Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Avoiding Reed


We are in a room.
Darkness filled this space. As my eyes looked about, I stared upon Kyro and
Zander whom their backs were turned towards me. Their eyes settled upon a
dartboard in front of them; All numbers but the four are covered. Tilting my
head to one side, I walked forth towards them. Kyro and Zander heard me,
turning themselves around and met my eyes. We all fell to silence, no one
talking about the modified dartboard before us. It felt indeed a few seconds
into the silence before I opened my mouth and spoke to them, “What does a
dartboard have anything to do with the case we have now?" “I do not know."
Responded Zander as his attention was turned towards the said object then back
towards me, “One things for sure however…" He continued, “This might be a hint
on the next room." “You really think so?" Questioned Kyro, having the guts to
finally speak upon the silence. Zander turned to him, nodding his head
slightly. But no words came from him.


As another pause of
silence came, I nodded towards Zander before turning around. Faced my attention
towards the other interesting things that we could find upon the darken room
itself. Alas, nothing was there. Or was it because that the place was dark? I
shrugged at that thought immediately before shaking my head, for I turned
towards the right side of the room. Glancing down onto the opened door before
me, I muttered something. Loud that the other two dragons behind me could hear
as they turned their heads over to the opened door. “That was not there
before." “Really?" Kyro nodded responding to Zander as the two dragons looked
to the door again and back towards one another again. I walked straight for it
and entered myself.


The adjacent room was a
bit larger than I had expected. Silver walls stands on either side of me,
running down towards the horizon beyond. Straight towards the point at the very
end of it. I stared upon it in silence, then slowly walked my way towards the
center of the halls before planting my feet down and glanced elsewhere. Two
other paths presented themselves to me; each heading their own way apparently.
As I pondered which path to take, my ears flick hard upon hearing Zander's
words mentioning a certain game on some RM. Something that I never heard him
say. For I glanced back towards Zander and Kyro as their eyes met with mine. A
short silence fell before Zander rose his claw; pointing towards the right as
he muttered something underneath his breath. He turned and disappeared, heeding
into the right side. Kyro and I watched him go; before he too takes the
opposing path and disappeared also. This indeed had left me with the path
ahead. Straight towards the invisible dot in the horizon before me and I turned
around facing it too. With thoughts rendering my mind, I proceed to go forth
and entered through the second half of the main hallway that I was upon.


Though I had not known
how long had I walked for as the cramps in my legs were starting to make their
presence known however. As I hissed and growled through the pain, I continued
walking a few steps forth. Only stopping when I noticed something that was
ahead of me. A silver bar with a black background was before me. A blinker was
over the first underline. I stared at it for a moment; blinking my eyes and
pondering over such a password required to even open the way. But as my mind
reached out towards the recent memories of the past, it was interrupted when I
heard crackles upon my walkie. I stopped and lowered my head down towards my
waist. Grabbing hold onto the walkie in response and rose it towards my face.
Pressing onto the black button gave me time to response towards the crackles.
Thus releasing it afterwards left me with silence at least for a few seconds.
The crackles came again, Kyro's voice was heard over it. As he spoke, I
immediately confirmed what he had seen as such a silver bar did indeed appeared
before me. We conversed for a few seconds, suggesting and pondering over the
secret password needed to unlock such a device.


But about some seconds
later, we had grew frustrated that even Kyro had gone silent over the walkie.
It was a few more seconds into the silence was when I heard the statics and
crackles again, Zander's voice was heard over instead of Kyro's which had
surprised me for a bit as I carefully listened to what he had to say. “Do you
guys remember that dartboard we had saw before entering into here? Maybe that
is our answer." “But what numbers or letters do we need to put in to…" Kyro
pouted as Zander answered his question, “Think about it for a second. We got a
dartboard; all but four numbers are covered. Even that red dot was too." “But
that is only one clue." Kyro argued despite not getting what the black dragon
was saying. I listened to their conversation for a bit, keeping silence as my
eyes closed and my mind returned to that dartboard just as Zander had
suggested. I had recalled like what he said beforehand. 'All numbers covered
except for four.' I thought remembering what Zander said. Then opening my eyes,
I pressed onto the button again and responded back towards Zander. Immediately,
interrupting their conversation at hand.


“Zander; are the numbers
in sequential order?" “Yeah I figure it might be that however, considering that
four numbers were left upon the board." Zander informed me and I started
smiling again before pressing onto the silver bar for the first time. It was so
cold that I thought my claws were going to fall off from my paw. I shivered
upon the touch; but leaned forward and close towards the bar, speaking the
numbers required upon the bar. It automatically typed the numbers for me.
'1,2,3,4' But afterwards it had said 'error' which confused me. As I tried
again, resulting in the same response. I stepped back from the silver bar,
pressed onto the button and spoke back towards Zander, shaking my head for
emphases. Within the next few moments of silence came Zander's words again as
he questioned me, “Did you 'type' in the numbers in sequential order?" “Yeah,
'1,2,3,4' “ I answered back. “That may be wrong. Could it be switched around or
something? Someone should go check that dartboard immediately." “I may have it
on my phone." Interrupted Kyro as I heard something beep over the walkie.
“Great!" Exclaimed Zander.


I heard a 'ding' that
echoed the halls and I lowered my head glancing down onto my pockets where my
phone was. I had forgotten that I had acquired one since I had joined the
force. I figured that I would not be needing it since we all get together and
converse and chat about the topics of interest. I threw my walkie back towards
its place and lowered my free claw down into my pockets. Grabbing a metal piece
that felt hard in my claws, I pulled out immediately and raised towards my
face. The screen itself lit up; a green message appeared before me. Staring at
it, I went on to pressed upon that message icon and it brought me into a black
screen  with the message enlarged upon
the screen. A single image stands before me; it was the exact image of that
dartboard that I had saw moments before. Staring onto it, I muttered something
unknowingly and blinked three times in disbelief. For I was surprise to see
that the numbers were all not in order; but rather, mixed around and merged
with the letters.


“Got it?" “Yeah." Me and
Zander immediately said on the walkie as I added to the short silence following
us, “So the ORBG is just 'orange' 'red' 'blue' and 'green'? The standard three
colors?" “Primary colors, Ling." Corrected Zander with a soft smile upon his
face, “Do you not remember this in preschool when you were with Yang?" “Forgot
it. It was a long time ago after all." I say with a chuckle while Zander
responded with his own too before it fell silent. “Anyway; yeah, what Ling said
is right. While our answer is in the numbers, we must not forgot the three
primary colors and orange. Thus ORBG." “When are we going to use this?"
Questioned Kyro. Yet Zander never answered him for he too never knew either.


With the silence fallen,
we returned our attention towards the silver bar before us. I stepped forward;
and pressed onto the silver bar again. Saying a sequence of numbers without
order and stopped immediately afterwards. A ding came as a response and I
wondered if that was coming from the phone. Though ignoring it and kept my
attention towards the door; I watched as it parted and widened the gap between
itself till it was opened fully. “Guess Ling did it then." Zander commented,
Kyro started laughing for no reason alone as we each headed through the parted
doors. The roads ahead was long; but were the exact size and length as the previous
hallway behind me. Though the footsteps underneath me were loud and clear,
completely nulling the surprise attack. I frowned upon realizing that as it
would perhaps give a few advantage seconds for the enemy to move and make its
decision. Thus, pondering over as to how to stop them and close that gap
immediately, I noticed up ahead something interesting.


“Found a switch." “Same
here." I pressed onto the walkie to confirmed the switch as I stared upon it in
silence. Locked away from the public it had seemed. I walked up towards it;
reached out to its length with my two claws. Thus pulling afterwards towards
the side where a click now entered my ears, registering a new switch state. But
a question popped into my mind in pondered as I now wondered what it had done.
Thus searching around the room that I found myself upon, I stared upon the
familiarity of the silvery walls. The steels walls and the floor underneath me.
But nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. I frowned in response, now
pondered if I should returned it back towards its original state. For as I
stepped forth again and gripped the length, my walkie crackle and static was
formed as I started hearing Zander spoke over the walkie, “Ling! Do not return
to the original state." “What did it do?" I growled responding, almost yelling
over the pressed walkie that was still attached to my claw. “It opened a side
door; on my left it seems. Presented to me inside was a fruit; but it just
seems to be an Apple."


“Going to switch my


“Same with mine."


A click. I turned my
attention towards the left as a part of the wall had started parting. Before me
stood an single blueberries. I walked towards it and leaned forward. Pressed
upon my walkie, I informed Zander what was revealed. “Alright." Was his answer.
“I got Orange." Responded Kyro, wanting to be in the conversation too as I
break into a smile. Then frowned afterwards. “What do you suggest Ling?" Zander
questioned me, “I think these fruits are fake and are only used as
presentables. It is clear whom our target was however." “Indeed." Commented
Kyro with a sharp nod agreeing with my statement while I continued onward, “But
just in case. We need to put them in order somehow. Starting with that Orange
since of course-" “It is outside of the primary states. But what position would
it be however?" Zander interrupted me immediately as I stared onto the
blueberry in front of me. “Do not know, we should try something at least just
to get out of this place and confirm that these two are not our targets at
all." I explained, “Just fall back towards the main room now; nothing more we
could do here." “Alright." Both Kyro and Zander stated with the silence
following me.


I stared at the blueberry
in silence. My mind working overdrive upon the following reveal fruits that was
told to me. 'Apple' “Blueberry' and 'Orange'. I frowned and tilted my head to
one side; raising my head high towards the ceiling above me and shook my head.
Clearing my thoughts and knowing that was not it; I just left it at that. 'Just
a regular fruit seller.' I thought to myself as I retrace my steps back towards
the main lands.


I spotted Kyro and Zander
together. Their eyes were turned towards the last switch before them. Dotted
with purple it had seemed. Both wanted to touch it and screw around with it in
ponder of what it activates. But upon my arrival, they both stopped and rose
their heads towards me. Smiles crept upon their faces and snouts as I closed in
the gap between us. For then afterwards I share their interest and plant my
feet upon the grounds, lowering my eyes towards the switch before us. “When did
this get here?" I questioned immediately, knowing that I would get an answer.
“This just got here when we arrives here. Its interesting that it was dotted
purple however. Wonder what that meant." Kyro responded, extending his claw
towards the tip of the switch's length. Touching just barely while Zander
growled at him, forcing him to stop immediately as he retracted his claws back.
Zander returned his sights towards me; shaking his head as he echoed what Kyro
stated but cut off from there with silence looming over us.


I gave a nod and turned
my head towards the switch again. Staring at it with silence before parting my
lips, ordering Kyro “Go ahead and turn it." At this came two responses; Zander
was looking a bit surprise that he had rose his black wings in shock. Though he
said nothing as he motioned Kyro who nodded and stepped forth; grabbing onto
the length again and pulled towards the side. After which came a rumble; a
violence that came shaking the grounds underneath us. As I, Zander and Kyro
spread our wings and lifted ourselves into the air. Hovering above the grounds
underneath us as it parted and break. Leaving nothing but a large hole in the
ground; darkness loomed inside of it while I, Zander and Kyro stared upon it.
Lifting our eyes towards one another, we gave a slight nod in acknowledgement
before slowly and gradually lowering ourselves into the large hole whereas the
darkness invaded our eyes; blocking any sort of light that would reveal the
hidden contents inside the darker room.


As we continued down, we
turned our attention towards the walls. Quickly noticing that there be fruits
safely englass. They ranged from the most common fruits known to creatures and
animals towards the rare ones such as tangeri or brinna which is a weird type
of fruit so you know. But never minding the history of fruits as we touched
down upon the grounds below us. Feeling the now cold temperatures biting and
nibbling against our scales; Zander shivered while Kyro flick his eyes about.
Staring down onto our surroundings as I walked up towards him and slapped his
shoulder with my claw. In a whisper, I questioned “What you see?" “Nothing but
opened pathways and roads leading to a deadend up ahead. Beyond anymore of
those I cannot see at all." “So I guess this does confirm that the pup and
shark are not the bad guys at all." Started Zander wrapping himself with his
wings and claws as he looked pleading towards us. I gave a slight nod,
acknowledging the black dragon. But something else had been bugging my mind. As
I had recalled what Kyro had said, I quickly turned my head towards the darker
paths ahead of us.


I tilted my head to one
side in confusions but dared a step forth towards them as I hear a sharp
whisper in the distance. Raising my claw, I signal the other two dragons and
they turned towards me in confusions. Wondering as to what I was doing; I
refilled their minds with my voice. Answering their thoughts with a whisper; “I
think I hear something ahead of us." “Is it the pup?" Questioned Zander as I
frowned nodding my head. Indeed the pup's voice was heard out in the distance
and I wanted to draw myself closer towards it in hopes of eavesdropping into
the conversation. But somehow my body refuses to obey and kept standing still
while my head was leaned forth and ears outstretched. I frowned having realized
this and leaned back my head before turning myself around; “But there is
another feeling." I say, “It could be a trap." “Should we heed with the call?
Or back off and let them do what they want?" Kyro questioned me, I shook my
head. “Best we leave it for now. We will send something to overtake this
investigation." “Like…?" Asked Kyro but I kept my mouth shut.


I motioned Kyro and
Zander. The two agreed so and stepped away from me. All three of us spread our
wings and take towards the darkness above us. Returning to the surface once
again, we all landed and folded our wings. Retreating down the path that took
us straight towards a dark room with the darts and now back outside into the
warm weather night that we were having. Quickly, I pressed onto the walkie and
gave out my order towards the remaining officers that were lingering into the
night. Additionally adding for some sort of bait that would confirmed my
superstitions about the whispers below the surface. Thus as the orders were
carried out, I yawned and stretched my wings and arms a bit. Hearing cracked
came from them, before I turned my attention towards Zander and Kyro. Both of
which were eager to retire into the night and I nodded my head so as they
spread there wings and took off without me.


Alone came the silence to
accompany me as I yawned again and turned tail. I walked along the sidewalk
upon the dead silence, thoughts popping into my mind in wonderance about the
decision that I had made and the psychological factor that left us upon. For
upon a small smile, I just chuckle in advance. Preparing myself for a
humiliation that perhaps would come when the pup comes back towards the surface
with some sort of intent to destroy the realms for his vengeance at our
stalking and police presence upon his door.


Thus as I continued
walking, I noticed someone out in the opened. A black dragon leaning against
the silver pole. His eyes staring upon something in the distance. Red wings
folded behind him and his tail wagging about. Cauiously, I slowed my steps and
narrowed my eyes upon his prescene. Unsure whether or not he was ally or foe.
But as I approached him, he suddenly turned towards me. A smile plastered upon
his face as his eyes met with mine. I froze staring at him but relaxed myself
and spoke; rather carefully towards him “Zander?" “Have not heard that for a
while now." The dragon started, chuckling in response as he shook his head.
“No. Zander belongs to another black dragon like myself. But that is not
important right now." He says as he threw his claw into his pocket and pulled
out something that was familiar to me. Staring at it with surprise written upon
my face, the dragon nodded and spoke again. Afformative and strong as if he had
years of experience when working in the force.


The dragon was none other
than that legendary officer dragon from the defuncted Neon city in the earlier
years. His name was Officer Zephyr. Now, he is Detective Zephyr. “What are you
here for?" I questioned him, excitement was running through my voice as I had
unknowingly talked fast. Zephyr had another smile upon his face; but that was
gone instantly as he mention about a stolen necklace. Now currently found by a
dominator. As Zephyr was about to talk more, my walkie sharply interrupted us
as Zander's voice spoke out through “Ling! You got to see this!" “I will be
there!" I exclaimed in response, after pressing the button while Zephyr laughed