Current Track: Blabb

“What day is it?” I asked nobody in particular as I got out of bed. I stood up too quickly, which rendered me dizzy momentarily as blood struggled to get up to my head. I had to place a hand on the door frame momentarily to steady myself before I ducked my head under the door frame to go through it.

The mirror revealed smooth, slick hide, rather than the scruffy look I’d expected after neglecting to shave again. I had to lean in to see my entire head in the mirror, given the size of my crest, as opposed to long, wavy hair left in a bedhead mess. I took a few moments to look over the rest of my body, knowing full well there was no way what I saw was true.

As I stood up again, the sensation of dizziness once more made me pause. I was pretty sure I just needed to lie back down and let these hallucinations pass. It took more work than it should have to fit my entire body under the covers - even in the fetal position I barely fit on a queen size bed - but I managed it well enough and dozed off soon after.

I’d realize later it wasn’t a dream.