Current Track: Blabb

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Hi everyone. It's been quite a time since I updated this profile. To sum it all up, I'm back and will try to be more active since I've found again that spark I lost some time ago. To all that don't know me, I'm just a simple drake from Italy which is trying to see the furry fandom as something more than just a cove to let up some "steam". I will try this next few months to create some stories while also revising the one i've already created (even though they'll be probably scrapped). I like brain storming for stories and original character creation, so if you want some buddy to help out with throwing some ideas around I'm more than happy to help. While trying to write the stories, I'm also trying to create a project about creating common creative story lores that can be taken by other authors to have an already stable background for their works, as well as trying to find some tools to better write stories and such. I'll explain myself by posting journals which will clarify what I mean and trying to use the feedback as to how to accomplish this project. feel free to contact me if you are interested.