astonishment, "I never seen a place like this before. Looks really nice."
"Nice? I say glorious." That was Albert's proud statement when I turned my head back to him who showed a face full of appreciation, "But nevertheless, thank you." He was talking about it as he strolled up and stood beside me, "This mansion is the only one to exist in this part of the country...As far as I believe."
I was nodding, putting my gaze back to the mansion once again, "I can believe that. Goodness gracious." I'm sure as far I know that there aren't any other mansions around here or any other part of the state of Pennsylvania. Then I had a curious thought. Mom used to live in Fall Creek years ago...I wonder if she even saw this place at one time? I'll have to ask her later. I looked at Albert, "Is your granddaughter in it? I wanna see her."
He let out a boisterious laugh, turning me around with his hand on me, "She is. Come, young man." He guided me to the big house, "Come meet her, and meet the rest of the family."
I let out one word, "Cool." Well, so far I haven't met any hostility from her family. So far so good. Let's see what the rest is like...
Albert and I made it to the front doors and he opened one of them for me. He motioned the doorway with a hand, being hospitable, "Please, young Matthew, you go first."
I responded, "Thanks but call me Matt. I don't like 'Matthew' all that well."
"Yes, yes, Catherine told me you didn't like the full name you were named with." The old man giggled deeply, "You are just like her...Never adored the fullness of the name you were given, but only adored half of it."
Man, he REALLY has a way with words. I shrugged my shoulders in agreement, "You are pretty much right about that. It's just I pretty much put up with my mother calling me that, but for everyone else...I kinda don't."
Albert replied as he just smirked, "That I understand. Catherine, or Cat as she calls herself, and I'm sure you call her that too, puts up with me calling her by her full name. Even when she doesn't totally enjoy it. And to give you a friendly warning, in the future you might hear me slipping out your full name every now and then. I couldn't help it if I tried."
I smiled, "Then I guess you'll be the second person calling me that I'd ever put up with."
"That's the spirit." His hand waved through the open door, "Continue forth, Matthew." And I did.
Upon entry, I was walking several steps on the red, yellow marked carpet in the large foyer of the mansion. A grand staircase stood in the middle, leading up to the second floor of this place, and I found a door at each side of this room on this floor. I heard a door slam behind me, peering over my shoulder to see it was Albert closing up the entrance. Gosh, that was a bit loud.
Albert came up to me with hands held together behind his back. He inquired as he was beside me again, "What do you think?"
I went back to gazing around the foyer, "I like it. Pretty much better than my own pint-sized house."
He asked me a playful kind of question, "Makes you quiver with jealousy, doesn't it?"
I playfully agreed with a nod, facing him, "A little." We both chuckled, then I was the one giving him a question, "So...Where's Cat?"
Albert answered, "Last I saw her, upstairs in her room. But do you want a grand tour first?"
I shook my head, "Not really, maybe later. I want to see Cat....It's kinda important."
Albert stared at me for a second before he brought up, "I suppose it has something to do with...What happened to you both during the morning yesterday?"
When Albert told me that Cat talked to him about me a lot, I had a gut feeling she'd told him about what happened between her and Tobey too. Looks like it was right. Cat did tell him about that. I sighed and nodded, speaking softly, "Yeah...It's just I feel guilty about that, and I came here because I want to-"
Before I would tell him more, a voice cut through our conversation, "Hey, what's going on?" I looked to the voice, and saw two people coming out a door at the left side of the foyer. A man and a woman, about mom's and Kent's ages. From a short distance as they came towards us, I instantly recognized the woman. It was the skinny, black haired woman I saw sitting across Cat and Todd in the booth at the Country Cupboard, the other person that was with them. The man I never seen before had short brown hair, was skinny too, and stood about a foot taller than her. I've got a feeling he must be Cat's father. And the woman must be...Her aunt, I think. Don't think she's her mother because of her hair color.
I'm about to find out.
"Ah yes!" As they came towards us, Albert bellowed with his hand, "Come over and see your guest, you two!"
When the two stopped near me, the man said with a smile, "Huh...Didn't know a guest was gonna be here."
The woman grinned and said the same thing, "Neither have I."
I giggled a bit shyly, "I guess nobody expects anybody to come here."
The man said, "Usually we don't. We don't get a lot of company here."
Albert remarked, "We do today." Then he began to introduce me to them, "Young man, this is my son, Gary, and beside him is Deena."
I said to both of them, "Nice to meet you guys."
That's when Gary gave me a quizzical face along with the woman beside him. He asked, "I guess so...But who are you? And what are you doing here?"
Albert stepped up close to his son, "He came here to see Catherine, my son." When he turned around, his hand slowly motioned at me, "Practically walked from wherever he came from all the way up to here to speak to her."
Both the son and Deena looked surprised while they glanced at the old man. The old man's son said, "You ain't kidding? He walked here without a car?"
"Well it's not a big deal..." They glanced to me that time, as I slowly shrugged my hands and shoulders, "I've got the habit of doing that lately."
Now their faces showed amusement and Deena remarked, "Maybe so. You don't seem to be tired of that."
"Eh, not really."
The middle aged woman then tilted her head a little as she eyed at my face, "Hmm...I think I've seen you somewhere before...Have we met?"
I recalled, "I seen you at the Country Cupboard in town one time, but we didn't talk to each other. Maybe you heard of me. I'm Matthew Ludlow....Or Matt for short."
"Matthew Ludlow..." She was nodding at me, "Yes, you're the new kid who moved near Fall Creek with your mother recently."
"That's right."
The man beside her beamed, "Hey, I heard about that too. Well, Matthew, welcome to..." He giggled, shooting his head a bit to the right, "Well, you ain't in a neighborhood, but-"
"I know what you mean." My hand gestured at myself, "And please, call me 'Matt'. I like 'Matt' more."
The black haired woman giggled, complying, "Okay."
Gary agreed as well with a nod, "Sure, alright." Then he pressed me, "So...You said you came here to see Cat, right? What do you want to talk to her for?"
Deena frowned on her end, "I'm wondering that too."
I answered, "I just want to see her, that's all."
"Ok but what are you to her really?"
"I'm just her friend." I frowned, "I...Take it that she did not tell you guys about me?"
Albert's son said, "She hasn't." Then he smiled, "Huh...You're a friend of hers, huh? That's interesting."
Deena held a smile also with a bit of surprise in her eyes, "Yeah, usually she doesn't talk to strangers."
Albert mentioned, "That honestly surprises me too." His hand quickly rose and raised a finger, "But then again, I shouldn't be. Since I know all things are possible."
I remarked, gazing directly at him, "When it comes to her talking to me, you're probably right." Then I put my gaze back on his son and Deena, "So...Well, I do know you, Gary, are related to Albert here...And Deena, I assume you're related to Cat too in some way?"
Deena knew what I was asking and answered my question, "Why yes, I'm part of her family."
I said directly to Gary with a playful giggle, "Ok, and since Albert didn't say it yet, I'm gonna guess who both of you are...YOU are Cat's father..." Then I told directly towards Deena, "And YOU are her aunt?"
Both Gary and Deena let out a couple giggles while Albert spoke, "You are right about Deena. But as for my son...You are wrong."
Gary told me, "He's right. I'm actually Cat's uncle. I am a father honestly, but not hers."
I let out one word when I found that out, "Oh." Well, I got that one wrong. And sounds like Cat has a cousin too. Interesting. I tilted my head, "Then where is her father?" Before one of them would answer, I heard a door shutting upstairs. I turned my head to the sound.
Albert stated as he, his son and Deena all turned to it too, "Sounds like someone is coming." Then soon right on the grand staircase I saw a few people coming down it. One was a young girl probably about my age, who actually looked a lot like that actress Megan Fox with her long black hair that's a bit past her shoulders and blue-silverish eyes. The other two people with her were familiar faces. Todd and Cat. I beamed as I finally saw the person I'm trying to see. Cat...
Albert waved his hand over, "Come on over! There is someone here for you to meet!" Cat, Todd and the Megan Fox look alike all made it to the first floor, walking up to me and the grown ups as they all laid their eyes on me. I was more focused on Cat than them. I can tell she was surprised to see me than anything. Surely because I showed up here without her knowing I was gonna. Well, she ain't the only one.
All three of them stopped near me, and that was when Cat turned her head away from my gaze, like she was nervous about something. I didn't show it, but I wondered. What's wrong with her? Afraid I might make a fool of myself in front of her family? I'm doing well so far. I focused my attention on her boyfriend, wearing his white tank top. Don't think I will be to him either.
That's when the young girl with them smiled, waving her hand, "Hey."
I said to her, being polite, "Hello there."
Todd smiled too and said, "So...What's your name?"
Albert chimed in to Todd and the other young girl in here, "I think I can answer that for him. His name is Matthew Ludlow, but he likes others to simply call him 'Matt'. And he's a dear friend of Catherine."
The girl who looked like that actress said in surprise, "He's Cat's friend? Wow!" She looked at Cat who still had her eyes drawn away, "That's pretty cool, Cat. I didn't think you would ever talk to anybody...Other than us."
Todd also shot a glance towards Cat beside him, "Yeah...I'm surprised you knew him. You haven't spoken a word to me about him." His girlfriend didn't say anything, only had her eyes back to only watch us with her hand grasping her wrist.
Gary spoke up, "Me and Deena were too, trust me."
Deena commented while both Todd and that young girl drew their attention back on me, "Your friend seems friendly, Cat."
Only Cat's eyes rolled and locked onto her, her word seemed to come out as nervous, "Thanks."
Todd hummed as he just stared at me without a smile on his face, "Hmph."
I waved a hand, trying to tell Todd what he was probably thinking, "Listen, Todd, I-"
"Todd?" The tank top wearing dude giggled, "Guess I don't have to tell you my name after all. Sounds like Cat already told you it."
That wasn't really the truth, but I decided to go along with it, "Yeah she had. She talked about you."
"Really?" He focused on Cat once more, "You haven't told me about him but you told him about me? What's up with that, Cat?" The other girl beside him just snickered with a hand to her mouth.
Cat actually chuckled, muttering when she lowered her head a bit, "Oh, Todd..."
"She also told me you and her are...'Dating'." I added, being truthful on one part, "Which listen, I know what all this looks like, but I do want to make it clear that-"
Todd shot his eyes at me, apparently knew what I was going to say, "Relax, we're cool."
I shortly raised one brow, "We are? You sure? Because I'm not really here to start something you know."
Todd assured me, "Yeah, I know, and I'm sure. I know Cat wouldn't do anything to ruin everything between us. She's not that kind of a girl. Trust me...We're cool." I appreciatively smiled at him. Good...Least he wasn't the jealous type either.
The young black haired girl made a joke about it, but also seemed serious about it, "You think she wouldn't, Toddy Boy? Well I don't see why Cat should not try anything with him...He's kinda cute." That comment had him roll up his eyes, Cat's going wide, and my cheeks blushing. Did Megan Fox call me cute?
Deena shot her a glare, "Autumn, show some respect to their relationship."
The girl who's named Autumn locked her eyes onto the grown up, and defeneded with her own glare, "I do, and I was just joking."
"Well that was a bit inappropriate."
Albert, who wasn't entirely mad about it, helped Deena out with that, "She does put on a good point, young lady."
Autumn huffed out a sigh, "Fine...Then I'm sorry. Kay?"
As Deena smiled a little at her apology, I looked towards Gary when my blush went away, "I'm taking a guess Autumn's your kid?"
Gary chuckled, "Pretty much. Sorry she called you cute...I saw the way your face looked."
Cat's grandpa jokingly pointed out on his end, "Some words do have an effect on someone."
I smiled as I shook my skull other than wave my hand, "Oh, it's fine." I turned to Autumn, "And just to forget what you said and start over on things..." I held out a hand to her, "Autumn, right? Well nice to meet you, Autumn."
Autumn's face held the same, "Starting over's good." She shook it, "You too, new guy."
I giggled in amusement from her statement then let go her hand. I had myself facing towards Todd next, "And Todd, it's nice to meet you, too. You seem like an okay dude. For the record, and I know we just met and all, but I think it's good Cat is with you. I'm saying that because we both know she's shy."
Todd smiled and his words came out as appreciative, "I think so too, man. Thanks." Then he held a hand out for me, I grabbed it, and we shook hands, "Pleasure." Cat meanwhile was smiling a little at watching us doing this act of kind gesture.
As soon as we were done, Autumn strode to stand beside Deena, "Say, Matt." I looked at her, "Since we're all just standing here, how about we give you a tour of the mansion? I'm very certain you're more interested in exploring it now than standing here talking to all of us."
The woman older than her nodded in agreement at her idea, "That's an excellent idea. Let's show him around."
Todd joined in, "I'm up for it. Are you, Matt?"
I was about to decline and say I want to talk to Cat, but Albert went up to me and clasped my shoulder, doing it for me, "Actually. Matthew is more interested in having a conversation with Catherine..." He turned his eyes to me, "A simple and serious conversation he wants to have with her alone."
I immediatly nodded, "Uh, yeah!" At least he knew the importance of this. I looked directly at Cat, whose happy expression had already went away and also had let go of her own wrist, "I really want to talk to her."
Gary frowned in curiosity, "Why?" Deena and Autumn appeared to wonder about it too by their expressions.
Todd asked too, probably showing concern about Cat, "Yeah, what's going on?"
Albert came up to the muscular man, guiding him away from Cat with his hand pressed against his back. After Albert led Todd about a couple feet away, they stopped. Then he was speaking to everyone except me and the blonde girl as we all had our eyes drawn on him, "I know you have questions, and I'll answer them in another room. Alright?" The old man began to stroll for a door in the foyer, "Come along everyone, leave them be. To the loungue room."
The others were very curious to what's going on and they didn't argue with him. All of them watched Cat's grandpa walk off for a moment before they followed behind him. Albert made it to the door to the lounge room and opened it up, dissappearing through it. The others caught up and went in after him, heading through it one at a time. Todd was the last one left to leave us when he peered at Cat for a sec. Then without a word, he went in there.
After he shut that door behind him, I paced up to Cat, guilt from before evident in my chest, "Um...Cat."
Her eyes, that seemed to show a hint of trepidation, gestured to the entrance behind me, "Let's talk outside. Please?" I didn't hesitate to nod at that. Me and Cat strode for the front doors together, me opening one for her and I went out last. As the warm sun in the sky greeted us, we both walked further out onto the front yard. When we stood away from the mansion for about twenty feet, Cat turned herself to me fully.
I did the same, letting out a sigh, "Well, we're here."
"Yes...We are." Cat tried to speak, "Matt-"
"Cat-" We both tried to speak what was on our minds but we stopped ourselves. My hand urged her, "You go first."
She declined by shaking her head, "No. You first."
"...Alright." I took a deep, guilty, trembling breath and let it out, "Cat...Are you ok?"
That had her wrinkling her brow a little, "Do I not look ok?"
"Well...I was asking more how you're feeling inside than out. So...How are you feeling now?"
"Honestly...I'm feeling surprised because you're here. I did not-"
I rolled my eyes, "Expect me to come over. I know." I gave her a suspicious look, "I'm bettin the reason why is you thought I'd be looking for you in town instead of here, because you told me you live in town. That right?"
Cat paused a bit...Then answered, "I was hoping that'd be the case. But somebody told you where I lived, right?"
"And I'm sure somebody told you about me and Todd going out as well, that right too?" Her eyes showed a tiny bit of playfullness, "Hey, I know you were lying when you told Todd that I told you about me and him, cause that's not true. I know I did not. I was planning to, but I didn't do that yet. Come on, admit it."
A giggle was deep in my throat when I turned my head away, "Yup...They told me that too." Then I went back to the subject when I returned to look at her, "But Todd's not really the focus of this."
Cat sighed, "You're right...He isn't." Her eyes showed she was nervous, "Matt...You shouldn't have come here."
"Why? Cat, why did you lie to me about where you actually lived? You said you didn't live in the woods, but you are...Why?"
Cat brushed a strand of blonde hair off her eye, "To tell you the truth...I'm not just surprised you were in my home...I was worried."
I was confused by that part, "Worried? About what?"
A breath escaped her lips, then she asked me a question, "...Did you know from grandpa and the others that I have a father named Elias?"
I wanted to ask her 'why?', but I answered anyway, "No...Come to think of it, I haven't met him yet."
"I know, he's sleeping in his bed right now...And I'm glad too. He's why I'm worried."
That got me more curious than ever, "Why?"
She finally explained, "See...My dad is not exactly the friendly type. He wouldn't exactly like you like everyone else. He's not really a people person. In fact, he HATES people. The ones he'd get along with...Is his own family. He's also overprotective of me. Always has been since I was a little girl. Yes I'm shy, and I wouldn't be talking to strangers...But still, he's protective of me from them....Believe me."
I guess that explains everything. I spoke to her as I started to understand, "I get it...You're afraid if he sees me talking to you...He'll stop you from speaking to me anymore...And scare me away. Scare me off so badly...That I wouldn't come near you again."
"Yeah. That's what I'm worried about. And I lied about where I lived so you wouldn't find me...And meet him." She took a breath and went on, "Matt...I'm sorry I lied before. I probably should have told you about him, but I guess I was...Also afraid if you knew what he was like, that thought might have scared you off. I didn't want to lose you."
I giggled a bit, "Well since you now tell me about him, let me assure you, you won't. But I'll probably be feeling scared if he's right in front of me."
"You might after I warned you."
I gave her an assured statement, "But let me assure you of something else....Even if I'm scared a little or a lot...I won't stop talking to you. I mean it...I won't stop. If he does see me speaking to you, then he'll just have to get used to it."
Shortly after that statement, Cat smiled a bit, "...I'm relieved you won't." Then her expression showed she wasn't sure of something, "But as for dad getting used to you...I don't really see that happening."
I playfully frowned, "Come on, Todd's not a member of your family, right? How do you suppose he'd got along with him? Todd wouldn't be living here if Elias didn't like him, right?"
The blonde headed girl replied, "You're right. And the reason why they're getting along is...Todd's dad is a friend of mine's. So yeah, dad may not be a people person, but he still has a friend outside the family. Not a bunch of friends, only one...And Todd too. So that's why he trusts him around me."
"Oh...Yeah...I guess that makes sense." I shrugged, "But like I said, I won't stop talking to you and he'll have to get used to that."
She grinned, "Glad to hear it...And good luck with that."
I giggled. Then shortly after that, I dipped my chin, holding a look of guilt.
Cat got concerned for me, "Matt...Are you ok?"
I was rubbing the back of my neck, "You said you didn't want to lose me...But to be frank, I was afraid I've lost YOU."
She asked, "What are you talking about?"
I looked at her, explaining, "Well...It's about yesterday, about you and Tobey. Remember I asked you earlier if you were feeling ok on the inside? It's just you didn't see me again after that. And throughout the day yesterday, last night, and this morning, I was pretty much worried myself that you got so scared by my own dog you wouldn't-"
Cat was shaking her head in reassurance, "No, no, I'm not scared." Her shoulders made a shrug when she added, "Well I was right when it happened, but it never bothered me after that. And besides, I'm talking to you now."
I smiled a tiny bit, the guilt in my chest began to wash away when she said that, "Yeah, and that makes me feel better." It flew off my face, "But the thing I wanted to come all the way here and say to you is...I'm sorry. I'm very sorry about my dog."
"But you already told me you were before I ran away."
"But I wanted to say it again...And promise you that what happened with Tobey will NEVER happen to you again. I will make absolutely sure it won't, and that goes the same for some other dog. I promise from the bottom of my heart."
Cat was smiling at me in total appreciation, "You know what? I'll remember that...Thanks."
My smile came back, only bigger that time, "You're welcome. You don't deserve to have that happen to you again."
Cat said, looking a little confused, "Yeah, but I do wonder...Why did Tobey do that to me in the first place? I don't think I did anything wrong, did I? Did you ever know?"
"You didn't do anything wrong." I shook my head, saying in a grateful tone, "As for why, I still don't have any idea, but it doesn't really matter now. I'm just happy you're still talking to me after all that."
She grinned, "Well you shouldn't have worried about me so much anyways. I told you before I was going to see you later, remember? Actually I was planning to see you later today."
I shot my head to my left, "Well, looks like I beat you to it. And can I ask you something?"
"Were you ALSO planning to introduce me to your boyfriend today?"
She laughed a bit, "Maybe NOT today, but sometime I was going to."
"Well no need to plan our meeting now." I stated about her boyfriend, "I'll tell you this...You do have a nice, handsome guy."
Cat gave me words of gratitude, "Thank you. He's not so bad...Like you. By the way, I am sorry I didn't I tell you I was going out with someone. I really was gonna tell you sometime."
My head shook off her apology, "It's ok. It's not a total big deal. The big deal is...You're with someone, despite your shyness."
"That's true..." Her shyness was evident in her eyes, "But despite that...I still am."
"But I'm proud you are. You're lucky to have someone."
"...I think you're right."
We both just smiled at each other for a long time. Then suddenly mine melted away, when I felt somebody was watching us. I only turned my head, seeing a person peeking out of the front door of the mansion. Cat followed my gaze as well. I can tell it was a man about Gary's and Deena's ages. He has long brown hair like he was a rocker or something, a slim figure...And he had a very angry look on his face. I can tell he had it from where I stood. When he saw us looking at him, he pulled himself back in the house, and slammed the door, loud enough for us to hear.
My eyes went wide, "Oh boy..." I stared back at Cat once more, "That guy was your dad wasn't it?"
She brought her sight back to me, "That was."
"Shit...No wonder he was pissed." Come on! Almost all members of her family is getting along with me except one! Darn it. I said with a little worry in my chest, "I think he's not in the mood to get used to me right now...Maybe I better get out of here before he gets TOO mad."
"I think that's a good idea." Cat asked, holding her hands together in front of her waist, "Um, Matt?"
I responded, "Yes?"
"...Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?"
I smiled when I answered, "Definitely. I might come here again to see you. I do like your family...Well, most of your family, and I do want to see what the whole mansion is like...Now that I feel better about you. You guys owe me a tour." Come to think of it...I think I still owe HER a tour at MY house. Oh, we'll work around that.
Cat said, "Well, I think grandpa might calm my dad down before then, so you should be ok when you do, but..." She shook her head a tiny bit with a look of uncertainty, "I wouldn't hold my breath about it."
I waved my hand, "Look, when I do, he'll have to try not to get angry and get over it."
Cat spoke an idea too with a grin, "Well, if dad doesn't let you in the house, then I'll just leave and hang with you outside...And away from here."
I giggled, pointing a finger at her, "Now you're talking."
Then she added with a nervous look, "That is if he'll let me leave."
That was when I moved my finger, pointing it straight up, "Hey, don't worry...We'll both see what happens tomorrow."
She smiled once more, "Yeah...We will."
I lowered my hand down to the side and said, "Well...It was nice seeing you again, Cat." I began backing up away from her, "I'll see you later. And tell Todd and your family I said that to them."
I saw Cat waving her hand at me, "Ok...Bye."
I did the same while still backing away, "Bye." And that's when I spun around, strolling for the dirt road off the yard and heading home.
"I'm getting it straight, they really think you did it?" I asked incredulously as I was pacing around the furniture in the living room with my cellphone held to my ear.
I was listening to Andy replying at the other end, "Yea. Rachel heard it from them clear as day."
I sighed and remarked with my hand going up and flopping back down, "Maybe I should tell everyone at her school that it was ME who called the cops."
His voice sounded quizzical, "It'd probably help, but do you think they'd believe you?"
I yelled a sentence, "Of course they would! I mean sure the fact that you, other than me and Rachel, weren't let inside that party and left out in the dark kinda does tell them that you were the one who called the cops." I declared when I went up to a window and stared outside in the dark, "But I was the one who did it."
It was nighttime at my house, and I was basically alone in it again when mom went off for another nightshift. Alone with my dogs including Brendi who's in the living room with me curled up on her tiny bed on the floor, and Tobey chained to the doghouse in the backyard once more. After reading some more of 'The Notebook' earlier, I found something else to do to just kill the time since I wasn't feeling tired yet.
Which was call and chat with Andy.
At first we said hello to each other, then he started telling me about what he found out from Rachel that she heard at school. Some bad news as Andy called it. It had something to do with the house party me and them tried to go to the other night....One that I tattletaled to the cops about and had them shut it down. Well, some kids at school were blaming Andy for the party being over, told Rachel that straight to her face since she hangs and talks to him. And, in Andy's words, there was 'circumstantial' evidence that kinda proved he did it...Him seen showing up at the party and not let in. In my opinion, since they say he was 'seen' at that house that night, I think it was that bouncer who started this crap. I do remember he was the only one who saw Andy show up.
I thought it was unfair. Unfair to Andy anyways. I hate it when some people do that. Which makes me question why some people couldn't move on from such little drama.
Andy said after a moment of silence passed, "True, but I was kinda thinking they wouldn't if you tried. Cause maybe they would think you're covering for me. Most people know I have a big issue with Vinnie, so why would they not think I did it?"
I yanked my head away from the dark window and turned around, with only my face gazing down at the floor, "I see your point." Then I was strolling near the fireplace, dismissively saying, "But look, I don't care. You don't deserve this bullshit. It's their choice to believe me or not, but I am the one who did it. Guilty as fucking charged."
His reply came as cautionary, "Yeah, but...I also do not think it's a good idea to publicly announce you're the snitch."
I shot back through the receiver as I stopped in front of the fireplace, "I'm not in school anymore so why should I worry?"
"Well I'm not either and I still feel like I am because of Vinnie."
I frowned in disgust of that fact, "He really is a douche."
I imagined Andy rolling his eyes at my words, "He is. Look, I'm just warning you about him...He's pretty vindictive. If he finds out you ruined his party, he won't stop till he will screw you over, just like you screwed him. I remember he did that to someone who tried to stop one of his parties...And it was bad. Fucked that guy over pretty good."
"Thanks for the tip." I formed a defiant grin, "But if he comes after me, I'm gonna be the one to screw him over again."
I heard Andy laughing at the other end, "You really have big gonads, you know that? And let me guess...You gonna tattletale to your mom?"
"If he's that dangerous to society and to me then yeah, I'll have mother book his ass...Maybe after I kick that guy right between the legs when he tries something."
"Heh heh...That would be priceless. But listen, Matt, just do me a favor and don't say anything about youself ruining the party. I'm looking out for you since you did for me. Maybe the whole party thing will be blown over soon and I'll stop getting accused too. Things like that usually do. Alright?"
I pretty much stood and thought about it. Then I sighed and said my choice, "Fine. I won't say anything."
Andy let out a 'phew' at the other end, "Thanks. I didn't want you hurt."
My form and my feet moved past Brendi's tiny bed, and I was watching to make sure I didn't step on it as I go by, "I know, man...I don't want you hurt either."
"Oh, I'll be alright. I'm just keeping it cool." When I was in front of a chair, Andy changed the subject, "Well anyways...How did things go with you and Catherine? Did you find her house? I haven't heard from you about it all day."
I smiled, sitting down on it, "I did."
He sounded proud, "Hey, that's great!"
I giggled deep, "Right, which by the way you didn't even tell me her house was, quote, 'huge'. I mean it really was huge! I never saw a house like it before!"
Andy responded, "Well I didn't know how BIG it was, I heard it was just big."
I told him, "Well I see your point since you told me you haven't been there before. But let me tell ya, you'll be looking so surprised when you gaze at it. It's practically a mansion, kinda a bit big like a school...I think."
I can tell he was intrigued, "Damn...Now I'm imagining it right now."
"Sure, but I bet you can't imagine the inside of it...Till you went in it. Let me put it this way, the area where the front door is located was bigger than at Rachel's. It's like a foyer or something."
He was astonished, "Holy crap...I'm not normally into houses, but that sounds cool. Like Count Dracula's castle kind of cool." My brow furrowed at that. Okaaaay. Then he asked, "But forget the house. What happened after you got there?"
I told him the story, "Well long story short, at first I met her whole family, then later I got a chance to talk to Cat."
Andy sounded quizzical, "Cat?"
I explained, "Cat is just short for Catherine. She likes being called that. Anyways, other than surprised to see me, turns out she was feeling fine the whole time after Tobey attacked her. Taught me not to get so worried about her. But still in the end, I feel better now."
"Good, good."
"I didn't stay there throughout the afternoon though. I left maybe almost an hour after I got there."
"Least you got to talk to her. That was important." Then I can tell his tone of voice changed back to curiousness, "And uh...You said you talked to her family...And her boyfriend?"
I leaned back in the chair as I responded, "Yeah...They were nice. Even Todd was. He may look like a tough guy on the count of him wearing only a tank top, but he's actually alright. Everyone was good...All except one person. It was Cat's father...Elias White. Let's just say he was the reason why I left."
"Elias White? Uh oh."
I asked, "What? I suppose you heard of him?"
He replied, "More like both met him and heard of him. Trust me, he's an asshole, and I know it as well. More than once when I'm...Well, 'accidentaly' close to him, he gives me this glare, like he's saying 'stay the hell out of my way or I'll rip your head off'. He gives that to anyone who dare come near him. One time he even SAID to me, 'move out of my way or I'll throw you into a dumpster like a pile of trash'. You can imagine I did."
I did imagine it, "I reckon so."
Andy went on about Elias, "And god, that's not the worst I told you! I even saw him get in a fight with someone one time too, and from what I heard...It was because that person was near his daughter."
My eyes went wide, "Jesus christ, really?"
"Hell yeah! And thinking about it, I don't know who is worse, him or Vinnie...I'm gonna say Vinnie."
I hummed with my brow wrinkled, "Cat told me he's not really a people person and he's overprotective of her...But god, now I really know she isn't kidding. I guess I'm lucky he didn't do anything to me before I left her home."
My friend warned me, "Well, since you're talking to her, I suggest you be careful with her dad. I don't know what his problem is, but I think he's unpredictable."
"I kept that in mind already so thanks." Only my body bended forward so my elbows would rest my legs, and I said this when I thought of something, "And Andy...Can I tell you something?"
I said something that was on my mind ever since I left the mansion, "...It's about the rest of Cat's family and Todd. I know about Elias...But I don't think all of them are too social with other people. I say that because one of them said they usually don't expect company coming over to their house and not much of it goes there. I even think the mailman doesn't drive up close to their house cause their mailbox is not close to it, but at the start of their road. Like close to the main one you know? Honestly I'm kinda thinking I was the only person who ever did."
Andy replied, "You may be right, I never heard of anybody else going to their place. And I think you're right about them too, about them not being too social."
"Because many times I see them shopping or eating at The Cupboard, when Elias is not around, I can tell they mostly keep to themselves." I leaned back in the chair again as I listened to him, "I know what Catherine and Elias is like, but when someone, like Bess and Kent, talks to the other members of their family, they always reply 'hello' and keep their conversations REAL short and simple. They don't talk to other people for too long. They seem to just want to do what they want to do and go straight home."
I finally spoke, "Huh...Guess that proves my theory. They're like Cat...In a way." Hmmm...But they weren't like that to me when I talked to them, not short and simple and all. Wonder why they were in public? Are they a...Cult, or something? I'll ask Cat tomorrow. She may know. After all, she lives with them.
"Well they don't run away like she does, but I see your point. I don't know why they do that." I can hear Andy let out a yawn, "Anyways, Matt, I'm tired. I think everyone else here is heading to bed...I'll be like them."
Lucky you guys, I'm not feeling that yet. I said with a breath let out, "Ok, I'll probably talk to you and Rachel tomorrow after she gets off school...When I'm done hanging with Cat that is."
"You're gonna hang with her tomorrow?"
"Yep, planning to."
Andy giggled, "Gee, sounds like you're replacing us."
I smirked, "Oh, I never replaced anybody. I do try to balance friendships."
"Whatever, but alright, I'll see you later. And remember what I said about Elias...BE CAREFUl."
"I will, don't worry. Goodnight, dude." I finally hung up, laying the cell phone beside me.
I took a deep breath, feeling dissatisfied that I'm not feeling worn yet. Come on...I want to get tired already! I huffed upon getting up off the chair. You know what, I'll just go to my room and just lay in bed. That'll probably make me sleepy. With that thought, I gazed down at Brendi, smiling and whispering to her lovingly as she was sleeping in her bed, "Night, little one." After saying that and hearing the little dog snore, I moved myself to exit the living room.
But before I was about to flip the light switch off and literally leave it, that's when I realized I forgot something. I gasped with wide eyes, "Oh shit!" I glanced at the kitchen from the distance, at the back door, "I forgot to feed Tobey!" I walked in fast strides to do so. Better get it over with before I forget again!
I was in the kitchen, opening up a closet door, and found a bag of dog food in the middle of the floor. I opened it up and used a scooper as usual to scoop up the food. Then soon I was heading for the back door, heading outside in the night. After I shut it behind me, I strode for Tobey's doghouse. I announced as I got closer, "Hey, crazy dog. I got food for ya." I didn't see the Black Lab outside it, apparently he was in it, probably sleeping. As I got near the food bowl beside the doghouse, I dumped the food in it. I grinned, "Here's your late night snack." I looked down upon feeding him, but my dog didn't come out of there.
I formed a frown. That's funny. He's not really a heavy sleeper. Usually he's always keen to eat something when he hears the food...Or see me when he knows I'm near him. What's going on? Is he that tired? That can't be. I decided to see Tobey in his house, by going in front of it and crouching down. I called for his name, "Tobey?"
But suddenly, something didn't seem right. It was dark in the doghouse, and I would think Tobey's black furred form would be obscured by its shadow. But I can barely see the inside, and it didn't look like he was in there. I was starting to freak out and reached in there to feel him. But...My hand didn't feel fur, only air.
Tobey was not in the doghouse.
I gasped, jerking my hand out of there. Is he... Then I actually caught something lying in the grass. I picked it up, and saw it was the chain that clips around his collar, keep him tied up. That's when I realized Tobey escaped his chain.
"Oh, no..." I shot off the ground, frantically searching for the dog. Damn, where is he?! I hollered for him, "Tobey! Where are you? Tobey!"
That's when I can hear barking. I shot my head off to where it came from. It sounded like it was coming from the front end of the house. I sprinted away from the doghouse, running along the side of my house to the front yard. I stopped in front of my home when I didn't see any dog in the yard. I heard barking along with a couple howls, and I knew who they belonged to. I recognized them.
Barking was heard still and I followed where it came from. From what I can tell...Tobey is somewhere in the woods, far in them. You've gotta be kidding me. I screamed for the dog, "Tobey! Tobey!"
I can still hear him barking, like he wasn't paying attention to me at all. Fuck...Dumb dog. What's he doing in there? I moaned, flailing my hands up then back down. Damnnit...Now what do I do? My eyebrows were raised as I came up an idea. Well...I know I won't sleep well with him unchained and running loose...So there's only one thing I can do.
I sighed. I'm gonna have to go find him.
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