Current Track: Blabb

About an hour or so later…

“Okay, what the hell were all of those things? I’ve never seen a Pokémon like them before!” Electra said as she hopped up onto one of the beds, turning around and sitting down on it.

“Actually I was able to make out a weird looking Umbreon and a Lugia.” Cammy said. “But yeah, they didn’t look normal either.”

“If being here for a long time turns you guys into THOSE then I don’t even want to know what happens to us humans.” Kevin laughed.

“Wow. Thanks Kevin. Because I couldn’t have gone another few nights without having to worry about that right?

“I’m going to go look around.” I said, making my way over to the doorway and pulling open the door, which was left open by the stopper at the top. “I’ll be back in a few.”

“I’m staying here.” Electra said as she laid back on the bed, her tail flopping down over the edge.

“I’m not.” Cammy said as she hopped down and made her way toward me. “There’s a crapload of excitement here and I want to take part in it!”

“Wait!” Cameron shouted, thrusting his hand out in our direction. Kevin shot him a confused glance as he slowly pulled his hand back toward him, grabbing his wrist with his other hand and turning away slowly. “N-never mind, go on.”

“O…kay then.” Kevin said as he went back to what he was doing, just as we exited.”

“Come on Dallas, this is going to be so great!” Cammy laughed as she took my paw in hers, dashing off and pulling me along with her. I stumbled at the sudden tug on my paw, but quickly got to my feet before I could be dragged off too far and ran alongside her.

“Do you even have any idea where we’re going?” I asked.

“Nope.” She said. “But I’m sure the big fuzzies do! That’s why we’re following them.” Cammy said as we slowed down just as we approached a group. They were walking down the hall casually, so we decided to just follow behind them, until a human walked by us and one of the strange creatures quickly opened and closed his paws in some sort of gesture toward the human. My ears quickly perked up as I heard the squeaky noise they made, and I stopped in my tracks, as did Cammy. He made them squeak a few more times before Cammy dashed at him, squealing loudly as she leapt up onto his arm, holding onto it and hanging off with her forepaws, her hind legs and tail just dangling there as she stared curiously at the paw. The strange fuzzy creature looked down at her and froze for a few moments, until Cammy climbed up onto his arm and hopped onto his shoulders, leaning over and reaching out her paw. He moved it toward her, probably to pick her up, and she grabbed it with hers, squealing loudly as she squeezed it, yielding the strange squeaking noise. I heard the others laugh as they gathered around to see what was going on, until Cammy went to jump into it for some reason and fell, plopping right onto the floor flat on her back with a loud squeal. I quickly hurried over to her and lay over top of her sideways, laughing as I wagged my tail.

“What are you doing?” I laughed. “There was no way you’d fit in his paw!”

“Eeeee Dallas get up!” She laughed as she squirmed underneath me, pressing against me with all fours. “I want the squeaky!”

“Fine.” I laughed as I slowly got up off of her, purposely taking my time.

“Dallas come on, MOVE!” She shouted as she pushed me off, leaping toward the big fluffy creature again, who scooped her up and held her out in front of him. “Eeeep!”

“He got youuu!” I laughed softly as I leapt up onto his arm, however as I was making my way towards his head I realized he looked a lot like an Arcanine, and the others looked like Flareon, Jolteon, and Umbreon. It was then that the Jolteon picked me up off of the Arcanine, and I tilted my head as I stared into his eyes.

“Are you seeing this?” He asked as he looked at the others.

“Seeing? I’m HOLDING it.” The Arcanine replied.

“How the… What?” The Umbreon asked as he reached forward, gently taking one of my ears into his right paw and feeling it gently. I frowned and shook my head at the funny feeling, flicking my ears straight up and looking at him.

“SQUEAKY SQUEAK!” Cammy shouted as she squeezed the fingers of the Arcanine that was holding her, laughing as they squeaked.

“There’s no way these are real.” The Flareon said as he reached forward, poking my right cheek. “They’ve got to be… Really small people. In really small fursuits.”

“Really small wha?” I asked, tilting my head as he poked my cheek again. “Hey, cut that out.” I said, swatting my right paw at him.

“I’ll give you credit though, very realistic. And you act like you’re feral too, it’s funny. Great work!” The Arcanine said as he set Cammy down, who stared up at him blankly.

“I don’t act feral.” She said, folding her arms. “I am not wild. Yeah I’m feral but I’m tame. I’ve seen the things that run out in the forests here, I’m nothing like that!” She said.

“Heh. Cute.” The Jolteon said as he set me down. “Come on guys, we’re all furs here, we understand that you want to look as much as a Pikachu as possible, but perhaps this is going a bit too far. With the whole jumping on stuff and all that.”

Cammy growled softly, her ears folding back as she stared up at him. “Well you don’t look too much like a Jolteon to be honest.” Cammy said. “As far as looking as much like a Pikachu as I can… That tends to happen when you ARE one.” She said, unfolding her arms and pointing up at him. “You look like… A wreck. Like you tried to battle a Groudon or something. You got wrecked dude.”

“Alright you little… Whatever.” He said as he grabbed her tail, tugging hard on it and lifting her up.

“OW, let GO!” She shouted as she fired off a bolt of electricity, but since she was dangling and everything she missed and hit the wall, smoke rising from it as the wallpaper was scorched.

“What the?” He shouted as he quickly dropped her, stepping back as Cammy scrambled to her feet.

“That wasn’t very nice.” I sighed as I looked up at him, a few sparky jumping across my own cheeks.

“Yep. They’re real.” The Umbreon mumbled. “I say we don’t ask questions and just snuggle.”

“Snuggles are always fun.” The Flareon said. “Especially with our own kind like this!”

“Truly… Our own kind.” The Arcanine laughed. “Are you two mates or something?”

“Actually yes.” Cammy said, folding her arms. “We are.”

“Sorry… About that.” The Jolteon said as he held out his right paw. “I didn’t know…”

“Oh shut it.” Cammy sighed as she waved her paw at him. “Come on Dallas.” She said, tugging on my paw before making her way down the hallway.”

“Hey wait up.” The Umbreon shouted, smiling as he kneeled down, patting her head gently. “Why don’t you stop by my room later sweetie? Room 1015. I’ll bring a few of my friends and we’ll have a good time.”

“Told you Dallas.” She said. “Excitement around every corner. A good time sounds fun, I’ll be there.” She said.

“You’re not raping her.” The Arcanine sighed, slapping his paws over his face and shaking his head.

“This might be the only opportunity I get to see a REAL Pokémon in my life! I have to do SOMETHING!”

“Then PET HER, or feed her. Don’t fingerbang her.”

Cammy turned around and stared blankly at them, and I just grinned, laughing softly as I slapped my paws over my own face. “And here we go…” I mumbled.

“Rape me?” She asked, tilting her head as she stared at the Umbreon. “Really? THAT’S what you wanted to do?”

“N-no, I uh.. P-please don’t shock me, I just wanted to snug-“

“Oh shut it.” Cammy said, shaking her head. “If you had mentioned there would be sex I would have brought some friends of my own.” She said. “Hell, I’ll even bring some drinks!” She laughed as she nudged me. “EXCITEMENT… Around every corner.”

The Umbreon sighed as he looked over at the Arcanine, laughing softly. “See? She would have been fine with it anyway.”

“No, I don’t think she knows what you’re talking about.” The Arcanine said as he knelt down in front of us.

“Why do you always have to try and ruin the fun?” The Umbreon whined.

“If you’re going to ask me what sex is I’m going to slap you.” Cammy said. “And then Dallas here will give you a demonstration.” She said as she nudged me again.

“I’m not mating with you in the hallway.” I groaned, nudging her back.

“DO IT!” The Flareon shouted.

“Yeah ask her.” The Jolteon laughed.

“You perverts.” I said as I glanced over at them, sticking my tongue out.

“Who said it had to be in the hallway?” Cammy asked. “I sure didn’t.”

“Oh come on.” I laughed as I sat down.

“I KNOW what sex is, I know what rape is. I know what fingering is, hell I even know what an Alaskan pipeline is.” Cammy said.

“I don’t.” The Arcanine said. “And I have a feeling I don’t want to know.”

I perked my ears up as I heard the Umbreon smirk, trying to hold back a laugh.

“It’s when you take a condom, then take a crap in it. You tie it off and put it in the freezer. When it’s frozen you take it out and use it as a dildo.” She said, smirking as she placed her paw on the Arcanine’s nose.

“Cammy what the fuck?” I asked as I stared blankly at her. At this point the Umbreon had burst into laughter, followed by the Jolteon as they both high fived each other.

“Lovely.” The Arcanine said as he stood up. “That’s… Lovely.”

“I’ve got condoms! We’re definitely doing that!” The Jolteon laughed.

“You kinky little fucker.” The Flareon laughed.

“HEY! That’s MY title.” Cammy said, grinning as she folded her arms again, sitting down. “And I’m not going to give it up without a fight.”

“Screw that.” The Umbreon said. “You’ll fry him.”

“I think she meant a war in the bedroom.” The Jolteon said. “You know, a little late night wrestling. If you know what I mean.”

“YES we know what you mean.” Arcanine sighed.

“Wow. You really are a dirty one.” Cammy grinned. “Bring some beer cans and I’ll show you how I can make them disappear.” She said.

“ALRIGHT that’s enough.” I said as I walked in front of Cammy, placing my paws on her shoulders and touching my nose to hers as I shivered, trying to shake the images out of my head before it became obvious I was thinking about them. “We’ll see you all tonight then, room… 1030.”

“1015.” The Arcanine said. “1015.”

“Right right 1015.” I said as I pulled on Cammy’s paw, pulling her down the hallway. “Let’s go now before… Things happen.”

“What thin- ohhhh…” Cammy said, grinning as she turned around. “I don’t know if they’re into other males though.” She said.

“We are.” One of them shouted.

“Great.” I groaned, slapping my paws over my face as I walked. “You just had to say that, right?”

“HEY, how about we hang out a little?” one of them asked. “We’re headed to a show, you can come along.”

“Sounds like fun.” I said.

“Sounds like a brothel.” Cammy said.

“It’s a comedy. Well it’s not supposed to be but the people like to act like morons.”

“A lot of people ARE morons.”

“Oh shut it.”

“Are you coming or not?”

“Yeah, I guess we’ll come.” I said, shrugging as I hopped up onto the Flareon’s side, climbing up and hanging onto his shoulder, watching as Cammy climbed onto the Arcanine. “Let’s go.”

Nothing much happened as we walked the rest of the way to the elevators. We went down to the first floor and got out. There were thousands of those strange creatures walking around though, and I could tell Cammy was fascinated by the way she drooled as she stared at them all. She didn’t even blink for three minutes straight. When we got there however, the show had already started. We all took our seats, and Cammy and I just sat in the lap of whoever was holding us at the time. Nothing really happened through that either. After some looking around afterwards and wandering with the strange bigger Pokémon, a few hours had passed, and we were in the elevator on our way back to our floor.

“Hey, you know it’s my birthday today.” The Umbreon said. “That’s what the party was initially for. Why don’t you drop by my place now instead of going back to yours first?”

“Because I need to get someone.” Cammy said as she dashed out of the elevator. “I’ll be back!”

“Will she?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I said, laughing as I scratched at my right ear. “She’ll be back.”

We headed off to their room, and when they opened the door they set me down in the hallway.

“We’ll be right back.” They said as they shut the door.

I shrugged and sat down in front of the door. A few minutes went by and Cammy came back with Electra, who stared at me and waved.

“Where have you been?” Electra asked.

“Everywhere.” I laughed. “These funny Pokémon invited us to a party.”

“Yeah, and there’s sex!” Cammy said.

“Aaaand that explains the excitement.” Electra sighed. “Should have known.”

“Oh hush.” Cammy laughed as she leaned in, gently pressing her muzzle against Electra’s and kissing her, my ears perking up as I heard the door handle click. When the door opened, there was some strange human standing there, and he waved for us to come in, his hand freezing as he stared down at Electra and Cammy, who were now backed up against a wall playing a full out game of tonsil hockey. I just walked inside and looked around, frowning as there didn’t seem to be any of those funny fuzzy creatures in here at all. Which confused me because the human that let me in smelled a lot like that Umbreon from earlier.

Cammy and Electra came in a few moments later, and as soon as the door shut everyone looked at us.

“Told you.” One of the humans mumbled.

“WELL HEY NOW!” the Umbreon smelling human shouted. “You guys are just in time for our next game.”

“Oh? And what game would that be?” Electra asked.

“Well we were just about to play drink the beer.” One of the humans said as he held out two cans.

“They’re too small, they won’t be able to handle a whole beer, moron.” Someone said.

“Beer? No one mentioned BEER.” Electra said as she shot an annoyed glance over at Cammy, before walking forward and snatching one of the cans up. “I’m putting you ALL to shame!” She said as she slid her claws underneath the tab and pulled it open, literally pouring the beer into her mouth and swallowing it in huge loud gulps, squeezing the empty can afterwards and tossing it to the side, before snatching the other can and doing the exact same thing, licking around her mouth afterwards and slapping the cans aside with her tail, folding her arms as she glanced up at the crowd of people sitting around the table with a wide grin spread across her muzzle. “Is that all you’ve got? If we’re going to play this drink the beer game then you’d better make it an actual challenge.” She said, her tail slowly wagging as she hopped up onto the table.

“I like her.” One of the humans whispered.

“Well she’s that kinky one’s friend.” Someone else whispered.

“My name is Cammy.” Cammy said. “Not ‘the kinky one’. Although I wouldn’t mind being called Queen Kink every once and a whie.”

“BEER.” Electra snapped as she held out her paw.

“Okay those of you that aren’t interested in getting that Pikachu completely wasted, come on over here. It’s time to break the piñata!”

“We’re adults.” Someone said.

“Yeah but we’re also furs. Come on, relax and have a little fun. Besides, this one is made of leather, not paper. And I think steel wool. Maybe just leather.”

“Where’s the blindfold?” Someone shouted as he picked up the stick.

“No need, you’re wasted! There’s no way you’ll hit it.”

“Right.” He said as he looked at it, before running up to it and swinging. He stumbled to the right and fell over, missing it by a mile.

“Wow.” He said as he got up. “Did you see that? You didn’t tell me the thing fucking jumps out of the way!”

“I GOT IT!” Someone else yelled as he grabbed the stick, swinging at it and just like the other guy, missing completely. Only this guy didn’t fall over, and swung around, smacking it right in the middle.

“OPEN UP YOU… THING!” He yelled as he smacked it again and again, until finally it burst open, and what appeared to be boxes of something fell out onto the floor, followed by what looked like what I could only guess were white French fries.

“What the hell?” I asked as I stared at it. “What kind of candy is that?”

“It’s cigarettes!” He laughed.

“You filled your piñata with cigarettes?” The Umbreon human sighed, slapping his hands over his face.

“Well one of you made that adult crack so I made it more… adult…ey.”

“Well done.” He sighed. “Well done.”

Meanwhile over at the table, people were all gathered around it, standing up as they slapped their hands down on it repeatedly, chanting “CHUG CHUG! CHUG CHUG!” as Electra stood in the middle of it, her ears perked straight up as she finished off a bottle of vodka, slapping the empty bottle down onto the table before letting out a loud burp, licking her nose a few times as everyone cheered.

“WHERE does it all GO” Someone shouted.

“IN HER you moron!”

“WHERE? She’s so small!”

“Hey um… CAMMY!” The Umbreon guy called out. “Jolteon wants to see you in his room!”

“Oooooohhhhh!” Everyone said, laughing.

“You know what he calls that place, right little ‘Chu?”

“No, what?” Cammy asked as she stared blankly at him.

“Well as you know we’re in a hotel, and he likes to view his room as a separate hotel in this suite. He calls it the ‘Stick It Inn.’”

“WOW.” Cammy said, looking down and laughing as she buried her face in her paws. “Seriously?” She asked as she walked into his room, shutting the door behind her.

“Yes really!” the man shouted.

“Dude this crazy Pikachu is totally wasted man!” The Arcanine human laughed as he placed a hand on her belly. “Man, look at her! She’s eating the bottle!” He laughed.

“Lovely.” I sighed as I hopped up onto the table, watching as Electra swallowed the last of the wine bottle, before sitting up and looking at me, getting to her feet and stumbling over, falling on her belly and groaning as she looked up at me, laughing softly.

“QUESTION!” I shouted as I looked at the human that sounded like the Umbreon from before. “How did you… Become human? You smell the same, did you like, transform? Can you change forms?”

“Yeah yeah sure I transformed.” He said. “If you believe hard enough you can transform into whatever you want.”

“He’s bullshitting you!” someone else laughed.

“I believe I’m a cat!” Why can’t I be a cat?”

“You were before! You took the damn suit off.”

“Well I want it back!”

“Then go to your room and get it!”

“Hey Pikachu! The male one! You’re a cat! Believe you’re a cat!”

“I’m not a cat.” I said, shaking my head. “I’m a Pikachu.”

“LOOK! I’m an Umbreon again.” The Umbreon human said as he leapt out of one of the rooms, his tail hanging down limply behind him. “If you believe really hard you can be anything!”

“I’m not drunk enough to… enough to enough believing believe that yet!” Electra mumbled as she got to her feet, dashing forward across the table and placing her paws on this guy’s cheeks, dragging her huge soaking wet tongue over his whole face before leaning forward and lazily taking his head into her mouth. “Aaaahnommmph… mmmmm…” She groaned as she pushed forward, taking in his shoulders as everyone stared at her blankly.

“So if I close my eyes and pretend I’m a Purrloin.” I said, trying to draw attention away from Electra. “Do you really think I’m going to become a cat?” I asked as I picked up one of the half empty beer bottles, quickly pouring it into my mouth before swallowing down the mouthful, making a face at how weird it tasted.

“Yeah yeah little dude yeah.” The Umbreon said as he stared at Electra as she fell forward off of the table, her maw sliding down the limp man’s belly and hips as she fell, landing on the chair and falling backwards, landing flat on her back on the floor. She got to her feet, obviously very confused as she grabbed the legs that were hanging out of her maw with both paws and tugged on them, as if trying to pull them out, before groaning with frustration and swallowing hard, pushing them inside and finishing him off with a few more large gulps, sitting down afterwards and panting, drool dripping off of her tongue and pooling onto the floor as she panted softly.

“She just ate him.” Someone mumbled.

“I’m going to go fap now.” Someone else said, quickly scurrying away. “I… Got that on tape.”

“You little bitch you better send that to me!” Someone else laughed. “This is incredible!”

“He’s… Gone.” Umbreon said as he placed a paw over Electra’s belly, sitting down.

“I’M A CAT!” I shouted as I closed my eyes, tossing my paws into the air and flailing them as I imagined myself being a Purrloin, my eyes snapping open as a heavy tingling sensation overcame my body, a sensation that kind of felt like I just had a drink poured over me.

“Alright who the HELL d-” I said, as I thrust my paw forward, stopping short as my eyes widened to the bright purple color of the fur on it. I also noticed the claws were longer and sharper, and as I wiggled my fingers, I was actually able to move the claws in and out of their sheaths.

This is incredible! I transformed just like the Umbreon said!

“WHOA! MEW!” he shouted as he pointed at me. “I was JOKING when I said that! Holy crap he’s a Mew!”

“So Cammy was right…” I mumbled as I looked myself over, flicking my ears as everything seemed to be much louder than it used to be. I took a step and stumbled, my lighter and more agile form feeling alien to me as I tried to walk, plopping down onto all fours instinctively and looking around, before cautiously taking a step forward across the table. At around the third or fourth step, when I thought I was getting the hang of things, something triggered some sort of… memory. A flashback, very faint but still very clear. It was a Pikachu, and he was walking through the woods. Or rather stumbling. It looked as if he’d never walked in his life before. He looked so silly falling over like that. Oh look, there he is going for that doorknob! Silly little mousie, you jumped too high!

“HEY!” Umbreon shouted as he pushed me over. “Your mate is acting funny. She’s eating the empty cans now.”

“Ugh.” I sighed as I plopped down off of the table, groaning as I slid my paws underneath her and picked her up, slowly making my way toward the door. “I need to get her back to our room. But I can’t… Walk right.” I said as I stumbled over the pile of cigarettes, almost falling over.

There he is again! Look at that silly mouse. He’s stuck between the doors! What a silly thing to do!

“UGH!” I shouted as I shook my head free of the strange cloudy vision, setting Electra down and wiping my eyes, blinking a few times as I watched her swipe her paws at the air, mumbling things that didn’t make sense. As I watched her swipe her paws around, another vision flashed into my head, the same strange little Pikachu, only this time he was trying to jump onto a bed. Silly thing jumped too low and smacked into the mattress! What a silly thing to do! He’s so funny!

“Hey little dude are you okay?” Umbreon asked as he nudged me with his left paw.

“DALLAS.” Cammy yelled as she pushed me over. “Snap out of it, we need to leave. NOW. Not out of the hotel, out of this room. Just go!” She said as she pulled the door open.

Nodding slowly, I picked Electra up again and slowly made my way toward the doorway, setting Electra down in the hallway and flopping onto the floor on my side, extremely confused as to what I was seeing.

“Dallas get up.” Cammy said as she shook me. “Get UP! We need to talk, and we need to talk NOW. While Electra is all disoriented. Come ON!” She shouted as she pulled on my paw.

“Ow ow OW FINE FINE!” I yipped as I leapt to my feet, stumbling all over the place as I attempted to get used to my new legs as quickly as I could. “What’s this all about anyway? I was watching a silly mousie to stupid funny things!”

“Dallas STOP.” Cammy yelled as she slapped me, the sharp pain of claws scraping across my face sending a jolt through my body. I stood up and shook myself off, blinking a few times before staring at her. “C… Cammy?”

“Dallas come on.” She said as she grabbed my paw, running down the hall as I followed alongside her as best as I could.

“Cammy what’s going on? Cammy STOP! TELL ME what’s HAPPENING”

“NOT UNTIL WE’RE FAR ENOUGH AWAY.” She yelled as she glanced back at Electra, who was licking the wallpaper off of the wall, her body pressed up against it.

“What’s this about? Why can’t she hear?” I asked as she pulled me into our room, shutting the door behind us and jumping up to lock it. “Why’d you leave her out there like that?”

“Dallas… You’re not going to believe me when I say this.” She said as she brought me to the far side of the room, behind both of the beds.

“What? WHAT? Will you just say it already?” I snapped.

“Dallas, I think Electra might be working for Team Onyx. There’s a Dragoair, named Ique…”

“Ique?” I asked.

“Yes, Ique.” She said. I found him here and I kind of stole him. He’s been stuck in this world for a long time, and he told me some things you should probably know. Like, now. He’s going to be tagging along with us from now on, he really wants to get back to the real world, and I think he knows how to too.”

“Cammy this isn’t making sense.” I said as I looked up at the little blue balls on the end of a blue tail hanging off of the side of the bed. “What is this all about?”

“Dallas.” She said as she pulled on the tail, sighing softly. “Meet Ique.”

“What? When did you even…? When did he get here? I’m so confused!” I groaned.

“You must be Dallas.” Ique said as he plopped onto the floor, making his way around me as he sniffed at my fur. “She said you were a Pikachu.”

“Well I was, but then… THIS happened.” I said, sitting down. “But I kind of like it so far, so I’m not too worried about changing back immediately.”

“Good.” He said. “You shouldn’t be.”

“Okay can you just EXPLAIN WHAT THE HELL THIS IS ALL ABOUT?” I shouted, hissing with annoyance as I dug my claws into the carpet.

“Well, Electra… She kind of, I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a complete jerk but… She doesn’t really love you.” Cammy said. “She’s just usi-”

“Ugh. Thanks for leaving me there bud.” Electra groaned as she entered the room, the door closing behind her as she made her way over to us. “Who the hell are you two?” She asked as she looked from me to Ique.

I just stared at her blankly, before looking at Cammy, who shot me an ‘I told you so’ glare, then back to Electra. She seemed to know what was going on at this point, so shouldn’t she be able to recognize me regardless of what I changed into? What happened to the special powerful energy that radiated off of me or whatever everyone told me? Was that gone too? Was Cammy right about Electra? If Cammy was right then… Who is she really? There’s no way this could be true.

As I stared at Electra, she just stared back, as if having no clue who I was, which confused me so much I took a step forward, figuring maybe a closer look would reveal who I was, only to be shoved out of the way as she growled at me.

“Back off bud.” She snapped. “This mouse isn’t on the menu.” She said as she pointed to herself, folding her arms afterwards.

“Okay what?” I asked, staring blankly. “Electra it’s me…”

“I don’t know you and I don’t care, get out.” She said as she pointed to the door. “Now.”

Maybe Cammy was right. But if she is then… I don’t even know. What do I do at this point? Fight her?

--End Chapter Twelve.--