Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Having Fun


The sun had decided to
rise from the horizon and peaked through the windows. Sending its rays down
upon Horizoki and Haziyo whom woke up first. Thus as they yawned, they opened
their eyes and blinked for a few moments. Ears flickering before getting up
onto their feet and loudly walking towards the kitchen. It was then early
morning. None of us had decided to sleep anymore as the rest of us were located
upon the kitchen. We sat upon the brown table adjacent to the window to our
right. As some of us yawned and looked tiredly upon me, I sharply turned my
attention towards Huzizu to avoid eye contact and speak to him. “What is the
first thing we should do today?" “Well guard the forest for one thing." Huzizu
responded with a yawn at the end of his sentence, I rolled my eyes after him
and shook my head before responding to him, “Not that. Remember, the forest got
burned down. Then the Police station of Vastertown got burned down." “Where
else are we going to turn to today?" Horizoki interrupted with a frowned,
pouring milk upon his bowl before faceplanting inside of it.


While he snored and dozed
off towards dreamy land, the rest of us shifted our gazes to Huzizu who frowned
back at us then said, “Well we could start doing jobs." “As if guarding the
forest is not enough!" Declared Haziyo who screamed and filled the following
silence with his voice, Harkell and Havlut flatten their ears against their
skulls. Looking to Haziyo tiredly and annoyance as one of the two started
holding some ducktape. Haziyo looked intimate by it and said nothing else as he
quieted down and allowed the atmosphere to quelled. Allowing me to speak later
on, “Well what are the jobs then? We might find something that suits us." “Like
what?" Havlut asked, his head tilt to the side as his and mine met eyes. “Chef.
Celebrity. Officer. National guard." Huzizu trailed even though he was ignored,
he still kept going on. With his voice now filling the empty void left by the
other wolves. I exhaled a breath and shook my head, “Drat. None of those are in
our expertised." “There is one however." Harkell explained, setting his eyes
between me and Havlut as we turned our heads to him.


“Harkell is right
however." Huzizu added, a small smile appeared upon his brightened face. “The
national guard of Order. Where the job is very simple however. We are just told
to guard the entrances of Vastertown." “And how are we going to screw this up…"
Hazyio frowned with his paws upon his face and silence falling afterwards as we
shifted our attention to him. Quietness had fallen afterwards as ringing echoed
our ears. I exhaled a breath again before averting my eyes from the said wolf
and shifted towards Huzizu and Harkell, “Alright. I can see why you guys
decided to chose this for us. But what is the pay anyway?" “Pay?" Responded
Harkell with confusion in his voice, “Yeah." “There is no pay. Or at least to
my knowledge there is not." “So this is an volunteer work then? Boring…" Haziyo
frowned, a bit pouting however as I nodded, agreeing with him. “Hey hey guys!"
Screamed Harkell as his attention was towards us, “This is not about the money
or having profit. Is it not?" “Well the Order's Vaster Police set us upon debt when
we first met again upon their hometown. Furthermore, we are not allowed to
leave. If we do…" I trailed shuttering. I felt my fur stand as I closed my
eyes, hanging my head. The other wolves gazed at me in silence, then towards
one another. THen back towards me again once I opened my eyes again and met
them in gaze.


“I do not get it." “Shut
up, of course you guys do!" I declared growling at Haziyo.


But I guess. For the
meantime, we have ultimately decided on becoming national guards of Order. How
would this turn out, dear readers? Well Chaotic for one thing. I would not
trust Haziyo or Horizoki into becoming professional guards of any other realm
as a matter of fact. Those two have peabrains and would not follow orders like
I wanted them too. It felt like screaming at some stuipid clown or something,
which is annoying for me considering that I am the leader of this group
however. But regardless, we have decided to head out the door once the sun had
risen high enough into the skies for the warmth to follow inward and heat
against the surfaces of roads and sidewalks, burning our feet in the meantime
as we follow the tracks, and the gps of Horizoki's head, straight towards a
nearby building where we could apply.


And let me say this now.
It was impossible to find one however. The buildings were too tall and high for
any of us to see any sort of signs that emerged upon the surfaces of them. It
was like hanging to crane your neck backwards, eventually snapping into two
where candy perhaps would fall out from your broken neck. 'Why are all the
signs hanging upward in the skies? Would it be easier to hang them closer to
the ground?' I thought to myself as we crossed the street, exchanging the
sidewalk for the next sidewalk that is ahead of us. I groaned to myself, yet
Haziyo decided to speak cheerfully towards me. “Come on. It is only a few
blocks ahead!" “You said that a few minutes ago." Screamed Huzizu while Havlut
and Harkell gaze their attention towards the two wolves, adding into the
conversation “We only had been walking for five minutes, Huzizu. Calm yourself
down, old boy." “Shut up both of you." HIssed the wolf, narrowing his eyes at
the other two wolves who kept quiet and shrugged afterwards as we continued
walking the new sidewalk.


“Besides being a national
guard." I questioned, shifting my attention towards Huzizu who gaze at me in
response, “What are the other jobs there that we could do? Hypothetically, if
we could not find this building at all." “Chef. Officer, Celebrity, newscaster.
There are lots of stuff to do here, I think." “I guess being an officer is not
all that bad however." Responded Haziyo as Horizoki nodded his head with a
small smile upon his face, “No." Havlut growled, placing a paw against their
mouths with eyes narrowing upon them, “You two will just screw things up. Its
easier for me and Harkell to become one instead." “have fun and do not screw
up." I responded to them as they split up. Disappearing leftward into the
corner as they left the four of us alone to ourselves. “I will try chef."
“Think you will burn it down like the police building, Huzizu?" I smirked,
teasing him. He blushed embarrassed and gaze away, shaking his head afterwards
as his ears pointing upward and away from one another. I laughed at him,
shaking my head in agreeance before allowing him to go.


Leaving me together with
two wolves, Horizoki and Haziyo, I exhaled a sigh and stopped. Turned my
attention towards them and shook my head, “That leaves the two of you. Which by
in no chance will anyone hired you. Due to our stupidity amongst the group that
is." “Why do you think we are stupid?" Horizoki questioned me but I kept silent
and turned around. Urging them both to come with me, I led them down elsewhere
and away from the police station that was up ahead. I had feared that the
officers there might recognized us and drive us out from the town or the
station. Ignoring that future predictable plot, I had led them down into the
bowling building that was south from where we were. For once we entered in, we
were surprise to see the place empty and abandoned. Not to mention pitch
darkness however with only the neon lights erupting from the darkness, showing
the way down towards the aisle where the pins were. Me and Horizoki sat upon
the cold flooring below while Hazyio was first to bowl. Thus as he tried
bowling with one paw and failing, I turned to Horizoki and discussed something
very important. The burning of the forest from two days ago.


As we continued
discussing and Haizyo failing to even hit a pin, I spotted something in the
corner of my eye and I turned towards it in interest pondering what it was. A
golden trophy stands in my wake and upon in my visions. I tilted my head to the
side before getting up, motioning towards Horizoki who nodded in response. We
walked towards the trophy in kind, gathered around it before he started
extending his paw upon the head of the trophy. He hit something. I guess it was
the eye or forehead of the figure. The building rumbled in response, we blinked
in response and searched the area for anything new. The pins that were off to
the side were falling one by one due to the vibrations below them. Haziyo, on
the other paw, growled at us. But we ignored him anyway and kept our attention.
Then something interesting happened. The walls started parting. The doors fell
onto their backs or fronts, whatever was the gravity pushing upon them. Upon
the walls, lies a black vertex of things which was to our surprise however. As
I called for Haziyo, me and Horizoki stepped forth towards the vertex and stopped.


Why? Well we heard the
door opened suddenly. Our attention was averted from the interesting vertex as
we shifted elsewhere. Towards the other entrance of the bowling building, where
of course, the other three wolves were located. Yet each of them do not have
their own uniformed. I had wondered why curiously. But shaking my head
afterwards, I turned back to the vertex just as Harkell spoke quietly towards
the three of us, “What… what happened here?" “An earthquake happened."
Responded Horizoki despite being pinched by Haziyo who growled at him, I heard
a whisper came from Haziyo too but I chose to ignore it anyway as i spoke to
Harkell and Harvut, “Both of you come here. I do not trust my back with
Horizoki and Haziyo anyway." “We heard that!" Screamed both said wolves,
narrowing their eyes and hardened red faces as they looked agitated and annoyed
by me. But I just smirked at them both before turning back to the vertex again,
“What is this?" “A vertex apparently. We were about to head on in when the vibrations
started underneath us." “Harsh vibrations?" Questioned Harkell, shifting his
eyes to me where I nodded in response.


We fell silent. Yet all
six of us drew forward to the vertex. I felt my heart beating faster and well
into excitement as I closed my eyes and growled softly to myself, “Lets head
in." “Wait! We do not even know where it leads!" “Of course we do, Havlut."
Horizoki smiled in kind as Havlut turned his head to him, “It leads straight to
our home." “How sure are you it-" “Nevermind then!" interrupted Haziyo as he
rushed right in, bypassing us suddenly as the rest of the pack screamed after
him. But he disappeared afterwards and we all gaze at one another following the
sudden silence. Then one by one, we entered in.


My eyes opened up. I blinked
so suddenly while perking my ears and looked around. A huge white wall
surrounded us. A electric fence was built above the wall. We could not even see
what was ahead or even to the horizon. I blinked and tilted my head to one side
before getting up onto my feet, turned my attention towards the important
things. Like the environment contained within the boundary of the white wall
and the fence. As I gazed, I quickly noticed how the place looked familiar to
the one back home. Trees were tall enough to reach above the boundaries. White
or gray huge rocks were off to the sides. A river flows from one end of the
environment towards the other end of the same place. I lowered my eyes upon the
grassy grounds underneath me, they felt soft against my paws. Yet sharp that
they could pierced through them at any given moment or me being completely
careless in where I stepped. A gentle wind blew passed my fur, making me shiver
as I returned my gaze set upon the horizon. Thoughts and questions lingered in
my mind as I continued pondering about the place we, or rather I, was located
in. And thus as I pondered, my ear flickered upon hearing a voice. I shifted my
attention towards the left where the source was upon.


I spotted Horizoki and
Havlut together on one end of the place. By side of the exit silvery gates to
their rights but ahead of me. Horizoki seemed to be having fun as indicated by
his smile. His ears hanging back while his eyes looked directly towards the
other wolf who was busy scowling at him in response. 'There is Horizoki and
Havlut…' I trailed, the voice of my own lingered for a while before fading off
into the silence. I shifted my attention away from the pair, gazing onto the
other side of the place. Where Harkell was holding his paws against the edge of
the fence, barking loudly at something in the distance or nearby. My head was
tilted to the side as I continued staring upon Harkell in silence. I had
wondered what he was doing and why he was contributing to normal dog responses?
Although now knowing where he was and the other pair of wolves, I breathed a
sigh. I cleared my head of all thoughts as I howled quietly to gain their
attention. The other three wolves fixed their eyes towards me and walked.
Closing in from all sides.


Thus stopping afterwards,
I sat down and narrowed my eyes upon them. Growling quietly urging them to
informed me of where we are. It had seemed that Havlut was the first to speak
however, “Seems like we are in some sort of zoo or something." “Zoo? Are we back
in Order or Chaos?" I asked, “Not sure. Both places are not familiar with me
however." “I see. Why are you barking by the way?" “I had noticed Horizoki and
Huzuzi have escaped imprisonment and are running away." “To gain help?" “No,"
Havlut shook his head, raising his paw to sip upon his tea, “To cause a riot.
And it seems they have done a great job at it too." “That kinda explains why
the place seemed abandoned and empty." Commented Horizoki as we both nodded
silently before looking to one another again. “So what is our plan then? I know
we cannot commit the same tactic however…" Havlut questioned me, I nodded my
head agreeing with him. “No we cannot. But we are wolves and we can sneak by
tactfully." “Sure." Havlut nodded, “First, how do we get rid of the golden-"
“Done." Yipped Horizoki as he interrupted him, Havlut looked at him bewuthered
but chuckled afterwards before nodding at him, “Great. First part is done."
“Now lets go!" I declared!


So we ran out the door
right? And upon the dirty roads that settled before us. Well, not really the
dirty roads. It was more like an opened dirty place however. Trash such as
cans, plastic and bags were everywhere. It was disgusting that I felt like
throwing up. But we kept it together while we ran around the place, searching
for the needing items to escaped. And as we did, Horizoki decided to play some
stupid chase clitche music that you can find on youtube. Or any other sites
that produce music however. So with the music filling our heads causing us to
have massive headaches that we had decided to abandoned everything and chased
down Horizoki for putting the ost on repeat for our 'entertainment'. Thus
afterwards, we gathered everything and head straight for the exit gate the
separates us from the outside. However, by the time we crossed the border and
changed our legal names entering into 'familiar' territory. We stopped and
looked a bit surprise however.


The forest grounds looked
exactly like the forest back home. The trees of the forest closer together. The
leaves changing from bloody red, burning orange and golden sun. Of course, not
the video game you idiots. I mean, the leaves that suddenly changed into a
literally sun that is golden or yellow. I could not tell however. Ignoring the
swift confusion that the author had place to make a corny joke however, we
tilted our heads to one side. We frowned and whimpered. Wondering in confusion
as to why we were here. Although no explanation was made, I said nothing but a
breath of sigh. Shaking my head and turning towards the other four wolves
behind me, nodding at them. Silently, they nodded back and we walked the forest
grounds back towards the woods inside. “This is a major change of plans
however, Hunter. Huh." Commented Horizoki as silence was his only given. He
fell silent too while his attention was ahead to the horizon. I stared at the
branches, the tree trunks and the leaves. Oddly feeling at home. But at the
same time, feeling not right there. It was a weird feeling however.


So I shook my head,
ridding myself of any funny business that I had conjured up as I looked weirdly
upon the familiar environment around us, I still frowned. “This is not right."
Commented Harvut frowned, having a turn to speak as his head turned to the
branches. “Should this place have been burned down by our stupidity?" “Shhh…"
Horizoki whispered at him, placing a paw against his snout as he growled
quietly at him. “Do not speak of that ever again." “Why? It was our-" “Shhh…"
“Can you stop-" Shhh…."


The interruption game
kept on going on. Although it was cut short when Havlut gave up in frustration
and tackled Horizoki to the ground. He bit against his feet, growling in rather
annoyance as I heard yipping and whining behind me. I turned towards the two
wolves and exhaled a breath, shaking my head as I retraced my steps towards
them. Breaking it up afterwards. “Guys stop." I declared, firmed and strong.
The two wolves turned their heads to me, paused upon their tracks as if they
were thinking however. Luckily they had stopped before they could escalate the
problem. Thus as they ran ahead of me with silence looming over their
shoulders, I exhaled another breath and closed my eyes. Wagging my tail as I
went to follow them down, my ears fell against my skull and my eyes closed
wanting to sleep already even though it was still the afternoon.


Yet something startled
us. I only flinched however. Blinking in surprise and also hitting against
Havlut's tailhole, I growled before pulling myself out from him and stepped
back. My eyes narrowed while the two wolves turned their heads towards me, ears
already flattened as if they were scared or something. But I pondered what that
sound was. It had sounded like a yip or something. A familiar sound that only
wolves or canines could do however. Thus as I thought about it, the more I
gained a headache. I shook my head and growled, running passed the pair of
wolves with heat covering my entire face and head. Crawling slowly to my neck
as I continued running. The other wolves followed by, curiosity were written
onto their faces as they pondered what had gotten into me lately. We ran across
the woods. Weaving down the trunks and branches of trees that stands in our
wake until we were so deep within the forest. I stopped suddenly and so did the
other wolves too.


As our attention was
towards a new thing upon the grounds. A huge hole with an abyss below us
somehow. We stepped close towards the hole and hanged our heads to meet the
darkness below us. I could not see anything down there however, it was rather
impossible and knowing that, I just frowned in total silent before taking a
step back from the hole. The other two wolves did as well as we found ourselves
just gazing at one another in silent, pondering into our findings of such a
hole upon our own forest. But that thought also led us back towards our first
point however. I growled in annoyance and frowned, scratching the grassy
grounds below me with my claws as my ears became pointed upon the ignored
familiar sounds surrounding us. I even never noticed that Havlut and Horizoki
turned their attention towards the sources of the noises too as I returned my
gaze back towards the hole once again.


For by the time the loud
footsteps had came was the time that it stopped. I blinked curiosity before
shifting my attention over my shoulder and gazing behind me. There I spotted,
the rest of my pack. Already having their gear all settled up as Horizoki and
Havlut started tackling them in turn. “Where were you guys?" I blinked in
surprise, relieved that it was just them and not any other sort of enemy. A
warm smile crept up upon Haziyo and as he spoke, he was interrupted by Huzizu
who said “We just we to get some gear from our cave home nearby. We really had
thought you guys had came to this hole in the middle of Virkoal Forest." “This
is… our home?" I blinked in surprise and Huzizu nodded in response, a wide grin
upon his face “Yeah, surprise that it still exist and not burned down like all
those other times we did?" I laughed, but I never knew if it was in response
for the joke or having to see them again after all these hours. With Hunter's
pack now regrouped, we decided to head down the huge hole and well into the
abyss to see what lies below us.