Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Your canilovrance


The sun rises passed the
horizon, sending death rays upon the grounds as well as warming it up
apparently. With the canines all scattered about, trying to find some sort of
shades around themselves. We, on the other paw, lived to enjoy the warmth and
the sun from the blue skies above us. Onto the morning sun, we had also noticed
how there was no other clouds in the skies. Perhaps because they had fled when
it was our turn to start a story? Who knows!


Anyway, onto more
important things, we were loitering around. Standing by the streets staring out
onto the building that was in front of us. Canines were walking here and there
across the sidewalks, minding their own business of course. Save for some who
had decided to look our way for nervousness and worriedness were upon their
snouts. Despite Horizoki smirking or looking smugly at them. I exhaled a breath
and shook my head. Eyes closed to avoid feeling a bit dizzy. For by the time I
had stopped was when I had opened my eyes.


Thus onto that moment, we
heard a delivery truck come roaring by. Except it was not a regular delivery
truck, rather it was just some canine on a bike. A coyote actually much to our
surprise as we kept stare upon such said coyote who was hurrying his way up the
hillside. Trying to get somewhere apparently. While we watched the coyote
struggling, we had indeed noticed that several of the packages that was sitting
behind him fell and rolled off the hillside towards level grounds below. I
exhaled a breath shaking my head, nudging my head forth towards Haizyo and
Huzizu. Both of which nodded their heads and rose themselves from the shady
grounds below them. Ran forth towards the delivery Coyote and grabbed onto his
sides. They struggled to push him upward and onto that moment came laughter
from Horizoki who also rose from the ground sprinting straight towards the
other two wolves. He shook his head at the two and muttered something was
bending forward to attached something onto his wheels.


Then at a click of a
button, mainly his paw, the rockets onto the wheels lit themselves up and
forwarded the delivery coyote forward and up the hillside very quickly. However
due to his miscalculations, he missed how high the coyote was suppose to be when
reaching the apex and so rocketed upward into the blue skies, disappearing
afterwards. Everyone but Horizoki looked on with disbelief. Yet we all shift
our attention back to Horizoki who somehow looked pleased with himself. As a
smile appeared upon his lips; Huzizu and Haizyo tackled him onto the grounds. A
bunch of snarls and other wolf noises had came as I exhaled a breath and rose
to my feet. Same with Harkell, Havlut, Haioh and Hazzor. All five of us walks
forth towards the trio. Hazzor, Harkell and Havlut grabbed onto Haizyo,
Horizoki and Huzizu respectfully as the trio continued bickering with one
another. But that all faded away when they noticed me coming into view.


“Well guys what now
then?" I questioned the trio wolves with a tilt of my head to the side gazing
at each of them in turn. Neither of them said anything else than a hanged head,
ears flattened upon their skulls and pure blissed silence. Hazzor exhaled a breath
and closed his eyes as he had suggested to everyone including me, “We could
take over the spot of delivery canine and aid the realm into delivering the
remaining goods to the other canines." Harkell and Havlut nodded to Hazzor,
agreeing that it was a good plan. Yet all seven wolves shift their attention
towards me. I glanced at each of them in turn. Silence filling my ears, before
shortly after I just nodded my head. “Fine." I concluded despite the groans
from Horizoki, Haizyo and Huzizu. “This is on you three." Muttered Hazzor,
hearing their groans as the three wolves released the three. All six have
scattered around the hillside, gathering the remaining packages letters and
other stuff that were upon the road. All the while, the other canines were glancing
at us and at the show that we had put on beforehand. Yet none of them spoke and
just continued on, fully knowing that this was the wolf pack they would have to
avoid from now on.


But knowing my pack; none
of the canines would be able to ignore them any longer. Thanks to the fear
gripping antics that we set up for them. These antics had resulted in them
either screaming, fleeing or both.  'And
all in record time.' I thought to myself as the last of the goods were gathered
already and the wolves arched their backs forward, breaking a few bones here
and there while their eyes were towards me. I gave a responsive nod to them as
they stepped forth closer to me afterwards. Upon that came silence following
after. Yet that was stopped when I spoke. “Alright, first thing we have to do
is delivery then towards their respective homes. We can do that right? Just to
help out with our realm?" “I just hope that these three can cope up with it." Responded
Havlut while Horizoki growled at him, “Of course I can! Watch!" Then in an
instant, he shove everything he had in his paw into his mouth. With saliva
dripping from his inflated mouth, Haizyo and Havlut looked onto him with worry.
“He should get that checked out." Commented Hazzor despite no one following up
onto him.


For silence was Hazzor's
answer as such said wolf rushed forth towards the nearest home closest to
himself and knocked rapidly upon the surface of the door. Then the door opened
afterwards and popped out came a Dhole who looked onto the wolf with eyes popping
out of her eyes. However, before she could even say a single thing. Horizoki
stick his paw inside of his mouth and pulled out a letter. Then gave it to her
before departing. Such said Dhole looked at the letter with disgust and closed
the door again. Some wolves laughed at the response, Hazzor shivered suddenly
perhaps disturbed by the events that had happened. I only just stared at
Horizoki for a moment before growling. For I stormed in front of him. Suddenly
shoved my paw inside of his mouth and pulled out the bunched of letters and
packages that was inside of his mouth. All compacted together to form a large
gumball or something. I stared at the large gumball in disbelief as shocked
surprise and something else were written onto my face.


Horizoki, on the other
paw, grinned like a kid in a candy store. Impressed with his own skill of
compacting everything single handlely that I just mentally facepalmed myself
and groaned physically saying nothing more than to wanting to shove this entire
gumball of letters and packets back into his mouth. Yet I showed restrained and
just sat it against the grounds between me and Horizoki while the latter just
stared at the gumball between us before looking up towards me. I just glared at
him before pulling away, motioning forth towards the other wolves who nodded.
Splitting or peeling apart from us as they ran in random directions which had
left both me and Horizoki alone to ourselves. I turned towards Horizoki and
raised an eye bridge momentarily then questioned him. “Why do you think it is a
good idea to suddenly compact your side of the pile into a single gumball?"
“Thought it was a good idea." “A good idea?" I questioned him. Horizoki just
shrugged and shook his head, unable to come up with anything else like an
excuse or something like that.


Finding myself just
facepalming physically now, I exhaled a breath and turned my attention
Southward. Finding out that a cannon was being used by Haizyo and Havlut. The
such two wolves climbed onto the top of the cannon as it fired package and
letter straight onto the doors of the houses and buildings surrounding
themselves. The one operating the cannon, of course, was Huzizu with a mad
psychotic grin upon his face. At the mention, Huzizu looked up towards Haizyo
and Havlut who singled him. He nodded and grabbed onto the dial at the side of
the cannon. Decreasing the delay as the cannon now shot per second now.
However, thanks to that delay, the cannon was now out of control. Firing left
and right and not aiming straight into the doors. The damage was there,
presented to us and exposing ourselves as the culprit of such destructions
however. With Horizoki grinned and clapping his paws suddenly, I exhaled a
breath and walked up towards the three wolves in question. Howling overtop of
their cannon's fire, all three turned their attention towards me while I
questioned them. “We should not even use any cannons at all! The CPD Might find


“Too late!" Screamed
Haioh as he ran towards us then bypassed us into the pair of houses between. As
all four of us glanced to Haioh with a mixture of surprise and concern over our
faces, our ears caught onto something heard behind us. I and Horizoki turned
our attention over our shoulders, spotting the CPD officers. “Oh you got to be
kidding me." “Oi! The feds are here, run for it!" Exclaimed Havlut as he jumped
from the surface of the cannon, sprinting across the grounds. I grabbed
Horizoki and tailed Havlut as Huzizu and Haizyo sprinted after Havlut. We ran
following where Haioh had went towards and disappeared straight into the
darkness of alleyways. Perhaps deeper therein where we had lost the police then
afterwards. Although we were breathing nice and hard; Havlut frowned and turned
towards Haioh questioning him, “Since when did the canines got a CPD?" “Since
the VPD gave donations to them after that stunt they pulled last week." Haioh
answered and a couple of nods and agreements came afterwards.


When we had believed that
everything was peaceful and tranquility, we exposed ourselves back into the
sunlight again. Once again, we found ourselves at the cul de sac apparently
where the buildings around the single island were a different size and shape
than the normality of buildings farther North and East from where we are. I
exhaled a sigh and closed my eyes, a bunch of serious thoughts popped onto my
head in ponderance of what we should be doing now since we had lost a bunch of
packages and letters to the CPD however. But upon another exhale of a sigh and
turning my attention towards the remaining members of the pack that I was with;
I had noticed how quickly they were able to set up a christmas party event.
With Haizyo at the big red sled; Haioh, Havlut, Horizoki and Huzizu were tied
in front of the sled with brown ropes onto their backs that formed the
connection. Christmas bells rang on either side of the sled, including upon
Haizyo's big paw however. I looked onto the four of them with disbelief, unable
to comprehend of what was happening in front of me. But a shake of my head and
a laugh later allowed me to waltz forth towards them as I climbed onto the big
sled and sat down adjacent to Haizyo who gave me an elf outfit.


“Quick. Wear this."
Muttered Haizyo with a wink to me. I rolled my eyes and said nothing, complying
with the offer. For in the end, I had looked ridiculous. Although a deadpanned
of death was looking quite nice with the elf outfit however. Haizyo smiled,
giving me a thumbs up to me. But I just ignored him and watched as the other
canines came forth, gathered around us with cheerful smiles upon their faces
and among other things too. Playing the part, Haizyo rose to his two feet and
spread his arms out in front of himself. A wide grin plastered upon his face as
he exclaimed to everyone, “Merry christmas everyone. Here is your 'present'."
There were chatters of cheers; some excitement and others look of skeptical
perhaps because one look towards me tells them that it was all 'fake'. Upon the
realization, I just exhale a breath and shook my head. Turning my frown into a
smile as I try to look the part and started digging into the big black
magically bag behind us. Grabbing packets and letters that would be handed
straight and directly into the waiting canines.


This ploy of Haizyo,
however, was working somehow. I never knew why or explain at all. For somehow
it felt natural for me. Even I could not explain it at all too. But upon
another exhale, I just continued what I was suppose to be doing without even
being asked at all. For silence was kept upon my lips as my ears flicked upon
listening to annoying Haizyo adjacent to me repeating the words over again.
Sooner than we had realized that our bag was already depleted of its goods.
Everyone else had gotten what they had wanted, whether or was a packet or
letter. But when I looked onward towards the sea of crowd, I had noticed
disappointment in their faces somehow as if the joy or excitement was drained
from themselves. For they all looked at their presents with a white pale upon
their faces. Mouth nonmoving from a straight face. Eyes already deadpanned upon
the presents at their paws. An awkward silence had befallen upon the crowd as I
grabbed onto Haizyo's arm and yanked him down. He yelped surprise and a loud thud
came following while I whispered into his ear. “We need to leave. Like right
now." “Right. Right." Responded him as he glanced around the level grounds
surrounding him, “Where we go?" “Split up?" A nod.


Then popped he from the
grounds therein while me, Huzizu, Horiozki, Havlut and Haiyo all split apart.
We all joined into the ground. 'Swimming' our way towards the edge while there
was yips, grips and yelps surrounding us. Yet neither of us never cared anyway.
But things had gotten worst when we heard Haizyo continued speaking. But his
voice was not confident. All eyes were towards him; eyes narrowed gradually for
some strange reason and before we knew it, or rather he knew it, the crowd
swarmed the big sled. It was the most craziest thing we had ever saw. Even more
crazy than those old creepy stories that I had read when I was a young pup. But
neverminding that now. “Should we go and save him?" I heard Havlut questioned
me, taking a stab towards Haizyo who was using a pole stick to stabbed onto the
ongoing canines approaching him. I just shook my head, “Leave him be. He will
come around." I answered and Havlut nodded his head before the Four of us
departed from the culdesac.


Up towards the hillside.
Straight towards the apex where we had stopped suddenly to catch our breaths.
Thus something whizzed overhead and Havlut was the first to notice it and he
exclaimed to the rest of us. We all turned towards Havlut before lifting our
eyes to the blue skies. Spotting another christmas tree flying by. I blinked at
least for a moment, before breaking into a smile then a laugh as all remaining
heads turned towards me. “I know who that is." “Was that not my idea in the
first place?" Protested Huzizu with a frown and Horizoki nudged his fellow
packmate, “No." Despite the sudden protest from Huzizu we turned our attention
Northward. For from there, at a distance far from where we are, we spotted
Hazzor and Harkell grabbing trees, pulling onto the christmas tree slingshot
that they have creatively and homemade before firing it straight into the air.
At an arc. We ran to catch up towards them.


“Finally!" Hazzor
exclaimed as he waved towards us approaching their position. “I was wondering
how long it will take you guys to noticed." “Not that long however." Responded
Havlut with Harkell grinning respectfully, nodding in acknowledgment for him. As
the two british wolves reconciled, the remaining all gathered around Hazzor as
Huzizu and Horizoki tackled Hazzor to the ground licking onto his face as they
exclaimed, “How did you know that idea? Who told you?" And a bunch of other
stuff. Despite the laughter coming from Hazzor onto the oncoming licks from the
other two wolves, I smiled to them before departing my gaze away and forth
towards the blue skies beyond us. There were some thoughts in my head in wonder
about Haizyo, whom we had left behind to save our a hides from the ongoing
angry crowd that was surrounding us.


I shook my head. Fully
knowing that he was perhaps alive and well. Perhaps already departing from the
sled and the angry crowd heading-


“Here he comes!"
Exclaimed Huzizu which had perked my ears suddenly at the sudden announcement.
All heads were turned forth towards the horizon where we had spotted Haizyo
upon the apex of the hillside. Running. I frowned, but was relieved that he was
alright as the other wolves who were with me felt the same. Only Hazzor and
Harkel were a bit surprise. Yet they shook their heads, laughing or chuckling.
Haizyo had regrouped with us. But he was piled onto by the other wolves who
started a swarm of licking and pawing onto his face in greeting towards his
departure from the cul de sac we all had left behind. I just smiled. But
faintly exhaled a breath before turning my attention towards Hazzor and Harkell
questioning them about their half of the goods.


Onto that mention came a
mixed of happy barks and groans. Despite it; Huzuizu, Haizyo and Horizoki all
smiled and laughed. Havlut chuckled at Harkell's displeasure with Hazzor
talking about it indefinitely. To make it short; both wolves ding dong dashed away
from the buildings leaving an anonymous present for the household presented.
There were a lot of confusions and concerns from these victims according to
Harkell while Hazzor laughed it all and shake his head. “You are a terrible
influence to the pup." Commented Havlut towards the three other wolves whom
shook their heads and denied it all. I chuckled in response for it and shook my
head following Hazzor as he continued his tale. For by the silence of Hazzor
and Harkell having a growling match with Havlut, the sun was already settling
down. The day was already over and night will be coming soon. Onto this moment,
I did look around outside of our pack. Noticing that some of the canines;
mainly Dholes and Jackals were already leaving the streets and back onto their
homes. In the meanwhile; wolves and coyotes were left upon the streets to
continue their walks and among other daily things.


At the exhale of my
breath, I went to calmed myself down as the dying of laughers and protest from
my pack. With all heads shifting towards me, I gave a nod back in response. But
a sudden smirk had came following afterwards as I nudged my head and directed
everyone Northward while everyone else in the pack nodded. We departed from the
hillside, heading North back towards Virkoal Forest for another resting.