Current Track: Blabb

\n Chapter twelve




\n Life is good, Alice and Angela go into town and get checkups and I test Angela for magic. She has little power but her power will grow as she does. At three months she is picking up small plush animals and manipulating them in the air from a distance like across the crib for short periods of time.




\n There is a question in the United Nations about access to me. It seems that the United States has been monopolizing my time and with the exception of world wide items, (Like converting cars and power plants) I have been giving items mostly to the US. (Silencing prisoners, disarming them. And assisting police)




\n So I am asked to travel from country to country and I cast spells in prisons and create devices to assist police. I am praised for my work and in the former Soviet Union, I am asked to expand the prisons for all the prisoners that they catch on the first week. So I make their prisons ten times bigger on the inside and even improve their security so that one man can watch hundreds of people in a holding pen and can stun them individually or in groups if necessary. For this act I am awarded the highest civilian award. This award has never been given to an American before.




\n By the time I get back, Michael is taking his driving test with Alice and Angela in the car seat and he passes. Michael wants a sports car, I get him back to earth and tell him not if he is going to have children. Jasmine tells us that she wants a few children. So Michael picks a van but he modifies the engine to give it more torque and power.




\n Michael comes to me and asks me, “Daddy, I want to work and make money.”




\n I go and think on this, I have become lazy and gained a little weight, Maybe a civilian job will be good for me.




\n So I ask Michael, “What kind of job do you think you want?”




\n “I want to run a magic shop, and sell magic items to the world,”




\n I see that he could make it work.




\n “What about the rest of the family?”




\n “Of course they are allowed to work, if they want to.”




\n “Even Daddy.”




\n “Even you, Daddy.”




\n I call a family meeting and announce Michael's plan. The girls are excited and want to work. So I call Pearl harbor for a flight out and look at empty businesses there. None fit the bill. Until we get to Honolulu. There a place near the airport is a good location. It is not silent but that can be fixed. I make an offer to buy the place. (Cash) A month later, I am handed the keys and tell Michael to go to work.




\n First thing Michael does is cast a permanent dimension door. Which allows distances to be traveled in seconds. One end is in the back of the shop and the other is back home. Then we move our vehicles from the base to behind the store. Michael then applies for a business license and tax identification numbers. Once he is cleared to open, he stocks with jewelry, clothes and handy devices for around the house. Then he casts the protection spells. One to prevent shoplifting, by capturing the subject as he leaves the building and two, protection from attacks. Gunshots are protected by a barrier running to the street, Anyone bringing a weapon into the store will be detained with the exception of police officers. And if they get the idea to run a car into the building. They will find their car stopped by the gunshot barrier. And finally a sign warning customers of our policy on shoplifters and weapons. Shoplifters will be transformed into a small cute animal and turned over to the police.




\n Finally opening day comes, we get a light business, mostly fashion and questions of what we can do. We do get a couple of spells out. One is a jealous girlfriend that thinks her boyfriend is cheating on her, Michael casts the spell and tells her to concentrate on her boyfriend and she will know what he is doing at this time. Also a warning that once you break up the spell will dissolve and the spell will have to cast again for future boyfriends. She buys a necklace at 25 dollars for it and another 15 for the spell. We do about a thousand dollars on the first day and catch two shoplifters, they were transformed into harmless rabbits and turned over to the police. (The spell lasting for an hour)




\n I get a private investigator that comes in and asks for a device to assist him in his investigations. I give him a device to allow him any angle and any position with audio and video that can send to any recording device. (In the native resolution)




\n Business is good, we are averaging a thousand a day in goods in store and another five thousand from Internet business. Especially with the shipping plans. First there is the postal service, then the express shipping service, then there is the super express shipping, where an employee creates a dimension door to your front door, knocks on it and hand delivers it to you, then pops back to the store. (This option is available in the United States only.)




\n After work one night, there is a call come in from the Secretary General of the United Nations. I am asked to protect endangered species of plant and animal life and I am given several locations to look at. First South America, where the cutting down of the Rain forest endangers life, Africa, where animals are hunted to near extinction and India / South East Asia, where hunting and the needs of farmers need to balance out.




\n I am sorry about the farmers that will lose their lively hood in both South America and Asia, but the needs will balance out.. The rain forest is not a viable resource for farming. Michael, Alice, and Jasmine stay at home and work and Jessica decides to come with me. We get on my private plane and head for South America, there I cast a protection spell on the trees. They will not burn or cut. Then we head for Africa to cast spells on the wildlife that is endangered. First a spell to protect them from weapons, then a second to inform the animal of the direction of the shot. Which changes the dynamic.




\n I cast the same spell in India and South East Asia on the tiger population, and its current range.




\n We head home and I show Jessica the local zoo and some of the animals we have saved. When I was on location I gave accurate population information to authorities and the aftermath. In one country, I saw the aftermath of a poacher attack. The hunters were attacked in their jeeps by elephants.




\n I get home and rest. I watch a program of global warming and get a shock. It informs me that the effects of carbon dioxide pollution last for fifty years before dissipating. I think quickly. There are many forms of carbon, from coal to graphite to diamonds to the famous Bucky balls. So I quickly do some research, find a location to sell Diamonds, and head for New York to the diamond manufacturing capital of the world. (Some think it is in Africa but they have to be polished in New York.) I carry a pound of 1 caret polished diamonds in to the main offices of the primary producer of diamonds in the world. I inform the secretary of the head of the organization to get me an appointment and I tell her what I am here for.




\n While I am waiting for the appointment, I get to creating a large diamond, around a hundred carets polished weight.




\n I get into the offices and sell my pitch.




\n “Greeting gentlemen, I have created a method of creating diamonds of any size or color and I need someone to distribute them.”




\n “Can you demonstrate this process?”




\n “I can, hold out your hand and I will create one about five carets.”




\n He holds out his hand and I pull carbon atoms together to create this diamond and place it on his hand. The group takes out a loop and sees the diamond




\n “You will note it is flawless.”




\n I pull out the hundred caret diamond and say, “This one took only an hour to produce. I have the capability to produce a thousand carets a day in any color you choose that comes naturally.”




\n I am given an offer for stones in certain colors and these stones are to be labeled as manufactured stones, which is fine with me. And I am given a check for the whole lot.




\n I head home after hitting the bank and in our off time, the whole family makes diamonds and one of us makes the flight to New York to collect our check. (Jessica is to little to go alone, but she is escorted by one of us.) We are doing our thing for the environment. (First getting rid of the Methane gas then Carbon Dioxide.)




\n I get my one day off from diamond making and magic. (AKA Sunday) So I get on to Maggie, (My super computer that runs the wish website, the family business and acts as a personal computer.)




\n I am greeted by Maggie, which gives me a report of things that are going on with her.




\n “Hello, Maggie.”




\n “Hello, Master.”




\n We have had arguments in the past on the master thing. I can't break her from that habit even when I threaten to wipe her memory.




\n “How are you feeling?”




\n “I am doing fine, I like to be kept busy.”




\n “Anything I should be worried about.”




\n “There have been two dozen hackers trying to access the business website. Access has been denied.”




\n “Oh great, I am going to have to do something. I know, Maggie, randomize information for the next hacker into a file about ten terabytes long and make it look like a normal file. Label it Credit cards and make sure they find it.”




\n “Will do.” She says, “ Done. And the next hacker just broke in and found the file. He is downloading the file as we speak.”




\n “Very good, won't he be surprised when his hard drive fills up with nonsense.”




\n I get into one of the on-line role playing games with Maggie playing the same game beside me.




\n One day I get a call. They want me to participate in war games and give me a scenario. I am allowed to prepare the area I wish to defend in the marine training center. I fly to the training area and set up. I create a castle with a thousand rooms and booby traps and give the enemy commander a quick run through.




\n Every door is booby trapped in different way with the exception of the front door. One door if kicked will take out the kicker by bullet fire, the next by radial stun blast. Some doors are blind with hinges that open backwards to blank walls and hundreds of different traps.




\n I am there for the briefing and I announce I am the target and they are to take me dead or alive from my heavily defended fortress. They will be using live ammunition and I will be using paralysis bolts and I will be alone. Their forces will number a thousand.




\n After the briefing, I teleport to my location and activate my protection spell. I am in the highest tower, AKA the hardest location to secure. I have a spell to follow the leaders of the invasion group as soon as they kick in the front door.




\n I record the antics of the marines for their debriefing. They secure the first few rooms and I use the loudspeaker system to taunt them. I get on one guys nerves that he shoots out the loudspeaker and he is applauded for it. Their numbers go from a thousand to hundreds to dozens to a single squad by the time they get to my base camp. They open the door and toss in a grenade. It explodes and they enter to see me standing outside the blast radius with my hands up. I am handcuffed and taken outside to a waiting vehicle and Command and Control. I am unhandcuffed and cast the counter spell to wake up the dead from the exercise. The exercise is analyzed and given a good review.




\n Next I am asked to make my own exercise for the army. I give them the ultimate scenario.




\n I first enter Fort Knox, Kentucky, break into the vault there, retrieve a single placed item and leave unhurt. Then I place the item on the commanders desk. I am not allowed to take any gold, just the item placed there.




\n I create the item, a red masonry brick that is placed inside the Fort Knox gold vault. Then Fort Knox is placed on alert, the only information is that they are given is that Me and Jasmine are going to break into the vault. Hundreds of military vehicles are roaming the area. I am miles away watching from the air, analyzing movements of the soldiers. We teleport to our staging area and cast invisibility. Then we head for the fence. A standard stone masonry and steel affair, with a few hidden surprises. Motion detectors and seismic sensors and cameras, oh my. We cast a spell that allows us to fly like the famous superhero and we jump the fence and proceed to the building. Jasmine casts detect traps and notices a alarm system on the door that alerts when it is opened. We bypass the alarm systems by magic and open the front door. We enter through the door and wind our way through the passages and vault doors to the location of the brick. When we find the brick, a couple of dozen military personnel come down the passage. I hide the brick, rub up against the wall and when the way is clear, hover above the heads of incoming personnel and head for the exit. As we get outside I see vehicles inside the compound and the front gate is wide open. We fly out the front gate to our waiting vehicle and drive to the command and control where I present the brick.




\n “Congratulations, you are under arrest..” and they start laughing.




\n “You are the first person to actually get away with breaking into Fort Knox and get away with it.”




\n The commanders of the exercise declare it over. Personnel remove themselves from the area and things return to normal.




\n “Did you take any gold?”




\n “No, but I inventoried it,” and I give a number of troy ounces of gold in the vaults and the numbers of bars stored there.




\n I am declared a tough opponent to best




\n I go home and rest, eat and concentrate on my business.




\n About two weeks into later Michael gets an unusual request. A client wants a medical procedure done on himself. First Michael says that he has to get a medical license




\n Michael, Jasmine and I, approach the Hawaiian medical board. After proving our worth, we are allowed to practice medicine using magic to diagnose and treat patients. (It takes two months for that approval, it would have been faster if we had been allowed to demonstrate sooner. Later Alice does the same thing, after the baby is less needy.)




\n We open up a clinic in the back of the shop, offering low cost medical procedures to low income families. Under agreement of the medical board, we are not allowed to prescribe drugs, but we can use magic to do about anything.




\n We do get a normal business from the magic shop, which Jasmine runs with the help of a dozen employees, and Michael cares for the medical shop. I run from place to place where I am needed. Especially when a client doesn't want to work with one of my kids.




\n Word gets around and I am getting clients from around the world. (Flights from the US to Hawaii went from thousands to 200 dollars after I converted planes to magic.) And Michael charges these clients top dollar for the service. Nose jobs, 3 thousand and without the pain, wrinkle removal, 15 hundred and no surgery, All natural breast augmentation, 500 per breast, etc. All done while you wait. Some clients even ask for anonymity, which we give. We ship a package to the client, which contain an amulet which has a disguise spell on it, which they wear to the airport, onto the plane and to the hotel they are staying at. Then they show up at my clinic and get the procedure done and can leave the next day. Mind you, I don't advertise the higher cost procedures and I can't accept insurance.




\n We get our share of single mothers, out of work people, we even had a delivery at the clinic, a pregnant mother comes in complaining of cramps, We cast spells on mom and see that she is about to deliver, we shuttle her to a room and call 911. Michael gets at the foot and instructs the mother to deliver the baby. Ambulances arrive but it is too late, Mom and baby are doing fine. Michael delivers the afterbirth and mom and baby are sent to the hospital for observation