Current Track: Blabb

\n Well, I'm happy to announce that another chapter is at paw! I hope everyone enjoys reading but before you do, I guess there is kinda a reverse WARNING here. This chapter contains No Yiff or pretty much anything of that manner I guess. Sooooo, you know, don't read if you wanted to see some yifftastic goodness and such, just had to say that and nothing more to be said! A nice plain chapter for the adventurous reader! On another note, a comment ranking??? Whyyyy??? Now I feel selfish for liking comments so much! Just had to say that too! Faves, votes, constructive criticism, and yes, COMMENTS are greatly appreciated and NO I don't want them for the ranking, just to get to talk to other furs and such, just please try to keep it all nice and not vulgar in the harmful sense, everything else is gooood! First story and such, so I am sorry if there are any spelling, grammatical, or any kind of error that prohibits the enjoyment of the read, you all know that and now, without further delay, I present A Chosen Path, Chapter 6 - Not All Interruptions Are Bad


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\n Chapter 6 - Not All Interruptions Are Bad




\n Fear struck the boys, Jake especially hard along with a small bit of anger at the interruption of their mating, as the male voice was that of one he knew all to well. With Trygan's cock still at the entrance of his tailhole, Jake felt like pushing back just to lose his virginity before something bad could happen because of his father, but that idea ended as Trygan pulled away and hopped off the bed, tossing Jake some clothing while putting his own on and tripping on his boxers, in the process of putting them on.


\n Their hearts raced as they got the last of their clothing on, fear overcoming their lustful passion for one another as Jake headed to his door and opened it. "Hello! Anyone home?" Jake's father hollered throughout the house again as he walked around the downstairs portion of the home, looking for any sign of life.


\n Jake looked back at Trygan who was still standing in the room and took a couple of large breaths, trying to get his heart to slow down. The Husky signaled the wolf to come over and he turned to face Trygan. "Ok... It's my dad... We need to let him know someone is here or else he might get angry that we didn't respond to him. Just be nice, yes sir, no sir, you know, all that stuff." Jake whispered to Trygan as he thought of every possible way to get his dad to like Trygan. The Wolf just grinned at Jake and let out a simple giggle as he brushed by Jake, took hold of his paw and lead the Husky through the hallway towards the stairs. "I know how to talk with parents Jake, I have parents too ya know!" Trygan said as the two reached the top of the stairs, Trygan facing Jake when they stopped. Jake managed to holler a quick "Hello" before Trygan pressed up against him and kissed him quickly and passionately, breaking with a smile. "Don't worry, I hardly think anything can go wrong, Jake." Trygan said as his smile grew larger and the two hugged once more before heading down to who knows what.


\n Upon reaching the bottom of that stairs, Jake spotted his father, a tall and well toned figure of a male Husky and with a "Hi dad!" he bowled into him, giving the fatherly Husky a loving hug. "Well hello there Jake!" The male said as he embraced his son and hugged him back. "How are you son?" He asked as he held his son tightly, noticing the Wolf standing in the background as well. Jake looked up at his father and smiled, looking back towards Trygan, signaling him over. "I'm doing great dad! Um... This is Trygan my friend from school and NO! We weren't having a crazy party while mom is out, she knows he's here too." Jake half said, half blurted out as he introduced the two. Trygan stuck his paw out and the gesture was repeated by the father, the two shaking paws as they got closer. Jake's father looked at his son with a more or less puzzled expression within his facial features. Jake looked back with the same expression, confused by his father. "Well! This is a nice surprise Jake, your friends never shake my paw, they always say 'what's up' and throw me a piece sign or something like that." The male said as he turned back to face Trygan. "Nice to meet you Trygan, I'm guessing you're all to familiar with formal introductions from the feel of your pawshake and your posture, so please, no need for last names, call me Daniel, nice pawshake you have going there for you too." Daniel said as he released Trygan's paw and patted him on the shoulder.


\n Jake just looked at the two, dumbstruck at what the heck just happened. "A freaking pawshake and my dad loves him already... are you kidding me..." Jake thought to himself while he went over all the ideas he had thought of to get his father to like his boyfriend as he looked at the two getting along already. Daniel turned to face Jake and smiled happily at his son. "Why don't all your friends do this, huh? This is the type of fur I want you to be hanging around with Jake, the others are a bunch of crazy furballs." Jake's father said with a chuckle as he took off his hat and coat, hanging then up and laying his black briefcase on the table by the door. Letting out a long sigh, he walked past the two, hugging Jake once more before heading to the kitchen and retrieving a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

\n While his father was out of view, Jake glared at Trygan and quickly walked over to him. "What the heck was that!? A pawshake???" Jake whispered to Trygan with puzzlement in his tone of voice while he heard his father go out the kitchen door. Trygan flashed that wolfish smile and pressed up against Jake, planting a kiss on the confused Husky's lips, breaking it soon after and smiling at Jake. "I told you I have parents Jake, it doesn't take much to get on their good side. Besides, you told me a lot about your father already, remember? All those texts and whatnot? I kinda had an idea how to be good, and shaking paws is something everyone should do! You never get another chance to make a first impression, I think I did good if I must say so myself. But you could have put a little more detail about how tall your dad is, for a Husky too!" Trygan whispered back with a few chuckles and laughs as he explained to Jake what had just happened.


\n "Just me being a polite friend is all, you'd be surprised at how many teenage furs out there just say 'what's up' and nod their heads as a greeting. It's funny really, your dad seems like he's in a good mood." Trygan said after he finished explaining to Jake, planting a small kiss on the Husky's right cheek. Jake just stared in a state of awe at how Trygan went about planning all of this, even if it was something so minor as a pawshake, he managed to get on his fathers good side already for a first meet. "Well.... I think.... If my mom comes home, I want to tell him about.... you know... us.." Jake stuttered as he slowly felt more and more confident about it. Trygan just looked at him happily after glancing to see if Daniel was back yet and before Jake could say another word, he planted a passionate kiss on Jake's lips.


\n Moments and a few seductive quick kisses later, Daniel entered back through the kitchen and walked over to the living area, taking a seat along with a chug of the water bottle. "So Jake, Mother out shopping huh? Her car isn't here." He asked as he laid back into the couch and let out a long breath, glad to be home. "Yeah, she said she had some things to do today and she was having a meal with some friends too. She said she would be back sometime late today." Jake answered back as he unnoticeably, to his father, took hold of Trygan's paw and gave a gentle squeeze of their paws together. Daniel sighed again as he heard his wife wasn't there. "Hey dad?" Jake said as he held paws with Trygan, soon breaking the holding of Trygan's paw as his father turned his head to look at him. "Yeah?" Daniel responded noticing the slight movement of paws, but paying no attention to it as he looked at his son. Jake's heart began to race at how close he was almost caught holding Trygan's paw. "Why are you home so early? I thought you were going to be gone for another week or something like that?" Jake said as he walked around to an arm of the couch and sat down.


\n "Well!" The Husky father responded in a somewhat cheeky and cheerful tone of voice as he sat up on the couch. "The deal was closed early and I even managed to get an early flight booked home too The whole company that we were dealing with are going to upgrade all their systems with our software and hardware! This deal may have been my break.... I might be getting promoted because of it too I've heard some stuff about... CEO maybe!" Daniel finished talking and Jake scooted off of the arm of the couch and gave his father a huge and very loving hug. His father returned the gesture and they sat there for a few moments as the great news. Jake felt even better knowing his father was in an incredible mood.


\n Trygan just smiled at the two as he heard the good news and he, along with Jake, both had the same thought about how good it is that he is in an awesome mood. "That sounds like you had a big role in the outcome of this business deal going on Daniel, if I may speculate that of course...." Trygan said as he just stood there, trying everything he could think of on how to get on the good side of Jake's father. "Oh yes! I practically ran the whole thing!" Jake's father said as the hug between he and his son was broken and Jake stood up to go stand by Trygan.


\n "That's incredible dad! I'm sure you're going to get that promotion! Who wouldn't want the worlds greatest Husky as their CEO?!?" Jake blurted out in an incredible cheerful tone of voice as he spotted headlight entering the driveway. "Hey, I think mom is home!" He added as he heard a car door shut and pawsteps coming up the stairs at the kitchen. Daniel let a chuckles escape as he quickly stood up from the couch and hurried over to hide behind one of the open pathways his wife was surely to take to come into the living area. With a grin plastered upon his muzzle and merry enjoyment in his ocean blue eyes, he raised his arms and paws above his head and put on a fierce fake snarl into his features and waited for his prey to come through the doorway.


\n With chuckles and giggles from the two boys going on, the tall, lean and beautiful form of Janice came through the door, hollering a big "Hello boys!" As she entered the kitchen and put down the groceries she was carrying. While his mother was putting everything down, Jake answered her back while walking into the kitchen, shooting a quick glance over to his father who was incredibly cheeky looking in his corner as he waited to surprise his mate. Seeing his father acting in such a way made Jake all the more happier as he thought about how easy it should be to tell his father about himself and his boyfriend, Trygan. "I haven't seen him this happy for awhile..." Jake breathed to himself as he entered the kitchen and stood in front of his mother - she turning around to face him.


\n "Hello, Jake! How are you doing?" She asked as she turned back around towards the groceries and finished putting them up. "I'm doing good mom, how was your night out?" Jake responded back, his tail swaying back and fourth upon thinking about saying something to get his mother to follow him through the doorway. "Oh, it was rather crazy. I couldn't get away from the girls! They just wanted to talk about the most pointless subjects... I swear I almost started pulling out my fur when Samantha started going on about this Cheetah she met and all the parties they were going to and whatnot. I would have been home way sooner if I didn't get stuck with the girls." She said with an incredibly annoyed tone of voice as she ran a paw through her fur and let out a long over due sigh at the end of it all.


\n "Sounds like the usual girls night out for you mom!" Jake jokingly said with a chuckle, his mom shooting a glare at the remark. "It is not the usual! These girls always get crazy around their heat cycle, I ask myself why I even bother going out to eat with them if all they do is talk about men and such, it can get kinda annoying..... But, aside from that, is Trygan still here?" She ranted on before slowly calming down to a somewhat acceptable level. "Yeah, he's in the living room, you should come and lay down on the couch or something, you probably need it before you go all psycho and go on a rampage because of some horny girls!" Jake said with a few giggles in between his words as he kept thinking about his father just a few feet away, waiting to do something.


\n With that said, Janice let her head drop, another sigh escaping her muzzle before raising her head, walking over to Jake and hugging him tightly. "You're probably right, have no idea what I would do if you weren't here to talk to and look after me!" She said with a laugh as she planted a motherly kiss on the top of Jake's head and walked past him, patting him on the shoulders as she left. Jake just let the biggest grin shoot across his muzzle as he felt the pat on the shoulder and heard her walking through the doorway. Time seemed to slow as each pawstep reached Jake's ears, a break in the sound caused Jake to turn around just in time to see his mother shriek and scream in pure terror as Daniel jumped out from around the corner, the snarl on his face was priceless to Jake as he looked at his father's face as he scared Janice. The fierce face was soon replaced with that of a huge grin as he jokingly growled at Janice.


\n "Boo!" Daniel eventually said several seconds later as he started laughing while Jake entered the room and took his place next to his lover, Trygan. "Daniel!?" Janice tried to breath through her sudden fright and calmly flashed a devastating glare towards her mated husband as he kept laughing to himself. "How.... could you do that? W.... What are you doing here? " She tried to fit in several more questions before her mate leaned in and took hold of her, kissing her tenderly on the lips passionately, happy to feel the presence of one another again - even if Daniel had just scared Janice on purpose.


\n "The Deal was closed early and I managed to luckily get an early flight home! I missed you so much, honey!" Daniel managed to say before he started kissing his mate again, missing the scent, sight, taste and feel of the white, gray and black fur along with the enticing ocean blue color of her eyes. Watching the rather awkward spectacle, the two boys slowly started making their way towards the kitchen, via the other entrance not near the two adults making out in the living room.


\n Reaching the kitchen rather quickly, the two silently giggled and had to force themselves to not laugh at how awkward what they had just witnessed was. "Wow! I'm so sorry you had to see that Trygan, my parents are quite the... um.... I guess strongly passionate mates.... They try hard to keep as much love in their lives as possible. I guess they kinda forgot we even existed right then. Give them a few moments, I'm sure they'll come around or something... I hope anyway." Jake said, half giggled out as he thought more about telling his father. Before he could get any more in thought about it, Trygan was pressed up against him and they were kissing before Jake even knew what was happening.


\n "You're adorable Jake, your parents are awesome too. I haven't seen so much passion in one matehood since my own parents. But aside from the mini make-out session in your living room..." Trygan said as he leaned in next to Jake's ear. "Are you going to want to tell your dad tonight? Or another night?" He whispered into his lover's ear before leaning back and licking Jake's nose. The Husky just smiled and gave a quick nod before returning the nose lick on Trygan. "I want to tell him tonight, He is in such a good mood, it's a perfect time to tell." Jake responded as he heard his parents pawsteps and the two adults entered the kitchen.


\n With Janice slightly blushing and re-adjusting her shirt as she entered the kitchen alongside Daniel who seemed to have an all too lustful expression on his face, leaving Jake to only wonder why his mother's shirt was out of place. He stopped thinking about the idea instantly as he held back a slight gag of what his parent were doing. "We're so sorry you two had to see that.... That was kinda spontaneous..." Janice said, soon followed by her mate apologizing too. Jake just laughed at how embarrassing the two must be feeling at this time and with that, he turned to Trygan, patting him on the shoulder. "Oh, it's ok with me, but Trygan on the other paw, you might have traumatized him!"Jake said, all the way while laughing, while he turned to face his parents. "He might need some compensation for all the traumatization and stuff." The Husky added as his parents chuckled.


\n "But aside from that...." Jake said as the chuckling and laughing slowly eased up, his heart steadily seeding up as he thought more about this and all that was going to happen. "Dad... I have something to tell you..." Jake filled in after a quick breath of air. "Why don't you two have a seat?" He added once more, signaling his parents to the kitchen table. Jake's mother looked at her son in the way that no words need be spoken, but the question was understood by her son after he gave her a steady stare back along with a swift nod, Jake's father none the wiser of what was going to be told. Knowing it must be important for his son, Daniel more or less obediently followed his son's request and took a seat at one of the cushioned wooden kitchen chairs, soon joined by his mate next to him.


\n "Well, Dad, I have something important to say and before I do, I just want you to know that I'm not a little kid anymore, but I am very much so still your son." Jake started as the thought about coming out to his father seemed more and more harder, even if he was in this exceptional mood and everything. Fear slowly sunk in as to what his father might do as he finished saying what he had already told his mother several days ago. Daniel, like Jake's mother, Just sat and patiently watched as his son was clearly thinking of the right way to tell him something important. Jake cleared his throat and knew all to well that there was no going back after what he had already said. He flashed a quick look to his mother who took hold of Daniel's paw in response, causing Jake to move his paw fingers in an anticipating gesture as the brown furred wolf stood next to him, ready for anything.


\n Jake ran a paw through his head fur and cleared his throat. "Dad, as I have told mom and now I'm telling you, hate me if you will or something bad, but... Dad... I want you to know that..... I am Bi..... and Trygan..... is my boyfriend and we are dating.... Hate me if you will, but I'm not changing because of it... this is who I am and I'm happy." Jake said with numerous stutters at the end but with a stern voice none the less as he came out to his father. After finishing, Jake noticed he was holding Trygan's paw, incredibly tightly, as he held his ground in the kitchen while he waited for his father to say something.


\n With his heart racing, the idea of just passing out to end the tension seemed almost inviting as seconds passed, time seemed to slow for Jake as he stood there, examining his fathers features for any sign of hatred, dislike, repulsion and every other noticeably bad feature he could think of. The idea of telling his father almost instantly felt like the worst possible idea now as he still hadn't heard anything. "What has it been? Ten seconds? Fifteen? Why hasn't he said anything yet?" Jake thought to himself as seconds seemed to take minutes to pass. "He was in the Military... It's bad to be Bi or gay in the Military, right?" Jake told himself as his father stood up from the table, turning and giving his mate some kind of sign that Jake couldn't see. Five more seconds passed, another pawstep put Daniel closer to Jake. The young Husky shut his eyes at the almost overwhelming fear. "Why am I freaking out about this ? I am being a drama queen right now... He's my dad for crying out loud He wouldn't hurt me too much.... would he?" Jake once again thought to himself in an attempt to help himself be calmed down as he squeezed his eyes shut tighter along with squeezing Trygan's paw even tighter. Another pawstep reached Jake's ears as he began thinking about everything that could happen to him.


\n One second passed. "He could slap me..." Two seconds passed. "He could punch me across the room...." Three seconds passed. "Kick me in the gut or lower...." Four seconds passed. "Force me to get out of his house..." Five seconds passed. Jake instantly got angry as he thought about what his father would do to Trygan. With the thought of his boyfriend being harmed, he opened his eyes and before he knew it, his father's arms were wrapped around him in a more or less powerful bear hug - a chuckle reaching Jake's ears as he was embraced. "Oh... Jake, how could I ever hate you for who you are?" The fatherly Husky said as he held his son. Breaking the hug and placing a paw on Jake's chest Daniel chuckled even more, but not enough to make it seem rude, just enough to show Jake he was over reacting. "Heart racing like this, huh?" He said before hugging his son once more. "Let me guess, you think I would over react about this because I was in the military? Possibly hurt you or something of that nature, huh?" He finished saying as he broke away from his son.


\n Jake did his best to nod and after several attempts he finally successfully pulled one off, looking back to his boyfriend who returned the gesture, only adding an incredibly happy smile. No word needed to be spoken as Jake felt special just to be able to see a smile from the Wolf, a smile that was directed at him, for him. The young Husky returned a smile even if it wasn't the best, it was one none the less. With both smiling, several moments passed before Jake felt a pat on his shoulder. "I may seem to be hard at times on you Jake, but I'm trying to be the best father I can be. I would never lay a paw on you in an attempt to harm you, I don't even think I could manage to think about it." Daniel said as his mate joined his side, wrapping one arm around his waist and the other wrapped around Jake, pulling him in for a family hug.


\n Trygan attempted to pull his paw away as to not interrupt the clearly important moment with Jake's family. As he let go, a paw took hold of his wrist before he could slip his paw inside his pocket. The arm and paw were larger than both Jake's and Janice's, causing Trygan to follow the arm up to see it was Daniel's. A grin shown on his features as he tugged Trygan within the hug. "You may not be apart of this family biologically, but that doesn't mean you don't get treated like you aren't, Trygan. You're very much so apart of this family, so you get in here too." Daniel said with a heart filled and loving smile.


\n Jake slightly blushed at how his father was treating Trygan and before he knew it, the familiar feel of the Wolf's fur was wrapped around him as the four hugged. Several moments passed before the four slowly broke the hug, Janice kissing Jake on the cheek as they all broke the hug. Daniel let out a merry laugh patting Trygan and Jake both on the back before moving higher up with Jake and ruffling up his head fur in that way only parents could manage. "Daaaaad!" Jake exaggeratedly groaned as he instantly started going about fixing his now messy fur. Daniel couldn't help but laugh another happy filled laugh which was so joined by chuckling by Jake's mother, then followed by Trygan letting out a few amused noises as well.


\n "Hmphf!" Jake said as he did his best attempt at a fake pout only to fail, causing him to blush even more, turning his facial features a light pink tinted color before more laughter escape Daniel's muzzle. "Ooohhhh, you always were an easy one to embarrass Jake. You look good in pink!" Daniel joked with his son and more laughter filled the two story home.


\n "Why is it that these emotional... occurrences if you will, leave me rather tired...?" Janice said several moments later as Daniel wrapped his arms around her and the two kissed again. Seeing them kissing made Jake feel as though he should kiss the one he felt was so special, but it was indeed in front of his parents and that is something he didn't want them to know the two did - on a regular basis at that too. So the two boys just held each other's paw and before they knew it, Janice was yawning, causing everyone within the vicinity to follow and yawn too. "Agh! Why does seeing anyone yawn make me yawn too???" Jake said through a yawn which was soon followed by a chuckle as everyone yawned too.


\n "Well boys, I figure it has been quite the night from horny as heck girls to this nice family get together..." Janice said before another yawn escape her muzzle and her eyes appeared to be at a constant battle to stay open. "I think I'm going to go hit the hay... I'm really tired." She finished before yet another yawn muscled its way out and she slumped against Daniel who also yawned. "I'm rather tired too. Long flight.... long drive and now this..." He looked into his sons eyes with a strong sense of pride. "... Incredible display of courage and bravery. I'm proud of you Jake, I want you to know you never need to feel bad about talking to me about anything. This must have taken you a lot to be able to say it and Trygan didn't even say anything to help you out. This was all you. You're better than I was at your age." Daniel said as he leaned his head against Janice's and closed his eyes - taking in the feel of the fur he desperately missed while he was away.


\n An incredible feeling of pride grew inside of Jake at how is father talked to him. Radiating from his chest, the feeling spread throughout his body and with a cheeky grin, Jake jumped into his father, hugging him fiercely. "I love you dad..." Jake said in a muffled voice due to his face being buried happily into his fathers fur. Daniel happily rubbed him on the back as he regained his balance from the sudden jump and then moving to one more hug. "I love you too son." Daniel managed to say before Jake broke the hug and returned to his position by his lover, taking hold of Trygan's paw and squeezing it tightly, happy to feel the Wolf.


\n With several more yawns spread between the group and numerous goodnight and sweet dreams being told along with kisses to cheeks by a mom, the adults took their leave and treaded the way to their bedroom. Passing the stairs and moving through the hallway to the bedroom on the first floor, Jake clearly noticed his father moving his paw over the chest of his mother, leaving him to think that they either were going to have some crazy mating or just some nice cuddling before falling asleep. "Thank God for the fact that I'm on the second floor and they're on the first, it's rather sound proof, you can't really hear anything unless you're very loud." Jake said in a relieved sounding voice as his parents disappeared around the doorway to their bedroom.


\n "Well, this day, I don't think could have gone any better than it had." Trygan said as he moved up behind Jake, wrapping his arms around the Husky's waist and resting his head on the line where white fur meets black on Jake's shoulder. Jake leaned his head against the welcoming fur of Trygan, even if he was wearing a shirt, while he placed his own paws over those of the Wolf's on his waist. Both, as if on cue, let out a small sigh as they stood there, slowly rocking side to side as they held each other. Both loving the feel of one each others presence as they each basked in the mood of the moment while they where held by one another.


\n Dreams, hopes, ideas, thoughts, wishes and their lives flashed through each others head, taking only mere seconds till they both came out with the same conclusion about all of them. Only seconds passed as they held each other, but entire lives were planned by both boys, unknown by the other about was going inside each of their heads as they held each other. Feelings flowing freely throughout the two boys as the minute marker for them holding one another came and went. Jake took a step forward, breaking the hold on the two, turning around with a smile Trygan couldn't describe with words known by any fur alive. Compassion, love, caring, incredible, amazing, and full of every other passionate feeling were the words Trygan tried to put into one word, only to have his thoughts silenced, his lips parted and the feeling of bliss flow through his body as they kissed.


\n Not a kiss of Lust, not one of for the hell of it, not one to break the mood, it was one of a feeling shared by both boys on such sheer levels. The kiss was that of Love, nothing but Love, no other feelings entered one another of the two as they kissed. What seemed like a lifetime, but turned out to be only seconds, Jake broke the kiss and took hold of his lover's paw, squeezing it with fervor as he looked into those dark brown eyes of the Wolf standing in front of him - Trygan returning the gesture and squeezing while he also looked into the amber ocean of Jake's eyes.


\n The door to Jake's parent's bedroom closed, causing both boys to be ripped back into reality from the daydreams both were having of one another. Both of them blinked slightly as reality sunk in - Trygan cracking a grin as he looked at the Dog in front of him. Jake turned his head to look down the hallway at where the door closed and smiled as if a secret memory was uncovered within the depths of his mind, blood hastily rushed to the sensitive flesh within his sheath as he remembered what he and Trygan were up to before his father had come home.


\n "Heheheheh.... oh... Trygan I love you." Jake said while he turned back around, giving Trygan a hug and giggling throughout the whole movement from start to the breaking of the hug. The Wolf just flashed the wolfish grin and moved his paw, the padded fur coming to rest on Jake's crotch, fondling the package through the clothing. "I guess you remembered what we were up to huh, Jake?" Trygan said with lust touching the tone of his voice as well as the Wolf's features. Jake loved the sound of it as he lowered his eyes in thought about something. He looked up into Trygans eyes before smiling again. "I..... um....." Jake managed to say as he put a paw to his chest feeling his heart rush at the idea he just started thinking about. Lust touched his voice along with becoming visible in his eyes. "Do.... You wanna.... You know.... Um..... Try it... Again?" Jake asked with numerous stutters and a sensual voice.


\n Trygan let out a loving laugh before hugging Jake, moving his paws down to give a gentle but sexual squeeze to the Husky's buttocks. "Only if you want to Jake, there is no need to try again if you don't want to. Besides, your parents are home and everything, but I'm up for it if you are." Trygan said in a whisper after moving besides Jake's right ear. The Husky started fondling Trygan's groin without saying any words, soon followed by a nod and a lick to the Wolf's nose which Trygan took as a his response in the form of a "Yes" and with that, the brown furred Wolf let his grin creep along his muzzle's features as he took hold Jake's paw. "Well, I guess this night is going to be one neither of us will be forgetting any time soon. Come on Jake, let us go have some fun, you've earned quite the reward tonight." Trygan said as he started walking, giving a nice tug for Jake to follow. With the last of the words beings said, Jake followed his boyfriend and lover towards not just his room, but that of a night full of Lust, Love and a paw step towards something only the two young lovers know about... for now.






\n Eeeeep! Another story be done Hooooorayishraw! I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it for you! Those of you who weren't into this story and such, I'm sorry it wasn't one of your liking, I'm still new to this. This chapter was one of introducing another character and such, kinda like a filler story, but it has a point! Sooooo, hate it or enjoy it, your choice. The next chapter ETA - NO IDEA! As usual I hope everyone enjoyed again, have a nice day and an even better life!!
