“Well for one the interior is all messed up." Thunder said as he looked over at the hole. “It was dug out to be twice as high and twice as wide so that you could stand up while you walk and also so you could pass by eachother instead of having to turn a corner and wait for someone to pass to continue to wherever you were headed."
“That doesn't seem like messing something up." Electra said as she looked over at the hole again. “I thought it looked bigger. Glad I'm not just imagining it."
“Well it also means-" Thunder said as I dropped down onto all fours and lowered myself down, poking my head into the hole before pushing myself in slowly. I fit perfectly, and there was just enough room for me to slink into the tunnel without having to crawl uncomfortably.
“That." He said as he picked up my tail as I walked by. “Your tail kind of looks like mine only furrier and purple."
“What? Dallas can fit?" She asked as she tilted her head, staring at Thunder.
“No. It means bigger things that aren't us can fit now."
“Ohhh… now I see." She chuckled softly as she watched me crawl inside. “Who's idea was it to do that anyway?"
“We voted on it and the majority thought it would be a good idea to do it. The benefits seemed to outweigh the risks I guess. Everyone was frustrated with having to wait for others to pass before they could go. And it wasn't uncommon that you'd have to step around a corner multiple times in one tunnel because several people were going in the opposite direction."
By now I had already made my way fully inside. My nose twitched as it was overwhelmed with the scent of Pikachu all around me, completely making the smell of dirt and anything else for that matter. If it wasn't for the fact that I had just eaten and didn't feel ravenous any longer it would probably be a very bad idea that I was wandering around inside here, especially with the smells being thousands of times stronger than the scent of that single Pikachu I'd met outside earlier. I was still hungry, and my instincts told me I could probably tuck away at least two or three more Pikachu before I felt full enough to stop, but since I wasn't absolutely starving any longer I was able to think clearly and push aside all of the feelings that told me I should be eating these mice instead of helping them out.
“Actually I don't think I ever had that problem." Electra said as she sat down. “Every time I was headed somewhere it seemed like everyone else was either headed the same way or just… not there."
“Well that's because you only really went to your room, the main room, and the food room which is really kind of in the same place."
“Well, yeah but you'd think with the amount of members in the colony I'd run into someone going the other way at least once. And honestly I don't really think that ever happened." She said as she shrugged.
“Well maybe everyone just saw you and got out of the way because you're the leader's mate. You know, to be polite. Also because they probably knew that you wouldn't move out of the way to let them pass so they just wanted to avoid the conflict and move before it became a problem."
“Smart." Electra said as she nodded. “That makes more sense."
I was too busy fighting off the urges to hunt down another Pikachu to focus on exactly where I was headed, and by the time my hunger finally gave in and stopped bothering me for more food, allowing me to finally think completely clearly, I had already turned multiple corners and gone down so many tunnels that I was completely lost. Once again I felt kind of glad that I had chosen to stay a Purrloin, because I could actually see down the tunnels unlike before when I had to produce sparks to see where I was going, which only lit up an area maybe a foot or two in front of me. Now I could see clearly all the way down to the end, as well as all of the turns and alternate pathways along the way.
I tried to think back to the last time I was here, and what everything had looked like to try and figure out exactly where I was, but the routes I had memorized were literally only the route to my bed area, and the route to the main and food rooms, which was absolutely useless to me unless I was back at the entrance where I could start off on familiar grounds. Now I was somewhere deep inside and even if I happened to turn around somehow and pass by my room I would have no idea that was even it.
I thought about teleporting out and starting back at the entrance, but I quickly dismissed that thought. If I was going to be leading this group of mice then I should probably get a good sense of the place they live in. How would I get around to places I'm needed if I don't even know where I'm going?
Now once again able to focus on my surroundings, I realized that the “roof" was actually higher than it had been when I was at the entrance tunnel, and the space around me was actually a bit wider too, allowing me to stand up properly on all fours rather than crouch down and slink through them. Now able to both see and walk properly, I began looking left and right as I passed different pathways, my ears folding back as I saw that pretty much every single path this tunnel branched off into also had several other pathways in the walls. I began to wonder that with all these pathways carved into the walls of every tunnel if they ever intersected with eachother and created dozens of circles.
“So you never told me how the colony was doing." Electra said as she stood back up. “Any progress with getting things back to normal?"
“Well actually yes. We managed to get everyone to gather all the food items they were hoarding and bring them back to the food room, and it turns out we had a lot more food than we thought we would, so we don't have to go searching for things right away."
“Well that's good." Electra said as she looked back down at the hole. “We lost quite a bit of members if I'm not mistaken."
“Yeah, we did." Thunder said as he frowned. “A lot of us thought you guys weren't ever coming back. It's been a few weeks since we last saw you you know. Where were you guys anyway?"
“It's a long story." Electra laughed. “We got sent into this portal that took us to another dimension that was pretty much the same as ours only Pokémon didn't exist in it."
“What?" Thunder asked as he tilted his head. “You mean there were humans and not Pokémon?"
“Yeah, and all the Pokémon didn't have any moves and couldn't talk." Electra said as she sat back down. “They called them by what our species is, like mouse, and they looked nothing like us and tasted horrible. And the things all the humans had with them they called dogs and all they did was bark at you."
“Like a Growlithe?" Thunder asked.
“That's what I thought too but they didn't have any moves and apparently shadow ball tears them apart."
“Interesting." Thunder said as he nodded toward the hole. “Why don't you come in?"
“Eh, sure." Electra said as she dropped down onto all fours and crawled into the hole. “Where did Dallas go?"
“He went in a while ago." Thunder said. “It was like, just wide enough for him to fit in there."
“You mean he went in already? How long ago?" She asked.
“I don't know, a couple minutes? Why?" He asked.
“Lovely." She mumbled.
“Should he not have?" Thunder asked.
“Well it's just that he's you know, a huge cat. In a colony of mice."
“But he's also Dallas." Thunder said. “Our leader."
“But still a huge cat."
“What, do you think the others are going to see him and freak out like the other guy did?"
“Something like that, yeah." Electra replied as she stood up, looking to the left, then the right. “And I have no idea where he is."
“I'm sure he'll tell them it's him." Thunder said as he stood up behind her. “I doubt you'll find him by guessing where he is in here."
“That's not what I'm worried about." Electra said as she turned around and looked at Thunder.
“Then what is it?" He asked. “I can't imagine there being any other problems."
“He hasn't eaten yet." She said as she turned back around, before taking a right, just as I had.
“Are you suggesting he might try and eat one of us because we're all mice?" Thunder asked as he followed her in.
“Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting." She said as she continued to walk along the tunnel.
“He might be a cat but he's still Dallas." Thunder said. “I can't imagine him ever turning on any of the colony members like that. Especially after he just saved them all."
“Trust me, we need to find him." Electra said. “Just in case."
“I'm telling you you're not going to be able to." Thunder said. “That's a silly reason to go looking for him anyway. He's probably just looking around to see how things have come along since last night. I'm sure eating us is the last thing on his mind."
“He walked in here silently without saying a word or telling us he was going."
“Yeah but I pointed it out when he did go in and you didn't say anything either. I even grabbed his tail and you even asked me if him being able to fit was why digging the tunnels bigger was a bad idea."
“Well I wasn't paying attention or I would have stopped him, or at least gone in alongside him." Electra said. “He went in silently because he didn't want anyone to know what he was up to."
“Oh come on Electra, he's a Purrloin. They always enter places silently. It's expected of them to be up to no good and not want anyone to know what they're doing."
“Exactly." She said. “Only he's also hungry."
“Can you stop saying that?" Thunder asked as he folded his ears back. “I can believe since he's a Purrloin he might have the urge to take some valuable things, maybe sneak a jewel or two, but we don't even use or need those anyway. I'd believe you if you said he'd come in here for some valuables, but I don't believe he'd come in here to eat some of our members."
“Only he already has." Electra said as she turned around to face Thunder again.
“What? When?" Thunder asked as he stared blankly at Electra.
“A few minutes ago, just before you came out." She said.
“You told me he scared someone off, not that he ate someone!" He shouted.
“No, YOU suggested that, I only agreed with it to cover it up. And then you let him in here and now neither of us know where he is."
“Well I didn't know he wanted to EAT us. And you didn't exactly stop him from entering either."
“I was distracted!" She shouted.
“I've got to warn the others." Thunder said as he turned around.
“No." Electra said as she grabbed his tail. “This stays between us."
“Electra he's EATING them." Thunder said as he turned around and looked at her. “They need to know to avoid him."
“Like you said, he's still Dallas." Electra said as she let go of his tail. “I could tell by the way he spoke and looked at me that he felt bad about what he did. I don't really think he'd do it again."
“A Pikachu or a Raichu?" Thunder asked.
“What?" Electra asked as she tilted her head to the right. “He's a Purrloin."
“Which did he eat? I know what he is."
“Oh, some Pikachu that was eating something he stole or something I don't know. We were walking in the woods and he was just standing there with his back turned and Dallas pounced and swallowed him whole basically."
“One?" Thunder asked.
“One." She repeated. “Just one. Then you came out and waved your tail around in his face. I think he opened his mouth to grab it but stopped himself or something and pushed it away. You were almost next you know."
Oh well that's fucking great to know. You couldn't of said oh hey Thunderpaw, this big cat might eat you if you get too close go inside while I take care of it or something?
“Well I didn't say anything because I knew he wouldn't do it." She said. “And he didn't. He almost did, but he didn't."
“Almost is close enough." Thunder said as he turned back around.
“Thunder." Electra said as she grabbed his tail again, pulling on it a little. “If you say anything to anyone… I'LL eat you." She said, before letting go of it. “This stays between me and you."
“Let go of me." Thunder said as he turned around, pulling his tail back behind him. “It's not up to you what I can and can't say to the members of MY colony."
“Only it isn't YOUR colony." She said as she folded her arms. “You aren't the leader, Dallas is. You're just the co-leader."
“You and him both are the only members we have that have eaten other members. How do you think the others would feel knowing their leader and his mate want to eat them? Do you think they'd still want you two sticking around?"
Electra unfolded her arms and walked up uncomfortably close to Thunder, so close that her belly fur brushed up against his as she looked up at him.
“Do you really think you could defeat us in battle?" She asked as she placed her right foot ontop of his left. “Forget even trying to beat me, you're talking about going up against one of the most powerful Pokémon in the world here."
“If everyone wants him out then he has to leave." Thunder said.
“The rules say the new leader must defeat the old one in battle. That's the way it was with Rice and that's the way it's going to be with us. I'm not even telling you anymore, I'm ordering you not to tell anyone else or I WILL end you."
“You're jeopardizing the safety of the colony to cover up the fact that your mate is running around eating our colony members?" Thunder asked as he took a step back away from her. “What kind of leader are you?"
“The kind that knows what's good for everyone." She said. “You're trying to get everyone all worked up over nothing. How many colony members do you think Rice killed in battles or just because he didn't like them? So what Dallas ate ONE, he saved ALL of them."
“Did he save them because it was the right thing to do or did he save them because he wanted to eat us himself?" Thunder asked.
“You're a fucking idiot." Electra growled. “Do you seriously think that was what was on our minds when we went to save your asses? We could have left right then and there and left all of you to be dog food, but we didn't."
“I'm not sure if being cat food is any better honestly." Thunder said as he turned around again.
“You heard me Thunder. Speak a word of this and I'll kick you out."
“That's fine. I have the other colony I can go back to."
“Dallas is the leader of both. Did you forget?" She asked.
“Not unless he can be in two places at once he isn't." Thunder said as he began walking down the tunnel. “Technically you aren't a leader at all, you're just his mate, so I don't HAVE to listen to what you say to me. I can say what I want to who I want."
“So you're going to just tell everyone he's wandering around looking for members to eat?" Electra asked as she stepped on the end of his tail. “I'm not done talking to you."
“If that's what he's doing then yes I am." He said as he turned around again, grabbing his tail and pulling it free. “We don't need you two here if that's what you're going to be doing. We created him you know."
“Yeah? And Team Rocket created Mewtwo, what's your point?" Electra said. “Are you saying since you created him he has to leave if you guys say so? You didn't even do it correctly in the first place."
“Yes actually, I am." Thunder said as he took a step closer to her. “I don't know what went wrong, I don't know why he is what he is, but he was supposed to be just a Pikachu. If that's all he was we wouldn't have this problem right now now would we?"
“If he was only a Pikachu we wouldn't be here right now at all. We'd be trapped in some other dimension dealing with retarded versions of us that don't know how to speak or fight."
“That's still not my problem." Thunder said. “I don't know how he became as strong as he is, and I don't know how he wound up a Mew, but if all he's going to do now is go around picking off our members one by one then he has to leave." He said. “If he won't leave when everyone wants him out then I'll have to tell him about why exactly he's a Pokémon in the first place, and why he has no memory of his past. I'll refresh his memory a little. Maybe then he'll leave us alo-"
Electra snarled at him, grabbing onto his belly fur with both paws and pushing him up against the wall, pressing against him as she glared up at him. “If you dare speak a word of that, or even suggest that you're going to one more time, I will make you fucking suffer."
“Afraid of the truth?" Thunder asked as he pushed against her. “He doesn't belong here."
“You don't know where he belongs, you don't even know him." Electra said. “I've been his mate since apparently the day he was changed, I've been with him every day of his Pokémon life, and I know what he's capable of. I'm not worried about the colony being eaten because I know that's not something he'd do."
“Maybe not when he was a Pikachu, but he's a cat now, and you don't stick a cat in a colony of mice and expect it not to eat them."
“When it's Dallas, someone who is a member of the colony, someone who's been with it for a long time and knows how things work, and has saved it multiple times, then yeah, I do expect him not to eat them."
“Well then you must have a couple screws loose in your brain there Electra. A cat is a cat, an-"
Electra pulled him off of the wall and pulled down on him, knocking him onto the ground before charging up a thunderpunch and smacking him right in the nose with it, growling as he rolled over a few times, clutching his face with both paws.
“Don't tell me what I do and don't know about my own mate. He knows what's right and what's wrong, and I know he'll make the right choices. You're making him out to be some random Purrloin that just wandered into here looking for fresh meat. But you and I both know that's not the case." She said as she hopped over him and began walking down the tunnel. “You just remember what I told you Thunder. Not a single word. Or you'll get a lot more than a punch in the face."
Meanwhile, while Electra and Thunder were arguing I had been far enough away that I didn't hear anything they said. Though that wasn't the case for a few Pikachu that were nearby that overheard the whole conversation.
During their little argument I had found my way to the main room, where several Pikachu were just standing there talking with eachcother. All eyes were immediately cast upon me as one of them pointed and screamed, before running into one of the tunnels and disappearing. The others just seemed to stare at me as if they were afraid, or just trying to figure out if I was real or not.
“Uh…" I said as I lifted a paw, balancing on my other three as I waved it out in front of me. “Hi. If you didn't already know I'm Dallas. I just enjoy being a cat too much to go back to being a Pikachu."
Most of them seemed to settle down as I said that, but there was one that looked just as afraid as he did before I'd told them who I was.
“No way." One of them said as he walked up to me, reaching a paw out and gently touching my right side as I placed my own paw back down on the ground. “You're so huge… and purple!"
“And a cat." Someone else said, before visibly shivering as they stared at me. “But… I guess if you're Dallas then everything is okay. Right?"
“I don't know why it wouldn't be." I said as I tilted my head, before turning it to look at the Pikachu that was standing to my right, who now had both paws on my side and was feeling around my fur.
“Where have you been?" Someone asked. “I heard you got rid of those bullies that were eating our members."
“Yeah, long story." I laughed. “Uh, to avoid telling it again and again do you think you could call everyone out here for a meeting? You know, to let everyone know I'm back and explain a few things. Obviously I can't flash sparks down the tunnels because well, I'm not an electric type, so you guys will have to do it for me." I said as I pulled away from the Pikachu that was petting me and walked over to the big rock, before stepping up onto it and turning to face the mostly empty room, sitting down on the rock and lifting my right paw as I casually began to lick the back of it.
“Sure thing! Only Dallas would know the emergency meeting code. I don't think a random cat wandering around in here would know that." Someone said as they ran off into one of the tunnels.
“You're so soft!" The Pikachu that had been stroking my side earlier said, before heading over to a different tunnel. “I'll let everyone I can know that you want to hold a meeting!" he said before walking off into it and flashing his sparks.
“Thanks." I said as I watched everyone leave the room, aside from that one Pikachu that looked as if he were scared to death of me. I tilted my head as I looked over at him, pausing my paw grooming in mid-lick and just staring at him with my tongue out. After a few seconds I pulled it back into my mouth and lowered the paw back down, placing it back down on the rock and nodding towards him.
“What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked. “Come here."
He shook a little as he approached, and I tilted my head at him as he sat down a few feet away from me.
“Is something wrong?" I asked. “You know who I am, right?"
“I… I s-saw what you… what you d-did outside. He said.
“What? What'd I do?" I asked as I tilted my head in the other direction.
“You know! I saw it!" He said.
“Saw what?" I asked. “'It' doesn't tell me what I did."
“That guy… The one that was stealing things from us I saw you!"
“I don't know what you're talking about." I said as I lifted my right paw, returning to casually grooming the back of it.
“The guy that was outside eating it you jumped on him and… and you swallowed him!" he squealed.
I stared at him blankly, slowly lowering the paw back down onto the rock. “Did I?" I asked as I tilted my head. “Or was it another Purrloin?"
“It was you I know it was!" He shouted shakily. “Electra was with you and she was yelling at you and calling you Dallas!"
“Oh. Well can't deny that then." I shrugged as I stared down at him, lowering my ears a bit. “I uh… couldn't help it."
“You're going to round up all the members so you can eat us!" He said.
“Now why would I do that?" I asked as I blinked a few times, making a face at him. “That's just silly. I just saved all of you last night why would I want to round you up and kill you?"
“I… I h-have to flash the signal."
“Yeah, go ahead. I'd like to get as many members as I can in here so everyone is up to date on things."
“T-the signal for danger in the main room. I need to tell them not to come! I w-won't let you kill everyone like this!"
“Oh." I said, sighing softly as he turned around, a weird flashy pattern of sparking jumping off his cheeks, one that I hadn't seen before.
I hopped down off of the rock and leapt over to him, slapping my paw down in front of the tunnel he was about to down. “I'm afraid I can't let you do that. You have it all wrong, little mouse."
“No! I won't let you do this!" He yelled as he dashed around my paw and ran into the tunnel.
“And I won't let you do THAT." I said as I lifted the paw and slapped it down on his tail, unsheathing my claws a little and using them to drag him backwards toward me. “Can you just settle down for a minute so I can explain this?"
“WAAAAH!" He yelled as he began to flail, kicking and squirming and trying to pull himself away from me. “HELP THE CAT GOT ME!"
I pinned my ears back and let out a little annoyed hiss as I stared down at him, quickly lifting the paw and slapping it down gently onto his back, using my claws to pull him gently back toward me before spinning around and facing him, keeping the paw pressed down on his back with my claws in their sheathes so I wouldn't accidentally poke him.
“Can you please stop doing that?" I asked as I placed my other paw over his face, sighing softly. “That's not even what happened. I'm not here to eat you."
I winced in pain as he bit into my paw, and I pulled it back quickly, meowing loudly as I shook it around in the air, causing my balance to shift to the remaining three, most of my weight leaning down onto his back as I tried to balance myself.
My ears pinned back as I glanced down into the tunnel. I didn't see anyone in it yet, and even if someone came I knew with their vision and having to light their way with sparks that they wouldn't be able to see me until they got close. I couldn't just let him go, or he would cause panic throughout the whole colony. His yelling would surely attract some unwanted attention any second now, and by the looks of it it seemed there was nothing I could possibly do to calm him down.
I knew I only had a second or two to react before someone was alerted and came running to the rescue, and I knew from there there wouldn't be any way of preventing the panic from spreading to the rest of the colony and causing a huge scene that would scare almost all of the members over something that wasn't even true, so I did the only thing that came to my mind. I didn't even think twice about it, it didn't occur to me that perhaps he was right about what he was saying, and deep down inside that was really what I wanted. It didn't cross my mind that this would be the second time I've done this to a colony member within just a few minutes, I just did it. I quickly lowered my head and unsheathed my claws, opening my mouth wide in front of him and hissing briefly in annoyance before hooking them into his back and using them to pull him forward into my mouth. Placing the paw he'd bitten down on back down onto the ground, followed by the other one, I quickly got up on all fours and snapped my jaws around him a few times to get his whole body into my mouth. It was at that time that I heard the sound of little paws running in the dirt, and turned my head just in time to see a Pikachu dashing down the tunnel. I panicked and quickly turned to the side, causing his tail to slap against the wall as I dashed off deeper into the main room, all the way to the big rock where I quickly turned around and sat back down on it just the same as I was before.
I lowered my head as I glanced down the tunnel. The Pikachu was about halfway down now, and their sparking was a little brighter than what everyone usually did. For a second I began to have second thoughts about this, and opened my mouth a little as I considered letting him go. However just as I was about to I realized something, and my feline instincts once again overrode the part of me that knew I shouldn't be doing this.
If I let him out he gets to live, but then I have to explain what happened to the Pikachu that was running down the tunnel along with whoever else they were with, or anyone coming out of any of the other tunnels. How would I explain between his argument and him being covered in cat drool that I wasn't trying to eat all of the colony members?
In a split second my instincts chose for me.
'Well if I can get him down before this Pikachu gets here…"
Without giving it a second thought I tensed my mouth up around the squirming Pikachu and swallowed hard once, twice, three times, lifting my head up as I watched the Pikachu enter the room and immediately begin looking around it, as if looking for the source of all the yelling. I could hear his muffled screaming from inside my throat, though just barely, and panic began to set in as the last of the tail was pulled into my mouth.
What if I got caught? Sure it would be easier to explain without him here to tell everyone I'd done it before, but I would still have to explain it!
I closed my eyes briefly as I swallowed hard a few times. It was only a few seconds between when I scooped him up and when I ran over to the rock. His fur was so dry that it clung to the inside of my throat, not nearly having enough time for the saliva to work its way into it and wet him properly, so every swallow barely made any progress in sending him down. When I opened my eyes I panicked as I saw the Pikachu running straight towards me, just as I felt the wiggling mass of the Pikachu begin to sink down close to my tummy area.
I was too late.
I stared right at the Pikachu, getting a glimpse of her tail and realizing it was a female. My feline instincts yelled at me as she approached me, and I saw that there was no one else behind her.
Perhaps I would have to eat a third one.
The thought immediately left my mind however as they stood up in front of me and stared blankly at me just as I took the last couple swallows, staring down at her as I felt the Pikachu squeeze into my stomach, and I realized who it was that was in front of me.
It was Electra, and she just stared blankly at me as I lapped my tongue out around my mouth just as the little lumps in the bottom of my throat disappeared inside me.
“Are you fucking kidding me!?" She yelled as she threw her paws into the air.
--END Chapter Sixteen.--
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Chapter Sixteen - There Goes Another One
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Well here comes the weekend. Won't be doing this one chapter a day thing until probably Sunday night, but I hope the speed I'm giving them out now makes up for the long wait! Once again I apologize for making you wait so long!
9 years ago
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