Current Track: Blabb


\n     Well sorry for the wait, but here's Ch 15 of Shadow of a Freelancer. A little fighting, a show of force, scheming and other such things lay in this chapter. I hope you enjoy. Please vote and leave a comment.

\n _____________________________________________________________________________________

\n     Of all the people he could have been, was it fate that brought this one man here before him? Was it god teasing him or was this too apart of the plan that Echo spoke of those few weeks ago? Shadow didn't care, all he cared about was the fact that Patrick Territh stood before him.

\n     Shadow's eyes were wide as he stared at this seemingly normal person standing no less than a foot away from him. His platinum blond hair hanging in his face and his white suit; compared to Johan's black one, was pressed neatly and seemed to bring out the blue of his eyes. A smug smile set on his face as he looked into Shadow's eyes.

\n     Rage was building inside him as this human smiled so casually as if he had no worries in the galaxy. Images of Lliam dying, the pain Maya went through, what he almost did to Maya and all the people who he hurt because of what this one man had done flashed before his eyes.

\n     "Both you and Delta will pay for what you've done." Rrahkarr thought to himself, his anger reaching its limits.

\n     Looking down he noticed that he was visibly shaking; he could see his legs were shaking and could feel his whole body trembling. When his anger reached its limit he let out a low growl. He looked back up into Patrick's pale blue eyes, Shadow's own eyes giving off a faint blue glow. The restraints that were on him seemed to be nothing compared to the rage, hate and pain that seemed to fuel him. Within the bat of an eye; Shadow ripped free from the restraints, his paws heading right for Patrick's throat.

\n     Even though Shadow could see things as if time had been slowed, he didn't see Patrick move at all, only vanish and reappear next to him. When he did that, Shadow's eyes again went wide as he looked to his right and saw Patrick raising his fist; smile still on his face. Normally if someone tried to throw a punch at him, Shadow would see it move slowly, but when Patrick went to attack him it traveled faster than when someone tried to punch him when he was normal. No one in the room but those two could even see how fast the fist flew through the air.

\n     The hit itself was even stronger then he had ever experienced; even more so then how Echo had hit him. The force that was behind the hit caused him to slam into the wall about seven feet away; causing the metal to buckle and give way beneath him and form a dent in the wall as he hit it. He then fell to the floor in a limp, dazed and confused state. Patrick simply stood up straight and pushed his glasses further up on his nose.

\n     "Sir" Johan yelled when Shadow ripped through the restraints.

\n     All the guards; confused at what just happened, had aimed their weapons and took up positions to have a better shot at Shadow after he had already been hit. They were about to fire when Patrick said "No, don't kill him."

\n     "But sir!" Johan said.

\n     "Don't question me Johan..." Patrick said in a deep and commanding voice, then added in that peaceful and serene voice he was speaking in earlier as he walked up to Johan and patted his shoulder "Just do as I say."

\n     "Y-Yes sir!" he replied with fear in his voice.

\n     "I'd like it if you threw Rrahkarr here into one of...those...cells if you would." Patrick said in his peaceful and serene voice.

\n     All the guards quickly did as he had asked; they knew if they didn't do things he asked as quickly as possible they'd end up dead or worse they could end up as test subjects in Patrick's experiments. They picked up Shadow; who was in no condition to even struggle, and carried him out of the room. Patrick watched as they carried Shadow out of the room and he started shaking his head.

\n     One of the guards was moving rather slow compared to the others, Patrick used the same ability he used with evading Shadow and quickly closed the distance between himself and that guard and killed him on the spot by ripping his throat out with his bare hand. Blood sprayed from the man's neck and yet, Patrick was so fast not a single drop stained his white suit.  The other guards were staring at Patrick; with fear in their eyes as blood sprayed from there comrade. When he looked at them they literally ran; while carrying Shadow, out of the room.

\n *******************

\n December 16, 2337 - GMP holding cell (4:50 PM)

\n     Shadow was taken to a special cell; he had been thrown into twin mechanical doors that let him fall for about five or so seconds before crashing onto a wet, cold and hard floor. With the little bit of light that lit the room Shadow noticed several devices in the ceiling, emitters of some kind that emitted a low hum telling Shadow that whatever they did, they were doing.

\n     He didn't feel different but he was in extreme pain, his ribs on his right side were broken from the punch that Patrick delivered to him. He was currently sitting on the wet floor and leaning against the wall on the far side of the room; away from where he was thrown in.

\n     Though one thing Shadow would admit was the fact that Severo wasn't bothering him at the moment. What that meant he had no idea but he was happy for the true silence for the time being. Though that peace was ruined when another set of doors was opened and only two lightly armed guards stepped in. Shadow was pissed and even though he was injured felt like taking these two down a notch on their stupidity levels for coming in here just by themselves.

\n     Shadow stood up as they approached and when they were close he charged them...but that's when things changed for him. He was running just as fast as a normal person could run and when he went to attack the two they easily dodge him and restrained him by getting his arms behind his back; which caused pain to shoot up from his ribs. They easily cuffed him and chained him to the wall after that and left him there.

\n     It was two hours later that the door re opened and Patrick stepped in with the same peaceful, calm and carefree look about him. He was grinning as he walked over to Shadow; who was still chained to the wall and unable to do anything.

\n     "I bet you're wondering why you couldn't use any of your abilities?" Patrick said with his serene voice.

\n     Shadow scoffed at him and looked in any direction except at Patrick who just chuckled and said "Well it's the same reason I didn't come in here until now. This cell has emitters that disrupt the abilities of a GMP (Genetically Modified Person) and basically make them like anyone else, just as slow, clumsy and week."

\n     Shadow then looked at Patrick and asked with anger in his voice "Why is it you're keeping me here? I thought you wanted me dead!"

\n     "No, I just wanted you and that family of yours out of the picture. You're brother is dead, you're here and it's only a matter of time before we find that sister of yours. I'm quite fine with you being here, it will also allow me to run some tests on how far Tro'nen's DNA has mutated and see what abilities you have that we tried to give him." Patrick explained as he paced back and forth then he stopped and smiled before adding "For that last part we're going to have you fight every week."

\n     Shadow didn't like that last part as image of those creatures came to mind, which made him think and caused him to ask "Those creatures...were in the galaxy did you fine them?"

\n     "Find?" Patrick asked and laughed "Oh Rrahkarr...I didn't find them anywhere, they're just prototypes of bio-weapons I'm making...much more advanced than the creature your brother fought back at E'zelah but too stupid. That one at least was intelligent." Patrick explained.

\n     "What!" Shadow said yelled in surprise.

\n     That sank in deep and images of how he saw Lliam that day after he was rescued popped to the forefront of his mind, causing him to shudder for a moment at how badly Lliam was injured even though he was in the latest model of the LM (light mech) series of mech's. The LM Terra was almost completely destroyed and had to be sent back to be fixed...more than one part having to be completely replaced.

\n     "Well those were only the first and second generations of what I've made. I could have you fight against the third generation but you'd probably die, I think I'll have you fight against something more like you...or rather someone." Patrick said and laughed as he started to leave the room but stopped and said "The next time you leave this room will be when I've set up the fight, you best concentrate on not further injuring yourself and let those ribs of yours heal" before he exited the room, leaving Shadow all alone and chained to the wall.

\n **********************

\n January 17, 2338 - Mors Mortis Arena (9:00 AM)

\n     About four weeks had passed by before Shadow was removed from the GMP holding cell and taken to the Arena. They waited that long so he would heal but also to keep him isolated from contact of other people. They were trying to break him and force him to do things they wanted. But he wasn't alone, Severo reemerged the second day he was in that cell and had been mentally torturing him ever since.

\n        He had gone through a month of that mental torture and now he stood at one end of the Arena; which had been raised till it was ten feet from the glass that separated the Arena floor from the stands. There were cheers all around him as he waited for who he was going to fight. In a sense he was broken, he just stood there and looked like he was out of his mind but in truth he was trying to keep his sanity intact by suppressing Severo.
\n        Severo had done a number to him and he felt completely miserable as he stood there. His ribs had yet to fully heal but they caused him no pain as of right now, but in a fight that would be his week spot. The announcer said something that seemed to make the crowds cheer even more; more so then the massive battle he went through a month ago, but what he said seemed distant and clouded in Shadow's ears.

\n     He looked up and noticed two figures approaching him, both about the same height with nearly similar body builds though one looked thinner than the other. They both were around 5 foot 11 inches tall; maybe 6 foot even, both had short hair; similar to how Shadow's was cut; completely uneven, and had green eyes. The most notable detail about them was the fact that they were wolves just like him, only their fur and hair color was a very pale gray; nearly white.

\n     These two were the McBride brothers that Johan, Henrik and even Patrick talked about. The ones whom Patrick said he was related to. But how Shadow had no idea, there was so much about his family line he knew nothing about. The only family other than those directly linked to him that he knew of was his aunt, uncle and cousin Rick. They weren't even blood related, his uncle had been adopted into the family and that was a part of why the two sets of family hardly spoke to each other.

\n     Shadow noticed the thinner one say something to the bulkier one who nodded as they slowly approached him. They increased their speed until they were half way to him; being separated by a hundred yards at the start. This whole time Shadow just seemed to stand there yet, he was having an inner battle with Severo who was trying to get out.

\n     Shadow had just quieted Severo down when he noticed that both the wolves heading towards him increased their speed to the point where Shadow; and everyone, could tell they weren't normal. They had just closed the distance and were not but ten feet away when Shadow noticed something about their eyes. They were glowing brightly, like how his own eyes glowed when Severo took control.

\n     "Oh fuck" Was all Shadow could think when the thinner one jumped up and attempted to kick him.

\n     He snapped too and dodged the kick only to have the bulkier one slam his fist into Shadow's face. This caused him to reel back from the pain only to have him attacked several more times by both of them. He could hardly do anything, he was too mentally exhausted and with one final hit to the head Shadow was knocked out cold and fell to the ground.

\n ********************

\n Mors Mortis Wardens Viewing Room (9:22 AM)

\n     "Well sir it looks like your plan didn't go quite as well as you thought it would." Johan bravely said to Patrick; both of whom sat in the wardens viewing room.

\n     "It only looks that way from your point of view, but for me..." Patrick paused as he chose his words "It shows me that the possibility of the longer their DNA change through the generations the weaker they get...but that is only a possibility at this point, not a certainty." Patrick theorized.

\n     The two watched as the two other wolves turned around and started to head towards the exit of the arena. As they walked Johan started to think; he'd only been there seven years now along with Henrik and they had already been there, so how old were they?

\n     "Sir" Johan said to get Patrick's attention.

\n     "Yes Johan?" Patrick asked with his serene voice.

\n     "If you don't mind me asking sir, how old are the McBride brothers? All I know is they look to be in their late twenties and yet they've been here before me and still looked the same." Johan asked with a little uncertainty in his voice.

\n     Patrick just smiled and replied "I don't mind answering, all your predecessors knew. What is it, year 2338...their a little over one hundred and sixty years old, give or take a few years,"

\n     Johan stared at Patrick in disbelief, to which Patrick laughed at and patted his shoulder "I'm not lying either, now since this little test is over I'll be heading out for a moment."

\n     Patrick got up and started to exit the room when Johan said "Sir, he's getting back up."

\n     Patrick turned around and looked at Shadow, his eyes widened momentarily as he retook his seat.

\n *****************

\n     Shadow started to stand up but he went very slowly at first until he his feet were firmly on the ground. There was something different to the way he stood and held himself. The crowds cheered on due to the fact that the battle wasn't going to end. The McBride brothers turned around as Shadow opened his eyes, only it wasn't Shadow looking back at them.

\n     His eyes were glowing and not the light glow that usually happens when Shadow's pissed but rather his iris's were almost fully glowing. Then with a devilish grin Severo began laughing in a devilish manner. The devilish laughter confused the brothers and they knew as long as he still stood the battle would not end.

\n     They charged at Severo; not knowing of the split personality of Shadow, and charged him full speed. They went to attack him in a similar manner with the thinner of the two jumping up to kick him, only this time it was different. Severo jumped higher than the one who had jumped and performed a reverse roundhouse kick to his chest, sending him flying back the direction he came.

\n     That attack then placed Severo over the bulkier one; who was surprised at what just happened, and on his way down brought his heel down onto his shoulder. Then once on the ground kneed him in the gut before grabbing him and throwing him as hard as he could into the direction of where Patrick and Johan sat. He slammed into the glass that separated the arena from the viewing box. The glass cracked and fractured but the bulkier one did not break through it and fell to the ground.

\n     Severo laughed as they tried to attack him again and an again, all in vain. Then suddenly the thinner one stopped and called to his brother and said "Zeig, I don't think this is Rrahkarr."

\n     Zeig; who was the bulkier one, panted a little as he stepped closer to his brother and replied "What do you mean Louie?"

\n     "The way he's acting is different from when we first started...and doesn't he remind you of...him?" Louie asked.

\n     Zeig had a look of surprise on his face which slowly changed to realization "So, then he too has a split personality like I had?"

\n     "I'd say so brother." Louie said then looked at Severo "I guess we better take this up a notch." He added as they both moved faster than before and charged Severo.

\n     They circled and flanked him and this time when they attacked they hit him. Zeig had attacked low and knocked Severo up into the air as Louie jumped up and grabbed Severo by the feet and threw him down to Zeig. Zeig kicked him in the middle of the gut and sent him flying towards Louie who had already landed and elbowed him in the back as he flew by and sent him down into the ground.

\n     Severo wasn't able to put up much of a fight because Shadow's body had weakened from being in that GMP holding cell. "Hmm, I think I'll let you handle this Rrahkarr." Severo said to Shadow in his mind as he retreated leaving Shadow lying on the ground unable to move.

\n     Zeig was about to attack Shadow again when Louie stopped him "Stop Zeig, I think he's himself again. He won't be getting up."

\n     Zeig stopped and looked up to the warden's observation room and turned around and walked towards the exit. Louie shook his head at his brother and looked down at Shadow before following Zeig.

\n *******************

\n     Johan was shocked while Patrick was amazed. He may not have won but so far he's the only one who even laid a finger on either of the McBride brothers, let alone throw one far enough to hit the safety glass and hard enough to cause it to crack. Johan was muttering curses about having to repair the safety glass while Patrick stood up and started to leave the room. Johan noticed and quickly followed him.

\n     "Johan, did you see that." Patrick said with excitement in his voice.

\n     "Yes sir, still not how you planned it." Johan said.

\n     "No it wasn't but did you see the change in was almost like it was another person. I wonder if we continue to put him under stress if what we just saw surfaces again." Patrick said as his mind started going in several directions on how to archive that goal.

\n     "Maybe sir but would that be a good thing?" Johan asked.

\n     "Yes it would. It is like he has a split personality and that other self of him is the one that fully uses his abilities. I wonder if that is the level of this generation's ability I wonder what a...oh" Patrick said and stopped as a devilish idea ran through his mind. "Johan, stick those three in the holding cell I designed that doesn't rob them of their gifts. I wonder if he would attack them after he gets to know them and learns of who they are." Patrick added as he continued walking down the hall.

\n     "Hmm I think it's time to re-find those two and test my theory." Patrick thought to himself while a devilish smile chiseled its way across his face.

\n *******************

\n Mors Mortis Pit Cell (1:27 PM)

\n     Before Shadow was taken to the room Patrick wanted him and the brothers in, he was taken to the infirmary to be looked at and treated. The doctor knew it wasn't really needed if he was being placed in a normal room but he followed his orders; he wasn't stupid enough to temp the devil. After he administered treatment he sent Shadow with a few guards to the room Patrick wanted him in.
\n     They shortly arrived at the room Patrick had designed. The entrance was twenty five feet above the floor. The walls sloped at a forty five degree angle towards the center of the room to make it impossible for them to even attempting to climb out of the room. The only way up was if someone activated a small lift that was in the center of the room below and raised them to the entrance.

\n     The guards weren't gentle when they threw him down to the floor below. After he crashed into the ground and rolled over, he laid on the cold floor on his back and stared back up at the door he was thrown through. He hurt all over so he just remained still as he slowly breathed in and out.

\n     "Well he's a tough son of a bitch, I'll give him that." A voice from Shadow's left said.

\n     "He said he wasn't your normal fur." The familiar voice of Louie said from Shadow's right.

\n     Shadow moved his head to the left then to the right and saw both the McBride brothers against each wall. Their eyes slightly glowing as they watched him, Shadow was about to ask a question when the one on his left; who he recalled from the fight was Zeig, asked him a question.

\n     "So Rrahkarr; or do you prefer Shadow, how is it you can move like us?"

\n     "I don't care what you call me. From what I heard from the man in charge Patrick Territh, we're related." Shadow answered; not caring if he believed him or not.

\n     "Oh and he just so kindly told you something and you believe him?" Zeig said and laughed.

\n     "Not only do I believe what he said; and not because I trust him, but because of what your last name is." Shadow answered.

\n     "What about our last name?" Zeig asked with a little anger in his voice.

\n     "It was my mother's maiden name." He replied simply.

\n     Zeig and Louie had a surprised look on their face at what he said. The next one to speak was Louie "Are you sure that she was related to our family and not just having the same name?"

\n     Shadow looked over to Louie and said "Look at me, if she wasn't related how else could I do what I do... that and from what I'm guessing, you two are related to Tro'nen Wilson too are you not?"

\n     "How do you know about that?" Zeig asked with a temper.

\n     "Ah so you know you're related to him... who told you?" Shadow asked as he looked back up.

\n     "A human named Murazar Dauthi; he also went by Freelancer Delta." Louie informed.

\n     Shadow chuckled as he said "I guess he really is that old. He the same one who told me."

\n     "So baldy is still alive?" Zeig said with a chuckle.

\n     "Yeah... and if I get out of here, I'm going to change that." Shadow said with a growl.

\n     Zeig and Louie looked at Shadow with a look of confusion as he said that. They looked at each other then back to the angry look on Shadow's face as Louie asked "Why do you want to kill him?"

\n     Shadow gave Louie a death stare as he said "He's the one who betrayed me and all the others I worked with and sent me here!"

\n     "What!" Both of them asked in unison.

\n     "He betrayed the Cardinal Sin fleet as well as all you two know about the Freelancer civil war?" Shadow asked in a more relaxed tone of voice.

\n     "Know about it... ha, we lived through it. You're looking at Freelancer Alpha over here." Zeig said.

\n     "And I was Freelancer Omega." Louie added.

\n     "Yeah we know of that war... and at the end of it we were falsely accused of unethical crimes against the Freelancers and sentenced to live our lives here on Mors Mortis." Zeig said with a laugh.

\n     Shadow looked over to Zeig and asked "How old are you two?"

\n     Louie asked "What year is it?"

\n     "It's twenty three thirty eight." Shadow replied.

\n     "Then we're about one hundred and sixty six years old." Zeig answered Shadow.

\n     "I didn't expect to find someone of my family from that far back, let alone that they are Alpha and Omega." Shadow admitted.

\n     "Well then here's a kicker, Tro'nen was our great grandfather. And if you truly are a part of our family, then you must be the great; some number of times over, grandson of our little brother." Louie said.
\n     "Hmm, well as I was saying, it seems the whole time Delta has been on the side of the Outcasts." Shadow informed them.

\n     "What!?" they both yelled in unison and Zeig continued with "Are they still around?"

\n     "Here I'll explain everything, to how I got my abilities, when, and what has happened in the last few years."

\n     Shadow then explained everything he knew. It took several hours but as of right now all they had was time to burn. He told them of his brother and sister, the murder of his parents, joining the military, how his brother died and who ordered it, who he left behind to keep them out of what was happening, the people he met and became friend with as well as teammates with.

\n     He then told them of the things that transpired that foreshadowed something bad and the return of the Outcasts. He even confessed that he had a split personality that has been mentally torturing him ever since his brother died. Then he told of the advancements in the enemies' technology and the events leading up to him being sent to Mors Mortis.

\n     Once he finished several hours later, he sighed as he thought about what he said on two specific notes. "I'm glad that Sara is safe... and that I had Kathy go into hiding. I've already lost everything... I don't know what would happen if I found out something happen to one of them." Shadow thought to himself as all the information sunk in with Louie and Zeig.

\n     "So you are like me..." Zeig said and sighed "How long did you say he's been with you?"

\n     "Severo? Since my genes woke. So a little over three years at this point." Shadow said.

\n     "Have you tried to get rid of him?" Louie asked.

\n     "Ha, if I knew how I would have a long time ago."

\n     "Well Rrahkarr, I too had a split personality, and he went by Ayu. I somehow got rid of him. They're like parasites; they attach themselves to something in us and weaken us to the point where they gain control. I guess when we fought earlier, when you went down that was him who stood back up? I think you're getting close to the limit where he'll take over." Zeig explained to him.

\n     "A parasitic personality?" Shadow asked.

\n     "Yes, they feed on us till we can no longer fight them and then they claim our bodies. They attach themselves to a specific thing that is different in each of us. You have to find out what that is and find out how to stop it from using it. And they've been known to torture us with something that is the complete opposite of what they're attached too." Zeig finished.

\n     "If you can't find a way to stop it, you'll be consumed by it and in all technicalities you'll be dead." Louie said.

\n     "Also if you haven't noticed, the more they take control the less use of your powers you have. In fact when they wake up in us, we lose certain gifts that can't be recovered until either you or it remains in the body alone." Zeig added.

\n     Shadow sighed and nodded as he laid there "Yeah I already know there are a few thing I couldn't do after I woke up a month or so after I gained those gifts."

\n     Well I guess we should start trying to help you get rid of it before it takes you over." Louie said as they all started talking.

\n ************************

\n Mors Mortis Patrick Territh's Office (2:00 PM)

\n     Patrick sat in his office; papers littering the room around him, as he figured out how to bring out that other side of Shadow. "The fighting worked, but only after he was in the GMP cell for a month; which may have weakened that other side of him too. But if we don't put him in one of those cells, he'll probably be able to resist that other side...what to do what to do?" Patrick kept asking himself.

\n     Both Johan and Henrik were present and after Patrick said that to himself, Henrik had a thoughtful look on his face. "Sir"

\n     Patrick looked over to Henrik with a look that even caused him to take a step back as Patrick asked "Yes Henrik?"

\n     Finding his tongue Henrik said "When Johan let me torture Rrahkarr; he had a look in his eyes unlike any I have ever seen. It may have been a part of that other self of him looking at me."

\n     "Oh, hmm... I wonder." Patrick said and leaned back in his chair. "Yes that'll work for now. I want you to have Rrahkarr fight at least once every week and torture him twice a week. Do not kill him but try to push him over his mental limits and see if you can bring that other side of him out. I want to learn of it." Patrick said.

\n     "Yes sir, I take it you'd want him to rest a few days to recover between the times I torture him?" Henrik asked and Patrick nodded.

\n     "Johan, have him fight with those brothers every so often and also have him fight with a few of the first and second generation bio-weapons I have given you. He can kill the bio-weapons but do not let the brothers or him get killed. They are vital in this research." Patrick said then looked at them both as they stood there "Are you two going to get moving or do I need to find replacements for you?"

\n     That simple statement caused both Johan and Henrik to quickly disperse from the room and left Patrick all by himself. A smile firmly set in place on his face as thoughts of what he wanted to create swam through his mind.

\n ******************

\n     As Patrick commanded, Johan had set up fights for the entire month with Shadow fighting Louie and Zeig on the third week. The other battles Shadow had to face those creatures. Sometimes he wouldn't get hurt but others he'd be bloodied up and once he almost lost his head (not Severo taking over but almost having his head separated from his shoulders).

\n     And every week he was tortured twice; spaced out so that he had two to three days to recover before either fighting or being tortured again. After multiple fights and being tortured, Severo did appear when Shadow was fully weakened. Patrick got to see the full extent of what Severo could do that time without having the abilities drained.

\n     He even had them barely capture him while he was still in that state and learned all he could from him until Shadow re-took control from Severo. One thing Patrick learned from Severo was of emotional attachments Shadow had that if he took advantage of, he'd be that much closer to taking control of Shadow's body.

\n     Severo even told him how long it would have taken him to gain control of Shadow's body and informed Patrick that, the more they had him fight and the more they physically tortured him, the time it would have taken to take control was cut from over ten years to under five. Severo even promised if he gained control, he'd let Patrick run all the tests he wanted as long as he didn't destroy Shadow's body.

\n     It was a hard and rough long road for all of them. Battles and the torture took its toll on Shadow. More and more Severo was able to take control; even with the help of Louie and Zeig. This had gone on for every week and every month for over a little more than four and a half years now. The date was now August twenty seventh, twenty three forty two.

\n ********************

\n August 27, 2342 - Mors Mortis Special GMP Holding Cell (5:36 PM)

\n     Rrahkarr had been brought up to a special cell in Mors Mortis he had never seen before, though it too had those emitters that kept him from using his abilities. His paws were chained together in front of him and he had a metal collar around his neck attached to a chain that kept him from moving out of the room but he could move around the room if he wanted to.

\n      He disowned his Freelancer name a few months after being admitted to Mors Mortis and now stuck to his original name. Over the past four years, the fighting had left his body scarred and toned. He had more muscle mass now then when he was first brought into Mors Mortis but he was thin from not having much to eat. He was also badly scarred from all the torture Henrik performed on him.

\n     He was now thirty three years old yet still looked like he did when he was twenty five. His hair was still unevenly chopped and he still held onto the idea of escaping and killing both Patrick and Delta... but currently he had been more inclined to stay alive. Severo had kept at him and his mind was weak, he felt like it would shatter soon.

\n     Even with the help that Louie and Zeig had provided, they still hadn't found out how to get rid of Severo from inside him. He knew if he heard bad news of his family his mind would break and he'd fold and give in to Severo. He knew Patrick had spoken with Severo on multiple occasions but he knew not of what they spoke.

\n     Speaking of Patrick, Rrahkarr hadn't seen him in over two years. He had just left one day but the fighting and torture continued. He figured Patrick had to return to the Electus and continue in the war between the I.F.H.W (Independent. Free. Human. Worlds) and the A.T.W.F (Allied. Trade. Worlds, Federation). As of right now, he knew nothing of who was winning or losing.

\n     He didn't even know why today; a day that Henrik should be torturing him, he was in here. He figured they were giving him a false break then double up on the torture. At this point he didn't care if he died, at least Severo wouldn't get his body.

\n     He sat there and looked at his bound paws as the door to the room opened. To an extent he had been broken, he didn't even try to escape or attack who entered the room. But he did look up to see who had entered and was surprised to see the Platinum blond haired and blue eyed Patrick standing a few feet away from him with a few guards.

\n     "Ah good to see you again Rrahkarr, I have a few things I'd like to show you and I'd like to ask you a question or more about the first thing I show you." Patrick said in his serene and peaceful voice and turned to look at one his personal guards "Bring her in."

\n     The guard looked at the door and signaled for someone to come in. The person who entered was another one of Patrick's guards yet he was carrying a young child with him. He set her down in front of Patrick who turned her to face Rrahkarr with an evil smile plastered on his face. She looked scared and was shaking a little and her tail was between her legs.

\n     Rrahkarr looked at the little girl but couldn't tell what species she was. She had mostly black fur with a little white here and there. Her hair was fully white and reached the middle of her back, there was also a triangular patch of fur on her forehead underneath her bangs that was white. Her ears were white except for the tips which were black, her face and ears were that of a wolf, yet her size and tail were that of a foxes; the tip of her tail was even white.

\n     She was wearing a simple pink tank top and faded purple skirt with flowers on it. Rrahkarr could easily see white fur on her chest that continued down past the tank top but before the tank top curved to cover her little chest, he could see half of a diamond shaped patch of black fur on her chest. But the thing that grabbed Rrahkarr's attention was her unnatural eye color. Her eyes were a deep shade of purple, and sparkled a little like an amethyst.

\n     "Tell me... Rrahkarr" Patrick said; drawing out his name, the little girls eyes widened as she looked at Rrahkarr then up at Patrick as he continued "Do you know this sweet innocent little girl?"

\n     Rrahkarr simply spoke the truth as he said "No I don't" Then adding while bending the truth "I've been in here for the past four years and I didn't know any children before that."

\n     "Do you even care of who she is?" Patrick asked simply as he watched Rrahkarr.

\n     Rrahkarr spoke coldly as he said "No I don't."

\n     Rrahkarr didn't miss the look of sadness cross the girls face, he figured he just condemned her but there wasn't anything he could do. Patrick smiled as he said "Ok then." Then added as he looked at one of his guards "Take her away."

\n     She was taken away and when she was gone Patrick raised his hand and simply gestured for them to bring something in. The next sight made Rrahkarr's eyes widen as two guards carried in a female. Rrahkarr could tell she was a fox by her size and build but she had been severely tortured and disgraced. They had shaved away most of her fur and hair, she was naked and badly injured.

\n     With most of her fur gone, Rrahkarr could easily see bruises, lacerations, gashes and places where she had previously bled and was beaten. Rrahkarr was confused, he couldn't identify who she was but there was something familiar about her scent but he couldn't place it. She let out a grunt as they set her down which told Rrahkarr she was conscious.

\n     She slowly opened her emerald colored eyes and looked around. Rrahkarr saw her tense up as she saw Patrick and she used her right arm to push herself away from him until she bumped into Rrahkarr and quickly snapped her head into the direction Rrahkarr was in. She thought at first it was another guard but simply seeing his face Rrahkarr noticed all the tension in her drained out of her and a small smile formed on her muzzle.

\n     In a weak and trembling voice, as she looked into his blue eyes she said "R-Rrahkarr...i-is"

\n     The voice also seemed familiar to him, and when he noticed a few places where she still had fur and saw she had black and white fur, the voice and the scent matched up and a look of shock, surprise and horror came across his face as he remembered her.

\n     In a sorrowful and horrified voice he said in disbelief " can't be...Sara!"

