Current Track: Blabb

Knowing the Path…

Finding One's True Self: Part 42

By Xan Steel

In the last two weeks, Julyna isolated herself from everyone, including Rubicant and Iris. Since there wasn’t much happening, she let Tygera handle the ship while she figured out how to tell everyone what had happened. Her biggest problem was the fact that she never told Rubicant that he was the progenitor. Truthfully, she wanted to have more information for him from the GrandMaster, but she wasn’t able to contact him at all compounding her worries.

One night she decided to take a chance on contacting Dr. Graphra, to see if he could explain things. After entering the communications protocol, she waited for him to answer, and waited, and waited, until they finally responded. On the other end was a black female Derlenian with red eyes. To Julyna, she looked like a female version of Rubicant. Her tone was pleasant, “Hello, this is Dr. Graphra’s station, can I help you?”

“Yes, this is Julyna, I need to talk with Dr. Graphra before I arrive, is he available?” Julyna said.

The Female looked at a nearby clock, “I’m afraid that he is asleep at this hour. Maybe I can be of assistance?” she asked.

“I’m sorry, but this is a very important, and private matter that only he and the GrandMaster know about,” Julyna said. This was when the look and tone of the female became quiet and more direct.

“Have you told him yet?”

Julyna was taken back by this, “Told who what?” she questioned while hiding her nervousness.

The female looked around her area before speaking again, “Have you told my Te’dar that he is the progenitor?”

Julyna sat there at her terminal shocked, “How?” was all she could muster to say.

“I’ll tell you another time, but right now I need to know if you told him.”

“No, that’s why I’m calling, I want to know what they have planned for him so that I can tell him. The GrandMaster isn’t answering any of my messages, and I was hoping Dr. Graphra would be able too.” Julyna’s tone said a hint of urgency.

“Well, I can tell you right now he won’t mention it either, but I have been working with him, on converting DNA from one species to another. Which I might add is child’s play for me with all the equipment he has,” she said.

Julyna interrupted her, “Maria, what about Irina, Mortora, Sandra, and Mathew?”

Maria looked at her for a moment before speaking, “It’s Daria now, and as for Mortora and Irina, they are still with all of you. Mathew and Sandra? Well, let me introduce you to Tarusk and Ba’naria.” She said and moved to the side as a golden male Phalynian and a black, white, and grey patch colored female Bulorian came into view.

“Hello, you must be the Julyna we’ve heard so much about.” Tarusk said with a wide smile before continuing, “I can see why Rubicant fell for you.” Making Julyna's ears fold back in embarrassment.

“Well, at least Rubi has good tastes in females,” Ba’naria added with a smile all her own.

They chatted for a bit before Daria came back over and talked with Julyna privately. “Listen, I know right now you have it rough, especially after having been labeled Rebels, but you need to tell him that he is the progenitor. This can’t wait anymore. Things are going to start heating up for you all, and Dr. Graphra needs you to get here as soon as possible. Also, don’t tell Rubi that we’re alive. We want to surprise him.”

Julyna nodded, and spoke, “He’s likely to hate me once I tell him that’s he’s the progenitor.”

Daria gave her a reassuring smile, “I know my Te’dar, and hate is something he’s not capable. Oh sure, he’ll be angry with you, but after a while, he’ll come back around. After having watched you all for so long. The three of you mean the universe to him, and he’s determined to not lose anyone else.” She finished.

Julyna thanked her for what little information she could give her, and disconnected the comm link. After which she sat there staring at the screen deep in thought. She sighed loudly before getting up and leaving her quarters. ‘Better get this over,’ she thought to herself. Julyna headed for Cargo Bay 3 and was dreading each step. Once she got to the cargo bay, she stood at the entrance of the little ship looking up into it. She could feel them both in there and the worry they had for her with having been separated from her. Rubicant was having sleepless nights again, and it was beginning to affect Iris. However, she felt Rubicant in mental pain.

‘Rubi, what’s wrong?’ Iris asked.

‘I, I don’t know, it feels like something is calling out to me, but it’s so strong that it hurts.’ Rubicant mentally replied.

This was when Julyna heard him cry out in pain. She rushed up the ramp and towards the bedroom, opened the door, and heard Rubicant yell at her. “STOP THE SHIP!”

“What?” Julyna asked stunned.

“Stop the ship, or everyone dies! Please!” he begged.

Julyna pulled out her communicator, “Julyna to the Bridge.”

Gytaroo answered her, “Go ahead, Captain.”

“Bring the ship to a full stop now.”

After a few seconds Gytaroo came back, “Answering full stop Captain. Whoooa!”

“What is it Gytaroo?” Julyna questioned.

“I’m not sure how to report this without it sounding weird, but a planet just appeared before the ship after we came to a stop.”

Julyna looked at Rubicant who was still in pain. She went to him and knelt down and put her forehead on his, hoping to lessen the pain. However, it wasn’t working. This worried Julyna, “Rubi what’s happening, I can’t help you for some reason.” She said to him.

Rubicant spoke, his voice was strained due to the pain he was in, “I don’t know what’s happening, but something is calling me down to that planet. It keeps telling me that there is something important that I need to see down there. It’s taking everything I have just to make sure it doesn’t overwhelm me,” he finished.

Iris asked Julyna what she was doing to help lessen the pain, as Julyna taught her the ability. This time together, they were able to help alleviate the pain he was feeling. “Thank you,” he said as the both kissed his forehead.

Julyna then spoke, “Now, what or how is this planet calling out to you?” she asked.

Rubicant’s voice was calm while he spoke slowly trying to process what he was getting, “It’s a, female voice. Calling me by name. Saying, I’m, finally here?” his tone shifted at the end to match his question, as both Iris and Julyna gave him an ‘I don’t know’ look as they mentally didn't hear anything.

Julyna stood up and took out her communicator, “Tygera?”

“Yes, Ma’am?”

“I need you to set up a small Security Detail to accompany Rubicant down to the surface of this planet.” She ordered.

“Wait.” Rubicant intervened.

“Hold on.” Julyna turned to Rubicant, “What, what is it.”

“Just Feros, and myself,” Rubicant said.

Julyna studied him for a few seconds, “Are you sure? We don’t know what’s down there, and I want to make sure you are safe, and not just for the GrandMaster’s sake.” She said lovingly while caressing his cheek.

He pulled her into a hug, “I’m sure.” He finished.

She leaned back to look at him for a minute before her communicator beeped in her handpaw. “Julyna here.”

Zalina’s voice came through, “Captain, we have the first scans of the planet. Unfortunately, beaming down is impossible as there is an intense energy field surrounding the planet. A geological scan of the surface has revealed something strange. The surface of the planet is covered with a thick layer of ash. There is no breathable atmosphere, and I’m picking up a slight power source in the northern hemisphere. Also, something else that’s strange. While I’m not getting any life signs I am picking up movement on the surface,” she finished.

Julyna looked at Rubicant again, “I would feel safer with you having a Security team.” Her voice gave away her sudden worry.

“Trust me on this, only Feros accompanies me, as he is from a species of hunters and with just two of us, we should attract much less attention,” Rubicant slightly pleaded with her.

Julyna nodded and spoke again. “All right, but Tygera and Raybia will be in the transport.” She could see him start to protest but held up her handpaw. “I want to make sure you can make it to and from the surface of that planet, and Raybia is my best pilot. Tygera will be for her protection.” Rubicant nodded in understanding when she explained her reason.

Rubicant then went to his computer and began to save files on a few weapons to a datapad, and then left to meet with Feros. Iris came over to Julyna and gently used her handpaw to make Julyna look at her. “I’m scared, Iris.” She said while Iris wiped her eyes dry.

“We both are, but from what I sensed, whatever this is, it’s going to change him.” Iris gently replied.

“I’ve been told that I need to tell him that he is the progenitor,” Julyna added.

Iris thought this was curious, “By who?”

Julyna looked at her, “His Te’dar and friends.”

Iris gave her an odd look, not fully understanding until Julyna shared her memory of her conversation.

Once Rubicant got to Feros’ Quarters he hit the button for the door chime and waited. After a minute Dr. Pagri answered the door in a robe. She spoke in a surprised tone, “Oh, Rubicant hello, as there something you need?”

Rubicant spoke in an excited tone, “Yes, I need to talk with Feros, please. It’s important.”

She looked at him for a moment before answering him, “I’m afraid he’s a bit busy at the moment.” Her tone hinting at the fact she was involved with him.

“Sweetie, who is it?” They heard Feros call from the back.

Samantha turned from Rubicant, “It’s Rubicant Dear, he says he has something important.” Feros could hear her displeasure and came out.

“Rubicant, what going on that someone in Engineering can’t take care of it?” he asked.

As Rubicant spoke, it was easy for Feros to hear his distress. “It’s nothing to do with Engineering, but I need you to act as my bodyguard on the planet’s surface, and I need your help making these weapons in the replicator,” he said and handed over the datapad to him.

Feros looked over the information before looking back at Rubicant, “Why do you need me specifically?” he asked as he heard Samantha huff for not sending him away.

Rubicant ignored her huff, “Because you are the only one that won’t be affected by this planet, and if I succumb to it, I’ll need you to bring me back,” he finished.

Feros looked at him and then back at the data again, and he could hear Samantha becoming more upset each minute. They had planned to have a quiet night together, but something was nagging him about this. Rubicant never asked for anything from him, and hearing him nearly beg was unusual, and his scent was very different. He turned back to Rubicant, “I’ll be in engineering in fifteen minutes.” He said as Rubicant thanked him and headed off.

Samantha was upset and spoke before his door closed, “Wow, so just because he’s the progenitor, we have to jump when he says too?”

Rubicant stopped cold in his tracks when he heard her and then heard the door close. He reached out mentally to Julyna, ‘Is it true?’ he asked while sending her what he heard from Samantha.

‘We’ll talk when you get back sweetie,’ came a reassuring and gentle tone from her.

Feros, however, laid into her, “Damnit Sam, you can’t say that out loud, especially if he’s in earshot because he doesn’t know!”

Samantha shot back, “And that’s my fault?”

“No, but whatever this is, this is different. In the nearly twenty cycles he’s been on board this ship, Rubicant has never asked,” He pause for a second thinking before speaking again in a calmer tone, “No, he just begged me for help, and he’s never done that before, that is why I’m concerned. That is why I need to be there for him. His eyes and his scent told me he’s terrified. Didn’t you smell his fear?” he asked as he watched her take a deep breath.

After which her ears laid flat as she hung her head, “I’m sorry,” she said softly.

Feros came over to her and pulled her into an embrace. “I’m sorry our night got derailed, but until we can get him to Dr. Graphra, we all need to care and watch out for him in our own way,” he finished and kissed her forehead.

“Just come back to me please.” She said softly while nuzzling into his chest.

“As a true hunter from my tribe once said, ‘Death will go hungry tonight.’” He said smiling, while she rolled her eyes and head at his silly male macho’ness.

Feros entered engineering ten minutes later and began to help Rubicant fashion his weapons. Something he called a shotgun. It used pellet like kinetic ammunition in a spread effect once it left the barrel, that could be controlled, or “choked” as Rubicant put it. “Wouldn’t an energy weapon be better suited in this situation?” Feros asked.

Rubicant turned to look at him, “I don’t believe so, while I’m still trying to make sense of what I was shown. I can only assume that an energy pistol or rifle would be depleted before we would even get to where we are going.” Rubicant calmly explained.

Feros eyebrows raised a bit, “What were you shown?”

Rubicant looked up from designing a micro-replicator that would attach to the magazine port of the tactical shotgun he was developing. “To be honest, there isn’t a word in any of the languages in this galaxy to describe what I would call, if I understand what has been sent to me, wondering dead,” he finished.

Feros gave an expression of disbelief, not because he didn’t want to believe him, but because it sounded like something his tribe’s shaman once told him to avoid if he ever came across this in his life. Rubicant picked up on his sudden peak of fear, something he had never sensed from Feros, “Are you okay, Feros?”

Feros shook himself to clear his mind and relax, “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I was just reminded of a few words of wisdom from my Tribes Shaman.”

“Oh?” Rubicant questioned.

“Yeah, ‘If you can’t win, Run.’” Feros said with a smile.

Rubicant smirked at the statement Feros made which helped pick their mood up and complete their work.

Once they had everything they needed, they headed to the Shuttle Bay to meet up with Raybia and Tygera. Upon entering the Shuttle Bay, Rubicant saw Raybia, Tygera, Iris, Julyna, and Samantha standing there waiting for them. Samantha pulled Feros off to the side as Iris and Julyna came over to Rubicant. Julyna spoke first, “Please be careful down there. I don’t want to lose you.”

Rubicant smiled at her while wiping away a tear he saw, “I have no intention of dying down there Hun, especially since I have that conversation to look forward too.” He said hinting at their earlier talk, as he noticed her ears flattened a bit.

Iris came over to him and kissed him softly. “Please remember who you are down there, I know that might sound silly, but being linked to you when that happened and what I got. Well, I’m terrified what might happen,” she finished while holding him closer.

He leaned back and gently stroked her cheek, “You’re not the only one scared sweetie, this is why I chose Feros. I never saw his species in any of the images I received,” he finished softly.

“I know, I’m just glad we have an Amarok on board,” Iris said, her voice denoting some confidence in this knowledge. After which she kissed him again as he walked over to the shuttle and joined the other three.

Once on board the tiny vessel, Raybia had them strap in for safety and waited while everyone else left the shuttle bay. Once everyone was clear, the crewmen vented the atmosphere from the bay and then opened the hanger doors. Once completed the crewman contacted Raybia over the comm system. “You are clear for departure Lieutenant. Safe travels.”

“Thank you, Ensign, we’ll contact you once we’ve cleared the planet’s atmosphere on our return trip,” Raybia replied.

“Understand Kestrel out.”

The shuttle lifted off its landing platform, and maneuvered out through the hangar doors, and quickly picked up speed as it headed for the dark planet before them. During the decent Tygera turned back in her chair to face Rubicant. “I have to admit I’m not one to take orders from others unless it's from the Captain, but you know more about what we are heading into, and we need to know what you want from us,” she finished.

Rubicant spoke in an understanding tone, “I understand Commander. So, I’ll get straight to the point. Neither Miss Raybia or yourself set foot on this planet. I can’t explain why, but if any part of you touches it’s surface it won’t end well,” he said.

“Okay, so we protect the shuttle, and give you back up from within?” Tygera asked.

“Yes.” Rubicant said and continued, “Feros and I will head for the structure where the faint power source that Zalina discovered is coming from.”

“What about that movement she mentioned as well?” Raybia asked.

Feros spoke up, “Stealth is going to our ally, so with any luck, we won’t be noticed. This, however, will slow us down.”

Raybia spoke again, “Scanners have indicated a potential LZ half a meridian from the structure. I’m also not picking up any movement in the area. So hopefully you’ll have a clear shot to the structure.”

They continued to fly to the landing zone silently for the next ten minutes until they reached their destination. Scanners showed that there was no movement near the area, but Raybia still turned off the outside lights to make their approach as quiet as possible. Upon landing gently, Raybia shut down everything but the back systems for emergency lights, environmental controls, and the ships ramp and rear door. Once complete in those tasks she joined the others in the back, as Tygera spoke, “All right everyone, let’s get suited up,” she said as Tygera began to hand out environmental suits to Feros, Rubicant, and then Raybia as she came back. Rubicant was surprised at how small they were compared to the ones that he had “borrowed” from NASA when he first started his trip into space all those cycles ago. It was much more form fitting while having a lot more body motion. He watched Tygera explain the controls to him for pressurizing the suit, its comm system, and the emergency locator beacon if he got separated from Feros.

“Thank you,” Rubicant said pleasantly.

“You’re welcome, but I know Julyna would have my hide if I didn’t do everything to bring you back,” she said with a smile.

Tygera then stepped away and put her suit on, and once she finished, she linked their comm systems together and then patched them through the shuttle's systems to boost the range. After which both Rubicant and Feros grabbed the weapons they had replicated and a backpack each and set off after Raybia lowered the ramp and opened the back door as the internal air rushed out of the little shuttle.

Outside the wind whipped around them, as the thick ash obscured their view beyond six meters. ‘Great, this complicates things.’ Rubicant thought as he stayed as close to Feros as possible.

Their trek across the ash cover land was traitorous at best. Each step they took, sunk in knee deep before it was stable footing. If Rubicant did his math right, then a meridian was about a half mile in distance, so they had half again the range to travel. He heard Feros radio into Tygera to update them on their progress, and according to Raybia, they seemed to be making good headway. However, she did warn that there did appear to be movement near the structure.

Two hours later they had finally reached the perimeter of the structure as Feros came to a stop. Rubicant came up next to him and peaked over the edge of a rock outcropping. They both noticed that the wind and ash cover had let up quite a bit in the area, allowing them to get a more unobstructed view.

“I don’t like what I’m seeing Rubicant,” Feros said in a slightly nervous tone.

“If you’re talking about the path that’s completely out in the open? Then I agree with you.” Rubicant started to look around again before shaking his head, “Sadly though I don't see any other path in,” he said as Feros reluctantly agree.

Feros sighed loudly, “All right we’ll take this slow and easy, and with any luck, we’ll remain invisible to, whatever these things are moving down there.

As they looked around for a way down, they came across a series of slopes that lead down. With the thick layer of ash on the ground, Rubicant tested the area by sliding his feet forward to see if there was a sudden drop-off, and it was a good thing he did because the sloping ash had hidden a series of stairs that lead down. Rubicant noticed Feros’ tone was confident when he spoke, “Good thinking.”

With having to check for steps the whole way down, as well as pushing some of the ash to the side to make a clear path back. It took them another hour to get down to the path and stop there and check out the area again. Both Rubicant and Feros watched the things that were moving around the area. Rubicant hit a few buttons on his control pad for the suit that would give him a zoomed in view of one of these, whatever they were. As Rubicant began to study these things, he noted what appeared to be rotting flesh, some had no heads, those that did some were missing a lower jaw, some had no eyes, their movements seemed to shamble when it moved or jerk about if it was standing still. He actually saw one vomit, and it wasn’t a pretty color. As he continued his study, one word kept coming to mind, “Zombies,” he said out loud without realizing it.

“What’s a zombie?” Feros asked.

Rubicant turned to look back at him while forgetting to reset his view, and once he saw Feros up close and personal. He let out a yell and fell back into the ash.

Feros was worried and held out a handpaw, “You okay in there Rube, you still you?” he asked.

Rubicant reset his view and saw Feros holding out his handpaw for him. “Yeah, yeah I just had my view zoomed in is all.” As he took his handpaw and got up.

Back on the Kestrel Julyna was getting perturbed with E’Lum. As the Security team that was tasked with watching him kept reporting that he needed to see her and that it was urgent.

After an hour of blowing off his request, only because she really didn’t want to deal with him right now, with worrying about Tygera, Raybia, Feros, and most importantly Rubicant. She finally went down to the brig to talk with him. Once she entered, she could see him pacing frantically back and forth in his cell as she approached him.

“Captain, please tell me why we have stopped, I’m not liking what I’m sensing!” E’Lum’s tone was more demanding that he would’ve liked it to be, but Julyna also noticed his body language with more alert than usual.

She decided to let him know a little information to see how he would react. “Rubicant had us stop the ship because he believed there was a danger to all of us.” She said calmly.

E’Lum however, wasn’t calm and hearing this only increased his nervousness making his tone more excited and demanding, “Please tell that nothing appeared after you stop! PLEASE!”

Julyna found this to be curious and continued with a bit more information, “Actually a planet appeared right…”

“NOO!” E’Lum yelled and punched the energy field between him and Julyna causing her to jump a bit. This time she could hear the anger in his voice, “WHO WENT WITH HIM?” he demanded

“Feros, Raybia, and Tygera.” She replied calmly and watched as he relaxed a little.

“I don’t care what you have to do, but you get them off that planet. If you don’t none of them will return,” E’Lum said in a mildly angry tone.

“Why are you suddenly worried about their well-being, when you were going to send my Second off to these shadow people?” she asked her tone was ‘matter of fact’ with him.

E’Lum stopped pacing and looked at her directly, “I consider him a friend, after all the time we’ve spent together on our lunches, just talking and learning. I was tasked with finding the progenitor, and I had hoped it wasn’t him.”

Julyna cut him off, “But he is.”

E’Lum just stared at her after hearing her confirm it, and Julyna noticed this and for the first time mentally felt his sorrow in knowing this fact. After a few silent moments between them, he spoke, “I’m sorry, I never wanted to do any of this.” He sat down on the one-person bed that was in his cell. He spoke again his voice raised in mild excitement, “But that doesn’t change the fact that you need to get them off that planet.”

“Sadly, this placed called out to him, by name I might add,” Julyna said.

“It does that when it finds someone with a compatible brainwave that it thinks is a GrandMaster.” E’Lum said and then sighed while continuing, “This used to be the home planet of the GrandMaster’s one hundred and fifty cycles ago. Until the core of the planet became unstable and caused massive volcanic eruptions across the surface. Destroying its atmosphere, causing Ash Storms to rage, and covering the ground, or what’s left of the land masses to be covered with a thick layer of ash. The only place not affected by this is a lone temple in the northern hemisphere. The archive of all the knowledge of the previous GrandMaster’s dating back several hundred thousand cycles.” He paused to gather his thoughts until Julyna spoke.

“How do you know all of this?” she asked.

He looked up at her and answered, “The Midnight Order is an ancient order predating the Alliance, and was tasked with protecting that knowledge at all costs. I’m sure by now you’ve detected movement, but no life signs?” he asked as Julyna nodded. “Those are both previous members of the Order, and those that tried, or were called to the surface and failed in passing its tests. Upon their death, they get reanimated and sever as guards for the temple. The only species in this galaxy that has never stepped foot on that surface is Amarok.” He finished.

“That would explain why Rubicant only wanted Feros along, even though I told him that I would send Raybia and Tygera along to ensure they all made it back,” Julyna added as E’Lum looked up at her with a questioning look.

“Wait, he specifically only wanted Feros along?” he asked.

“Yes, I thought it was strange at first, but he mentioned that his species was the only one not shown in any of the images he got, and Lady Iris, his First, confirmed this through their mental link.”

E’Lum head cocked to the side as he looked at her, “Mental Link? That doesn’t make sense, only Derlenians can mentally link to one another, and he’s not Derlenian,” his tone was filled with surprise in hearing this.

Julyna looked at him in such a way that it suddenly hit her, “You’re right. I had completely forgotten about that,” she said.

E’Lum continued his tone gave a slight note of disbelief, “Nothing about him makes sense if I’m honest. He speaks our language and many others like he grew up in our galaxy. Learning every language since birth.”

Julyna interjected, “He has been here for nineteen cycles.”

“But that still wouldn’t be enough time to learn our languages fluently, and yet he speaks them all with ease.” E’Lum finished as Julyna looked at him wondering when they first met if she inadvertently imparted all of her knowledge on him somehow.

Meanwhile, Feros and Rubicant managed to make it safely to the structure undetected. Feros kept a lookout to ensure they didn’t attract unwanted attention, while Rubicant began to scan for the entrance into the building. Once he discovered an opening, he thought to Feros to follow him in. Once they entered, they used the stone door that was there to seal themselves in for the time being.

They scanned the area, and found it empty of movement and ash, almost like the structure was being cared for. As they continued farther into to the structure, getting closer to the energy source. Rubicant noticed the walls gave off a gentle glow. He scanned the walls more thoroughly while looking at them and saw that it wasn’t designs or symbols that would note a language or a story being told. His scanner revealed to him that it was a massive archive of information.

“Hey Rube, take a look at this,” Feros said farther ahead of him, as he headed over to Feros to look at what he was seeing. Once he got to him, he noticed the area open up quite a bit. Upon seeing a brightly lit orb in the center of this room, his mind was hit with a female voice that caused him to misstep and fall to the floor. Feros came over to him, “Whoa, hold on now. Let me help you up.” After Feros got him to his feet and had Rubicant look at him, he spoke, “You still with me Rube?”

Rubicant nodded and spoke, “Yeah. Yeah it’s just a voice in my head again that caught me off guard is all.”

“What was the voice and what did it say?” Feros asked.

Rubicant spoke, but his tone denoted his confusion, “It was female, and, and it said, ‘Welcome Home.’”

Feros looked at him for a moment and could see him zoning in and out. “Hey Rube, stay with me okay?” he said with concern that this place was affecting Rubicant.

Rubicant looked at him, and shook himself, “I’m fine, honestly. I’ll be okay. Thank you.”

Feros let him go and watched him more intently as he began to walk around scanning the room. Once he felt that Rubicant was acting normally again, he started to help. “You know Rube, this place appears to be a massive data archive.” He said while looking over the information on his scanner.

Rubicant answered him, but as he spoke Feros thought his tone was strange, almost monotone, “It’s the archive of the GrandMaster’s.”

Feros turned to look at him, and was going to ask how he knew that, but instead saw him reaching for the glowing orb, “NO! DON’T!” Feros yelled and took off at a run towards him to stop him, but as he got halfway to him, it was too late as he touched the orb and then fell to the floor. As he got to him and shook his body, “Come on, Come on Rube wake up.” Feros took the scanner and began to scan Rubicant’s body. According to the scanner physically he was fine, just unconscious. “Memaw's always told us to keep our handpaws to ourselves, but you had to touch it, didn’t you?” he said, just as his radio popped with static.

“Feros (static) happened?” It was Tygera’s voice. He tried to boost the signal to be able to hear her more clearly.

“Commander, do you copy?”

The signal still had some static to it, but it was a much cleaner signal, “What the hell happened in there? The movement outside just became organized and is headed to your location.” Tygera’s voice was almost a yell.

“Rubicant touched a glowing orb, and then collapsed to the floor. The scanner says he’s fine, just unconscious.” Feros replied as he heard Tygera whisper ‘Idiot’ as he heard her sigh.

Tygera’s tone was calmer, “Pick him up and bring him along, Raybia is piloting the shuttle to you now, and I’ll have the ramp and door open for you,” she said. As Feros acknowledged her. However, he now had a female voice in his head. ‘Please take the orb, you’ll need it for him.’

Feros honestly didn’t want to touch it, but the voice spoke again, ‘Please take it.’ He shook his head and took off his backpack, and scooped up the orb with it before putting it back on.

Back on the ship in Medical Samantha was talking with Iris while looking at her terminal in her office on a crew member, when she heard a thud near the surgical bad. She stood up and looked out of her office and noticed Iris laying on the floor. She went over to her and began to look her over and noticed that she was breathing and her pulse was steady, but she appeared to be sleeping. Samantha picked her up and put her on a bio-bed and let it monitor her when she got a call over the comm system. “Medical Emergency to the Bridge.” Came Gytaroo’s voice as Samantha rushed out with an anti-grav stretcher in handpaw.

When she got there is when she noticed that Julyna was in the same condition. Zalina and Adreena helped her get Julyna onto the stretcher, and then Samantha took her to Medical and put her on the bio-bed next to Iris.

Gytaroo walked in and noticed both of them, “Both of them?” she asked in a surprised tone.

“Yes, and I’m betting it has something to do with Rubicant. We haven’t heard anything back from them since he left the ship.” Samantha said.

Gytaroo spoke again in a matter of fact tone, “If that is indeed true, then one would think they were linked, but that’s not possible with him not being a Derlenian.” She finished, however, Samantha didn’t respond and only continued to view the information on the bio-beds monitor. “Well, at the least, keep me updated if there’s any change in them,” Gytaroo said and left Medical.

Rubicant stirred as he felt something warm and soft. It was very comfortable, and familiar feeling. Almost like he belonged here. He felt someone pet his cheek, neck, and shoulder while hearing a female humming softly. The petting felt wonderful and hoped it wouldn’t stop, but he noticed it felt different almost like he had fur.

He sat up quickly and looked around, noticing he wasn’t on the planet anymore, but instead a place that looked like paradise. It was beautiful, with the greenest grass and trees, paired with the bluest sky he’d ever seen. Clouds lazily floating by, from the gentle breeze that was blowing. The scent of the wildflowers blooming nearby filled his nose.

He felt someone kneel behind him and wrap their arms around him, the scent was familiar, but it wasn’t Iris or Julyna.

Her voice was soft and sweet when she spoke, “Welcome home. My youngling.”

He looked down at her arms around him and noticed her fur was as black as his. “I’m not from this galaxy, so I have no family here.” He said, his tone denoting his sadness.

She turned him around as he moved to his knees in front of her. Her eyes where like Iris’s but instead of being blue in color, her eyes were red. She giggled softly, “Believe me, sweetie, you are, and have always been my youngling.”

Rubicant cocked his head to the side in questioning, “Then why was I not born here?”

“Your Pawpaw wanted to protect you so that you would grow up away from the harsh realities of our society. He discovered just how special you truly are, but he also wanted you to have a normal life.” She paused to give a small sigh, “Unfortunately, to ensure that happen he had to send you away before you were born, and transplant you into a different female.” She explained.

“So just how special am I?” he asked.

“That you are, our progenitor.” She replied.

Rubicant just stared at her, and while he had starting to suspect this, he didn’t want to believe it. He got up and walked away from her, deep in thought. She began to feel his thoughts and knew he didn’t like this at all. She read his mind and noticed that he remembered the first time that a female thought he was the progenitor, and what happened between them. She could see it hurt him deeply, and got up while going to him, and pulled him into an embrace.

“Sweetie, I know you already started to suspect this knowledge, but there is more.” She said as he turned back to her to listen. She started off by saying that his Pawpaw had been planning his entire future before he was born. From where he would be born, to the people he would meet, to his wanting to end his life and yet be saved, to leaving that planet, he left him on and bringing him back to fulfill an even more significant role in this galaxy.

She was watching him pace back and forth as she was telling him, and noticed him becoming more upset by the minute. “Sweetie, why is this upsetting you, I thought you wanted answers to those questions you have?” she finally asked.

He turned to her, as she watched his looks soften, “Because it means I don’t have control over my life, and I never will. My life has been in someone else’s handpaws, someone I don’t know, and have never met, yet I’m supposed to believe that they know what’s best for me.” He finished, as he heard her giggle softly. “What?” he asked, his tone showing his slight annoyance.

She smiled at him again, “Listen, I know that deep down inside you want to know what your purpose is, and where your place is here, but there is still much more for you to know, and when the time comes more will be revealed to you,” she finished.

He turned from her again and walked away, and he knew she could hear his thoughts about keeping secrets from him and how this upset him a great deal. He wanted to know everything and be done with it. He turned back to her, “How do I know I can believe everything you said?” he questioned her.

She came over to him and gently took his handpaw while walking him over to a nearby pond. “Look at yourself and tell me where your silver hairs are, or your red diamond shaped eyes?” she asked.

He looked down at himself and really noticed his fur for the first time. It was solid black, no hint of silver anywhere. Even when he used the Holographic construct back on Travaina IV, he saw the silver hairs. When he looked into the pond to see his eyes, is when the shock hit him. He stared into the same eyes she had, solid red with tiny galaxies in them. He got down on his knees to get a closer look because he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. She put a handpaw on his shoulder to give him some comfort, but he suddenly backed away from her. She could sense his fear spike. As he spoke, she could hear the fear and doubt in his voice. She was told to expect this reaction. “No, that’s not me. What did you do to me?” he was nearly shouting at her as he backed away from her.

She stayed where she was, in the hopes it would help him calm down, “I have done nothing to you. You entered my sanctuary of your own willingness to see what was calling out to you, which you could have avoided. What you are seeing and hearing here is real. That image in the pond is the real you sweetie,” she finished.

He sat there staring at her while trying to regain himself both mentally and emotionally. He buried his head in his arms and lap to just think but feeling his body didn’t help. He wanted to go back to what was familiar to him, to the furless tiny human he remembered being.

Meanwhile, the Shuttle had docked as Feros carried Rubicant’s body to Medical, while Tygera and Raybia followed behind him holding his backpack. Once they got him in Samantha had Feros put Rubicant on a bio-bed next to Iris. Once he did that, she began to scan Rubicant and noticed that he was in the same passed out pattern as Iris, and Julyna.

Zalina came into Medical and noticed everyone there, and wondered what had happened. She questioned Samantha quietly. “Doctor, what’s going on?”

“I’m not a hundred percent sure, but according to my scans they’re fine, just sleeping I guest.” Samantha finished.

Zalina took a closer look and noticed something about the scans and commented on it to Samantha. “That’s not a sleep reading, but more like a meditation reading.”

Samantha tried a different type of brain scan, and sure enough, Zalina was right. She turned to Feros, “Did Rubicant touch anything while he was down there with you?” she asked.

Tygera handed him his backpack as he pulled out the orb, “Yes, this orb was glowing brightly when he touched it, now not so much,” he said as he showed it and watched Zalina take a few steps back. Raybia noticed this, “Zalina what’s wrong?” she asked.

Zalina stammered through her words, “T. That is a forced mediation orb,” she said while holding up her handpaws in a declining manner. “I’m not going to touch that orb, as I’ll end up like them,” she finished.

Tygera spoke up in a questioning tone, “Is there a way to break the mediation?”

Zalina shook her head, “I don’t know for sure, as I’ve only read about them. Knowledge of how to use them properly has been lost over the cycles for now though keep it in that bag, and don’t let another Derlenian touch it.” She finished.

Samantha spoke up, “Zalina is there anything you can do with them? According to the crew manifest, you are the second strongest Derlenian on board the ship.”

Rubicant spoke after his Memaw sat next to him and wrapped her left arm around him for comfort. “All I ever wanted was to have a quiet life on a colony world with my mates, and now you’re telling me that I’m going to be the next GrandMaster?” His voice was filled with doubt about her statement.

She spoke again in that calm, sweet voice of hers, “Sweetie, it is your destiny. With everything you have gone through, you alone are far more qualified to fill that role than any student ever trained.”

She could sense his emotional state crumbling as he spoke again, his voice straining to speak, “What, what if I choose not to follow my destiny?”

She laid her head on his shoulder before speaking again, “You can choose to do that of course, but destiny has a way of bringing us back around to its way. Sometimes we don’t even know it.” She stood up and got in front of him, and took her handpaws and gently placed them on his cheeks, and had him look up at her. “There will come a time when you must decide the path you are going to take. Until then I’m going to unlock your mind, and pass on the small part of your Pawpaw’s essence, and then I’m going to give you all of my essence, and then all the knowledge that is stored in this orb. Your mates will need to teach you how to meditate to be able to access it.” She finished.

Rubicant looked at her as she started to lean in and spoke, “What will happen to you, Memaw?”

She smiled at him for calling her Memaw and gently placed a finger on his forehead, “I will be a part of you, and you can call me whenever you meditate.” She then touched his forehead with hers, and removed the telepathic restraints, and unlocked the deepest parts of his mind. He began to see everything from the past to now. Ancient knowledge, telepathic techniques, as well as his Memaw’s essence, and that little bit of his Pawpaw’s essence began to flood his mind. He reached up to hold onto her hips to hold himself up as everything came faster and faster, almost to the point that he began to feel overwhelmed by it.

Once it was finished, he fell forward through her, and leaned back quickly wondering what had happened, only to see her image partially fade before him. Her voice came again, “I love you my Rubicant. If you need me, just call out to me when you meditate.” As she ultimately faded out in front of him.

Even though he could call to her, watching her fade out like that caused him to break inside, as he broke down there. Everything about her filled his mind, and everything she said was true, she is his Memaw. He looked up briefly and notice that paradise he was in began to fade next, but he didn’t know how to leave this mental world.

It was at this moment that both Iris and Julyna appeared next to him, picked him up off the ground, and put their foreheads to his and as he closed his eyes. The next thing he knew he was waking up in Medical on a bio-bed with Zalina’s forehead on his. Zalina leaned back to look at him, as he watched her remove her handpaw from Iris’s forehead, as Samantha removed Iris’s handpaw from Julyna’s forehead. He did a quick look around the room and saw Raybia, Feros, and Tygera, but he noticed Tygera’s ears were flat and her eyes gave an odd look he had never seen before. However, he began to hear everyone speaking together, and it was loud in his mind. Everything from individual crew members concerned about their day, Raybia thinking of her family, Feros’s concern for him, Samantha having naughty thought’s about Feros, to Tygera’s sudden jealousy of Zalina touching him in such a way.

He felt Zalina’s handpaw on his chest as he looked down at it, as he watched her remove it. After which he put his hands to his ears as the sounds and voices became too much for him, “Stop talking, please stop!” Rubicant nearly shouted. Everyone in the room gave an odd look because no one had said anything until it hit Zalina. She put her forehead back in his and began to help him bring in his mental presence. After a minute or two Rubicant relaxed as he felt his mind quiet down, and the voices go silent. When Zalina finished helping him, she leaned back to look at him. “Feeling better Rubi?” she asked.

Rubicant’s voice as shaky but he did feel better and more in control. “Yes, thank you.” And then without thinking, “You, Tygera, and Adrianna belong together, don’t let them get away from you.” He finished as Zalina’s ears went flat in embarrassment as Tygera left the room. Rubicant quickly told her to go after Tygera and explain things. Zalina nodded and left, just as Iris and Julyna began to wake up. Rubicant than turned to everyone else and asked if they could be alone for now, as everyone agreed and left them in Medical.

Rubicant brought his legs up as he sat there, and wrapped his arms around them, making himself into a ball while putting his chin on his knees. Iris and Julyna got up and went over to him and sat on either side of him. Iris was the first to speak, “Your Memaw is sweet female.”

Julyna spoke next, “She was thrilled to see you come home.”

He sat there looking at them both. He loved them a great deal, but they hid the fact he was the progenitor. The surprising thing though is, while it upset him, it wasn’t as much as he thought. “Why did you hide from me the fact that I’m the progenitor?” he quietly asked as he watched Iris look at Julyna, and saw Julyna’s ears flatten and a sad look come over her.

Julyna spoke quietly, but her voice denoted her nervousness, “Because I didn’t have any information on what the GrandMaster and Dr. Graphra are going to do with you, and I still don’t. I was told to tell you about it before you left the ship for this planet by Dr. Graphra’s Assistant,” she explained and then continued. “But I also wanted you to feel welcomed here, so only my senior staff knew after he told everyone in a meeting I was holding,” she finished.

Rubicant questioned her, “Was that the only day he was on this ship?” As Julyna nodded and got up to get a data pad and return to his side. She brought up the meeting and let him watch it as well as the visual recording the GrandMaster had brought. That caught his attention quickly as he kept watching it over a few times. While he watched it, Julyna explained that the protein he carries is bound to his molecular structure, which is why they appeared to be melting after these Doctors had removed it by force with the devices they were using. Iris, however, saw that wasn’t the thing that caught his attention. He had paused the visual playback on a series of hanging uniforms on a nearby wall, as he quietly spoke, “Martin, Hernandez, Johnson, Wu, Malenko,” he stopped there because he couldn’t read the name on the last uniform.

Iris spoke up, “Rubi what is it?” she asked.

He gave her a discovery expression, “It’s the crew that was sent to Alpha Centaury, the same mission I took when I left Earth. We always thought that the distance was too great to send and receive radio transmissions, but they made it here somehow.”

Julyna gently placed a handpaw on his arm to get his attention again as he looked at her, “Rubi There is more I must tell you.” She started off and watched him become more focus on her. “Because you are in this galaxy, and the fact your DNA was registered by the ship's computer before you arrived. The Alliance has been hunting for you and sent a spy to expedite things, but since the GrandMaster took authority of this ship and its crew. We have been trying to be quiet in our movements to reach Dr. Graphra’s station.”

“You keep mentioning this Dr. Graphra, how do you know he can be trusted?” Rubicant asked.

Julyna understood why he asked, “A number of reasons, for one, he is the galaxy’s leading geneticist, and two, his station resides within the Sartorgan Government. A completely neutral government,” she finished.

Rubicant thought about it for only a moment realizing that a truly neutral government would be a benefit in keeping his life. Not to mention maybe even find a beautiful quiet place to settle down. He stopped in his thought, ‘A quiet life,’ he thought to himself. If what his Memaw said is true. Then he would never have that quiet life with his mates. Both Iris and Julyna caught the change in his mood and asked him what wrong. He sighed before he spoke, but his tone denoted some mild disbelief in what he was saying. “My Memaw told me that my destiny is intertwined with the galaxy’s, and she said while I can choose not to follow it. She also said that it would in some way bring me back,” he finished.

Iris leaned in and kissed his cheek and spoke sweetly to him, “My dear sweet Rubi, I know that deep down you want to have a quiet life with us. However, if your role here is more, then we will be beside you every step of the way. Regardless of what that role may be,” she finished with a smile as Julyna smiled while nodding in agreement.

Rubicant questioned her back, “What if that role makes me the next GrandMaster?”

Iris smiled at him while gently stroking his cheek, “Then this galaxy will have the most kind, caring, and thoughtful GrandMaster it has ever had in a millena-cycle,” she finished as Julyna leaned in and kissed his other cheek, before speaking.

“It doesn’t matter what happens in the future, we will always be there for you. We love you deeply Rubi,” she said sweetly.

He pulled them in close to give them a little intimate attention when Gytaroo came over the comm system. “Captain we have a vessel of unknown origin approaching us at high speed!”

“Take evasive action, and try to get away from it.” She ordered as she turned back to Rubicant. “Duty calls, unfortunately,” she said and kissed his cheek one last time as she got up to leave.

Rubicant stopped her briefly, "Wait, I want to go with you. I can’t explain it, but something about this feels familiar,” he said to her. She looked at him and felt his mind, and understood what he was feeling.

“Alright, but I’ll need you to stay at the back of the bridge, Okay?” Rubicant nodded to her as they left Medical and headed to the bridge.