Current Track: Blabb
“Starlight?” Cammy asked as she let go of the hug. “What are you talking about?”

“That human, you know the one we were supposed to run that transformation on. Kind of fucked him up because Stryder sent in the wrong blocks.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked as I turned around to face her. “Blocks? Human?”

“Yeah you wouldn’t know, it’s a thing we’ve been doing in the colony, only colony members are supposed to know. Though I’m still not quite sure how a Purrloin got out here anyway, not to mention why you’re associating with it.” She said.

“Because he’s not a Purrloin he’s a Mew, and he’s actually the leader of the colony.” Cammy said.

“Yeah, I defeated Rice and took over.” I said as I looked her over.

“You did what now?” Starlight asked as she perked up her right ear. “Was it like, within the two minutes it took me to walk out here? Because last time I checked Rice was still our leader. That’s kind of the reason we’re creating artificial Pokémon in the first place.” She said.

“You mean he doesn’t know?” Cammy asked.

“Of course he doesn’t know. Though I have a feeling this one is going to set things straight for us once and for all.”

“Why? What makes you say that?” Cammy asked.

“Because I slipped in a cube that’ll make him as strong as a Machamp in the body of a Pikachu.” She said.

“Hah! So did I!” Stryder laughed as he emerged from the tall grass. “Though I also switched the species from Pikachu… tooooo… Purrrrrr… uh. What?” Stryder asked, trailing off as he stared me up and down. “I know it didn’t take effect already I just got done with him. He’s standing on his paws already and he’s not even panicked or anything! He’s going to kick some ass I can tell.”

“I gave him the cube for Pikachu though, wouldn’t that make him a Pikachu?” She asked.

“Actually.” Someone said as they emerged from the tall grass as well, holding an orange cube in their paws and playing with it nervously as they approached. “I kind of switched the Pikachu one with well… Mew.”

“You what?” Stryder asked as he snatched the cube from his paws, the Pikachu letting out a frightened squeal as the cube was taken away.

“Are you kidding me?” he said as he threw the cube at the Pikachu, who squealed again as it bounced off of his head and dropped to the ground. “Now we wasted a Purrloin and need to find someone else to use this Pikachu one on. Good going.”

“Hey, it’s not like I knew you two would be fucking around with what we already had planned.” Starlight said as she folded her arms.

“I just wanted to make sure this one would be able to defeat Rice!” the Pikachu said as he picked the cube up off of the ground and held it in both paws. “I really don’t like him.”

“No one does. We’ve established this. But Thunder won’t step up to the plate and give Rice a rematch so we’re stuck following his stupid orders.” Stryder said. “You should have told us before you went ahead and changed what we had planned.”

“Like you should be talking! You gave him an extra strength cube and almost an entirely different species because you didn’t talk to ME before you made your own changes!” Starlight said.

“Well who put YOU in charge of this?” Stryder asked as he turned to the side and folded his arms.

“I’m going to have to follow the guy now, make sure he does what he has to do for the colony because I can’t be certain he’s going to find us now.” She said.

“Why would a Pikachu not be able to find the colony on his own?” Cammy asked. “I mean, sure a Purrloin could track down a colony of mice with no problem but like, we don’t even know what Pokémon he’s going to become. For all we know he could be a Wailord since he’s a Mew.”

“Isn’t that guy a Mew too? That’s what you said.” Starlight said as she pointed to me.

“Me?” I asked as I pointed to myself. “Yeah I’m a Mew.”

“Yeah what the fuck is up with THAT?” Stryder asked as he walked over to me, leaning his muzzle in close as he gazed deep into my eyes. I blinked a few times, staring back at him with confusion until he pulled his muzzle back a little and reached up with his right paw, taking the tags on my collar into it and turning them around to examine them.

“Dallas x Electra forever ’57?” he asked as he squinted at the tag, then at me. “You have an owner? Funny though that’s what we’re going to name our guy.”

“Well, yeah, and so does she I guess.” I said as I nodded toward Cammy.

“Uh… Hi. Cammy here.” She said as she gave Stryder an awkward smile.

“Cammy? I know a Cammy. She works for Team Onyx just like we do. She’d scheduled to l-”

“Log Dallas in the PC when he makes his first appearance in the Pokémon Center? Yeah, I know.” She said. “I’m that Cammy.”

“Uuuuhhh nnnno you’re not.” Stryder said as he squinted at her collar, looking her up and down before glancing over at Starlight, who shrugged. “Wait what now that I really look you actually kind of… DO look like her.”

“You actually kind of do.” Starlight laughed.

“Cammy what’s going on?” I asked as I took a step back. “This is all just… so strange.”

“Well I was younger back then obviously, I looked different than I do now Dal-”

“OW!” someone nearby yelled, Cammy’s ears perking straight up as her head turned in the direction of the noise.

“That sounded like. Well, you.” Cammy said as she turned her head toward me. “Come on.”

“Bro.” the Pikachu from earlier said as he stepped back into the tall grass holding the cube. “THAT’S weird.”

“Come on what?” I asked as Cammy took off running in the direction the sound had come from. “Where are we even going?”

“If we’re going to succeed in restoring the future back to its original state we’re going to have to bring back your memory. Future Electra isn’t here to stop me this time.” Cammy said as she sped up a little.

“My memory of what? I haven’t forgotten anything.” I said.

Of this.” Cammy said as she suddenly stopped. “Do me a favor and turn into a Pikachu.”

“Uh… alright.” I said as I closed my eyes, a strong numb tingling sensation running through my body as I quickly transformed myself back into a Pikachu, opening my eyes just in time to see the last of the pink hue around my body fading away into yellow fur.

“Alright good. At least you fit in now.” Cammy said as she suddenly chuckled softly. “Heh… heh heh… that’s what she said.”

“Really?” I said, a grin spreading across my muzzle as I gave her a little nudge.

“I had to, come on.” She said as she poked her head out of the bush. “Look.”


“Look at what?” I asked as I stuck my head out of the bush as well, gazing at what looked like a human curled into a ball. “Why is he all curled up? And why is he screaming like that?”

“That… well, that’s you.” Cammy said softly, shaking her head as she turned it to look at me. “This is how you became a Pokémon.”

“Uh… I was born a Pokémon. As a Pichu, remember?” I said as I looked at her. “And Electra helped me get stronger.”

“Dallas no. You’re a Mew, you weren’t born as a Pichu. This is how it happened.” She said. “The colony attacked you and turned you into a Pokémon.”

“That… that doesn’t make sense. It can’t be.” I said as I stared out at the human, who at this point had become noticeably smaller than he was earlier, yellow fur sprouting out of his body in random places. At this point he was pulling his hair out, or at least that’s what it looked like. He’d taken two big handfuls of it out before just going still as his body continued to shrink.

“That’s you Dallas.” Cammy whispered. “You’re turning into a Pokémon.”

“Cammy no.” I said as I looked at her again. “I was born a Pichu. I… I remember it.”

“Do you remember it? Do you Dallas?” Cammy asked as she looked at me.

I thought hard, a tear welling up in my right eye as I tried to recall the memories of being a Pichu, any memory at all. When I couldn’t find any I simply shook my head no, just as a loud thump sounded out where the human had been moments before, which caused both of us to turn our heads and gaze in that direction.

“Is… Is he dead?” I asked.

“No he just fainted I think. He’s still breathing.” Cammy said as she wiggled her way out of the bush, quickly darting back inside it as the Pikachu suddenly sat upright.

“Dallas come on. I wouldn’t lie to you unless I had to, and right now I don’t have you. You’ve never been a Pichu. This, this Pikachu here, or I guess Mew, is you.” She whispered.

“AHA! I have to get back to my nest!” he shouted.

“Let’s follow him. Or uh, you.” Cammy said as the Pikachu suddenly began walking in a random direction.

“Cammy this is… How? How is this possible?”

“I’ll explain it when I can.” She said as she took my paw, both of us pushing our way through the bush as we followed the Pikachu. “Maybe watching him will bring back more memories.”

“Did I just describe myself as being cuddly?” he said as he suddenly stopped walking. Me and Cammy both looked at each other, then at him, then back at each other, shrugging as he began looking over his paws.

“These are hands, and they’re also feet! Cool! No doubt I’m a Pikachu! This is so cool…ish!”

“Yeah he’s nuts.” I mumbled as I shook my head.

“You have to remember that he was literally just a human. This is all new to him.” She said calmly as she leaned up against me. “I’d think he was nuts if I didn’t know he was just a human a few moments ago.”

“Keep up.” Cammy said as she dropped down onto all fours and took off into a run as the Pikachu also ran off.

“Yeah yeah.” I said as I followed behind her, dropping down onto all fours and keeping a couple feet of distance between us in case she suddenly stopped short for some reason. We darted through the last of the bushes and out into the open, where Cammy suddenly turned and sped up, taking a different path than the Pikachu was taking.

“Oh our old nest, I know this place.” I said as I watched the Pikachu run up the stairs of the back porch. “Where are we going?”

“Electra isn’t going to be there.” Cammy said as she stopped running once we were far enough away. “Can you take us to the Pokémon Center?”

“Yeah which one?” I asked.

“The one with the park.”

“Sure.” I said as I took her paw, pulling her into a loose hug as I teleported us to the Pokepark.

“Alright this way.” She said as she wiggled free of the hug, quickly darting toward the entrance of the Pokémon Center.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

“I don’t remember which center she was at at this time, she could have been at the one with the indoor… no wait.” She said as we came to a stop in front of the Pokémon Center. “She was here I know it.”

“Electra?” I asked. “Why would she be here?”

“Well if Ben never showed up to sign her papers then the Pokémon Center would have no choice but to hold her.” She said as the doors opened and we both walked inside.

“Hey, Audino.” Cammy said as she hopped up onto the counter. “I need you to check something for me.”

“Yes?” Audino asked as she quickly approached the counter from the back. “Oooh, nice collar Cammy! What can I do for you?”

“I need you to check on a Pokémon that was supposed to be picked up earlier.” She said. “There was an adoption. A Pikachu named Electra was supposed to be picked up by someone named Ben.”

“Let me check on that.” She said as she began typing something into the computer.

“Ah, yes Electra! Such a nice little Pikachu. Ben came by for her already.”

“What?” Cammy asked as she hopped over the counter and looked at the computer. “Do you mind if I do a couple things?”

“Oh go ahead Cammy. You know what you’re doing.” She said as she hummed softly, stepping back as Cammy walked over to the front of the keyboard and began typing things into it.

“Oh. Well you had me under the impression he came and took her.” Cammy said as I hopped up onto the counter. “So she’s been moved to the habilitation center?”

“Correct. She’ll be living there for a few days until we can find her another owner. Ben said he’d changed his mind on the adoption at the last second! Electra was so disappointed.”

“Thank you Audino.” Cammy said as she took my paw and pulled me down backwards off of the counter as she hopped down.

“You’re welcome!” she said as Cammy tugged on my paw. “Come on Dallas. We have to go to the other center. The one you went to when you got hurt.”

“And then we’ll find Electra?” I asked as I quickly teleported us to the center, only instead of arriving in a hallway or outside we arrived inside the actual artificial forest area.

“Bro.” a Treecko growled as he pushed up against us. “Don’t be appearing all randomly next to me like that.”

“Oh shut up.” Cammy said as she let go of my paw and slapped his away. “We can appear wherever we want.”

“You must be new here.” He laughed. “Looks like we’ll all be gathering around for our second initiation of the day folks!” Treecko shouted, an Ivysaur poking its head out of a bush and staring at us as the Treecko spoke.

“Second? Who was the first?” Cammy asked. “Or did you mean there would be two because there’s two of us?”

“Well if you’re going off of that logic then I guess we’ll be having three!” The Ivysaur said, booming with laughter as he emerged from the bushes and trees. “Oh boy that first took a lot out of me. Sweet little thing she was, but you’ve got to put them in their place. Hah, I think we might have to wait on these two, I really took a load off on that first one if you know what I mean.” He said, causing himself, the Treecko, and another Ivysaur that was emerging from the bushes to burst out into laughter.

“What? What are you talking about? What is the initiation?” I asked as I looked over to Cammy, who suddenly perked both ears up as she stared right at the Ivysaur that had been talking.

“You didn’t…” she said as she turned her gaze from him to the other one. “You didn’t!”

“Oh but we did. And man was she tight!” he laughed. “Arceus, that’s the first ‘Chu I’ve ever had that was able to take my entire length! Tiny little thing she was, but it just kind of disappeared in there as if her vagina lead to another dimension or something!” He laughed.  “Boy did that feel amazing though. I’ll tell you what. You, male one, you NEED to get some of that. That’s some amazing sex right there. Tight as a Swampert she was! I mean, I don’t know how tight she’s gonna be nooooow. I kind of destroyed her if you know what I mean.” He said, suddenly bursting out into even more laughter.

“Fuck yeah you did man!” the other Ivysaur shouted as he too burst into laughter. “She took FIVE vines! Five!”

It was at that moment that I just lost it. Cammy knew too, most likely due to the fact that my tail had become a bright silver color and was reflecting the sunlight right into her face, but she took a step back as she gave a nervous swallow.

“Dallas.” She said calmly. “They-”

“I know.” I mumbled as I narrowed my eyes at the Ivysaur, who had since stopped laughing and was now reaching for me with one of his vines.

“Look at this guy! Oh he’s going to be SO much funnnNNNAAAH!” he yelled as I whipped around, cutting the tip of the vine clean off as it approached, before suddenly dropping down onto all fours as I quickly transformed myself back into a Purrloin.

“It changed! That Pikachu just fucking changed!”

“YOU RAPED ELECTRA!” I yelled as I suddenly rose to my hindpaws, letting out a loud hiss as a dark purple aura surrounded my right paw.

“Nope.” The Treecko said as he leapt back, just as I swiped the shadow claw through the air. It made contact with the Ivysaur and he cried out as he was sent flying backwards, tumbling around in the air before smacking into a tree and dropping to the ground with a loud bang.

“Bro.” The Treecko said as he turned and stared at the Ivysaur. “That power.”

“Dallas come on.” Cammy said as she grabbed me from behind and lifted me up, stumbling backwards as she pulled me through a bush. “Pikachu Dallas Pikachu.”

“But Electra!” I shouted.

“I KNOW! It shouldn’t have happened, and where we come from it never did, but don’t take your anger out on them for doing it, take it out on that clone for making it possible for them to do it. We don’t want to screw things up here it might mess with the future even more.”

“You… you’re right.” I sighed as I closed my eyes, transforming myself back into a Pikachu and dropping down onto all fours. “But they-”

“Won’t bother her again, that’s for sure.” She said as she placed one of her paws on my back. “Come on, let’s go find her.”

“I guess.” I said, sighing softly as I stood up and followed Cammy as she walked off into the tall grass. “I know where the Pikachu in the area usually hang out.

We continued walking for a few moments until we got to an area that was relatively close to the entrance. It didn’t take long until we bumped into an electric type.

“Hey.” Cammy said as she approached him, a Jolteon. “Can you show us to the other Pikachu?”

“Ah, sure thing right over there.” He said as he lifted a paw and gestured straight ahead. “Just uh, go that way.”

“Alright thanks.” She said as she took my paw and we continued walking, my pace quickening as I began to hear the sounds of a large group talking amongst eachother. When we got to the clearing they were gathered in I immediately began looking around at each and every one of them in an attempt to spot Electra. When I didn’t see her my ears flopped down to the sides, however a few seconds later Cammy patted me on the back and pointed. Gazing in the direction she was pointing, I spotted Electra. She was sitting in the grass along with two other Pikachu, who were talking quietly to her.

“Remember though, she’s not the same Elec-”

“ELECTRAAAAA!” I yelled as I dashed forward and tackled her into the grass, letting out a happy squealing noise as I hugged her tightly.

“tra… that we know.” Cammy said, sighing softly as she walked forward. “Dallas no.”

“WAAAAAH! NO NO NO NO I DON’T WANT ANY MORE WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME!” Electra yelled as she shoved me off of her and rolled to her paws, tears forming in her eyes as she dashed out into the tall grass.

“Electra wait!” I yelled as the two Pikachu that were talking with her just stared blankly at me, before one of them finally spoke up.

“Really?” he said calmly as he shook his head and stood up, walking back into the group and sitting down with them.

“I… was going to say you should probably you know. Not do that.” Cammy said as she walked up beside me. “She was just you know, initiated.” Cammy said softly.

“I’m surprised you haven’t been.” The other Pikachu said as he looked her over.

“Oh trust me, I’d love to be initiated. I haven't had sex in like, negative three years.” Cammy laughed.

“You what?” he asked as he tilted his head. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

“At least Zeke vaguely knows me here.” Cammy sighed.

“So uh… wanna bang then?” The Pikachu asked as he held out his right paw.

“Actually yeah, I do.” Cammy said as she nodded.

“Oh sweet. Come on let’s do it over here.” He said as he turned around.

“Oh, ew no I didn’t mean with you though.” She said as I dashed out into the tall grass.

“Electra wait!” I yelled as I chased her close behind.

“Yeah I have to go.” Cammy said as she took off after me.

“I think now would be a good time to use this.” One of the Pikachu in the group said as he held out a burn heal.

“Fuck off.” He mumbled as he returned to the group, leaving the Pikachu with the burn heal behind as he fell over into the tall grass with laugher.

“Electra come on, I’m not trying to mate with you I’m sorry for jumping on you!” I yelled as I kept close behind her.

She suddenly skid to a stop, as did Cammy and I, turning around and facing me just in time to see me almost knock right into her.

“How do you know my name? I didn’t tell anyone my name yet.” She said as she blinked a few times, wiping the tears away from her eyes.

“That’s not important.” I said as I held out my right paw. “I’m sorry for jumping on you, I just. I haven’t seen you in-”

“In negative three years.” Cammy interrupted.

“What?” Electra asked as she tilted her head, blinking a few times. “What does that even mean?”

“Oh nothing.” Cammy laughed. “Nice to see you though, Electra.”

“You too how do you know me? I’ve never even seen either of you before. I was supposed to be taken to a human nest and instead I got sent here and… and attacked!”

“I know I know, but like. I’m not going to lie when they did that to me it felt amazing.” Cammy said as she looked up into the sky. “I remember it as if it was just… a week from now. Hah, I wonder if I can come back and watch myself get raped. That would be something nice to paw off to.” She laughed.

“Are you alright?” Electra asked as she tilted her head. “There’s something wrong with you.”

“Electra, your owner, well, the person who was going to be your owner, is a really bad guy.” Cammy said as she sighed loudly. “Basically, we’re from the future. There’s two of me and two of him.” She said as she pointed at me. “We’re here to take you to the other him, the one from our past but your present, so that you two can fall in love and uh, stop Team Onyx together.” She said as she held out her right paw.

“Uh… huh. Yeah there’s something wrong with you.” Electra said as she turned to me. “Please tell me you’re not crazy too.”

“It’s true sadly.” I said, sighing as my ears drooped to the sides. “Where we come from me and you are mates.” I said as I took one of the tags on my collar into my paw. “Look.”

Electra made a face at me as she stepped forward and gently took the tag out of my paw and read it out loud.

“If you found this your Eevee was delicious. – Electra.” She said as she slowly looked from the tag to my face, a confused expression on her muzzle as she took a step back. “What are you, stalking me or something?”

“Oh, uh, wrong tag.” Cammy laughed as she stepped forward and picked up a different tag off of my collar. “Read this one.”

Electra shot Cammy an annoyed glance before reluctantly moving forward and reading the tag.

“Dallas x Electra… fifty seven?” she said out loud, tilting her head as she looked into my eyes. “You just wrote that on there and are trying to convince me we’re mates so you can have your way with me. If you liked me enough to make up such a weird story you could have just you know, asked to be my mate or something.” She said. “Would have been a lot easier.”

“Look on the back.” Cammy said as she flipped it around, both of Electra’s ears perking up as she read out the engraved date on the back of the tag, a date that the machines engraved onto the tags when they printed for many reasons, such as verifying ownership of a Pokémon by looking at the print date of the tags or for milestones such as when two Pokémon were born or something.

“That… what? That’s impossible.” Electra said as she stared at the tag, taking it into her paw and flipping it around, before grabbing another one and doing the same.

“I’m serious, we’re from the future. A really bad Pokémon sent us into the past and came back to a time before we did. He messed with your adoption papers so that you would end up here instead of with Dallas.” Cammy said. “So like, it’s his fault that you were you know. Raped. Where we come from you were sent to a human house and you met Dallas and you two were really good mates and stuff. We had like, a love triangle thing going.” Cammy said as she lifted a tag off of her own collar and showed it to Electra, who’s ears drooped to the sides as she read the tag.

“I don’t understand.” She said softly as she looked down at the grass. “I… I don’t understand. Why would someone want me to be so miserable? How are you even here?”

“Well I’m hoping we’re here because we eventually set thing straight.” Cammy laughed. “Where we come from you’ve become really powerful with Dallas’ help, so powerful that you defeated Team Onyx all on your own. That evil Pokémon went back in time to try and keep you from doing that, but for some reason he sent us back too so now we’re here to you know. Make sure you end up where you belong.”

“Only now Ben knows that Electra can’t be at his nest.” I said as I looked over to Cammy. “So how is the past me going to meet her and interact like we did?”

“We’re going to have to find another way.” Cammy said as she gently nudged Electra.

“Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute, who says I even want to do this?” Electra asked as she held both paws up in front of her. “You come barging in here telling me the fate of the world depends on me or something and I have to come with you or whatever and what if I don’t want to? Maybe I want to stay here and live my life without all that drama in it.” She said as she turned away and folded her arms.

“Alright Dallas she wants to stay.” Cammy said as she took my paw. “Come on, teleport us to the colony.”

I turned my head immediately and stared her straight in the eye, glaring at her as if she were crazy.

“NO NO NO WAIT THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT DON’T LEAVE ME HERE TAKE ME WITH YOU!” Electra yelled as she rushed forward and tackled me to the ground.

“That’s what I thought.” Cammy laughed softly as she picked up my tail and held it in her paws. “To the colony!”

--END Chapter Twenty.--