Current Track: Blabb

Finding One's True Self Part 14

Mending the Broken

By Xan Steel

Julyna was having horrible nightmares about Rubicant. She was tossing and turning violently in bed next to her mate that it woke him up. He reached over and gently shook her, "Lyna, Lyna wake up." She jerked awake breathing rapidly as she looked at him. He could see that she had been crying in her sleep, "What is it Lyna?" He asked softly. "It's Rubi, something has happened to him. I.. I can't piece the imagery together, I just know he's been hurt badly." She replied while holding on to him tightly. "Do you know where he's at?" "The only place I know he would be is on Travaina IV." He got up and started get out some clothes for them. "What are you doing?" "If he's hurt then you need to see him, so let's go." He lovingly told her.

Altair is an Admiral in the Alliance, he was tasked with getting Julyna instated into her new ship as its Captain, and running it through a series of drills to work out the kinks in its systems. Before they got together, she had told him everything about her past and how close she was to Rubicant. The way she explained him, he sounded like an interesting individual, and wanted to meet him at some point. 

Altair allowed for the use of the Jump Drive in this situation as warp would take to long. After twelve hours and thirteen jumps, they arrived. Altair told First Officer Tygera to remain in orbit until they had finished their business here. After which they beamed down to the resort.  Once there Julyna went to the front desk to ask questions as the desk clerk greeted her. "Ah welcome back Julyna. It's good to see you again." "Is Rubicant still here?" "I'm afraid the authorities took him into custody early this morning, some sort of altercation with another officer, a female I believe." "Where is he now?" "I would assume they took him down to the Central Agency for processing and holding. Oh and here, these are for you." He said as he pulled out a small box filled with letters. 

They left and took a transport to the Agency, as she began to read the letters. They were innocent enough, mentioning little snippets of his day, and hoping things were going alright for her in the academy, as well as congratulating her on making Captain. Then the last three took a different turn. He began to apologize for hurting her, and causing her to never came back. The second to last one made even more apologizes and wanting to make amends. This is when she noticed a few small circular stains on the paper. She started to weep gently. The last letter made her breakdown on Altair. It was almost completely stain covered and only had two blurry words written on it. I'm sorry. He held her close to comfort her, as he read the letters as well. He could tell how much he cared for her and wondered why she never choose him as a mate.

They arrived at the Agency and proceeded inside. It was busy, but they managed to get to the front desk. "Names please?" The clerk asked in a somewhat rude tone. "Admiral Altair, and Captain Julyna. Here to see a Rubicant Tavar." Altair said. The female sitting behind the desk looked up in surprise. "You're expected follow me please." She said in a more pleasant tone. As they walked along the hallway, Julyna started picking up Rubicant. He was in bad shape mentally. It felt as though she was seeing a small youngling who was terrified. The images slowly started coming together from her nightmares. They reached Detective Ohm's office as the female clerk knocked on the door. "Come in." They heard Ohm say in a somewhat angry tone. She opened the door as both Altair and Julyna saw Ohm and another female sitting in a chair inside. "What is it, Janela?" "The Captain you've been expecting has arrived with an Admiral." "Let them in." He said as he moved around to greet them. They entered into his office as Ohm greeted them. "Thank you for coming, I had a strong feeling you would be here today Captain." "How did you know I'd be here?" She asked. "Call it intuition. I've been on the force long enough to know when to expect certain events. Please have a seat." He said motioning them to two chairs. "How is Rubi?" Julyna asked in a concerned tone. Ohm sat as his desk and looked at her. "Not good I'm afraid, right now I have a counselor with him, but I'm not expecting much since he's having a hard time getting through to him." Ohm finished

"What exactly happened to him?" Altair asked. Ohm got up and went to a view screen. "What I'm about to show you might disturb you. I planted a monitoring device in his room after the incident on the beach the evening before. Had I realized the officer I left to guard him..." He gave a side glance to the female sitting in the chair "was apart of some cult. I would have left someone else to do the job." Ohm turned on the recording to where Rubicant was heading to the door after reading the news pads. Julyna watched the scene in horror and began to break down openly in front of everyone. When it was over they could hear Julyna whispering "She broke him. She broke my Rubi." Altair tried to comfort her. "I'm sorry, but I need to ask you some questions Captain." Ohm apologetically said as she nodded in understanding. "What happened to him?" "She made him break a personal oath." "Which is?" "That he would never become his father, and here she did just that. I'm understanding my nightmares now. Plus the images in getting from him." When you say 'like his father' what do you mean." Julyna went on a long description of his life growing up. It was something she got from him when their minds blended together.

"Why are we listening to this female's story of the Progenitor?" The other female spoke up for the first time. "I wouldn't talk if I were you Sargent. You're in enough trouble." Julyna looked over at her and saw that she was the one in the video. Anger and rage tore through her like an inferno not only was her anger involved, but she was channeling Rubicant's as well. "YOU!! HOW DARE YOU BREAK MY RUBI!!" Julyna began to visibly shake as she stood up while Altair held on to her. Her voice carrying throughout the floor. "OH PLEASE! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE A CAPTAIN YOU THINK YOU KNOW WHAT HE IS! YOU KNOW NOTHING!" Their verbal fight continued as the rest of the floor listened in until Julyna let loose the final say. "YOU DUMB BITCH, I MATED WITH HIM! I BLENDED MINDS WITH HIM! HE'S NOT YOUR DAMNED PROGENITOR!! HE'S NOT EVEN FROM OUR GALAXY!!!" Altair grabbed Julyna hard and pulled her into a tight hug and softly whispered to her to relax as her shaking got worse. The Sargent fell silent as she had been proven wrong. The door flew open as the counselor was standing there. "Are you Julyna?" He asked in a stern voice. She nodded. "Did you just channel him in anyway?" Julyna just looked at him before her eyes went wide. "I thought so. Come with me. Lieutenant!" He called to someone outside the door, "Would you take the Sargent back to her cell. The rest of you keep your emotions in check please."

Altair whispered into Julyna's ear. "You know I'm ok with him being a second if you want." "I wish it were possible." She gave him a tight squeeze and left to go with the counselor. Detective Ohm turned to Altair as he closed the door. "Well this has been and interesting two days." As he sat back down at his desk and opened a drawer, pulled out a bottle and a pair of small glasses. He poured a drink for Altair and himself as he passed the glass over to him. "Thanks." Altair replied. "So I have to wonder why she thinks he's the progenitor?" He asked. Ohm explained that the material the Mark II is made of, is not able to survive in the Brine, and he went for a swim, but somehow nothing happened. "That's what she's basing this entire thing on?" Altair astonishedly asked. Ohm nodded as he took a drink before continuing, "Yeah, and she's not the only one. The rest of the cult she's apart of believes it as well." Altair shook his head as he finished his drink. "Now the question is who has authority here?" Ohm asked. "With the shouting match that just happened it's going to be hard to keep it quiet at this point. Especially if the media happened to be here." Altair was in thought before answering. "As much as it would fall under Alliance jurisdiction, because he's not from our galaxy. I want the local Magistrate to handle this one for now. Just don't volunteer that he's not from around here unless absolutely necessary. I want to see how this turns out." Ohm nodded in agreement.

As they got to the door, the counselor turned to Julyna and spoke. "I'm not going to go in with you, instead I'm going to monitor you from out here. Second he requested to be restrained. These keys will unlock those restraints if you feel it's safe enough to release him." She nodded in understanding as he opened the door for her. She walked in as he closed the door behind her. 

Rubicant was laying on the floor with his back to her in a white jacket. "I'm sorry but I've told you everything, I don't know how to let you into my mind." He apologized. "Rubi, it's me." She said. As soon as he heard her voice he began to weep. She came up behind him and tried to pull him into a hug, but he wiggled away. "No stay away, I don't want to hurt you again." As he tried to slide towards the padded wall. She grabbed him from behind and pulled him into her arms. "You didn't hurt me. I hurt myself." He stopped struggling unsure what to say. "I love you Rubi, I can't hide that anymore. Our time together had such a large impact on me, but with you unsure of what was real or not, I couldn't get close." She said weeping softly on his shoulder. He gently nuzzled her cheek. "But you have a new mate. You don't need me, especially if I'm turning into my father. I'm only going to abuse you if you stay." He said tearing up again. 

She spun him around to face her. He could see the anger in her eyes and feel her handpaws shaking. He expected her to slap him. Her voice was deep and serious. "You are not your father, you will never be him. What happened between you and that female was self defense. There are times where measures like that are needed to protect oneself. What she did was nearly..." She struggled to find a word. "Rape me?" "I'm not familiar with that word." "From my people it means forcing someone to have sex or in your people's terminology, mate against their will. In most cases the use of a weapon is involved." Her looks softened, "That sounds traumatizing." She softly said. "It is, even more so given my history of parental abuse." He said hanging his head. She undid his restraints, as he gently wrapped his arms around her. "I don't deserve you. You're to good for me." She gently rocked him in her arms, as she hummed a soft tune.