Current Track: Blabb

“You’ve come to steal my treasure!” the king exclaimed, backpedaling quickly from the dragon that had poked his head into the throne room."

Your treasure? Don’t be absurd.” The dragon snorted in disgust. “You’ve taxed the life out of your citizens and your kingdom is in near ruin. Your guards did not see fit to even try stop me. They’re wise, king. They treasure their lives more than protecting the ill-gotten fortune of a petty tyrant soon to be forgotten by history.”

The king was outraged. Nobody else in the throne room made any effort to quell the sovereign’s anger nor to attack the dragon. There was no will to do so, save for the king himself taking a gilded scepter and smashing it impotently against the snout of the unwelcome guest.

With little more than a snap of his jaws, the dragon dealt with the king. He turned to the stunned members of the court - few as they were - and spoke. “Use this treasure for the good of the people. I have little need for so much coin, save for the assurance it won’t be spent sending a knight to attack me. I shall return in a year’s time. If the treasure isn’t gone, the next of you will be.” With that, the dragon left, leaving the king’s stunned successors to weigh their options.