Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Neverced


“Does any of you know how
to read this text." Chimed Huzizu as he pointed to a particular part of the
book. It was morning time. The sun just started to rise from the horizon. Birds
were chirping about and other noises were now joining in onto the chorus that
will begin the day however. But despite it being peaceful and all; we still
have one problem upon our paws. Huzizu does not know how to read. Yes indeed. I
stared at him for a moment of time. A pause upon my silence, a halt in the
conversation that I had with Harkell whom was staring back onto the wolf in
question. He just kept looking at us in response, then turned away asking
someone else instead. With that pause however, the other wolves walked up to
him. Snatched the book and studied it for a moment. Before giving it back to
him with a response upon the following silence that came previously,


“Neither do I." “Are you
two serious." I growled, narrowing my eyes upon both of them as they turned
towards me and nodded their heads. With a groan that erupted from my throat, I
walked up towards the pair of wolves. Sat down upon the grassy patch of dirt
and taught them to read. It was silly however. Me teaching them how to read
certain books and such all the while pronouncing every word and syllable
thereby. On the other paw, it was really nice for me. Given my superiority over
these idiotic wolves. But alas, I never surfaced that personality however and
just remained humble for the time being. Keeping eyes onto the words while
reading to the wolves. By then after, the sun was already high up into the air.
White clouds have started forming. But never gathered. There were a vast sea of
blue in the skies that surrounded the white patches of clouds whereas birds
flew bypassed them however.


Upon the end, I stopped.
My wolf brain was already hurting however. My eyes closed then opened
afterwards as I pulled myself from the pair of wolves whom already ran off into
the woods. Disappearing from my sights. For as they disappeared, I turned and heed
my own way. Straight towards Harkell who was waiting for me patiently however.
Though a smile appeared upon his snout, it disappeared when I growled at him. A
short pause came between the two of us as he spoke upon the silent air, “So it
is true then. You were a human turn wolf." “What made you come up with that
conclusion?" I questioned him with a snap. Though remained silent following it
as Harkell just stared at me, then laughed shaking his head. Did I ever mention
that we were at a certain part of Virkoal Forest however? Even I do not know
where we are. I mean at a particular specific point that is. All I know is that
we are in Virkoal Forest. How? Because of the surrounding trees that became
thicker the farther in sight I go however.


Well, despite throwing
that out of the blue. I did mention that me and Harkell were talking about
something specific however. Though somehow, I could not remember what it was
due to Huzizu already requesting me to teach them. I shook my head, exhaling a breath
following it before flattening my ears and gazed away. With Harkell turning his
head and tilting it to the side in question, I gaze upon the other wolves of
our pack. Wondering what they were doing at the time being. Haziyo, Havlut and
Horizoki were busing themselves with their own thing however. They were off
towards the side, their heads turned to one another. Though no smiles or grins
were upon their snouts. As their mouths were talking, it was far from where me
and Harkell were. So it was rather impossible to know their topic. Regardless,
I questioned Harkell “What are they talking about? Something important?"
“Them?" Answered Harkell with a laugh, “We would never know with Havlut leading
them." I forced myself to chuckle, though I had wondered what he meant by that.


In the wake hours of the
morning, things were relatively normal. Nothing crazy happening in Reptilian or
Canine realms. Oceanic realm still under turmoil. The other outsiders are doing
their own businesses. 'Yes. Indeed.' I thought to myself with my nose up into
the air as if I take pride upon creating the peace upon our fare world. Though
Harkell stared at me with a questionable look upon his face. I just ignored him
anyway. 'I do enjoy the peace and silence.' I additionally thought, with a
small smile appearing upon my snout. But that short live peace disappeared.
Why? Because screams were heard nearby and they were not from the other animals
that live here however. My ears flattened upon that sudden noise; Harkell,
Havlut, Horizoki and Haziyo shift their attention to the source of that noise.
Pondering and wondering what it could be however. Yet no one question when
Haziyo and Huzizu popped from the surface of the forest, returning to its pack
to share the sudden news.


They seemed panicked or
excited about something. Unsure which however. But as they came running, they
came running into my way which had shocked me. Tackled upon the ground, I felt
my vision dimming suddenly and sparks of red and green came from the corner of
my eyes. With a sudden headache and my eyes adjusting, I found myself looking
up towards the blue skies above where a white fuzzy cloud was hovering above
me. Paws in the air as if I was dead as my ears were flattened to ignore the
sounds and noises that was surrounding me. Yet it was too much to bear. I
rolled onto my belly, raised myself up onto my feet and turned sharply towards
the pair of wolves that was in front of me. A glare appeared upon my face as
they flatten their ears and whimpered, they spoke quietly at us “We found
something important! It is urgent news." “Do not tell me that you found a
treasure box so we could go exploring into uncharted area!" Screamed Horizoki
with Havlut's eyes sparkling while he spoke, “Treasure? Uncharted area? Count
me in" “Shut up!" Finished Horizoki, face pawing Havlut in the face and drawing
his head upon the ground so he would be silenced.


I turned towards the
pair. Haziyo and Huzizu blinked at the two british wolves. No words were
exchanged between them as they watched. Though they had wished for some food to
watch the entertainment unfolding before them. As I quickly growled to gain the
two wolves' attention, I asked them repeating my question from earlier. In a
click, Huzizu spoke what was the news about. “A deer is found in the forest.
Our forest." “Good lunch!" Commented Horizoki as he too got smacked in the face
by Horizoki who growled in response back towards him. As the sounds of smacking
and pawing erupted the peaceful tranquility silence surrounding us, I exhaled a
breath and asked quietly to Huzizu, “What deer? You know there are plenty of
deers around here that we are protecting from predators." “Well its her
actually." “You mean?" I asked a bit interested as my mind surfaced a certain
deer that was thought to be long gone however from this series and stories
about. A nod came from Huzizu. My ears stood erected and I growled at the rest
of the wolves, nudging my head while I turned to Huzizu “Lead the way."


So he did however. Led us
back into the forest grounds whereas the trunks and trees of the forest became
denser and thicker as time went on and the further we go into the forest. We
ran at a particular direction. But I never knew what that 'particular direction'
was however. Following Huzizu as we weaved through the forest trees and loose
branches that came about, we arrived upon the deeper part of the forest grounds
where we spotted a deer lying upon the ground. It was surrounded by several
trees. A lake was closer to the deer than the trees however which came as a
surprise for us despite me initially thinking that the wolves had brought it
closer to water. As Huzizu and Hayzio walked up towards the deer and lowered
their heads, nudging the deer's head, it aroused awake and opened its eyes.
Shift its attention towards the two wolves closer to it. Then towards the
others before picking itself up onto its four feet. Though an injured leg shot
up its spine forcing it to the ground once again.


“Where did this deer came
from anyway?" I questioned upon the show's end and the following silence.
Neither wolf said anything in response which meant that no could answer that
question. As I propelled forth towards the deer, Haziyo and Huzizu, I laid a paw
upon its body. Drawing it down towards its heart as I muttered something that
caught the ears of the two wolves adjacent to me. “Its injured on the legs. Why
are you looking at its heart?" Questioned Harkell as he and Havlut walked up
from behind me. “For any other sort of injuries that the deer put himself or
herself into while trying to run with three good legs." A common gasp collected
in the air. Though fell silent after as I turned towards one of the four legs.
Something felt crooked upon one of the legs however and I noticed it quite
immediately. For as I noticed it, I spoke towards the other wolves. “We need
something to cure the deer of its injuries. There are no band aids, or other
modern things that people and animal uses." “We use leeches!" Started Havlut,
“Too prone for injuries." Commented Harkell shaking his head.


Another pause came before
Huzizu spoke “Book." “What?" Questioned came the other wolves, even I turned
towards Huzizu as he repeated himself once again. “Book. We use the book to
heal his or her injures." “This is not fiction!" Started Havlut despite Harkell
placing his paw onto the bridge of Havlut's face as the two wolves stared upon
one another. I nodded my head, “Yes indeed. But where was that book last?"
“Back upon the starting point of which the story had started." Answered Huzizu,
nudging his thumb back behind him. I groaned, “No one brought it?" A wave of
shaking heads came my answer. I groaned again. But said nothing in return to
the following silence as Huzizu led Haizyo and Horizoki away from the rest of
us. At that time, Havlut was play tackling Harkell. They rolled upon the ground
with growls, yips and some other dog noises that I never understood. For a
while, I was amused by them. Entertained by their wolf or dog nature while we
wait for the other wolves to grab what they had needed. Though it never took
them long to return with the book in paw… I mean mouth.


For as the three wolves
returned, Havlut and Harkell stopped their 'fighting' and return to their
spots. Horizoki and Haziyo turned their heads over to them; but a growl came
from Havlut forced them to sharply glance back onto me. As the book was dropped
from the mouth of Horizoki, I flinched but stretched my paw outward. Dragging
the book towards me whereas I opened the book. Flipped the pages suddenly to
get onto the page where 'cures' happened and immediately stopped afterwards.
“Ah here we are." I started, voice already filling the air surrounding us. “We
need plants, herbs and other spices." “Where can we get those?" Questioned
Havlut with a tilt of his head. Harkell turned his attention to Huzizu asking
him, “Are you sure you brought in a magic book of healing spells and not
something for lunch?" A nod came from Huzizu while Horizoki and Haziyo quickly
became worried. But despite it all, we set out upon the forest to search for
any sort of ingredients. But after a long time of searching, we had realized
that there was no such items upon the forest. So as a second resort, we had
decided to just plant our own.


So with the seeds we
bought from a nearby store, we dig up holes upon the forest grounds and shove
the plant seeds inside. And I do mean the packets however. Before any of the
wolves could cover the holes up, I growled at them. Pointing that the seed packets
inside each of the holes as I spoke commanding “We should rip open the packets
and throw the seeds inside." They do so as commanded. But it was not
realistically what I had wanted however. For the wolves just used their fangs
and claws to rip open the packets. Some spilled into the air whereas few birds
were hit by them. Few fell into the lake water nearby. Others were swallowed
accidentally. I had to smack the backs of Horizoki, Havlut and Huzizu to get
the seeds out from their stomachs. Guess they vomited them out afterwards.
“Gross!" Chimed Haziyo as he flinched upon the wet seeds upon the ground. But
no one followed up on Haziyo as we just quickly buried the seeds and sat there.


Well onto nighttime
however. Many of the wolves were impatient as I saw their fidgeting and such.
That Huzizu stood up from the ground. Howled into the air upon the cold night
skies and 'magically' brought up a flamethrower. The rest of us gasped and departed
from Huzizu who proceed to flick opened the switch of the flamethrower and
practically burn the plants we had buried. And that was not all however. The
flames and fire of such flamethrower also spread towards other forest trees.
The lake evaporated into mist. The oxygen became unbearable upon our
surroundings that we just departed out of there. Quick and effective. The birds
and other animals that live in Virkoal forest also left. But I guess they were
used to this kind of thing however. For in the end, we were all left without a
home. Upon the dirty roads that leads straight onto Reptilian realm, I groaned.
So did Harkell and Havlut. So did some birds adjacent to us and some bear too.
“Wait. The deer!" I heard Havlut exclaimed remembering the injured animal that
was stuck inside Virkoal forest. For he ran back into it with Harkell following
behind him. They disappeared seconds later. Then came back afterwards with the
deer in tow. Though I was legit surprise that they were using a red wagon.


“Where did you get that?"
I asked before my mind could comprehend the stupid question. As cheers came
from the other animals surrounding us, Harkell just smiled faintly at me and
answered “From a nearby tree that was closest to the lake." I nodded before
returning my sight back towards the deer at the wagon. Still injured as always;
with its four legs stood up into the air. All four were spread out to the
outside of the perimeter of the wagon too. A groan came from the deer which
forced us wolves to glance back onto it. I groaned, “We still need to cure the
deer." “We do not have anymore money to purchase the seeds we had needed."
Commented Harkell as he glanced back onto his pocket. A nod came from the other
wolves before we became silent. “Well." I said, after a short pause as I raised
my eyes back towards the others and spoke, “Lets head to Vaster. Hopefully they
have something there we could use." “Like some plants, herbs and spices."
Pointed out Huzizu while Harkell shake his head and frowned, “I still think you
brought a cook book."


Arriving upon the
entrance of Vaster town, we stood our grounds and kept eyes upon the entrance
before us. Staring down onto the metal poles that struck up to the edges of the
gates where the sun shines down upon them however. Staring at the metal poles,
I walked up and closed the gap between myself and the entrance. Quickly as if
noticing our presence, the gates opened up suddenly and allowed us inward which
we took immediately and no hesitation came from any of us. Though our attention
was focused upon finding some sort of plants. Herbs and species however. We did
get distracted by some animal wearing a plant based costume. It was green with
trees upon its top. It looked like some sort of vegetable or something around
that. I would not know. As our attention was towards this plant based costume,
it was Horizoki who screamed out suddenly and in the short lived silence. “Get
him!" Thus Horizoki, Haziyo and Huzizu brought out clippers and scissors from
nowhere and started chasing the costume down. Me, Harkell and Havlut blinked at
the turn of sudden events that had unfolded before our very eyes. Though it was
short live however when both british wolves brought out their own types of
'weapons' and join in onto the chase. Leaving me alone at the entrance of the


The chase went long and
far. All five wolves and the costume had faded from my visions. It was like
magic however. Though perhaps I already knew where these stupid wolves were,
sometimes I never felt like straining myself to seek them out. That they would
just come forth me. So standing there for long time had sent cramps up upon my
ankles and feet which did forced me to get up onto my four feet and just walked
about instead. Ignoring the pain, I ventured out from the entrance gates. Onto
the road where the first intersection stands upon me. On either side of me
stood buildings of various sizes. Some were tall. Others were small. Though all
of them were taller than me. A simple wolf. As I lived onto the peace and
tranquility that hovered above me, humming softly to myself while I scanned the
area searching for anything interesting for me to seek while awaiting the
arrival for the other wolves. They had stopped and appeared before me. I stared
deadpanned upon them and watched as they walked up towards me.


“DId you get the costume?
Steal some stems and leaves for our potion?" I questioned them. “We were
wondering how we gotten clippers and scissors. Did we steal them from a nearby
store or what?" Questioned Harkell with worryness upon his face. I facepalmed
and exhaled a breath. “You idiots. You had them all in your fur." “How?"
“nevermind that." I shook my head, waving that question away “Did you get some
leaves or stem?" I asked with raised voice, slamming my foot upon the ground to
emphasize my point as no one spoke. Silence came as my answer and I reeled my
head back and blinked at them. Shaking my head for a second time, I raised it
into the blue skied air above me and sighed. Silence came as a short lived
pause before I lowered my head back down again and gaze at the others.
“Nevermind." I turned tail and walked, “That deer will die anyway."


“On the contrary…"
Trailed a voice that made me pause and forced me to turn around. Glancing back
towards the five other wolves, towards the injured deer upon the wagon. As it
stood up from the surface of the wagon, smiling proudly and perhaps amused by our
actions, it turned towards us as I exclaimed at her “You are alright. How?" “I
was never injured." “Of course." I muttered following it as the other wolves
opened their mouths and gasped; shocked by the coming cliche events. “Should
had seen that coming." I muttered also without hesitation as I just hanged my
head and stared at the ground in silence with the deer chuckling in response
and waltz away. “How did you know that the deer was-" “Quiet." I snarled at
Huzizu who stopped immediately. “What I wanted to know was…" “About the stem,
leaves and etc?" Prompted Harkell as I turned towards him, nodding “Well
Horizoki peed on them. So their his."


“And they are so cute!"
Exclaimed such said wolf. I growled and proceed to smack the wolf in the
forehead before turning tail and left. The other wolves turned back towards
Horizoki then ran up to catch me while Horizoki whined behind us, “Help guys! I
am injured!" “Walk cry baby!" Mocked Huzizu with a laugh.