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3 years ago
Awakening on the wrong side of the bed
Celebration, Altair, Iris, Daria, Rubicant, Derlenian, Julyna, Telepathic fight, Mental Aspects, Tarina, Mortora, Sylurian, Ryconian, Torid, Phalynian, Ohm, Danora, Telepathic wave, Tarusk, Ba'naria, Cartina, Irena, Graphra, Tygorina
6 years ago
Shadows of the Past
Human, Death, Medical Procedures, Battle, Ships, Samantha, Iris, telepathic, enemy, Saul, Rubicant, Derlenian, Julyna, Tygera, Zalina, Adreena, Raybia, Tygorian, Bulorian, E'Lum, Energy Weapons, Boarded, Warning Shots, Kinetic weapons