Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Wherbe Rs


“We get to ride the
jeep!” Exclaimed Horizoki while the rest of us stared at the vehicle in
question. We all had mixed feelings about this, everyone except Horizoki of
course. The type of wolf who never cared about the events happening straight at
him for he takes care of it through his own actions anyway. As I remained
silent but shook my head silently, I watched the others climbed aboard upon the
jeep. Huzizu up front, Horizoki behind him with Haziyo adjacent to him.Harkell
and Havlut in the back of the jeep; neither of them wanted to be adjacent to
the wolves after the incident before this story however. Something that will
not be explain. Regardless, I climbed in last and into the driver seat. I
settled my feet upon the gasp and breaks underneath the steering wheel while I
looked over to Huzizu who nodded his head slightly towards me. I never gave a
response to him and instead pulled out of the parking lot and started our


Did I ever mention that
we were not in the parking lot? But instead in a dirt road, several feet away
from our targeted destination? No? Well we are actually. Our job was to rescue
the R7 from their imprisonment which is inside the building of course. How they
got capture is beyond me; but somehow. Deep within me, I feel that the VPD are
responsible for this. My head shook from all the thoughts and questions that
were inside as I returned my attention towards the reality of things. Yes, that
is right. Us driving along the dirt road heeding straight into the building in
front of us of all places. We may feel badass while others outside of this
story might think we are terrorists. And honestly we are not. But this is the
best plan we have so far. “And the only plan.” Pipped Horizoki with his paw
raised high as if he was asking a question or something. A followed up smack
across his face, stopped his procedure while I pressed hard upon the gas


Driving fast down the
road; in the direction of where the building was in front of us. Coming closer
into our eyesight as I narrowed my own eyes and pulled back my own ears. We
crashed through the doors; with shards of door pieces scattered in the air as
we drove inside. Immediately, I steer the wheel around one hundred and eight
degrees before pulling out from the spot in front of the broken front door.
Thus from there, we had decided to crash into the other doors in hopes of
finding our guys. The first hallway that we were in was a narrowed path; but
wide enough for our jeep to fit in however. The hallway was also riddled with
green and blue doors all around. They were numbered ninety six for some strange
reason. “Is there a meaning behind the number?” I pondered while Huzizu started
playing music on the radio as we crashed into some more doors.


Eventually we reached the
end of the halls and still no sign of them. In despair, we have decided to pool
out from the jeep and allowed Horizoki and Haziyo to run through the halls
again. Entering into one of the doors and do something. I do not know what
however and they did say “Wait a moment.” I frowned, gazing to Huzizu who
shrugged silently back at me. For with a sigh, I shook my head and said nothing
else while motioning my paw towards the remaining members of my pack who took
noticed and nodded before peeling themselves away from me. They ran on the
other hallway and disappeared afterwards seconds later which left me alone to
myself as I sigh again. But felt something vibrating hard underneath my feet. I
snapped my head back towards the main hallway in front of me and stared down
onto it. There, I spotted two large feet crashing through the doors and an
immediate roar that erupted out of nowhere. I flinched upon the roar; but none
the less was shocked and confused by what I am seeing so far.


A giant Horizoki and
Haziyo was in front of me. Crushing anything that stands in their way; even
those poor building walls too. The results were destructive as nothing stands
and the red alarms started howling through the halls; urging drastic measure
upon their paws. Knowing this was the time to leave it to their paws, I ran
through the hallway that the other wolves have ran through and picked out the
hallway that was not occupied by the other wolves. An alterative hallway that
was centered upon the main halls I was in. Running straight into the horizon
where a silver bar descends. I never knew where or when but I decided to try
this one out anyway. With the chaos surrounding me and ensuring craziness
erupting from the surface of the boring old afternoon, I ran down the alterative
halls. Down towards the silver bars and descended the stairs where I reached
the next floor and the next hallway indeed. Here, I had noticed that the doors
were now replaced by more silver bars that were thinner than the bars I saw
back at the stairs.


‘I guess I am at the
right spot.’ I concluded in thought with a smile widen across my face. My ears
flickered as I slowed down my run, ascending through the halls and glancing
towards the silver thin bars on either side of me. Towards the cells that were
beyond those bars. For so far, I had saw nothing but the emptiness of the
rooms. It was like someone had knew we would be coming after them. Worryness
started creeping up upon me as I cross the halls towards the end where I
planted my feet upon the grounds; frowning with my ears hanging back. I turned
around and wanted to retrace myself towards the stairs on the other side of the
halls. But I hear something faint behind me. As I continued pondering, I turned
my head over my shoulder and looked. My eyes went wide with surprise; seeing
that Horizoki and Haziyo were driving in front of me. At high speeds straight
through the halls. Unsurprisingly, they never knew how to drive. So I see them
gripping the steering wheel tightly while driving it left and right in hopes of
not crashing into the walls or the silver bar cells adjacent to them and
accidentally releasing inmates that were charged with crime.


But as they were driving
close to me. I made a last second decision and jumped out of the way. Hitting
myself against the wall where I started seeing stars suddenly. The whole world
was spinning in front of me and I had wanted to hurl somehow. The wolves, on
the other paw, quickly noticed me jumping and drove in the opposite direction.
Thereby crashing into the last cell bar adjacent to me. The engine from the
jeep stopped suddenly and black smoke started rising from the engine itself.
The car was broken but not beyond repair however. Horizoki and Haziyo jumped
out from the jeep, already looking alright. They came running towards me
whereas I was upon the flooring still dizzy and the room becoming spinning
however. I felt paws underneath me; rubbing across my back as the other wolf
climbed onto my waist and started gripping my face with its paws. Messaging my
cheeks, I started making weird faces at him. But their fun ended there when
their ears perk up upon Havlut and Harkell, both of which were running down the
stairs and towards us. Screaming with their mouths opened as panicked was upon
their eyes.


Suddenly, I felt someone
grabbed onto my arm. Pulled me up towards my feet and forced me to run. Just as
Havlut and Harkell bypassed us, Horizoki and Haziyo ran alongside of me. We
rounded the corner and heeded ourselves down the next hallway in front of us
where no other doors were around about however. The hallway in question was
also short too because there were two more paths ahead. Immediately, Havlut and
Harkell started running the left path; already disappearing through the pitch
darkness inside which left me Horizoki and Haziyo the right path. The path that
was well lit but quiet; despite the red alarm wailing in the background. On
this time, I had already regained my conscious and threw my paw upon the chest
of Horizoki. Attempting already to push him away while muttering about
something, such said wolf nodded and dropped me immediately. Forcing me already
upon the ground. I groaned in response but picked myself up anyway while I
glared at the wolf. “What happened?” I questioned, “Why are we running when we
should be taking our time and find them?” “Wolves!” I suddenly heard someone
screaming behind me.


I turned around and
looked; equally surprise when I started seeing someone in front of us. A fox
who looked frustrated and pissed; for his head was full of heatness and red.
Ears straighten up as his eyes stared daggers upon both me and Horizoki. I
gulped nervously feeling the vibration down into my throat while meeting the
fox’s eyes. “You never told me that a fox was a guard here.” I questioned again
to Horizoki who shrugged, raising his paws into the air as he responded “I
never knew.” “You two are idiots.” Haziyo commented at us, rolling his eyes as
all three of us stared down onto the fox again. “Are you the principal of this
here jail?” “No, just a guard.” The fox responded immediately, “But you three
are going to the cell.” “Then who is the principal then?” I asked while
Horizoki and Haziyo started sprinting away from them. Disappearing upon the
corner leaving me along with the principal.


“Why should I tell you?”
“Cause, we are related.” “In ancestors, yes.” “Not just that, dogs too you
know. We are all canines in-” “You know what. I am taking you to jail already;
you said enough. You and your pack are an idiot and now I am going to send a
robot bear down your way.” “A ‘robot bear’ ?” I blinked at him for several
seconds as the said fox smirked smugly at me before stabbing his thumb down the
hallways that was behind me. I heard rough rumbling and an indefinite roar that
filled the silent halls and rifle my ears up however. As I stared at the
horizon with eyes widened and ears flatten against my skull, I turned heel and
ran. Rounding the corner again before retracing my steps down the line, towards
the stairs that closed in onto me. “You are not going anyway!” Ordered the fox,
“You cannot make me!” I demanded while running up the steps, turning rightward
and running down the halls again.


We ran the long halls.
There was nothing but white walls surrounding us. A few plant trees here and
there, but that was all that I could see however. As I snapped my attention
ahead to the horizon before me, I had noticed that very quickly; another set of
alterative paths was coming up. Closer than I had expected however and I had
thought I was free. Boy did I think wrong however. Just as I closed in onto the
alterative paths that branched out from the road  that I was running across on, a sudden robot
bear came out of nowhere and attempted to knock me off my route. But I
anticipated him and jumped over when he started tackling, continuing to run a
few inches more. A jeep ran by with Huzizu driving it and Haziyo rearming
himself with more pies that perhaps he had found in the kitchen somewhere. “Get
in!” Huzizu chimed almost a growl as I stopped immediately and turned to him.
Smiled and did as told. Onto the shotgun I entered upon as Huzizu continued
driving away setting distance away from-


“Hey guys, do you hear
something?” Haziyo questioned despite Huzizu shaking his head, I turned around
in my seat and looked behind me. Pointing out towards the coming distance
straight towards us. “Bear!” “Where?” Haziyo responded then looked at me before
turning around and looked back, “Oh.” He said initially before starting to
throw pies at him. “Bear!” He screamed, “Step on it!” I shouted at Haziyo who
nodded and really stepped on the gas. The jeep drove fast and was speedily
through the halls; setting distance between us and the bear behind us until to
the point that we never saw him anymore. As Huzizu breaks into a grin, Haziyo
high five me as we silently drove the rest of the way towards the end. But just
as we reached the end and attempted to turn the corner again, the bear jumped
us. He came out of nowhere and crashed onto the carseat where me and Haziyo
started screaming. Huzizu, taking notice, drove faster than the jeep intended.
Bypassing all the blue doors that hazily became a blur. We drove very quickly
down the line, towards the wall in front of us as everyone; including the bear
started screaming.


“Quick jump out!” I
started with a panic high pitch voice. Every wolf and bear jumped from the
vehicle as it crashed into the wall. But it never stopped there however for the
wall broke into millions of pieces now and such said jeep disappeared from our
sights. “Everyone alright?” I heard Haziyo chimed in, Huzizu me and the bear
grunted in agreement before we turned towards the bear. With a short silence
fallen between ourselves and the bear, it suddenly click into my mind what we
were suppose to do. For when it did, I snapped my finger and turned towards my
packmates. “We are three to one; odds are in our favor. We can take hi-” I
started with confidence but he started bringing out a bazooka for some strange
reason. My eyes widened in surprise by such weapon that I started calling
‘foul’. At this a whistle blew and the door behind the bear opened. Submerging
out came a referee dressing himself in purple and black stripes with a white
cap upon his head, he snatched the bazooka out from his furry paws and gave him
a yellow card.


Meanwhile, the bear
himself started grunting and roaring at the referee. Complaining about
something. We, wolves, started back and forth at each of them, slowly realizing
that the bear was distracted and we decided to move on running away from them.
Through the halls again towards the left path upon the end of the halls. Where
we crashed into the other wolves; everyone jumped to their feet after falling
to the grounds. Haziyo and Horizoki started hugging one another. Huzizu, Havlut
and Harkell turned towards me as I started pondering. We were already halfway
through the story and still no sign of our prisoners and the building was
really big however. Knowing all this, I exhaled a breath and now shook my head
before responding towards the other wolves who now turned to me in expectation.
“We are running out of time. We need to find them before the author runs out of
space. The only thing we can do to speedily up our process is to split up.” “In
pairs from now on.” Huzizu chimed, I glared at him but said nothing
responsively towards him. But nodded afterwards in agreeance adding in onto
what Huzizu had said, “In pairs. Everyone must know where to go?” A round of
nods and I nodded back towards each of them. Before we started splitting up
upon the three different paths that crossed each other.


Me and Huzizu took the
right path; Haziyo and Horizoki takes the path opposite from us. Harkell and
Havlut takes the third only path. But suddenly retreated to the crossroads
again and went down the right path again. For they already caught up to us.
With the four wolves running down the halls, I pondered if odds were in our
favor again. But decided to growl against it knowing that anything can happen
in this story at once. Thus ignoring my thoughts for a moment there, I peer
upon the horizon and glanced towards the white walls that were on either side
of me. I stared to the blue and green doors; looking upon the smallest of
windows to peer inside of the room with hope of finding them. But we reached
halfway through the halls; finding nothing but emptiness or other species that
were kept inside. “At this rate we would not find them.” Commented Havlut,
growling a bit while Harkell and Huzizu agreed with him. I shook my head, “Do
not worry we will-” But we started hearing shouting behind us.


“They are already done!”
I exclaimed, turning around. Spotting the bear and the fox growling with
narrowed eyes pointing daggers at us. “Drat. Quick get away!” I screamed, but
Huzizu’s face brightened up as if he had an idea. He broke formation and
started darting towards them. I screamed after him but Havlut held me back. As
he came charging down the halls directly towards the fox and the bear, I barely
could not watch. “Stop with the stupid puns Hunter.” Havlut explained, “Sorry.”
I frowned with red blushes emerging upon my cheeks as I chuckled faintly. But
back onto the action. Then in a merical, Huzizu sharply turned and entered
through the doors. The fox and the bear chased after him, disappearing
somewhere which left the silence to us however. As the silence takes hold, I
only smiled faintly but turned my attention towards Havlut and Harkell as they
turned to me with sad looks upon their faces. Yet I shook my head and motioned
them as we turned the corner and was presented with more doors upon the


“Let used this time to
get whom we needed.” I chimed, “Lets hope they are upon this hallway.”
Responded Harkell as his ears pulled back again, whimpering as he remembered
the ‘sacrifice’ that Huzizu committed. Seeing him in that state, I only
chuckled and shook my head responding to his worry tone “Do not worry. I am
sure that he is alright.” “Really?” “Yes. Now come!” I exclaimed and Harkell
and Havlut followed me down the halls. We returned our sights towards the blue
and green doors again; once again looking through the smallest of windows
attached to the doors to peer inside and see if we can find them however. After
looking through countless of green and blue doors and Havlut looking a bit
frustrated at the matter, we eventually found them. “Guys over here!” Chimed
Harkell as me and Havlut turned our attention towards him. He motioned to us
excitedly as his tail started wagging again. We ran towards him, already seeing
that he had his four paws upon the door and turned his attention towards us
however. As we caught up, he released his paws from the door and allowed either
me or Havlut to take a look inside.


Havlut insisted, I nodded
with respond lick at his snout as I climbed the door and peered inside. My eyes
widened in surprise and a wide excited grin submerged upon my face. Without
knowing that my tail had also started wagging confirming Harkell’s suspicions,
I climbed down the door and turned my attention towards such said wolf. “Great.
We found them. Now did anyone find a key yet?” “There is no such need for a key
however, Hunter!” Prided Harkell as he held his head high and smiled directly
at me. “For the wolves had something better than such a human key! Such
nonsense!” “When did he started speaking in his own native tongue?” Commented
Havlut looking to me as I shrugged silently at him. We take a step back and
allowed Harkell do his thing. Opening the lock of the door. For when we heard
the click from the doorknob, the door suddenly opened and the foxes started
pouring out from it. The leader of the group; a pink fox with a sadistically
laugh attached to her throat, started hugging us suddenly before pulling away
and fleeing from the sight.


They disappeared before
saying any sort of thanks as the red alarms started wailing again and the
entire building was on lockdown. “Oh crap.” Muttered Harkell as his eyes
scanned the surroundings; realizing that the entire hallways was shrouded in
darkness preventing any of us wolves from making a step further. “This will be
a good time for that jeep however.” I muttered to myself while the other wolves
turned to me with surprise written upon his face, “That jeep that we crash into
the wall, now falling into the skies?” “That jeep. I do not believed we can
find anymore, can we?” I questionly added turned my attention towards Huzizu
who hardened his face and frowned, “Er. Have we tried the hanger of the
building?” “The legit hanger? Or…” Commented Haziyo turning to Huzizu replying
“Er, The hanger of the building. Not the actual hanger.” A collective ‘Ohs’
loomed over us in response as a sharp silence sealed our mouths in turn, I
groaned before saying something to Huziuz, “Where is the nearest hanger? You
have looked into the maps right?” “There is indeed, right in front of us just
as we had entered in.” Huzizu responded with a tilt of his head, “Good, lead us


So Huzizu led us around
the building. Ending up upon a cafeteria first where Haziyo and Horizoki
attempted to break away from us and dive themselves upon the piles of foods
that were in store upon the refrigerators. However, me and Harkell managed to
stopped them before such a crisis comes and we ‘forcefully’ pull them away as
Huzizu leads us into another destination. The gym; where the huge stadium was
empty and no one was about. There were stands on either side of the stadium. At
the center was a logo; two red circles surrounded it and a blue line runs
across that logo touching the ends of the two circles. But before I could
describe more about it, Harkell shoved me along as Huzizu leads us towards
another destination ahead. The third destination was the kitchen, adjacent to
another cell room. The fourth was a torture room, not much to say about this
one however. The last room we ended up was the hanger. Instead of airplanes and
such however, we found wheelchairs scattered throughout the hanger. Oh and also
clothes as well for some strange reason too.


“Here we are!” Chimed,
Huzizu with a proud smile upon his face as his head turned towards the rest of
us as I nodded responsively towards him, “Alright. Everyone climbed onto a
wheelchair, we are busting out of this joint!” “Thank goodness…” Muttered
Harkell with a groan, “I cannot take more of this.” “More of what?” Horizoki
questioned him, making Harkell groaned again. We climbed aboard upon one of the
closest wheelchairs we can find and with me controlling it once again. We
pulled out from the parking spot and wheelie ourselves down the short steel
path and out into the air. “Wait. how are we in the air already?” Chimed
Horizoki immediately as he looked back behind himself. “Guys.” “What?” “Look.”
And we all looked behind ourselves. A mixture of responsive feelings was upon
us as we watched a paper airplane that we were stuck in zipped by and
disappeared; leaving us in the air.


“Wait how are we in the
air?” Chimed Horizoki and that was when the laws of gravity started working. We
all plummet. Screams filled our ears as Harkell and Havlut started gripping
tightly against Horizoki, attempting to strangle him for saying such things. As
we descended into the air, a pair of white small bars emerged upon the corner
of the screen and paused the video.


“And that concludes
today’s story. Anyone got any questions?”