Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Annual Guess


“First of all. Why are we
here?" Horizoki questioned me while I answered him, “Just surveillance for the
VPD Horizoki." “Could they do that on their own?" “Think they are busy
however." “With what?" We ended the conversation there as I held my tongue,
unsure whether or not to tell them about their secret invasion plan against
some other kingdom or so I was told. But shaking my head after that short pause
of silence, I turned around towards Horizoki and growled at him “However, we
need eyes on our target. Yang and Ling did say that they are here." “You mean
multiple targets, Hunter." Huzizu interrupted with eyes rolling in his head. I
turned towards him with narrowed eyes; remaining silent too as I gradually nodded
“Yeah. That."


At the pause, we hanged
around the alleyway some more. Eyes upon the walking or flying dragons across
our visions as they went about upon their day. Did I ever mention that it was
the afternoon. Food was being heated up adjacent to us. Perhaps from the right
however, I think. I could not tell because of the rotten food that Horizoki and
Hayizo kept on eating behind me. They had found these food in the trash can or
in bags where flies were hovering around them. It had made Harkell and Havlut
gagged however. That being said, my ear flicked to the back hearing such said
two wolves complaining to Horizoki and Haziyo about the food. Thus begun a
short fight between the two which was stopped by Huzizu who growled at the four
of them. On this time, the dragons had taken noticed and shift their heads
facing us. Having been exposed, I had wanted to facepalmed myself. Instead, I
forepaw all four wolves behind me with a snarling growl.


“Why did you four had to
expose us there? We were close into finding out the culprit!" “You idiot!"
Screamed Horizoki while he ran up to my face, met up with my eyes as he
snarled. Mirroring me. “We are not even one step closer into fighting them! We
are just-" “Shut up." I interrupted afterwards, slamming a fist down his
forehead as he grunted. He was sent a few inches away from me. Dust flew in all
directions while the three other wolves gasped in shocked; eyes widened while
they watched Horizoki flew off. For when the dust settled was the only time
that silence fell over us. I stayed silent a bit before splitting my snout and
spoke towards the other three, “Guess this is not working. We should all split
up and do our own thing instead." “Meaning?" Questioned Harkell, turning back
towards me. But I just smiled back at him, a slight nod later before turning
tail and walked off towards the afternoon sun in front of me. The other
remaining wolves left standing ran forth after me, exposing themselves to the
sun and the other dragons as well.


Upon the sunlight, I
exhaled a breath. The other wolves, save for Horizoki, sat surrounding me at
the center of the road. Dragons coming from both north and south directions
were a bit irritated seeing us, some spread their wings and flew off somewhere
while others heed their intended direction. I raised my head towards the three
remaining wolves in front of me. “What is our plan? What can we do to get this
culprit?" Although silence had fell short after, Harkell was the only one who
spoke to me. Something smart. “We should get a pet dog. Have it growl at
culprits and friendly towards dragons. Stats had said that this is most
effective way to sniff them out without having to do the dirty work." “I do
hope that stats are right…" Trailed Havlut, with his ears flatten against his
skull. He whined a bit before glancing my way. But I remained silent and kept
watch at Harkell for a moment, before nodding “Fine. Do we have any money to
purchase one?" No one said anything. I groaned or growled. I could not tell which
however. But regardless, I turned my attention to Harkell again and spoke
answering the following the silence “Guess we got to go out of town then."
“Free?" Havlut questioned with a tilt of his head, “Free puppies or dogs." “But
they would take a while!" Exclaimed Harkell, I just shook my head “We are
broke. How else are we going to purchase one?" “By doing it the old wolf way!"
Said Horizoki as he joined in onto the group. The four of us turned our
attention towards him as he smiled, waving his tail happily as if he had no
problems with the world or something. As he grinned towards the rest of us, we
all looked towards one another and slightly nodded.


Then the next thing that
the wolf knew, he was pounced by the four of us. A large cloud hovered over us
while a bunch of different sounds erupted and filled the skies. Many dragons
glance our way again; most looking a bit uncomfortable while others were still
irritated. Still, many of them flew off and headed in other alterative
directions instead. Having not wanted to deal with our insane methods again. A
few minutes later into the fight and we had Horizoki tied up in a leash. Four
legs held high and tied to that brown rope that Haziyo had from out of nowhere.
A big white sock was stuff inside his snout with his eyes looking a bit wide
and concerned. Ears flatten while the four of us stood around Horizoki and made
a post. A snap came following afterwards and a picture was printed out from a
nearby camera which hits the grounds. Then, Harkell rose to his feet and walked
forth towards the camera. Bending down to grab the photo upon the ground, he
fling it a few times and revealed the picture in the photo. He showed it to us
after. “Nice!" I exclaimed, “Got my good side apparently." Responded Haziyo
with a smile upon his snout, Havlut just nodded his head. Huzizu smiled
silently. Meanwhile, Horizoki growled and grunted. Whined and waggled his way
as he looked pleading towards us. Harkell caved in and exhaled a breath, “So
much for selling this cattle for a buck." He walked over to Horizoki and untied
his legs, gaining him mobility afterwards as Horizoki turned over and stood
right up.


Stretching himself by
bending his back forward, head lowered till it was touching the ground and his
eyes closed. He yawned and returned to his natural position. “Then how else are
we going to get-" “We do not need currency." Started Haziyo as he held his paw,
“We just need to 'borrow' it however." “You are an idiot." Respond Harkell
poking his chest with his paw as Haziyo turned towards him and smiled. The two
wolves kept staring at one another at least for a while. Till Harkell growled
and narrowed his eyes, shaking his head afterwards before stabbing him again
with his paw “If we get caught by the VPD. You are finish." “What you mean by
that?" “He meant, 'killing or murdering' you." “Do not those two meant the same
thing?" We all fell silent. Till I growled and slammed my paw upon the ground,
loud enough for the other wolves to hear me as they turned to face me again,
“Enough! We are wasting time and space. We need to get a pup!" The other wolves
roared in agreement which had me taken back for a while. But shaking my head
again, I take the lead and led them northward towards a nearby pet shop that
was close. Entered in. Chaos happened. We got out with a 'stolen' pup. Easy


“Now then." Responded I
while I face the pup that was held in my arms. “I need you to find this
culprit." I ordered and held up a picture or photo of such said culprit that
was given to us by Yang and Ling. “I bet a million bucks that they had like
millions of copies of that culprit." Commented Horizoki while the other three
looked at him as if he was crazy. The pup sniffed the photo, gaining its scent
after a while. Then hop down to the ground from my paws and shoved his entire
head upon the ground. Sniffing hard, he turned towards me and bump onto my
foot. He started sniffing that as well. I groaned, facepalming myself while
Horizoki laughed a bit before pointing at the pup and spoke, “Ha. There is not
scented smell on that photo; just ourselves." “I figured that." I growled at
Horizoki, angry as he sealed his snout a bit. I shook my head again and exhaled
a breath; glancing back down upon the pup once more. Repeating the cycle
several times before the door behind us opened. Out came a dragon whose scales
were riddle with fur. With his claw against the surface of the door, he growled
at us angrily shouting which caught our attention as we started facing him


“Thieves! You stole a pup
wolf! Unhand the vermin and report yourselves to the police now!"


“Its the cops!" Screamed
Horizoki as he and Haziyo started breaking into a run. Fled down the road and
towards the nearest alley corner that they could find, disappearing shortly
after while the rest of us turned towards such said dragon with irritation. Yet
neither of us said anything more while the dragon kept stare upon us. Then I
picked up the pup and walked towards the dragon; shoved it into his claws and


“Thieves! You stole a pup
wolf!" Unhand the vermin and report yourselves to the police now!"


However, unlike the
comics or stories that I had read in the past. This tactic never worked at all.
Why? Because the dragon was looking so confuse at us that he started blinking
after processing the recent minute that had unfolded upon his own claws. We had
saw him lowering his head upon the pup held in his claws. Then after a pause,
he had tears in his eyes and cried out to us “Sorry store owners! I will return
this to you and report myself." He gave the pup back to us. Closed the door of
the pet shop, locked it and walked northward towards the VPD police station
nearby. I snickered, chuckled a bit at the events unfolding. But Harkell and
Havlut were surprise that their snouts hanged opened a bit. With their
stuttering, Horizoki smiled proudly with tears in his eyes. I turned towards
the remaining of them and spoke, “Well guess we are to keep the pup then."
“What are we going to name it?" Horizoki questioned me, “I do not know. Maybe
we should wait a bit before." A pause later before realization hits, “We are
suppose to find the culprit! What are we doing?" 'Finding the culprit?"
Repeated Horizoki while I growled at him, “That was what I just said seconds


“Quick hold this pup,
Harkell." I demanded shoving the pup towards the wolf who broke from his
stuttering and looked at the stolen pup. “How am I suppose to train the guy?"
He asked back at me, but I said nothing as I ran up the road back towards the
entrance and turned around once more. The other wolves turned towards me with
confusion upon their faces. But were a bit surprise that I had many barrels
adjacent to me that popped out of nowhere as I grinned, “If the pup is useless
in sniffing out culprits. Then this would work!" “Hunter! This is stupid!"
Cried Havlut, “Run!" Screamed Horizoki as the three of them race down the road
following the barrel that was chasing after them. Both the barrel and the
wolves raced till they disappeared from my sights. I watched them run, even
held my paw up towards my forehead a bit to block the sun that was hitting my
eyes with its rays. For a while, peace and silence had prospered. But sometimes
I had wondered for how long. I shook my head, ridding that thought for a while
as I sat adjacently to the barrels beside me.


Dragons that surrounded
me were looking my way. Some looking displeased. Others excited about the
committed actions that I had done to inflict justice towards the culprits and
my own packmates however. Though all of the said dragons had indeed left or departed
from my sights, more and more of them joined in onto the judging. A few of them
could not believe it at all. Regardless, I closed my eyes and exhaled a breath.
Getting up from the cold grounds underneath me, I raced down the road towards
the end where the other wolves were heavily panting. Eyes straining to correct
themselves and dirt scent rubbing my nose. I sneezed to the ground after
witnessing their dirtiness which caught attention towards the other wolves
however. “Should had figured you be here by now." Responded Harkell in between
breaths while I nodded in agreement with him. A smile drifted from my snout as
Harkell and Havlut faced me,speaking “The barrel was a success however, despite
throwing it in our direction." “We caught someone?" I questioned, ears perk up
suddenly in interest and excitement while both wolves nodded their heads and
nudged their noses in the direction of where the barrel was.


To my surprise it was
standing upright. How? I could not tell however. But I walked towards it. Till
I stopped, when I was adjacent to it. As my tail wagged a bit whether or not it
was in happiness or worried, I turned towards the other wolves. Harkell and
Havlut nodded their heads, smiling. Horizoki and Haziyo were laid upon the
ground. Heads upon their paws with ears pulled back. 'They seemed worried about
something' I thought to myself before turning to the barrel again. Rose to my
hind legs, I held the tip of the barrel with my paw. Tilting it forward until
the barrel hit the ground on its side and I peered right in. The barrel was
empty. I blinked a bit before turning back to Harkell and Havlut, both equally
looking a bit confuse while they hesitated walked up towards me and peered into
the opening of the barrel as well. “Well." Commented Havlut with a frown, “I
never suspected the barrel to be empty." “Though there be someone chasing it by
now." Responded Harkell, shifting his eyes towards Havlut who raised his
shoulders frowning.


Such said two fell to
silent again as I exhaled a breath and closed my eyes. Reopening them again, I
spoke with a breath “Fine. Let just use our last tactic for today." “And then
we can get ice scream?" Questioned Horizoki with his ears perked up, head held
high as he looked towards us, specifically me, with his tail wagging. I glanced
at Horizoki then towards Havlut and Harkell with concern looks. But either of
them said nothing back as they held their gazes to me then to Horizoki before
laughing after a short pause of silence. With a shake of their heads, they
walked the distance to Horizoki and held their heads towards his back and head
whispering something to him that made his eyes sparkle. For by the time he race
back to Haziyo, I walked up towards the pair of wolves. They gaze at me in
silence, but chuckled before nodding their heads. Reaffirming their interest in
such a cold treat while I groaned, reminding them how broke we are. “We can
just steal. We are wolves after all." “Wild wolves." I stressed at Harkell and
Havlut, “Nah. More like domestic wolves now after you held yourself accountable
for that one incident that forced us into an 'alliance' with the reptiles."
“That was only one time!" I demanded, stabbing a paw at his chest to which he
laughed at me and shake his head, turned tail and walked off with Harkell
following behind him. They all left me alone; but I joined them a few seconds


Later, it was already
evening. The sun sinks from the skies into the horizon afterwards. Whereas the
sun's rays shrink upon the incoming darkness that comes; houses, buildings and
anything else had their lights on suddenly. The streets were gradually decreasing
in population; dragons retired to their 'caves' where their love ones were
waiting for them. And us running out of time once again. We were stationed upon
one particular building, Horizoki and Havlut held the length of the hose with
Haziyo stationed behind them, holding onto the wheel where the water would flow
from. Meanwhile, me and Harkell held the tip of the hose. Hoisting it high,
pointing straight towards the road. Drippings of water had came from the
opening; pooling upon our hind legs while Harkell frowned at me whispering “I
do not think this plan would work, Hunter. This seems like a desperate attempt
to get someone." “It is the only option we got left." I muttered in response to
him, then faced him for a short moment “Besides, we needed to reach a five page
criteria otherwise, the author is going to have our hides for rugs." “Is that
even a thing? Can an author- ""Just shut up alright?" I frowned at
him with a narrowed eyes as he did sealed his snout afterwards and in response
no doubt.


Few dragons take notice
of us. Even a hatchling was pointing at us while shouting at its mother whom
takes no notice at us; knowing the antics that we had committed about upon the
realm of the reptilian. With the sun continuing sinking and the lights suddenly
grew darker, I yelled upon the silence that loomed over us “Now!" Then at a
sequence of events; Haziyo turned the wheel fast, we heard water rushing
through the hose which Horizoki and Havlut held tightly with their paws. Both
equally looking worried as their eyes faced at our backsides. The waters rushed
to the other end, spread outward towards the roads before us and painted it wet
if that was even a color however. However the hose itself was straining to be
free from our grips; though the waters were fired at a steady blast. “We need
more water!" I screamed, “More water!" Shouted Haziyo as he continued turning
the wheel. More water flew from the hose, sprayed outward at a hard blast. The
hose strained even harder that Harkell lose his grip with it. For he rolled
upon the ground as the hose rose in altitude and brought me along with it.
Horizoki and Havlut both looking terrified, concerned and interested in what I
was doing.


The hose's surface grew
wetter by the minute till my paws was soaked by it however. I groaned, tightly
gripping against the hose as it continues moving high and low like a horse
driving its owner from its back. It was a wild ride however. Perhaps one that I
would have never forget in my time here living in the reptilian realm. “Turn it
off!" I screamed, remembering that I was still held high, “What?" Questioned
Haziyo with his eyes met towards the hose and me, I repeated the statement
again at a louder voice which was heard by my packmates, even Haziyo who turned
the wheel in the opposite direction. The water stopped flowing and with it, the
hose stopped being violent. Dropped to the ground where a huge puddle soften my
fall. Moising my back as I faced the skies, groaning yet I felt my heart
beating in my chest loudly. As Horizoki, Harkell and Havlut ran up towards me
screaming at me whether or not was I alright; I held my paw up into the air and
gave them a thumbs up.


“Just let me rest here
alright?" I say while the others laughed. On that note, the evenings had gone
and midnight had arrived. The moon held high above us and the stars twinkled
while I got up from the puddle underneath me. Silence and peace had overcame as
the ringing echoed upon our ears. I exhaled a breath and said nothing while I
was nudged by Horizoki and Harkell, pleased with their efforts into making my
life a living hell. But at the same time, worth it in the end regardless. As
the safety of my well being was rest assured, I perked my ears and shifted my
attention towards the right in the direction of where that sound was coming
from. There, I spotted a VPD officer whom I had recognized as Chief Yang. I was
a bit surprise that she came out to see us; let alone the business effort left
upon her desk. As I held my head and ears pulled back, she and I stayed silent.
Yet it was only her that expressed differently than me. For she stretched her
claw out towards me, petting my forehead as I closed my eyes and felt it. She
was like this for a little while before she retracted it and kneeled down in
front of me.


“Long day?" “Rough." I
commented, rolling my eyes as I exercised an exhaled sigh. Chief Yang laughed a
bit and shook her head, but calmed afterwards as she questioned me “DId you
catch the culprit?" “We tried. Many attempted times. All produced no results."
“Other than the insanity that we driven to the dragons themselves." “Laughed
Horizoki joining in the conversation while Havlut, Harkell, Haziyo and Huzizu
raced to join us too, laughing along the way. Yang laughed too before shaking
her head, “Great. It was what we had needed after what happened to the police
station a short while ago." “You mean…" I trailed looking at her with a
surprise as she frowned and nodded in the following silence. Yet she got up
onto her feet, her expression changed suddenly which had indeed startled us.
For as she walked bypassing us, she spoke towards me with a wink “And by the
way, thanks for the puppy."