Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Repat


Another round of silence
as I find myself staring to the horizon from the rooftops of our own
headquarters.  The soft breeze from the
nightly winds blew against my scales while I take a deep breath, exhaling as my
eyes closed briefly. I had enjoyed the quietness and peace that loomed over our
town. The soft ringing that always echoed upon my inner ears. When my eyes
opened again, I kept my head straight upon the horizon before me. Staring down
onto the sea of buildings at front; stretched forth towards the big moon at the
other end of town. It was always there somehow. Always watching us; studying
the creatures upon the reptilian realm. I had always remembered how many
reptiles and dragons grew to fear it however.


But my head shook to rid
of that thought while I lowered my head downward. Gazing upon the streets below
me where the rest of my unit was standing perfectly still, awaiting for
someone. For onto this moment, I called out onto them. Yet only Zander and Kyro
heed my call; tilting their heads backwards so their eyes were rose towards the
black skies and spotted me there. Not one dared to speak within the established
silence that we already had; yet our eyes met before I gave an acknowledging
nod to them. Thus afterwards, I dropped from the rooftops above. Landing fast
onto the grounds, adjacent to Natty and Ozkun whom were startled by my
appearance as they flinched; turning to me. Eyes widened as I smirked towards
them. But that smirk was only brief till I just frowned then afterwards.


A few moments in silence
before Zander stepped up towards me and handed me something. I tilted my head
down to meet whatever object was there. A bit surprise into seeing that it was
a piece of paper. I rose my head and tilted towards the side; confusion was
written onto my face as Kyro responded following Zander, he faced towards me.
“That is our case paper." “We have a new case? Right after the trial." I
commented, glancing towards Kyro who nodded his head. Smiling only faintly
before following it up with more, “Yes. Just read the case and we will be onto
our way then." “What are the assignments?" I questioned Kyro; but he fell
silent afterwards. Saying nothing more than the silence that now loomed over
us. I gave a huff; frowning. But nonetheless comply with his order. For I
grabbed onto the case paper and turned it around.


My eyes widened upon what
was written onto it. I had wanted to exclaimed to the red dragon; but my voice
seems shot at the moment and instead I just frowned, shaking my head in
disbelief before commenting out loud for anyone to hear me closed by, “That is
crazy. How dare they critic Yang like that and our station." “That is not all
however, check the bottom." Kyro commented as I find myself skim reading the
paper to reach the bottom. Eyes widened again at the hint given straight for
us: 'Multipurpose instrument? Most popular toy?' What the heck is this?" I
questioned, but no one answered at the time. For a gust of wind had blew and I
rose my head high gazing around. Having noticed that the majority of the
dragons; save for Zander and Ozkun, had left me behind. Returned to their
patrols as assigned by Yang. I suddenly crumbled the paper and snarled. Biting
my lower lip while Zander and Ozkun turned towards me, my eyes narrowed. Yet
met up with them before giving a nod; as the latter two spread their wings. I followed
them. Then fled towards the North.


“According the paper we
had received…" Trailed Ozkun as we landed upon the ground; hard that cracks
were starting to form beneath us however. Me and Zander shift our attention
towards him as he spoke resuming his speech about the items that we had needed
to recover. Yet when we looked over to Ozkun, we had noticed that he seems
oblivious to his surroundings as his head and eyes were turned and glued to the
paper he was holding in front of himself. Zander chuckled for a bit; I just
exhaled a breath and move forth towards him. Ripping the paper off from his
paws. At his 'hey!', I countered “Just find the items we needed. Both of you
however." I growled at them both, they nodded and said nothing else. Wings
spread, but never flew for they spread themselves out instead and left me alone
upon the street.


I exhale another breath
and glanced around at the surroundings I find myself upon. Buildings were
taller than me, reaching once again upon the skyscraper above. The night skies
was covered by the clouds; the moon seems to be gone as well however. Lowering
my eyes gazing at the streets before me, I had noticed how they ran across my
eyes. Straight towards the horizon to where the moon lies. I glance towards the
sides; inbetween the buildings where the alleyways were. Ozkun and Zander were
there, staring at the darkness within as they hesitated whether to head upon
in. At the clear silence, I yelled for both of them and they were startled that
they headed in immediately, disappearing from my own eyes as I find myself
faintly smiling onto them, then frowned when I glanced back upon the street.


The two words haunted me
deeply. For I never knew what that paper was talking about at all. I frowned
and tilted my head to one side; running through thoughts that popped onto my
head so rapid and sudden that I had thought I gotten a headache. Yet none of
the thoughts never made any more sense and I just frowned before returning my
eyes straight upon one of the alleyways instead, instead heading forth there
and entered. Fading from the main street instead. The pure darkness welcomed me
inside. It was rather pitch dark with no sort of light upon. However, it was a
short path instead that I was able to see the door onto the other side of the
alleyway. There were two lamps hanging on either side of the door; both of
which were off. I walked forth to the door; grabbing onto the knob and entered
right onto in where I find myself upon a small room.


There was a table at the
center of the room. Surrounding it was a mess of things; mostly junk. But few
of them were rare to find. One of those rarest things was that machine that I
just found in the corner of my eye. I turned towards it; head tilted to the
side in wonder of what it was however. As I find myself drawn towards it,
something sparkled to life and it was not the surrounding things within the
room. Quickly, I shift my attention to my walkie which I had forgotten it was
upon my waist and I snatched it, raising it high towards my snout before
pressing the button onto the side twice. Acknowledging whomever was there, I
heard some static came before a response. It was Kyro, “We found a pen. What
did you group find, Ling?" “There is a machine here stored at the corner of the
room within the alleyway." I glance at the machine for a moment; studying it
before relaying the information to the red dragon whom acknowledged it also.


Zander and Ozkun each
found something interesting too. A pocket that was full of coins and claws with
bloody stains at its beginning. The walkie had grown silence temporarily and I
frowned, wondering if everyone else was still gagging and vomiting about what
was described. But I shook my head to rid that thought as I waited for silence
before I speak to them once more, “Everyone meet up with me then: This machine
is a bit heavy to carry so it is better to gather everything here instead."
“Where are you?" Questioned Kyro, “I am in the alleyway with the blue door." I
responded immediately, Zander commented at me. Yet I had ignored it however for
an exhale came following before the line had went dead afterwards.


There was a few moments
in silence before I heard the door knocking behind me. I turned towards the
door; grabbing onto its knob and opened it suddenly and allowed everyone to
walk inside. Zander gotten the pocket full of coins, Ozkun has the collection of
bloody claw marks and strains, Kyro retained the pen. I smiled upon their
arrival and closed the door behind me as I turned towards them; they, in turn,
shift their attention towards me. “So Kyro, you found the pen right?" He nodded
his head, “Hand it here. Something tells me this had something to do with that
hint we found at the papers from the station." “A pen? Are you kidding me?"
Responded Zander as his voice was getting a bit too loud. Luckily Ozkun managed
to shut his mouth as the two officers just glared at one another before they
turned towards me.


Immediately, Kyro handed
the pen to me which I shove into the machine suddenly. However something click
and snapped which snapped my thoughts in half as I was bright back into
reality. Returning the pen out into plain view; Kyro pouted “I was going to use
that to write." “Write what exactly?" Questioned Zander which Kyro shift his
head to him and smiled faintly. Zander just stared at him before turning to me.
In the meanwhile, I gaze down onto the broken pen and frowned. I had thought I
did it right; much like what the paper had said 'multipurpose instrument,
right?' I thought as I shook my head; finding myself growling and narrowing my
eyes before raising my head up towards the machine. I lowered myself till my
knees were hitting the brown grounds underneath me and I was level with the
hole upon the machine. I had not noticed that the hole was a bit small than
what I thought it was. Another hole was created too within the main hole also;
but it seems to be much smaller than the first one.


I tilted my head to the
side while Kyro and Zander stepped up to my side; questioning me. I answered
them and they mirrored me; keeping their heads straight and staring onto the
hole of the machine. Indeed, they awed upon their discovery while Zander find
himself a bit disappointed however as he briefly shifted his attention to the
pen, he questioned me again. I shook my head in answer and he pouted before
getting up, motioning me for the pen as I handed it straight towards him
instead. “Hey! Be careful with that!" Yelled Kyro while I turned around and
glance towards Zander whom was peeling away the surface of the pen, revealing
something there that was unusual to see. It was a long thin hole; darkness was
found within the depths of that hole too. 'But what was hiding inside?' I had
wondered that to myself as my eyes were pointed straight towards the pen in
question. As Zander growled while he was pushing at something upon the hole, me
and Ozkun tilted our heads to the sides before walking up towards him and spoke
which he handed it straight towards me.


Indeed a small hole was
running across the pen. Something that I never saw beforehand that had came
into view because of Zander's quick thinking. My eyes peered upon the hole in
silence before I mirrored what Zander was doing. I pushed nice and hard feeling
marks imprinted upon my claws. Yet I heard something popped out suddenly which
had startled me. Zander, Kyro and Ozkun on the other claw flinched. But were
surprise because of it. As they jumped cheerfully; I rolled the pen a few times
before noticing a sharp blade sticking out from the other side of the pen. Thus
something click onto my mind and I find myself gasping; shocked as perhaps I
knew what this was however. Kyro, Zander knew it instantly too as well. 'A
shark pen. An Oceanic weapon.' “What is this doing here from the depths of the
ocean?" Questioned Kyro with a frown as the silence of the room loomed over us
as neither of us had any sort of answer for this.


I find myself growling;
clenching the pen tightly that the blade kissed against my claw. But I never
paid any sort of attention towards it. With thoughts coursing through my mind
stringing together in wonder upon their end goals, it was all stopped when
Ozkun commented out of the blue which forced the rest of us to turn towards him
as he pointed to the machine; then towards the pocket of coins and the claws
that Zander was holding. Recalling briefly that we were indeed on the case, I
smiled and relaxed my entire body. Zander and Kyro mirrored me, nodding their
heads as they shift towards me for I turned around; shoving the pen's blade
into the hole and heard a click. The machine instantly opened which allowed us
to see whatever was inside.


Nothing was found inside.
The entire machine was just crooks, bolts and jolts. Nothing else was new here.
I find myself sighing as I nodded to Kyro and Zander; both of which said
nothing but for an acknowledgement. Disappointment were written onto their faces
as I closed the machine off and turned around to face them, pointing to the
pocket that Zander was holding. For he handed it to me, I cut opened the bottom
half of the pocket. Out came golden coins. As they clittered upon the grounds
below us, Kyro and Zander smiled faintly. Thinking about some sort of exchange
that had happened to result for this. However, I thought of something
different. But to test that, I grabbed onto one of the coins and rose it onto
the air in front of my face. It was indeed gold and seemingly real that it
clattered upon the ground like real ones. 'But' I find myself trailing as Kyzo,
Ozkun and Zander each grabbed their own. Suddenly biting onto the coins;
something clicked again which had forced the three dragons to halt their movements
and turned their attention towards the coins.


They turned it over;
something was written onto these coins by their fang marks. Blood was flow to
the other end of the coins as their eyes widened; I frowned, but nodded my
head. “I figured as much." I commented as Kyro, Zander and Ozkun turned towards
me. A mixture of anger, growls, snarls and others were upon them as their
throat vibrated with anger. I just smiled faintly at them and held my claws
high, shaking my head before responding “We should get those fangs cleaned and
fixed. Somehow I had wondered…" I ordered, but trailed off afterwards as my
eyes were shift to the coins once more. I thought about the claw marks that
Zander had; then spoke towards the black dragon. Forcing him to hand over that
item he had as he does so immediately. The three dragons fled from my sights;
the door closed after them however.


I was left alone to do my
bidding. Yet I turned my attention to the claws that Zander had handed onto me.
Then to the fangs that the three dragons were foolish enough to bite thinking
that it was perhaps candy or something. Indeed they were the same match; right
down to the point ends of our fangs. I exhaled a breath and shake my head at
the disbelief that the officials had given to us, 'stating that it was claws.'
I thought to myself with a growl as my eyes narrowed upon the fangs before me.
'So it does bring up a question however.' I said to myself after taking a step
back from the coins claws and fangs settled upon the brown table in front of
me, 'What does the Oceanic realm want with our fangs? Why use real coins that
break ours? And why a machine and…' I find myself trailing for something
clicked into my mind somehow. It seemed a bit far fetched however, but perhaps
it had something to do with that fairy tale that we kept hearing as hatchlings?


“Worth a shot…" I
muttered to myself clearly in disbelief while I darted towards the door.
Returning into the alleyway where I spread my wings and take towards the
midnight skies. Flying southward, back towards the home station where I had
landed and folded my own wings, I approached the front door of the station. But
heard the chaos that was happening inside. I find myself hovering just a bit
over the surface doors as I blinked, tilting my head to one side in confusion.
But keeping silent for myself. As I shook my head, clearing things of the
excuses that the others have, I resumed my movement upon the door. Grabbing
onto the silver handle and widened it which allowed me to enter inside. As a
gust of winds blew from the ceiling above me, I approached the front desk. But
found out that no one was here. A sign was held above the desk; I read it 'We
be back soon.' “Of course." I muttered, having an idea of where they are at the


For I headed right;
towards the hallway. Then stopped shortly upon the first door onto my left
where the sources of voices were upon. I knocked onto the brown door quickly;
hearing the silence following it as someone's footsteps walked forth towards
the door. Opening it; revealed to be Natty with Yang behind her. I blinked at
the two dragonesses in turn. Yet they smiled faintly at me before taking a step
towards the side, welcoming me in. I walked forth through the door as it closes
behind me and my eyes widened upon the chaos that had befall upon them.


The entire room was a
mess. Chairs were scattered across the room; carelessly thrown to the side.
Some of them hitting the windows which breaks upon the impact. The remaining
chairs were still stack and casted to the side; some of the stack chairs were still
in the closet. But the door was opened. The room was hot and smelly; I think I
smelled something awful here too that I just find myself holding my snout for
the time being which Yang chuckled or giggled; I could not tell because of the
sudden voices surrounding me as I turned towards them instead of her. Ozkun,
Zander and Kyro were gathered together against three other creatures whom were
tied up. Heads tilted high to meet the gazes of the dragons in front of me.
Brown tight rope was what surrounding them. Yet I had to wonder why they were
tied up for the moment. I looked towards Yang and Natty for any answers; the
two seems to ignore me for the moment as their attentions was set forth towards
the three culprits at the time.


And I exhaled and said
nothing but to turn forth toward the conflict that was happening and unfolding
in front of me while the exchanges of words were held between the two groups.
Furthermore, they seem to be talking nonsense for some strange reason. That it
was hard to follow the trail of thinking that each of the male dragons were
talking about. For onto that brief moment, I just shake my head and growl
before storming my way forth towards them. Shoving Kyro and Zander out of the
way as the two dragons shift their attention towards me with surprise written
onto their face; Ozkun, on the other claw, take a step to the side and avoided
the conflict altogether. I glared at the three subjects before me. All three
held mixed responses and reactions for me. Something that I just find myself
smiling for some strange reason.


For onto the remaining
time; I had interrogated them. Straight onto the point for each topic that I
can assessed that aligned with the case that we were doing currently. For so
far, I think I had gotten everything we had needed so far and I felt pleased upon
that moment too however. Yet amongst all of the clues and hints from them,
something felt wrong and I often find myself thinking back onto that one
particular statement. 'There was some news reporting about the missing weapons
in WWA and VPD department. Someone had been supplying others with your weapons.
When the heat got to them, however, they had effectively blamed it onto you
guys.' “Yang." I suddenly commented; out of the blue while she turned her
attention towards me. We held fixed gazes for a moment as she tilted her head
to the side in question, asking me. But I had interrupted her, “What was this
about 'them' blaming us for the missing weapons reported from WWA and VPD?"
Then an array of voices had submerged; presumingly from the other dragons. Yang,
meanwhile, frowned and bowed her head. But stated nothing in turn as the voices
from others became to loud.


I find myself exhaling
and looked towards the ceiling in silence. While pondering upon my thoughts, I
felt my claw grabbed by something and immediately I looked down spotting Yang
who was holding me. She led me out of the room; the door opened and closed in
sequence which had startled everyone in response. For the silence had came
looming with no one commenting or saying anything in turn. But to look onto one
another as they waited.


In the meanwhile, we were
held at the hallway. I had my claws onto her sides as she hang her head low.
Gazing at the grounds below herself. Silence too was held between us; yet I was
a bit concerned about her however. As I asked her, she relented. A brief breath
exhaled from her snout before gradually raising her head meeting me then


“Someone had been sending
us piles of letters while you guys were gone off onto your cases. For at first,
I had thought it was just someone from the WWA however. But it was not. Since I
had responded back so quickly; because of my position as chief. The letters
have gotten more intense, insane and more demanding. It was rather all too much
that I just stopped completely altogether. A member of the WWA had came over
during the day when everyone had off in the morning to afternoon hours;
explaining to me about the missing weapons reported at WWA. I showed him the
letters that we had received anonymously. He acknowledged it and stated; 'They
would get right onto it'. But it seems I had not heard from him since. The
letters had indeed stopped afterwards. But one thing had bothered me."


“That case." I answered,
Yang nodded. “Yeah. The case of the missing weapons, fangs from the reptiles,
and the money stolen from Oceanic Realm." “Wait 'oceanic realm'?" I exclaimed
and she nodded her head a second time answering me, “Indeed." “So we were wrong
then? It was not them." I commented, the rising panicked surfaced and became
visible while yang held my claws and frowned. Repeating something underneath
her breath, something that I am not hearing at all; I exhaled a worried breath
just as the doors had opened and out came my unit. Yet they were surprise upon
seeing us holding claws momentarily while Kyro coughed; forcing us to turn
towards him as he spoke “Show us where we had received the letters then." “This
way." Yang comment as she immediately departed and lead the way. Everyone else
followed her; Zander just winked at me. I growled at him before following the
group. Tons of questions into my mind as I wonder what group was looking for
destruction of all three.