As he strode beside me, Ryan exclaimed, "No way! You have GOT to be kidding."
I told him adamantly while holding a slightly annoyed smirk, "I shit you not, Ryan, it was all Kweli's idea. And Asha just tagged along without much protest...Not at first, I think. Least not till I showed up."
The sky was close to changing to night now, with the sun close to disappearing. The two of us took that as a cue for him to take me home and we were on our way back to the wall of rock. I had another decent time being around Ryan again after my visit with Makena. Nothing much happened ever since I took him away from my mom and away from my home. All we did was chat and joke around and wander among the savannah for the rest of the day. Course we had talked about Makena a little since Ryan was a bit curious about the old lion.
Then after that, that was when he told me what happened to him earlier today before we met up. He mentioned about his meeting with one of my cub friends, Kweli, after rescuing him from being stuck in a tree. Which I thought was stupid of him to do. I know I played with Kweli that one time, when I carried him high up in a tree and left him there and dared him to climb down by himself, but doing something like that all by himself, especially without anyone around, like me, all so he wouldn't be afraid to climb up and down a tree ever again, was just...Wow.
That little bastard was kinda brave, I'll give him that. But it was still crazy and stupid! He was lucky Ryan found him when he did! There's no way I would have done that when I was a cub back then!
Then that human told me about meeting the cub's mom, Kisha, after taking him back to the pride waiting at home, and that ended up not going well. That made me feel bad for him. I figured someday someone in the pride would act a bit hostile towards him, other than my dad of course, but when I heard about that, I wanted to slap a whole bunch of sense into Kisha for being a total bitch to my friend. I wouldn't stand by with anybody doing that to him. Course my friend took it kindly and thought it was understandable. A mother protecting a cub from a two legger.
Still...I wouldn't take it kindly when someone in my pride gets angry at him for no REAL reason. No act of harm, nor provocation. None of that. It still wasn't right to me.
Now on our way back home, when Ryan started talking about how cute Kweli was and how innocent looking he seemed to be, since apparently that's what he thought ALL lion cubs are, oh boy I know he was SO wrong about that. Not all of them were innocent. I KNOW that Kweli wasn't such a innocent little cub and I was SO ready to prove his thoughts wrong. And so I started telling him about all this deviousness that Kweli, and Asha, has within both of them when it comes to being around me. Like how that they both sometimes like to jump on me when I sleep. But when THAT didn't convince him, I knew something else MUCH bigger than that would.
And here I am telling him the WHOLE, ENTIRE reason why those cubs weren't supposed to be near me anymore. Something that Kweli DEFINITELY neglected to mention to him earlier, the little shit. I was basically telling him the same way I've told Makena on that day, after the day it happened.
Ryan muttered with a shocked expression and a palm on his face, "Holy crap."
I cried, "I know! You thought climbing a tree all by himself was the stupidest idea he ever made, nope, IT WAS NOT! That was second compared to THAT! And I still can't believe it! Nobody in the pride ever did that before if you can believe that."
Ryan nodded a bit, his eyes still widen by all the words I had given him, "Yeah, I can believe that." He whistled, then chuckling out a statement, "Man...He's sorta acted like Simba when he was a cub. Remember the whole Elephant Graveyard thing when he and Nala ventured in there based off curiosity? This sorta sounds just like that."
I kinda almost forgot about the Elephant Graveyard from that story we watched the other night. That's a hilarious thought. I stated in mild amusement, "Well, there are two things that are different with what you said. One, there weren't huge elephant bones everywhere we saw, just a bunch of crazy two leggers with guns roaming about. And two, I think Simba's much more smarter than that little turd. I would rather be around him than Kweli."
Ryan narrowed up his eyes at me playfully, "Hey! Don't talk that way about your friend!"
I shot back, "Why not?! I didn't want to go in there and chase those two down...And I wasn't in the mood to meet more two leggers after meeting you the first time!"
He shot me a playful question, "Ah come on, Sayde, you can't honestly tell me YOU weren't the least bit curious about the inside of their home, weren't you?"
I stared at him for a long time with a glare as we continued to pad. Then I shot up my head and gave in with a sigh, "Okay, fine, I admit I had been wondering what everything was like up close...But that didn't mean I wanted to go in and check it out and get myself killed!" Ryan snickered. Then I uttered a growl, "Anyways, we got the heck out of there, humans screaming and guns firing and all since they caught us, and that was when we met Kisha."
Then Ryan commented before I'd said it, "And that was when she and everyone thought YOU were behind it and almost got them killed?"
"Exactly." I huffed, a somewhat saddened look upon my face after I brought it towards ahead, "I tried to tell everyone the truth about it, but nobody believed me, except Makena. Kisha saw me leaving the two legger home with the cubs and basically assumed it was all my fault. Oh heck, she always hated me anyway so why wouldn't she. I am out of trouble, mostly, but I can't even talk to Kweli and Asha, nor play with any cub anymore thanks to all that. It really costed my friendship with them."
The two legger held some pity behind his eyes, "You miss being around them, huh?"
I looked at him with a tiny smile, "Most certainly. I know Kweli did a very dumb thing and it got me in trouble, but I still like him despite it, even though he is still a mischievous brat. I just wish there was some way I can fix that. Make their mothers and everyone trust me again with the cubs. But how am I supposed to do that? I'm not exactly the pride's favorite princess."
"Well..." Ryan offered, "Maybe I can help."
"Pah!" I spat, "YOU? What can you do? You're mostly not welcomed by the pride, you know. Heck you know how Kisha is with you. She won't let you be near her son!"
Ryan stammered a bit, "Oh...I don't know...It's just a thought. I mean, I can be real charming."
I pointed out, "Like how you were with her earlier?"
Ryan held up his paw to deflect, "Well, things like that take time. It took a bit to work on you, didn't it? How hard can it be?"
I let out a soft sigh, "Oh, it's all right." I rubbed against him while we were still walking together, "You don't have to do anything. I have you with me anyways now. I guess that's all I can ask for."
Ryan patted my side in fondness, "Ah, well, it still seems fair for you to have your friends again. I don't have to be the only friend you can hang out with."
"I know. I've made friends with that giraffe friend of yours, remember?"
"Well...Besides Banou, and Sidon."
I gave him a knowing look and pressed, "You seriously want to be friends with Kweli, even though he has some devious thoughts that MIGHT end you up in serious ass trouble?"
He spoke up, holding a grin, "Sure! I handled you, when you were inside my home twice, I bet I can handle him just the same."
I warned him, "I wouldn't count on it. He kinda has a trap that tends to brag about things that are kind of secretive, even to anyone that doesn't need to know a damn thing. Thought I should warn you about that too."
"Well I'll still take the risk. Besides, I do want to be a hit with the cubs."
I rolled my eyes playfully, "Oh, Ryan." You just never give up.
"What? I can't help it. They're just so cute!"
I cracked, "Not Kweli. He's as ugly as a dung beetle. Asha, well...She is conniving and devious like him, don't get me wrong, but she is kinda better than him."
Ryan laughed a bit along with me. Then he insisted, "Look, least let me handle it. I know I'll think of something to get them back to you. You deserve to have them back...You do deserve to have friends more than anyone else thinks. One day, maybe I can have you guys together again. Who knows?"
My eyes lit up a bit. I don't know how you can do it, but...That's sweet of you. I gazed ahead on the path we're taking, noticing we were about home. I don't think it was possible for me to be with Kweli and Asha like that again. With everything that happened, it looks entirely impossible. Everything has been set and done and it won't change back like it was before. I do think he was just giving me false hope about them.
But then again, Ryan is pretty charming...Maybe he can help me out with regaining my friendship with those two.
Oh I don't know...I still doubt that'll happen.
As soon as we saw the wall of rock ahead, after the sky went completely dark, I stopped and turned to him. He did the same to me. I finally broke the silence, having a apologetic look across my face, "Hey, Ryan...I do want to say I'm very sorry for what Kisha did to you today."
Ryan waved me off with a shake of his head, "Nah, it's fine, Sayde. That's to be expected." Then he gestured to me, "Wouldn't you have done that just to protect your cub?"
My mouth opened to let out a tiny laugh, "Ha ha! Please. I never want to be a mom!"
The human made a witty remark, "Funny. After meeting Kisha, I pictured you as one. Still bossy and angry even when you're older and now a mother."
My eyes showed daggers, my tail flailed angrily behind me, "Don't compare me to her. I'm bitchy, but I ain't THAT bitchy like that old hag is."
He rolled his eyes at that, "Yeah, sure you aren't."
I growled deeply and that made him chuckle. Then I rolled my own set of eyes next and started, "Anyways..." I softened up my expression a bit and went on in a serious tone, "Look, it's one thing for her to yell at me and such, since she doesn't like me, I can take that, but to do that to you when you were being nice to her poor, little Kweli, that's really uncalled for." I snapped my eyes to the wall of rock, "I just hope my mother can make her cut that shit out with you the next time she sees you...Or me and her are going to have a problem. And it won't be pretty."
Ryan assured me and that had me looking back at his face, "Ah, don't worry about it. I can take care of myself as well as you can. I'm just trying not to take it personally. Besides, I know your mother will keep her word. Just, you know...No guarantees."
I took a deep breath and let it out. I gave him a smile soon afterward. I said, my tail swishing behind me, "I know...I just feel like I want to protect you. I know you would have done the same thing."
He replied in agreement, "You're right...I would."
We both were staring at each other with our smiles still on our faces when we heard a roar coming from that wall of rock. We both turned our heads to look at it for a moment before we glanced back at each other. I said with a sigh, "Well, that's my father calling me. I should go."
Ryan thumbed at the direction of his own home, "Yeah I gotta get going too."
I said in gratitude, "Thanks for being with me again." Then I padded my way closer to my home while still staring at him, "I'll see you tomorrow. Night."
He said, "Goodnight." Then we both went our separate ways, eagerly heading back to our homes for the night.
When my form got closer to the wall of rock, I found my father waiting at the mouth of the cave. I greeted him with a reassured smile when I got right in front of him, "Hey, here I am. I wasn't too far."
Dad, who had a grim face, replied, "I know. I saw you and your friend from right here."
Uh oh. Here he goes again. I know that look. I formed up a look of irritance and annoyance, "Daddy, I was doing fine with him. He took me home."
"Oh. Really?" He sneered, "I suppose you weren't in the mood to spend a lot more time in the night alone with Ryan again, instead of just coming straight home and worrying your entire family?"
For the love of- I groaned, retorting with a very hard tone, "Dad, I was safe. I wasn't hurt last night. I told you! I am home now! Get fucking over it already!"
I tried to move past him to go in the cave but he blocked my path. I snapped my angry eyes at him. His were staring back at mine. He didn't say another word to me, but shortly, he stepped aside. I padded angrily into the cave finally without looking back. I growled lowly to myself. I don't care what rules you set for me. I don't care if I come home late. I'm gonna be with Ryan whenever I want, and stay with him however long I wish.
With, or without your permission, DADDY.
My feet moved my form quickly in fast strides over the darkened savannah, now riddled with the sounds of crickets. The rifle in my hand swung hard back and forth with hasty steps I made. I had a bit of a nervous look on my face too. I am a BIT late getting back to the guest house, again. This was the second time this happened. Mom and dad and Gabe are probably wondering where my butt is at. I should have just took Sayde home earlier instead of delaying, but I can't help myself! I like being around her!
I hope nobody asks questions...
My legs were already killing me from my hurried pace, so I slowed myself a bit. I let out a calming breath as I continued my way back to where I live. I figured if I had just got back with me sorta running out of breath, everyone would have gotten a little suspicious. It was probably a good idea. Least I was hoping so.
I glanced down at my feet when I thought back to what I told Sayde. Do I really think I can get Sayde and those cub friends of hers to be together again? My lips twitched to smile a bit. I kinda think so. After all, why shouldn't I try to help? Considering she had such an unhappy life, I think she does need them back in her life and not taken away from her. Apparently before she met me, Banou and Sidon, other than that Makena fellow, they're like the only friends she's made in her entire life. They make her happy it looks like. And she misses them. There has to be some way to convince everyone to let her play with them again.
I hummed as I thought it through, my brow furrowed. Maybe I can ask Nailah to do me a solid and have a chat with Kweli and Asha's mothers about it. Since nobody, not even Sayde's mother it sounds like, doesn't trust Sayde to be around them alone with nobody around...Maybe I can just supervise them. Make sure they don't wind up in big trouble like before. Make sure they all get home safely.
Yeah! I'm sure Nailah trusts me enough for that! Then I formed a glum look when another thought contradicted the other. I recalled Kisha's face when she found me bringing back her cub back to their home. But Kisha won't do it. Both she and Asha's mom probably won't agree to it. They'll probably think their queen is crazy for even suggesting that! How can they let their cubs be around me? To them I'm still a menacing looking human that seems to like trespassing in their lands and invade their home up close and personal. I'm probably not any close to better than Sayde.
That's when her father's face came into the picture. Heck, I don't even think Jabari would like the idea either. Him and his queen might fight about it. I'm sure he holds himself back a lot for letting me hang around his daughter...But I'm not entirely sure that he'll be cool with me hanging out with cubs too. That is kinda what he agreed to. Only I talk to his daughter and watch over her. That was it.
I sighed. Oh, maybe I'll just go ahead and ask Nailah to do that sometime. Who knows, like her daughter, maybe she has a way of persuading somebody. Still not sure if Jabari would like the idea, he is the king after all. But perhaps Nailah may hold her ground against him.
She seems to do that a bunch lately. I snickered to myself. Hope their sex life isn't affected by her feelings about ME.
That can happen to a marriage...Or whatever the heck they'd call it.
I finally made it back to the guest house a short time later. I was thinking about going through the glass side door when I caught somebody standing near the place about several feet away, at the front side. I saw a tiny orange light for a tiny second, like someone was smoking a cigarette.
I squinted to see who it was in the dark. Is that...Gabe? What's he up to? My heart began to pound frantically in my chest as a pit formed in my stomach as well. Is he...Worried about me? Did my parents show him concern about my absence? Was he thinking about searching for me in his jeep again?
Oh god...I'm probably in trouble now.
I took a deep breath quietly just to calm my chest. Okay, Ryan, don't panic. Maybe this is nothing. Maybe he's just having a cigarette. But just in case, just think of an excuse if he asks.
Just not like the one the other day! You have a gun now for christ sake! Think of something better!
Gabe waved from a distance as I was coming up to him. I waved back, my mind racing as my face tried very hard not to show any sign of nervousness. But what am I supposed to say? What's he gonna believe?
Don't panic...
When I stood near the game warden, I said with a grin, "Hey, Gabe. What you doing standing right here? Thought you'd be getting ready for bed by now."
Gabe was returning the smile with his own. He shook his head and explained, "Ah, I don't feel like sleeping yet. Besides that, I've been kinda having trouble lately." He gestured to me with a curious frown, "Where have you been? Apparently you were gone a long time. Something going on?"
Alright...Time to make up another lie. I quickly replied this to his face, "Yeah, sorry, I uh....I was actually with the rangers all this time. I wandered all the way to their station, and, uh...Just been talking with Jen, Theodore's daughter." Gabe stared back at me while I waited for his reply. His face didn't show any suspicion, but it was making me nervous on the inside. I tried very hard not to shake uncontrollably. All right. That's the next best excuse I can make up with. Let's see what he says...
Gabe chuckled deeply in his throat. Amusement gleamed across his eyes. He stated, "I'm impressed you can walk that far."
Oh good, he's buying it. I think. I giggled a bit awkwardly as I was scratching behind my head with a free hand, "I didn't think I could, but even I sometimes impress myself." I really do.
He shook his head, "I don't think I could. Unless my jeep broke down and my radio wasn't working, I don't think my legs could survive the journey. Not even if I was your age."
He had the cig to his lips when I joked, "I probably have jogger legs."
Gabe tried not to laugh while he was smoking. He lowered the cig and blew some smoke out in the open. He said with a little chuckle finally escaping his mouth, "I probably don't. The thought of it makes me worn out."
I called him out, "You know I thought you liked to explore like me."
Gabe answered with a knowing look, "I do, kid, but maybe not that much. Us people have limits."
I nodded playfully, "Alright, you got a point."
He pointed out after he eyed my entire form in a down and up motion in a funny way, "You apparently do not have any at all. I'm surprised with all the walking you've made lately that you haven't thought about asking for a car yet."
Trust me, I had thought about it. I shrugged my shoulders and told him, "I'm doing fine so far."
Gabe then said in a serious manner, "Well, considering I'm a nice guy, I'll have to ask the rangers if they can lend you a car later. That way your legs won't give out one of these days. Summer's not close to being over yet, you know? You never know."
I countered the idea with this, "Actually...I'll just ask them for one myself, if that's ok."
Gabe shrugged, shooting his head to the side, apparently not arguing with me about it, "Suit yourself then." He had the cigarette to his mouth again, puffing out smoke.
I was afraid Gabe would've asked Theodore or any of the other rangers how my visit was at their station if he called them about the car if I didn't say I would handle it myself. I wouldn't have minded having him help me out with getting a car, considering I was thinking about wanting one anyways, but my cover would have been blown in a heartbeat. That was a close call. I took a deep breath and said as I made one pace to the guest house, "Well, I'm going to bed now..."
But Gabe stopped me with his hand. I looked to him and he offered, "Hey, how bout stay here a bit? Least till I'm finished with this smoke? I hardly had a decent conversation with you alone since you started living here."
I brought up, shooting my head to the side, "Well, you did teach me how to shoot a gun recently. I thought that counted."
Gabe corrected me on that, "That's called practicing, not conversating. Sure sometimes that's a way of bonding with someone, but..." His hand motioned at the spot beside him. He insisted, "Come on...Least give it a few minutes."
Well, I suppose I can stay a bit longer. He did make another point. We didn't have a decent conversation on that day anyways. Not like I'm in trouble right now. I nodded with a smile and accepted, "Sure." I spun around and stood beside him, the two of us staring out at the landscape ahead of us.
Gabe let out a silent breath and asked, "So, Ryan...It's been days since you came here. You liking Africa still? Feeling homesick yet?"
I denied with a shake of my head, "Nope. I'm still the same."
Gabe chuckled again, "Heh heh...I admit, I'm impressed by you again. Normally tourists can't wait to head back to the States by now. They tend to get homesick real fast."
I told him, "Well, I don't hear my parents whining about it. And besides that, I'm not. Part of me thinks I don't want to go back home at the end of summer. I'm...Not exactly looking forward to it." My arm waved across in front of me, "I think I'd rather trade home for all this. It's very beautiful, it's warm...And quiet." Then I thought of Sayde in the back of my mind when my limb fell back down to the side. Not to mention I'd be leaving my new best friend all alone here, after I told her that I would always be hers. I don't wanna go...
The game warden uttered without looking at me, "I think me and you are more alike than we think." I glanced at him in bit of surprise. Then I looked down at my feet with uncertainty. Not ALL alike. You don't speak to animals like me and keep secrets from everybody. Gabe went on, "That's probably why I became game warden in Kenya in the first place. I just wanted to live in a place that's quiet and beautiful without anything bothering me. I can recall being a ranger here for about a decade, and I can tell you this much...I don't look forward to having these long plane rides when my season here is done. Other than they're boring...I dread every time leaving this place behind."
I curiously asked after looking at him again, "How long have you been a game warden anyway?"
Gabe smiled when twisted his neck to see me, "Over twenty years. But even I'll admit...I get homesick. When you live here all alone daily without a family like a hermit, that does get to you sometimes." I let out a amused snicker. Then he continued, "But when I meet tourists and hear their stories, and tell them mine, I don't feel that way anymore. I feel like I'm already home, all the same. It helps a lot."
I pointed out, "Don't forget the rangers."
He replied with a sure nod, "Oh sure. Even their company when they meet me helps out. Especially Theodore's. I can remember when I first met him when both of us worked together as rangers. I'm somewhat surprised he hasn't retired yet after all these years. But then I always think...What would I do without him? We're like high school buddies. Couldn't ask for more."
I giggled at that. Then merely stated, "Well you could...Like my parents."
Gabe giggled too after that statement. I heard him mutter, "That too." Then, he looked ahead, lifting the cig to his mouth once more. Behind his eyes, I thought he seemed...Stressed about something.
I frowned then questioned him, "You ok, Gabe?"
Gabe answered in a serious tone after blowing out some more smoke, "Yes, I'm fine."
I know for some reason something's bothering him. That's why he was saying he was having a hard time sleeping. Wonder what it is. I pressed, "Come on, dude, what is it? I'm a grown man, I can take it."
He let out a firm sigh, and then finally spoke, "...I was thinking about the poachers."
I shortly pressed, "...The ones me and Tony stopped?"
He nodded then explained, "My boss think it's over, that you guys literally stopped the poaching that's been going on around here for a while...But I don't think it is."
"Yeah, I remember you mentioned that the other day." I stated confusingly, "I don't get it. Why do you say that?"
Gabe wasn't taking his eyes off the savannah as he went on, "Call it a hunch. Those two working alone just doesn't seem to add up to me. I've heard some rumblings going on in town a while back, that there were some strange looking people moving from place to place in this country for god knows how long. I can't really confirm it, I never seen those people, and neither can the rangers. I even heard from a friend that lives across Kenya that he thought he saw an animal being taken away in a truck one night. He has went to the rangers at where he lives, but they never found the truck. Thing about it though is it happened after you and Tony found those guys. You might think that they could be a different set of poachers that are not involved with those guys, or maybe my friend was just seeing things since it was dark. But I don't think so, based off what I heard. I think there's something much bigger than what you caught."
I hesitated to even ask this question. But I did, "So you really believe those guys might have had friends working alongside them?"
Gabe nodded again, very slowly, speaking low with warning, "I'm afraid I do. Like I said, it's just a hunch, my boss and Theodore are probably right about what they said, but I may be the one in the right about this. I don't know how many there are, but there may be more of them. If I were you...I'd be absolutely careful when you wander around the savannah. You got lucky the first time, but you should be prepared for what may come next. And do not hesitate to defend yourself...No matter what."
I looked at the savannah now, concern shone a bit in my eyes, somewhat believing what he had told me. So...It really isn't over? Is Gabe right? Sayde's lands are not literally out of the woods yet?
Oh man...I hope Gabe is wrong. But if he isn't...Then I hope Sayde, Banou and Sidon, and the pride, will stay out of somebody's way. Who knows who is a poacher? Nobody knows for sure.
Who knows what will happen to any of them if they get captured and taken away?
Jen's eyes went wide. She cannot believe she just heard THAT! Shortly, after blinking them once, she demanded, "You're joking."
Carla shook her head fast, crying out, "I saw them plain as day! I'm definitely sure that was Ryan!"
Jen, Carla and Tony were all inside a building which they were going to sleep in for tonight. But instead of doing that, Carla pulled those two inside away from Justin and Theodore cause she wanted to talk to them alone. Jen was kinda surprised, confused as well. She had never seen Carla act that way before. It was so sudden, so urgent. Finally after some coaxing from her and Tony, Carla told them what was going on with her. She explained to them about what she saw today while she was out on patrol.
What they both heard...Was totally unbelievable!
Apparently Carla caught sight of Ryan, the young tourist that's been staying with his parents and Gabe at his guest house for the summer, was out in the savannah, walking beside a LION! A man-eating lion that was supposed to, but didn't eat him at all, according to Carla.
That's crazy! She knows all the lions around here are not to be messed around with. Why would Ryan do that? HOW would he do that?
Tony denied it in total disbelief, "Impossible! All the lions living in these parts are not domesticated. They can't be friendly with people."
Carla spoke to him with daggers and gritted teeth, "Well this one was!"
Tony cleared his throat, took a breath, and asked her in a calm voice, "Carla...Isn't it possible that maybe the sun was getting to you? Maybe you didn't have much to drink."
Carla groaned in frustration, "It wasn't the sun, guys! I really saw them! I saw a human walking with a lion!"
Jen shook her head in disbelief. She stated confusingly, her fingers on her temple as she put some thoughts in this, "I don't get this. Why would Ryan be outside walking with a wild animal? And how would he do it?"
That's when Tony cracked with a slight giggle, "Maybe he and his family are from the circus. You know, like part of the Ringling Brothers!"
Carla fumed at him, "Knock it off, jackass. This is serious."
He protested, "I am serious! That's how he woed a lion! He's probably an expert of that!"
Carla shook her head in denial, "I don't buy that. He doesn't look like a circus freak. Something strange is going on with him...And I don't think he's told us anything."
Jen nodded meekly and commented, "Sounds like it." She can't believe he is like that. Ryan was more stranger to her than she thought. She found him coming home from a walk a few days ago, was that the reason why he was out taking walks, so he can be with a pride of lions?
What hasn't he been telling her? What IS he hiding from them?
Carla asked with plea inside her eyes, "You guys do believe me, right? I'm telling you, that's exactly what I saw. I wouldn't be making all this up. And no, Tony, I'm sure I drank plenty of water."
Jen, knowing all this sounds utterly insane from a normal standpoint, walked up and assured, "I believe you. I know for certain Ryan takes walks. I don't think you saw anybody else."
Tony stared at her for a long time, having a bit of an unsure look upon his eyes, before he answered with a tiny shrug of his shoulders, "I-...I guess so. This just sounds crazy."
Carla slowly nodded in agreement, "I know. I feel like I am going crazy."
Jen muttered, "This all just feels like a dream if you ask me."
Tony asked in a serious voice, "Ok, so what do we do about it then? I mean, if Ryan really was walking outside with an animal, what if he keeps this up? For all we know he probably has been doing this a bunch since he's been in Africa. What if he gets hurt?"
Tony has a point. Ryan could get hurt. That scared her. Jen can imagine her new friend from America being mauled to death by one wild animal for some reason. There was blood everywhere on the ground. Jen cringed from the image but they didn't notice. Carla suggested, "Maybe we should call Gabe and tell him what he's living with and see what he thinks."
Jen then cut through this idea of hers, "No." Both Tony and Carla gaped at her in surprise. She said, "We can't tell anyone else about this. Not even my dad."
Carla demanded, "Why not?"
Jen explained, "Well, think about it. Do you know how weird this story sounds? If we get Gabe and dad invovled, and they start talking to Ryan, he'll probably just deny it like this was just some made up story. And then maybe they will think you were just seeing things because of the sun. Like Tony just did."
"Damn it." Carla let out a dismayed sigh, crossing her arms and shutting her eyes, "She's right."
Speaking of Tony, he pressed, gesturing towards her, "So what do you suggest we do then, Jen?"
Shortly, after having a bit of thought, Jen suggested, "I suggest all three of us find out what's really going on ourselves."
He frowned, "How do we do that?"
She started laying out her plan, "Well...If all of us are not doing anything, like if both of you are not doing any safaris for a little bit, we go to where Ryan lives and talk to him in private. Tell him what we know. If he isn't there and is out and about, then we'll try to find him and watch over him and see what he does. Maybe we might catch him in the act again. And when we do...We'll talk to him. And then we'll get our answers."
Tony chuckled a bit, "That sounds easy. And I think I'll be prepared by bringing my camera along. I'll just video tape his butt so he wouldn't be denying it in front of us. If we're not in position to confront him about things, then at least we'll have proof to show to everyone else."
Jen nodded at that, "That's a good idea. But I think we should talk to Ryan alone first before we do anything else. I want to know what's going on myself. There has to be more to this." There certainly has to be.
Tony agreed with a nod, "Hey, I agree. I want my questions answered before anybody else."
Carla apparently wasn't totally sure of this thought out plan and said, "Are you sure we should do things like that? What if Ryan gets killed by an animal before then? I don't want a dead American on my conscience. He seems nice."
Jen responded, "I don't want him dead either, but it's all we got right now. And besides, maybe he wouldn't get killed. He does carry a gun with him."
Carla had a look of fright appearing out of nowhere on her face. She said, "I did see him holding a gun, and I'm NOT SURE he wants to use it on anything. He's probably too crazy not to do anything with it."
By the way that sounds, Carla may be right. What if Ryan won't defend himself? What if he's just too delusional to fire his weapon when something tries to attack him?
Oh, who is she kidding...He didn't seem delusional. But then, why would all this be happening? This really doesn't make sense. He seemed perfectly normal to her...
Jen finally said upon waving her arm, "Well he's fine right now, I think...And that's all that matters. Like I said, when all three of us are not doing anything else important, we spring into action and find him. Are you both with me on this?"
Tony replied without hesitation, "Yeah."
Carla on her end, didn't say anything at first because of her anxious thoughts about this, but then finally responded, "...Yes."
Jen nodded at both of them, "Alright. Good. And remember, don't tell my dad or Gabe about this. And certainly don't tell Justin this either."
Carla rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I wasn't planning to anyways. Why do you think I only brought you two here?"
Jen just smiled at her words. Then her mind was on Ryan again. Why? Why would that guy do this? Why hasn't he told her about any of this?
Well, sooner or later, Jen and her friends will get their answers.
One way, or another.
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