Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Betwun Doors


We had arrived upon the
site where Yang had believed the three coins to be. After landing upon the soft
grass underneath us, I fan out my claws. Pointing in different directions of
where the two coins could be located at. But even then, I felt doubtful of my
own capabilities to sense them at all. I stared out into the horizon and stared
at the mixture of grass and sands that surrounded us. Nothing was about that
seemed interesting for me however as the grounds were just leveled. Palm trees
were towards the sides; swaying much with the gentle winds blowing against
them. The black skies hovered above us. Stars shone dimly with the moon being
full. Our operation was silent. Not one word came from the officers of Vaster
which had disturbed me at best. For as my eyes lowered from the horizon and to
the grounds, I turned my attention towards my men. At how well they were doing,
preoccupied with their digging.


The sounds of dirt
hitting the ground was our only company. But even that played in a cycle would
surely get someone to go mad at all. With the ringing in my ears, I stepped
forth into a line straight through the middle of the operation and turned my
head left and right. Kyro and Natty were together. Off to the side where they
were digging. Tails lowered with wings spread out; claws hitting soft sands and
grass beneath them while the elevation sinks deeper. The same goes for Zander
whom was on the opposing side of the pair. His tail was hang high. But he
seemed to be humming something underneath his breath somehow. Whatever it was,
it never mattered at best as I just kept going. Ignoring him as the faint song
fades in the horizon. I continued walking down the line; bypassing Ozkun and
Takaki. Both of which were busy with their digging. But they seemed to be
chatting with one another.


Upon the end of the line
was when I started hearing Zander and Natty spoke at the same time. Throwing
themselves upright as they turned to face me with something in their paws. I
turned towards them; facing their snouts and drifted my attention towards the
right. Glancing at their claws. There was indeed something there as it glist in
the moonlight. I only faintly smiled before nodding my head as I walked towards
the three dragons. Motioning for Ozkun and Takaki to pause in their digging.
Everyone gathered around me. Silence fell upon their lips with the silence of
shuffled feet digging through the grass underneath everyone. For soon that had
faded upon the night as everyone had stopped. Ears perked in awaitance of what
I had to say. Clearing my throat, I spoke as an order. “Zander, Kyro and Natty
have already found the coins that we had needed. Now we just need to find that
fourth coin at best." “Guess I know where to look huh?" Ozkun chimed in,
raising his claws over his chest as Takai grabbed hold onto his shoulder,
nodding silently while the pair left us. “Fill in the holes where the coins
were not there. Only leave the pair of holes." I say towards the three dragons.
Kyro, Natty and Zander nodded their heads and left me to do their job.


Watching everyone carry
out my order. I pondered about the three coins laying about and their
usefulness towards future operations. But as I do so, I had received a headache
that it forced me out of my own pondering. It throb inside my head as I
groaned. I traced my steps down the same line that I walked through while I
turned, shifting my attention towards the side. Glancing down onto the three
dragons as their numbers of holes decreased rapidly. Till in no time at all
came only two holes that I had nodded and altered my path to heed straight
towards them. At that, I gathered with them and knell upon the ground, eyes
down to the ground. I stared at the pair of holes before me. Rapidly noticing
how the pair were close to one another. As I frowned, I turned towards Kyro and
Natty before raising a claw pointing down onto the holes. Kyro was the first to
speak than his mate, “This is indeed how we last saw the two." “But why are
they closer together?" “I do not know." “No Comment." Natty interrupted us as I
turned towards the dragoness in response. For she kept quiet and turned her
head away from me, fixated towards the horizon or somewhere interesting while I
exhaled a breath and shook my head. “Well if that is the case." I started,
trailing after a brief pause of silence as if I was unsure what to say upon
this point in time.


“We found it." Exclaimed
Ozkun and Takaki's voices filled the air. The three of us turned towards them.
Spotting them as they were a few feet from our general positions. Acknowledging
them for a moment, I turned back towards the two pair of dragons and briefly
smiled before departing from them immediately. I heeded the gap between Kyro
and Natty to Ozkun and Takaki as I had approached the other pair. Once I
stopped my feet and held my claws behind my back, I shifted my eyes upon the
two new holes beneath me and break my stance as I pointed below me. “This it?"
“Yeah." Started Ozkun with a smile as he raised his claw high, exposing the
golden coin that was buried inside “And this is our fourth coin." “Great." I
nodded, “We should be able to analysis the data behind these three coins then."
“Should we head back then?" Zander questioned me as I turned towards him,
nodding my head. Within the second's silence, all wings except mine were
spread. Jumped into the air in union, the dragons flew easterward. Disappearing
from my sights as they heed back towards Vaster where they would be reporting
to Chief Yang.


But as they quickly
withdrawn, a thought entered my mind. I shuffled my wings in ponderance while
raising a claw high towards my chin. As I turned towards the three different
holes in various locations within the grass and sands, I had wondered why all four
were located far from the towns of Reptilian and Canidae realms. 'Surely, there
is something more than just three loose coins, right?" I thought to myself as I
allowed a frown to submerged upon my snout while my eyes turned towards the
grounds. 'I mean… why a triangle? Or whatever shape this was that the three
coins were making? And why are they pointing straight towards Canidae realm?' I
thought further, remembering that the triangle of coins were pointing diagonal
which was thought to be pointing nowhere. But after the add of the fourth coin
inside Canidae realm, it did make sense and further questioned the point and
destination of where it had lead. But my head shook removing all of that
headache that was throbbing in my head. As I had recalled that I never brought
in my medicine or pills for such a thing, I frowned and spread my wings out to
the sides of me. 'No use trying to strain yourself into thinking about it now.'
I thought as I jump, flapping them as I headed westward. Following behind the
large group of dragons.


I had arrived upon the
station of Vaster town and landed upon the solid hard grounds that make up the
roads and sidewalks of Vaster. In front of me was the station where the rest of
my unit were gathered at the front doors. Looking rather worried with one
another. Confused by the sudden appearance of my unit, I walked up towards
them. Kyro and Zander were the first to notice me as their ears stretched upon
hearing my footsteps against the grounds. For they turned to me and changed
their expression so suddenly that I nearly flinched. The rest of my unit
gradually took noticed took and also mirrored Kyro and Zander as the two
stepped to me. Blocking my way towards the entrance as I held my gaze at them
and tilted my head to the side. For quietness was upon my lips as I silently
demanded an explanation which Kyro had taken into account as he explained the
events that had transpired and the current mission we now have.


“We have to investigate a
dead moon dragon upper Northwest from Vaster and Moon Kingdom." Kyro explained
and I shook my head, disbelief and respond to him “A dead dragon? Upper North?
When did this happened?" “We never knew." Kyro answered as clear as he could;
but his head hung and he seem to be staring down upon the sidewalk beneath him
in the following silence that transpired. I shook my head and growled at Kyro,
flapping my wings furiously, I stepped back and flew off from their sights much
to their surprise. Within a second, all dragons flew by my side one by one as
we advance Northwest towards that destination where Kyro had described it as
best he could. Thus indeed, we had found the warm body. It was confirmed to be
between Moon and Vaster; located at an unknown destination. Between the forest
trees on its left and the valley where the water falls hides a secret cavern
inside upon its right. The body was laid upon its belly; wings spread though
torn for some strange reason. As we landed surrounding it, Ozkun crouched and
stretched his claw outward to its neck. He turned towards me and nodded
gradually as I smiled, knowing that he was just unconscious and not dead at
best. Though the life of a dragon does lie upon our wings as I quickly realized
the situation we found ourselves in and started barking out orders towards the
rest of the unit.


“Quick! Call the


“Get his pulse, turn him
over so his breathing would not warm the grounds. Further bringing him closer
towards death."


As I barked, chaos loomed
over our heads. It was the most craziest thing I had saw. From an outside
perspective that is. With dragons running about, Kyro still shouting over the
phone for anything and still getting himself into an argument with whomever was
on the phone. I closed my mouth and stepped back to allow Zander, Natty and
Takaki to perform their life saving attempt upon the unconscious dragon below
them. “That would not work." I say towards the three as they suddenly turned
their heads over to me and I smiled in response to them back. “Let the
professionals save him. Instead, scout around the area for a fifth coin. Yang
did say that a coin was located upon this dragon alone." “Where?" Zander
questioned me so suddenly but turned his head over to Natty and Takaki whom
were already feeling up his sides and spine. Checking the wings and tail,
before Natty chimed over the chaos that was unfolding before us. “Found it!" At
this time, we all heard siren and lifted our heads high. Glancing towards the bleak
skies where red colors  paint the black
backgrounds above us. “Guess the paramedics are here." I commented while Zander
gave a thumbs up to the red dragon who smiled nodding towards him back as the
dragons divebomb to the grounds at our location; landing so suddenly


“This the guy?" Spoke one
of them as I nodded quietly. The dragon in front of me straighten his white
jacket and nodded rather silently as he motioned his claws towards the others
whom were behind him. They move quickly; snatching the dragon from underneath
our noses which was rather surprising even for us. As we watched them leave,
the dragon turned to me and nodded. I acknowledged him and smiled back. But he
kept quiet and still while he flew off, joining with the others before
disappearing in the following darkness whereas red lights fade from our eyes.
Silence following afterwards as I turned towards Natty. “Alright let us see
what you got, Natty." I say walking towards her and she nodded in response
before opening her palm, showcasing that coin she had upon her claws. The coin
was what I had saw before. Golden and shiny that it flickered upon the
moonlight at its surface. I take quick notice upon its imprints. Seeing a
dragon head at the center. Words on top and bottom. The head was on its side;
facing left towards something. Its mouth form into a frown. “Flip the coin
over." I started to say as Natty did so suddenly.


On the opposing side laid
a pile of rocks. A brick road stretched from the bottom of the coin towards the
where those rocks were. Kyro commented at this with a tilt of his head;
pondering what this had meant. I spoke to the red dragon through my suggestion
only as I was doubtful upon my own investigation and thoughts. “Check North
where a road leads towards Moon. Maybe this was showing that." “But why rocks?
What does that have to do with-" Kyro ranted but quieted down after as he met
the eyes of his mate. With silence following us, I nodded towards Kyro and
Natty. “You two head North then. We will wait here." “Alright." Natty started
as she and Kyro parted from us. Heading through the intended direction as they
disappeared from our sights upon the night skies in silence which allowed the
ringing to echoed upon our ears. “What about the coin at Canidae?" Popped the
question from Ozkun while I turned towards him and shook my head, answering him
“The lizard or vixen or their followers have already gotten that coin. It would
be a while before we are to recover that. For now however…" I frowned in
trailance as I was unable to think or process anything in the meanwhile. Once
more silence fell over our heads as the remaining dragons left behind did their
own stuff.


I had noticed Zander chatting
with Ozkun and Takaki which I was surprise however since the black dragon was
also careful to talk about topics and such through newer additionals to our
unit. But a smile drifted from my snout. Warm as it was in remembrance of my
first time chatting and introducing myself through the group that I had not
seen for twenty years at best. For with a responding chuckle that had escaped
my lips and my eyes closing, I averted myself away from the three staring
dragons on my side shortly before they had resumed their topic once again.


It never took long for
Kyro and Natty to arrive back to us. Smiles were upon their faces, excitement
washed over them as they landed upon the hard grounds running up towards us.
They have indeed kick up a storm. Something that I was a bit surprise about.
But nonetheless kept silent as I watched the pair closed in onto us before
stopping while their yells escaped through the silence of the night. The three
dragons caught attention towards Natty and gathered up surrounding her. I
included. With Kyro trailing behind her, she started explaining what they have
saw and confirmed it with the back of the coin. I nodded with a smile but took
control of the situation at hand before it goes out of control as I spoke
towards Natty. Questioning about what they had gathered around that area. In
quick focus towards me, she sealed her mouth and grinned only for a short
moment before she spoke back upon me. “I found a minimap. Two coins were in
Reptilian, the third coin is in Canidae realm. Fourth was upon that dead body."
“And the fifth?" Prompted Zander with curious hanging upon his snout with a
hesitated silence coming from Natty.


“And the fifth was upon
the crossroads of three coins."


“How the heck are we
suppose to figure that?" Zander growled, his face darkened as he stared at the
dragoness. Kyro, in turn, stepped in front of her and growled back to the black
dragon. Ozkun and Takaki stepped forth between the two male dragons and separated
them. Setting their claws upon their chest as they pushed them back. With that
short chaos and growling from Zander and Kyro, I pondered over my last thinking
and snapped my claw which startled everyone while they turned towards me. “What
Natty said makes sense. Between the three coins is a crossroads. That is where
we will find our fifth." “But where is that?" Questioned Zander as he turned to
face me. I smiled dimly in response to him. Yet jabbed a claw pointing at him
back before answering his question, “We retrace our steps with the three other
coins that we had saw back between the realms of Reptilian and Canidae." “Oh
yeah." Kyro replied, snapping his angry dark gaze at Zander as he turned
towards me, “That is right indeed. We first saw the three coins there. Then the
fourth-" “Indeed. We must head back there. Surely we are to be able to find
this fifth coin easily if we were to retrace our steps?" I say.


So we had returned. Back
towards the same spot where we had uncovered the three coins. Thus we were left
only with the remaining holes where it was believed that the three coins were
located and buried as I quickly assigned myself, Ozkun and Kyro upon each of
the holes. Then at Zander's count we trace an invisible straight line down the
mark till we all intersected one another. The distance from the three other
holes were far that it had seemed we are deep within the wastelands of the
plains between the realms. Ozkun and Kyro frowned and lowered their heads.
Staring down onto the sands that pierced upon their feet while I crouched down
and digged through. It had taken some seconds before we recovered something
underground. Something that was familiar in our eyes however.


A fifth coin presented
itself to us. Something that we were looking for all this time. With cheers
coming from Kyro and Ozkun as their claws were raised over their heads and
smiling, I noticed something sticking out from the sands. Something that was
pure white and cornered. Tilting my head, I grabbed onto that piece and pulled
it from the grounds which was revealed to us as an invitation letter. “Towards
what?" Asked Kyro after he and Ozkun stopped dancing momentarily. I shrugged in
silence and frowned afterwards as worriedness washed overhead and I pondered
what this had meant for the rest of us. Though quietness followed after us, It
was shattered when I got up onto my feet and spoke. Almost to a mutter which
both dragons took noticed of. For before I could even take a step forward, I
felt something upon my shoulder and I turned so suddenly and quick to face
them. “What is wrong, Ling? Is it something with that paper? The invitation
letter?" I nodded my head, “Yet it is not just an invitation letter however."
“Then what is it?" “Its a help letter."


There was silence.
Ringing reappeared upon our ears as I rose my eyes to face their faces. Yet
neither of them showed any emotions upon this. For with the following
quietness, they bypassed me. I followed behind them as we went to gather upon
the rest of the unit. With this, I explained to them about the fifth coin and
the letter that was buried upon the ground. Following it came an order from my
lips that we are to return to Vaster immediately for preparations. Yet as I
spread my wings, Zander yanked the paper off from claws to which I was startled
but allowed it to so. It was a while before Zander exclaimed that caught the
eyes of everyone else that they asked and questioned him. But instead, he
reveals it instead.


“You are invited to Moon
kingdom's birthday party. Show up upon this date and do not be late!" Was was
the words of what it said. Below that came a birthday date; but what was
surprising was that this date was indeed yesterdays.