Current Track: Blabb

Lady Iris

Character description 

By Xan Steel

Now what is a Derlenian you ask, it is a hybrid species that has the traits of a deer and a wolf. Muzzles, Noses, and Eyes are typically in between the two in size. The iris of the eyes is usually on the wolf side. Their ears  are the size of a deers ear, but diamondy shaped, like if you put both wolf ears together at the base of the ears. Their arms and legs follow the deer side, while their legs are digi-grade, with large split hooves for their feet, their hands are a mix of wolf and deer, they kinda look like oversized paws while the tips of the fingers have a hoof like nail. They have long tails like a wolf. Females have four breasts with the upper two breasts being larger, and the bottom two becoming larger during pregnancy for extra milk for the young. Males have four breasts as well, but they don't produce milk for their young instead their more like pecs. Fur colors range from a black and white pepper like mix, golden and brown mix, and in some cases a peach like color mix, with varying shades in between, and on very rare occasions a solid white and a solid black color. There can be outlines between their shades, or a painted look.

Our dear Lady Iris is quite a beautiful Derlenian. She stands at 8.2 feet in height, which is actually considered small for a Derlenian, as the average height is around 10 feet. A comparison between her mates, Julyna stands at 9.10, and Altair stands at 11.2. 

Her fur color is solid white over her entire body, it's thick, soft, and pretty fluffy. Her split hooves (feet) are bronze in color and are well maintained. This is the same for her handpaw tips. Her handpaws measure at a length of 8 inches with her fingers being 4 of those inches. She has three fingers and one opposable thumb, which kinda looks like and oversized paw.

Unlike the typical female Derlenian, her body is slender, and slightly toned, as she isn't much for physical combat, compared to Julyna, or Altair. Her body gestures and how she walks are considered regal, at least to Rubicant, but this is because she was born into high society, one might even say a very wealthy family, in terms of any worlds that used currency.

Now her most striking feature, one that caught Rubicant by surprise, is her eyes. They are a level blue that in the right light would appear to glow. Now mind you the entirety of her eyes are blue, there are no whites, and she doesn't have normal pupils like Julyna, Altair, or Rubicant, instead they have what appear to be tiny galaxies that shimmer. In the light they contract, and in less light they expand. Another unusual trait is the long head hair that goes down to her tailbase (the part where her tail and butt meet). Most Derlenians don't have head hair instead they have what some would call a short mane around their neck and head.

She enjoys wearing long flowing robes and/or gowns as she likes to show off her femininity while adding in an extra gentle sway into her steps. Her personality is gentle, unless you her set her off, at which point you'll wished you hadn't. She will do her best to protect the ones she loves, as evidence to what she did to her ex-mate when he attacked Rubicant in the chapter "Life debt and a End". 

She is learning how to be a doctor, and is currently field studying under Dr. Mortora on the ACF Kestrel, under the command of Julyna. She is also apart of the GrandMaster Initiate program. A program that the GrandMaster themselves created to prepare and train the next potential GrandMaster. 

Her relationship with Rubicant is very strong. While she loves Julyna and Altair deeply, for her they are her Second and Third. That does not mean she loves them any less, it just means there are certain rights they don't have that the First always has over them. This relationship aspect will be explained later on in the series.

This character idea come from the song "Iris (Hold me close)" by U2