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I figured I've been here long enough I need to change this front page.

Hello everybody from the beautiful city Corpus Christi, Texas. As if this state couldn't be more religious, we actually have a city named Body of Christ. X3

I am Simplified, though I wasn't always so simple. I started on FurAffinity in 2009 as Batboy8189, that was the first official time I used the name. I was Batboy!

I am Bat, because I love bats, Boy should be an obvious one, and 8189 is August 1st 1989, my birthday. I am a Leonine Earth Snake which according to what I've read is the best possible combination you could get.

I also have Asperger's, though before that I had been misdiagnosed with ADHD. I had to take Adderall all through elementary school and into my first year of middle school before a new doctor finally set the record straight and my mom took me off that bastardly blue pill. But, the mental scars are still there, years of fighting my mom over taking medicine I always hated and which it turned out I never even needed in the first place, now I can't even taste or smell Coca-Cola, because apparently it tastes and smells just like Adderall to me! I could not make this stuff up if I tried. I physically gag just from smelling the stuff.

I'm half-Mexican, my favorite color is green and if you ever start a conversation about movies with me, I swear you will die... because I will bore you to death! XD

I am also really short not like a dwarf, I'm between Tom Cruise and Kevin Hart. Thus why... I tend to put a lot of tall, lanky characters in my stories. I guess I kind of have a thing for tall thin people, because I'm short and chubby. XP

My favorite movie is The Secret of NIMH, seconded by The Exorcist, thirded by Alien. I guess I really love stories with strong female leads.

I also identify as asexual, however, this is chiefly because I've never had any personal experience. If I am honest with myself I would say I definitely have more effeminate qualities than one would expect from your "typical Texan"; for instance, I've had a woman from England once ask me about my position on gun control. I told her, I don't like guns and she says "But you're a Texan." A Texan who writes furry fiction, who watches My Little Pony and will happily sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun any time of day, even in public! XD

Final and foremost, I've decided it would be best that I set some guidelines about things I do, don't, or won't write about it. I write specifically about normal individuals in not so normal situations, just people who could be anybody, everyday people like you or me. I prefer slice of life stories, rife with humor, drama and naughty sex scenes, (I sometimes feel being asexual actually helps me in my writing, I'm not as affected by sexual stimuli as some other people so I can keep a straight head most of the time.)

In my don'ts or won'ts, I would say fanfiction is one thing. I tried it once and it got old quick for me. I don't like a lot of nasty gross stuff, gore I'll do, and I'll definitely reference certain natural body functions in my stories because hey, that's a part of life, but it's another thing entirely to make a whole fetish out of... that type of thing.

My biggest thing which I am still on the fence for is anything dealing with underaged characters. I will admit wholeheartedly I absolutely hated the idea of cub art, from when I first got into this fandom and I first heard about cub art... that was in 2001... nowadays, I still find it very weird but, eh... if it's only art and the person making it isn't actually advocating the act themselves, I don't know. This stuff is still very iffy to me, but I've lessened my stance a bit. I have teenaged characters in some of my writing and... that's that... I will not write any character younger than 14.

That was a long front page, I don't know how some of this will be received, but I took the risk and I'll just let the dice roll how they will.

I am Simplified, I also have an account on Inkbunny, though I haven't updated it in two years, not since I became glued to this place. . I don't use my FurAffinity account anymore. (You can find me on the chat) Youtube and I have gmail if anyone would like to message me there, csbatboy1.

And with that, this is Simplified, Batboy8189 and sometimes Freakeasy, signing off from the Coastal Bend, home of Whataburger, Selena and best birdwatching city in the country! :D