Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Awareoff


We all gathered around
upon the entrance of the forest; Our eyes up front into the horizon before us
as we watched the plains and among other stuff there is, flew by us with the
winds carrying them beyond. I shook my head; frowning while my eyes were closed
as I turned over to Harkell and Havlut. Both of which exchanged looks towards
me; but had concern onto their faces like 'Where is he coming here?' I could
only shrugged however.


It was a typical morning
however and perhaps one of the most boring mornings yet we had encountered. I
frowned, wondering with doubtful thoughts of 'why had I agreed to this'. But my
head shook to rid of that thought instead while I and Harkell and Havlut laid
down instead, paws up front below our chins with our tails wagging behind us.
Things were a bit quiet here in Virkoal Forest. But I guess you knew that
already since we were looking quite bored at all. You see, we are waiting for
someone. Someone familiar with that you audience might know beforehand. Or, if
you are new to the story and series, you might want to start from the
beginning. As an exhale of an sigh came from my snout; I rolled my head from
side to side in ponderance of when he would be coming. Yet I never had to wait
long when someone pointed out that he was already closing in onto us; coming
from the horizon beyond.


For onto that moment, we
rose to our feet and glance forth to the horizon before us. There, I had
noticed that lizard already running forth towards us. He had seem calmer than
before as his muscles and own body was relaxed. HIs eyes were focused upon me as
I had mirrored his gaze suddenly. Although I did tilted my head to one side; I
did hear Harkell and Havlut groaned muttering something underneath their
breaths as the remaining wolves rushes out towards the lizard. 'Escorting' him
straight to our pack. When he had arrived or at least was closer to us; the
remaining wolves spread themselves out and left the lizard for myself. I rose
to my feet. Walking calmly forth to the lizard with my head held high; eyes
staring forth to the eyes of the lizards as he just stared at me in confusement
and wonder. But the silence was held between us before I break it.


“So you are the one we
have to escort?" I questioned him, a nod responded from his head. His lips
sealed as if he does not want to give any more secrets therein. Another exhale
came from my snout before I just find myself nodding to him. Thus popped the next
question, “Where are you heading to? Where had the vixen requested you to meet
her upon?" “The beach." Responded the Lizard which caused some shocks from the
rest of the pack. I, on the other paw, narrowed my eyes at him and frowned. My
face hardened and darkened before answering him, “There is no beach around
here. The last is just by following the river through the plains and reaching
the dock afterwards." “Not there." The lizard said then turned immediately to
his side; raising a claw and pointed. “There." I turned to where he was looking
at. But find myself tilting my head to one side and frowned. Yet shaking my
head to rid of the doubtful claims and thoughts that popped onto my head. I
just exhaled and nodded, “Fine. Hunters. Onto me then." I barked to which the
wolves formed up to me. The lizard was taken back; I could see his flinching.
But he kept silent while his eyes were drawn to me then onto my pack
afterwards. For within the next few silence, the lizard turned himself around
and fled into the intended direction.


“I hate this job."
Remarked Havlut with a frown lingering onto his snout with Harkell nodding to
agreement with Havlut. Huzizu, Haziyo and Horizoki were drifting out from our
pack. Glancing around and darting their eyes suddenly; wondering what kinds of enemies
that we were facing. So you know, our mission had started which is something
that I never liked however. But kept silent about it in fear of offending the
lizard whom had given his service towards us. As I find myself turned towards
him in silence; I just shook my head and continued walking. Ignoring the sounds
that the three idiots wolves were making and creating as they dashes from one
part of the fields towards the next.


Onto this silence, Havlut
did take the time to walk up towards him that I find myself slowing down and
darting towards his way as he muttered something. Perhaps something that he had
realized at once, “I guess since we are taking him into the beach that we
cannot escape into Vaster this time." “There are other jokes and gags that we
can do besides hiding in fear in the reptilians however." I commented and he
stared at me before giving off a nod. Takes two steps to the side and joins up
with the others after realizing that the conversation was over already.
Following it, I just turned my attention up front into the horizon and kept
silent as the starting chaos was already rising up. The lizard seemed a
preoccupied with himself.


Anyway; the plains was
just as normal as before however. For nothing insanity from our cause and
natural had happened to do. It had continued sporting that greenish yellow
colors that spread across the plains. Stretched forth into the horizons
surrounding us where it had disappeared or at least faded from our own views.
The plains also had roads that stretched into the horizon too. Additionally,
there were brown wooden signs that pointed the way. Although we were not sure
where these signs lead in destination however as we were quite fearful that we
might be led astray into an foreign lands such as upper north beyond the
abandoned moon kingdom. But I guess you knew that already.


We continued walking
through the roads; all underneath one march forth. For by now; the three wolves
that I had mentioned earlier had lost all of their kinetic energy and were
relaxing adjacently to Havlut and Harkell, both of which seems uncomfortable for
them being by their side. Their muscles were tensed; they did held their
breaths suddenly and their eyes were darting elsewhere. For sometimes, I did
met their eyes. But I just gaze away instead. While we had continued walking, I
did noticed that our surroundings had became a bit darker. Yet when I rose my
head into the blue skies above, I did noticed that it was still afternoon
already. For the sun was already held up into the air above us; sending its
deadly rays into the grounds. Heating it up so suddenly. Despite some wolves
ignoring the heat underneath their paws; Horizoki and Haziyo were the first to
noticed about the heat. They pranced and panicked about; running at high speeds
around our surroundings that it seems that they were high on sugar or something.


But I just shook my head
ignoring them; moreover to the other wolves who just glance towards me with
concern onto their snouts. As the lizard ignored what was happening beside
himself and continued walking, he had already enlarged the gap between us. But
I guess that never mattered for the other wolves in my pack however. As such
said wolves mentioned earlier ran towards a nearby shade, the remaining of us
just walked along the hot roads. Feeling the warmth underneath us while I did
find myself panting because of the heat. I turned to the other wolves still
walking; they too panted for some reason. But neither of them complained
anything about it however as we just all continued walking.


Onto sometime within the
afternoon; we all found ourselves upon a nearby shade. The lizard had already
disappeared from our gazes and visions, walked ahead at some point beyond and
disappeared into the horizon. In the meanwhile, I laid underneath a shade and
adjacent to a tree nearby. Harkell and Havlut were still having their tear;
drinking and sipping like their normality too. Haziyo, Horizoki and Huzizu were
out into the warmth roads; playing with themselves. As their cheerful and giggles
filled the silence of the skies, my ear flickered and I suddenly turned my
attention to the right upon some sort of hiding footsteps approaching us.
Harkell and Havlut noticed too for they turned to the direction of where I was
staring at however.


At the horizon, we had
noticed a wolf running towards us. He was familiar however as if we were
friendly with him once. But for the life of me, I could not remember
considering that I had met thousands of wolves throughout the forest and canine
realm. But shaking my head, I returned myself into the reality again just as
the wolf had arrived upon our resting spot. For he kept his eyes onto the pair
of british wolves behind me then towards the three other wolves at the road
before returning his attention back towards me. A nod was his response as he
muttered something underneath his breath then spoke, “Everyone else had noticed
that you are escaped with the lizard. They are coming!" “Let me guess…" I
rolled my eyes exhaling a breath before answering his quietness as he just
stared at me with those widen eyes of his. “The Liverpaws and Canines?" The
wolf shook his head which I tilted my head to one side at him questionly. For
normality it, it was always those two whom were against us for anything that we
had committed or are doing right now. The rest of the factions in the realms
are just minor; a distraction. Well except for Vaster Police however.


I shook my head and
responded to him, repeating what I had just said earlier. He just nodded to me
again and spoke, repeating what he had just said recently. I find myself
frowning at him. Yet an exhale of a breath was what answered him instead. Onto
this exhale; Harkell and havlut fixed their attention towards me. Then towards
the wolf in front of us again before responding back; “Well I guess we can
always do what we always do then, huh?" “Something tells me this will not go
well." I commented, giving a side glance to the two british wolves. They said
nothing in return. With the short silence, I howled briefly which forced the
three wolves whom were somehow hiding themselves into the corn fields, I do not
know how they gotten that or found themselves into one, to halted their
advances and come submerging out from the fields. For back upon the plains was
when they had regrouped with me as now all eyes were upon me and I spoke,
nudging my head forward all the while.


“We will commit to the
defensive procedures that we had practice upon before our time of writing this
had started." “And when was that?" Questioned Haizyo despite my glare upon him.
“Today." “Which is?" “Today." I demanded a bit loud as he kept silence briefly,
staring at me with widened eyes with another exhale of a breath coming from my
own snout. I suddenly turned for the wolf behind me, just about to ask or
request him of something. Before I could, he already faded from our eyes. For
upon another groan vibrated from my own throat and I shook my head following it
before turning back to the pack. “Lets go. We have some serious competition
behind our tails." “You mean 'enemies'." Corrected  Havlut, he flinched when I glared at him. For
thus, we had ran forward. Sprinting through the dusty roads and kicking up a
storm as we desperately tried to reach the lizard whom had already gone ahead
of us by now before anyone else could at the moment's time.


As far as we had knew, we
just kept on running. Our environment had changed for the better however as I
had noticed the fields of corn and plains interchanged from one to another
before completely casting that to the side, giving way towards another forest.
We were upon the pitch darkness with woods surrounding us at every corner. I
had wondered if we had accidentally circled around and ended up upon Virkoal
Forest, our own home. It did not seem like it however when I glanced over to
the entrance of the forest, the one that we had recently passed and gave like
five steps before being hit by the familiar smell of the forest. Noticing a
brown sign written in pure red; some words that we had missed however with
Harkell scratching his head in silence.


“Should we turn back to
the entrance and find a different route instead?" Questioned Harkell as his
attention was drawn towards me. I met his eyes and nodded my head; although the
smell of the forest was keeping my legs from ever moving at all. I felt a nudge
behind me though; turning my head around, noted Haizyo already driving his head
down my tail. I growled at him, he flinched but continued otherwise. Never took
us long before we had arrived upon the entrance however. Onto the outside where
the clouds had covered up the sun, Harkell and me shift our attention to the
left; gazing down onto a new road that somehow we had missed however. Upon me
face palming and groaning following after; Haizyo, Huzizu and Horizoki rushes
by me and Harkell. Running through the new roads that was ahead of us despite
Harkell shouting out to them. His voice never carried as Havlut stepped to my
side and briefly smiled for a moment before chasing them down. Harkell followed
Havlut as I followed my pack.


So that was how things
had went however. A chase down or sometimes canines like to shorten it to just
a 'chase'. I am certain that dog friends and owners would relate to what I am
talking about here. While we were chasing the three wolves ahead of us, I stretched
my ears outwards and even turned my head to the side. Gazing down onto the
fields of corn, still even wondering how this got here however, when I heard
something in the distance. It had sounded like a howl or something. Loud and
clear; 'something of a warning?' I pondered, but shook my head to rid of my
thoughts. With that thought still lingering, yet packed into a folder inside my
own wolf brain, I continued chasing down the other wolves just as we had
reached the other end of the road where another brown sign appeared in front of
us. It had red writings and an arrow pointing downward. Yet it seem to be
forward pointing at the horizon beyond us. As we formed up and me gradually to
a stop; the other wolves glanced towards me. I just nudged them mentally
forward; encouraging them to do whatever was there. For onto this, one by one,
everyone jumped forward. Disappearing seconds afterwards as they fell through
the floor beneath me while I stepped forward to the edge.


I realized now that it
was a cliff of some sort. That below us was a pack full of sands which soften
the wolves' fall however. I gaze down into the sands beneath me, eyes staring
upon and gradually rising towards the horizon in front of me where I had noticed
it was just more sands beyond. No water or shores or beach was upon as I made a
face; growling for the other wolves to come up before darting my attention back
towards the sandy grounds. For some strange reason, I felt some strange urged.
A feeling moresay about the dangers of this sand however. The wolves had indeed
caught up towards me; forming up suddenly as their mouths were sealed shut.
Kept staring up front into the horizon before Harkel land Havlut shift their
attentions towards me, questioning. “What was wrong?" “Something about the
sands rub me the wrong way however. We should return to the forest grounds
instead." “Back towards there?" Horizoki questioned, nudging his head backwards
which I nodded at him. He frowned, but complyed. In fact, everyone else did


For once again, I take
the lead. We walked the length of the road. Back to the entrance of the forest
in front of us. We were all silent. No body talking at the moment with all eyes
staring to the forest and me giving off another exhale of a sign as I had
pondered about the lizard that we were suppose to protect and escort. For in
wonderance of where he had gone himself into, we entered into the forest
grounds immediately. Cutting off light; sending in the pure darkness that had
awaits us in the end as I find a road that would lead us out. We followed it
down; eyes up front. Yet distracted because of the trees, woods and other
things that were found in the forest grounds. Yet to my surprise, everyone were


We continued walking as
one operative group. We all held our silence. Yet there was something that was
bother me however. Giving me a short pause of a headache, I frowned which
caused me to become a bit slower than the other wolves. They had noticed this
however and Harkell and havlut stepped forth towards my side. They questioned
me again which I had ignored. Keeping up front into the horizon with the held
silence lingering. Yet somehow I felt my muscles were fainting somehow. I fell;
not too long ago however. Flopped upon the grounds as the packmates were
startled by such an occasion. I never knew what happened during my 'sleep'. But
by the time I had woken up however, I find myself upon a silvery cart. Riding
it downhill through the forest, down towards the opening onto the otherside. I
yawned, raised myself onto my feet. But the grounds underneath were not solid.
To my surprise, I fell right onto into the cracks of this silvery
transportation device and I yelped. Panic soon settled into my mind while I struggled
to remove my paw from the holes beneath me.


When I did however, it
was aching in pain. But there was another thing I had to worry about however.
For a few distance up ahead; I did noticed a brown ramp in front of me. It
curved upward; pointing towards the skies above. I drew closer to it despite me
wanting to drive the silvery transportation around to avoid hitting such ramps
however. But I had no choice in the latter and up into the air I go; I did find
myself gasping for breath upon the risen elevation in the atmosphere above me
however. For I turned around and glance to the forest roads behind me; spotting
immediately my packmates. All rushing behind me; a mixture of fear and
excitement was rushing through each of them and perhaps I do not need to
explain whom was whom however. But that thought had ended and my gaze was
suddenly shift towards up front just as the wheels beneath this transportation
had hit solid grounds underneath me.


The vibrations was
unbearable. I find myself shaking because of it. Throwing my paws towards the
sides of the cart, I did had wanted to stop this madness before it 'really got
off the rails' and I do not mean that figuratively however! I let off a yell; screaming
as it filled the air surrounding me. Someone commented behind me; a smack came
following afterwards. I had presumed those actions were performed by Huzizu and
Havlut. But I never had the chance to look over my shoulder since the ride was
just about done. In front of me stood another cliff; an opening through the
forest woods that was brightened by some sort of white light in front of me.
Growing brighter as I closed in onto it. For onto the next moment in time, I
did find myself up into the air.


Then dropped down
suddenly as if gravity was suddenly kicking in and working against me. Pushing
down onto me and the silvery transportation at an increasingly terror rate. I
even dared myself to look down, realizing that it was just water below us. But it
was more than a riverbed or a lake that we had back home. It was an entire


“I am coming!" “You
idiotic wolf!" Screamed someone as my eyes suddenly opened and blinked,
realizing that the thrill of the ride was already over. A breath escaped from
my lips as my eyes were closed, opening again before raising my head up into
the blue skies above me and responded, waving up towards the pack whom were
struggling to even dive forward. All of them except for Horizoki whom was
already into the ocean waters. Glowing a brightest of white and… well became
himself anyway. “Since when did he learned transform?" “Wow. An creature from a
video game we are not suppose to copyright!" Huzizu commented which Havlut
turned to him suddenly with concern over his face, “You mean the monster or the
actual name?" “The actual name." Huzizu commented to Havlut. A pause of silence
came between the two before Havlut responded to Huzizu again, “Wait what do you
mean by that-“ “Swim towards shore!" Huzizu interrupted.


“Where the heck is the
shore anyway?" Called back Horizoki as he grabbed onto the red handle at the
back of the silvery transportation however. Suddenly turned this entire transportation
around and 'swam' back to the cliffs behind us. Things had gotten silent
following that intensive conversation between Horizoki and Havlut. But somehow,
I did find that relaxing however. 'And for good reason too.' I thought to
myself with a small smile upon my face. Something that was caught by Horizoki
as he found himself gazing towards me. But deciding now to strike a conversation
to passed the time, we fled for the cliffs. Reaching the shores afterwards as I
climbed out from the transportation and flopped upon solid grounds beneath me.
I never wanted to explain where we are however; for I am too tired to even
continue adventuring or even protecting that lizard at all.


'Speak of which…' I
thought to myself with my eyes opening up again. 'Whatever happened to the
lizard. We already missed him since our argument and had departed away towards
somewhere else, I did believe.' An exhale breath escaped from my mouth while I
returned my entire body back upon the grounds again, staring up to the ceiling
above us as Horizoki stepped forth towards me. Sitting adjacently as he stared
me down. I just met his eyes and smiled; we howled until the rest of the pack
had arrived. For by now, perhaps it was already evening by the time we had
arrived back upon the top of the cliffs again and returned to the forest