Current Track: Blabb

\n Heerrrrrrrrooooooo SoFurry! Moon here to bring you another story, sorry it has taken so long to do! Heh, that be life eh!? I do believe I dedicate this story being finished and posted to a certain fellow of the cheeky variety who kept the writer in me alive! Hehe, you know who you are and you are so accepting my thanks! SO ha!! Hopefully you all likes the story, it has been awhile and I do believe if the feedback of the story is good and such, I shall continue more hastily on the next one, if not, well then I hope you can wait?! I know I am not the greatest writer, but who knows, you might like it! Stars, favs and of course, most importantly, comments, (keep 'em nice hopefully)!! Are greatly appreciated and now without further delay, I give thee…. Another chapter! Heh! Sorry for any Grammatical, spelling or any kind of errors OR that the story is terrible! Hehe! Simple writer here!




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\n A Chosen Path, Chapter 9 -- Some Mondays Are Better Than Others --




\n “Uuuuugh!” Trygan groaned as he tussled under the covers on his bed, not quite asleep yet not quite awake either. Checking the clock every few minutes in his sleep-like state only made him tussle more as he waited for sleep to take hold of him again until it was actually time to get up for school. “Two hours left to go...” He more or less sighed as the feeling of being able to go back to sleep slowly faded while reading 5:10 AM in that blinding digital luminescence so early in the morning. His mind raced like his heart at his feelings for someone he never thought he’d feel like this towards. “Great way to start a Monday...” Trygan commented to himself as he laid there, a cool breeze flowing from one window of his room and out the other. Another sigh escaped his muzzle as his mind wandered and remembered the feel of the boy he loved more than anything.




\n Several minutes passed as the Wolf uncovered himself from the confines of his bed sheets and brought his legs up to bend at the knees before crossing one leg over the other in the usual teenager “Laying down” style. A smile crept along the sides of his muzzle as he reached for his iPod and popped the ear bud headphones into his ears and smiled even more. “I’m so in love with the most awesome guy ever!” He nearly squealed to himself, the thought of sleep nothing but a forgotten idea in the back of his head while he scrolled through the list of songs.




\n “Mmmm, something to start, a day nobody likes, on a good note... thought of Jake, check!” Trygan blushed even to himself as he said that with a slight giggle. Placing the device back into the speaker system after listening for what seemed only a little while he thought about Jake gave him another chance to look at the clock, reading 6:52 AM made him second glance. “Whoa heheh, not even here and you help me out, Jake.” Trygan said, figuring now was better than any time to start getting ready for the drudgery that is school.




\n As time passed, Trygan managed to get dressed, fill up his backpack for the daily classes and perform the usual hygiene related tasks in the bathroom before heading to the kitchen and preparing a simple breakfast. It didn’t take him long to realize he’d forgot his cell, while he was in the kitchen turning the toaster on, where he had left it to charge in his room. Didn’t take him long at all to bound through the house with his height and retrieve the simple flip phone either. As if expecting to see a message from Jake, he opened it with haste after seeing his clock showing the time the cute Husky usually gets up at. But unfortunately, only the background showed up, a picture of Jake Trygan managed to get him to take, where he was sporting a huge toothy smile, looked back at the wolf as another cool breeze sent a chill through his body.




\n “Huh... usually one of us has texted one another by now...” Trygan thought to himself while he wasted no time in sending Jake a simple yet enthusiastic “Gooooodmorning!” text before dropping the phone in his pocket and heading back down to his awaiting breakfast. “Mmmmm, creativity, how nice you are to me.” Trygan said with a grin while he made a brown cinnamon sugar poptart sandwich with banana slices and peanut butter in the middle of the two hot poptarts.




\n While he munched away at his unique breakfast concoction, he checked his phone to, yet again, find that toothy smile looking back at him with no message from Jake. The thought that the dog had overslept entered into his mind as he went over the previous day’s activities, which sent a sensual tingling sensation throughout the wolf’s body as he went further back to the earlier portion of the weekend, sending even more of a sensation through him as he went through every detail of the night he lost his virginity and took it from the boy he loved more than anything in the world.




\n Another grin made its way across his face as he had to stop thinking about it or be a few minutes late picking Jake up from his home. “Guess a nice kiss on the cheek would be a great way to start this day off.” Trygan breathed to himself after cleaning up his plate, still thinking that nothing could be so wrong as to make the lovely Husky not want to respond, but rather, the cutie was just snuggled in his bed asleep.




\n One last look around the immediate area to see if he had left anything out only seeing that everything was nice and clean, the brown furred wolf grabbed his keys off the table by his front door and the house was once again silent as the door was closed and locked from the other side. The sound of an engine starting, clearly audible within the now almost eerily silent home was soon follow by the sound of the car pulling out onto the road and then the diminishing sounds of that car traveling down a ways on the black tarred road.




\n  Upon reaching Jake’s house a few long moments later, the wolf was greeted by the barrenness of the cold empty concrete driveway leading up to the stairs to Jake’s kitchen. Not receiving a response from a text and now not being outside waiting to be picked up practically solidified the idea of the cute Husky still curled up on that bed of his in Trygan’s mind. With that in his head, he put the vehicle in park and made his way to the door, being met by the motherly Husky at the door a few knocks later.




\n “Oh, hello there Trygan, good morning!” She cheerfully said while whisking some kind of batter of one form or another. “I’m guessing you’re here to pick up Jake?” She asked as she put down the bowl and opened the door to the brown furred wolf to talk face to face.




\n “Yes Ma’am, I’m guessing he’s still asleep or something like that?” He responded with a chuckle while leaning against the door frame, hoping Jake would walk in at any time. “I figured so, well, I’m sorry to say that he’s feeling a little sick. I think he might have caught something while we went out shopping yesterday. Flu going around and all. I stayed home so I could make him some breakfast whenever he gets up.” The motherly Husky responded




\n “Ah, heh, that makes all the more sense to me now! Slightly being a worry wolf I guess…” Trygan said with an inaudible sigh on the inside at hearing the news was that Jake was still sleeping. With a slight chuckle to himself, the Wolf checked his cell to see that he would be running late for school if he didn’t leave in a more or less fast timely manner. “Oh, geez, didn’t realize it was this late. Uuuuuh, Could you please give him my best wishes and tell him I love him?” Trygan said with a slight hurried tone while swishing his tail around behind him waiting for a response.




\n Janice Couldn’t help but let out a hearty chuckle at the wolf before her and gave a smile that would give the sun a running with how bright and kind it was. “Oh come here you!” She said, opening her  arms and pulled the unexpected boy into a rather tight hug. “You really are part family…” She giggled slightly. “I’ll tell him of your best wishes to him and your love” She finished, a slight glimmer of a tear in her eyes as she let the wolf go and went back to mixing the soon to be breakfast.




\n Although the hug surprised Trygan, it didn’t stop him from returning the gesture before he headed back to his car and flashed a smile at Janice and a wave. “Thank you so much! I’ll stop by after school and check up on him if that’s alright?” He said with a smile while opening up his car door to rest his arm on the top. Another chuckle escaped her muzzle. “Even if I, for some unknown reason, said no, love tends to find a way to bring two together. Of course you can come over, Trygan, I’m sure he’d love nothing more than for that to happen!” She exclaimed positively full of joy from the love of her son’s boyfriend. “I’ll have some food made too so you can stay for dinner if you can or want to.” She smiled again.




\n “Sweet! Thank you so much, freaking awesome!” He exclaimed himself only realizing afterwards he sounded like a pup getting some sort of candy. No more words were said after that aside from a grin from a mother Husky and with a wave and a slight blush of embarrassment, the car once again met the dark tarred road and disappeared from view. The passenger of the vehicle not knowing the day that was going to unfold on him on a Monday at a school where a certain Fox was headed at the same time.




\n “Ahhh, that boy will never leave Jake’s side in life…” The mother couldn’t help but shed a few tears thinking she was acting silly from the thought not knowing what was coming over her. She went about making a large breakfast and several moments later, was at the door to a room that didn’t have someone sick within its confines, but rather a scared Husky. A Husky who indeed was asleep, not from sickness, but rather, just one who wanted to escape the world to the one he dreamt and loved more than anything.




\n With the radio playing and his head slightly thumping to some ZZ Top, Trygan made his way to the high school already missing the silly furball sitting in the passenger seat and sighing as he knew he’d go most of the day without being able to give him a hug. “Hhmmm, help me out here ZZ.” He said and grinned to himself, turning up the volume to a high setting and letting the music subdue the missing sensation of love he was feeling.




\n The ride seemed longer than usual to the Wolf since he didn’t have someone to talk to or a certain Husky to tickle whenever a red light made the opportunity safe. “Hmmm., maybe I should pick him up some flowers or something…” He sighed again, rubbing at his head while he pulled up to a red light and almost instinctively turned to tickle to find an empty seat. “Freaking A! I am in love with that boy!” Trygan giggled to himself, finding that saying his feelings made him calm down slightly enough to not try and tickle an empty seat at every red light he ran into to.




\n The trip finally came to an end with the view of his destination in sight and within a few moments later, the car to a halt in one of the last few spots for the somewhat close-to-the-entrance parking lot, but of course it was still a slight distance for the entrance, and killed the engine. Having only a few short moments before the school day at the beginning the week feeling set in, Trygan leaned back in his driver’s seat and closed his eyes to relax for a bit. “Uugh, I hate Mondays at schooooooool.” He dragged a paw across his face and blinked his eyes a few times seeing as the feeling of tiredness always hit him when he got to the school.




\n “Well, no point in wasting any more time I guess…” He groaned and got out of the car, backpack in paw before shutting the door and making his way to his first period class. Along his walk to the front doors, he spotted the group of furs he didn’t care anything for; a certain Fox was making paw gestures of pulling or yanking something in mid-air. Little did Trygan know, the motions were of something that had already happened to one he loved more than anything in the world.




\n The Fox noticed him and flashed a grin that brought nothing but bad feelings to Trygan before he opened one of the doors to the building and quickly found his way to the designated class for the beginning of an interesting day. Glad to know he had no classes with any of the guys in that “stupid little gang”, Trygan found a seat and only two or so minutes later, the bell rang, signaling the school day has started.




\n The first class went by with Trygan managing to put his thoughts onto the school curriculum so that he wouldn’t be distracted easily and still maintain his good grades within the class. The bell rang after what seemed like a short time and the brown furred wolf made his way out of the room and found his locker. Spinning the dial with all-to-well known combination, he placed his books from the previous class within the steel confines and retrieved the next book to be placed in his backpack, for the next class.




\n “Ahhh, one class down, three more to go.” He said under his breath, closing his locker with the clang of the door sending him on his way to his next class. Trygan made his way through the hustle and bustle or furs making their way to class within the 7 minute passing time, the “clicks” of the school clearly visible from the groups staying together and the clothing they wore as the wolf trekked towards his next room.




\n From taking a seat to the start of the class, Trygan tapped his pawfinger on the top of the desk, checking his cell to see that there were no new texts, but rather the toothy smile of his boyfriend made a smile creep along his muzzle even if he hadn’t heard from him today. “God, I freaking love that Husky.” He thought to himself as the class starting bell rang out through the school. “Just ninety minutes to go for this class.” Followed in his mind before the teacher started the lesson.




\n Just like the first, the class went by without a hitch from a worrying thought and also just like that of the first, 90 minutes seemed to pass by faster than the normal time stretched feeling the school classroom brings. With the last of some notes written down, the second class of the day ended and once again, the hallways were filled with the conversations and sounds of shoes making their way to the scheduled classes and once again, Trygan visited his locker and with a sigh, performed the usual procedure with the books and made his way to the 3rd class of the day.




\n With notes taken, homework assignments turned in and given out after the lesson, 3rd turned to 4th and before long, the school day had ended. The first thought to enter the wolf’s head was that of driving over to Jake’s and seeing if he was feeling any better.




\n Books placed away and backpack on, Trygan hurriedly made his way through the furs, passing a couple back up in the corner, getting a little making-out action in before they were separated for the rest of the day no doubt.




\n Before long, the brown furred wolf made his way out of the school building, getting a nice warm sensation from the rays of the sun in the clear afternoon sky as he hoped down the stairs from the main entrance and towards the parking lot.




\n “Geez, and I thought this day was going to be terrible or something… Uugh, that fox could make anyone feel like hell, I swear.” Were the words that made their way out of his muzzle and as he came up to his car, sliding his backpack off just in time to be pelted in the back from a rock.




\n “Oooh, bull’s-eye on the fag! I owe you lunch after that one!” Unfortunately followed the hit to the back from the rock and then a long sigh from Trygan. “Not even halfway through the week and you’re starting this crap, Greg?” He said, opening the door to his car and tossing the backpack in and then turning to face the Fox and his obedient followers.




\n “What can I say? Might as well give you a little attention rather than let the wimp Jake be the only one to get some pain.” Came out with an almost disgusting tone to Trygan’s ears and sent a quick ping of anger throughout his body. Clenching his fist, the wolf tried to keep his cool, simple thinking that the fox was only trying to get under his fur was easy enough to figure out




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\n “Oh please Greg, do you really think that’s supposed to do anything? Jake is home because he’s sick and I’d rather not waste any time speaking with you” Trygan calmly said, letting the anger within dissipate before anything had happened. Unfortunately, the smile that spread across the fox’s muzzle wasn’t any sign of something good.




\n It had been only a short while since the bell had rung, signaling the school day was over, and being in this section for parking, it would probably be a little bit for the drivers of the cars to return. The many scenarios played out in Trygan’s head as he got a stare down from the gang. “Alright…. One fox, nothing too bad, a Jaguar, Dan or something, agile most likely and lastly, a lion by the name of Tom or something close to that too, fast and probably got little muscle also.” Were the first few thoughts to run through his head as he scanned the trio, noticing that is wasn’t the full group a sigh of relief followed as well as a giggle of thinking how cool it would be to tell Jake, Greg wouldn’t be bothering him anymore.




\n “Listen, Greg, I don’t want any trouble okay? You don’t need to take your anger out on me or anyone because of your mistakes in life. I think Jake told me you’re hating on him because he got a girl before you?” Trygan asked with a smirk, flicking his tail as he took a few steps away from his car and leaned up against the back of a van 2 spots over from his own car. “Is it just me? Or does that sound like a very bad ‘cliché’ out of a bad book or T.V. show or something?” He followed up, feeling a familiar vibrating in his pocket as a text message was received.




\n As Trygan calmly and coolly pulled out his phone, Greg was almost fuming out the ears as his fists were clenched tight and his tail whipping around behind him with anger. The two minions following suite and showing their own signs of anger, cracking of knuckles, Trygan even thought he heard a growl from the Lion as he read the text message. “Hey Trygan, sorry for not texting you right away. Uuuh, Uuum, could you come over?” Was the first part he read before the phone buzzed again with another message from Jake. “It’s uhh, well Greg related….”




\n “Hmmm, seems your gay lover just said something with that face you’re sporting right now.” Dan said with a grin. The Jaguar letting out a little chuckle as Greg picked up a rock and tossed it over at Trygan who once again, let a sigh out and replaced his more so anger filled expression with that of a calm one. Placing his phone in his pocket and letting the rock out of the hit him on the chest with a low growl. “Listen you idiot, keep your muzzle shut and I won’t kick your ass if I find out—” A loud laugh escaped the maw of the fox, interrupting Trygan on purpose.




\n “Find out I put a hurt on your precious husky bitch? Hmmm, see what happens when you talk crap to me? Nothing good that’s what.” Rolled out of Greg’s mouth without remorse or care, just the usual bully at any high school. “Now,” he added with quite the evil grin Trygan thought. “Dan, I think it’s time we—”




\n “Again, this sounds like it could be a cheesy cliché of something, I swear, girls have more interesting fights if this is what you want it to be. If this is just you acting all high and mighty, I think I should just head out, gots myself some homework and all.” The wolf remarked in the interruption, faking a yawn as he checked his wrist as if he was wearing a watch. Only a few long minutes had passed, maybe 5 or so at the most and Trygan could see the shapes of the fellow furs making their way towards the parking lot. “Guess I need to make this fast then if at all possible.” He thought right as his attention was directed to the hastily closing in pawsteps towards him.




\n A quick glance confirmed his guess of which it was out of the trio, the Jaguar, making his fast attempt at beating Trygan to throwing the first fist. “Hmmm… let’s see if I still remember this stuff…” raced through his mind along with how to deal with this person all within the timeframe of a few split seconds. A quick duck of his head, ears pulled back, along with a long step forward and spin on his right footpaw, Trygan made contact with his stretched out left leg with Dan’s right leg, right at the area where leg meets footpaw and not a second later, a thud of face meeting metal reached his ears. The large feline having lost his footing without being able to recover and smashed his face into the back door of the parked van, leaving a small dent where his face made contact.




\n Dan just fell to the ground in a heap, literally being knocked unconscious for a few seconds before coming to with scarlet drops dripping from his chin. An evident nose-bleed. “Go get yourself cleaned up by the Nurse, Daniel; you were a nice kid before the wrong crowd sucked you in.” The wolf said, standing up and padding over to help the all-teary-eyed cat up. A grunt of effort and a giggle followed as Trygan took hold of one black furred arm and hoisted the disoriented fur up, whispering “Let’s see if we can’t do something about that. You, my lunch table tomorrow, be there. I’d hate to have to drag you across the lunch hall now! Now, get on over to the nurse.” He finished and gave a gentle shove to the feline before turning around to an enraged Fox as Daniel took this as a nice reason to leave and headed out hastily with a whimper every so often.




\n You know…” Trygan started, “…It is quite the surprise no one has mentioned this yet, but seriously? How did a puny fox become the big bad wolf?” He let a grin spread across his muzzle like wildfire and took a glace over towards the lion. “How much is he paying you for this? Or haven’t you noticed he’s a freaking fox for crying out loud! They don’t make wannabe gangs, I hope you know.” The wolf finished off, hoping he’d either turn on Greg or at least charge towards him if he got annoyed and finally end this before students started piling into the parking lot.




\n Lucky for him, the oh so annoying Fox growled loudly and told the somewhat bulky lion to attack him only to be told to shut up moments later. The lion eyed Trygan up and down and tried his best to think of a way that would catch the wolf off guard and came up with nothing. Planning scenarios and calculations, not one of Thomas’s greatest strong points.




\n Trygan smiled and chirped in that he would not get all of the ladies if he had a busted up face as well as a muzzle for them to look at while he’s failing at getting in their pants. He moved his body to that of a defensive stance and waited for the lion to make a move.




\n “Uuugh, this is freaking annoying right here, Greg, do we really need to do this?” He groaned, obviously not much one for fighting now thinking that’s he’d get his tail handed to him in a knot probably.




\n The horde of kids became evidently more closer, so much so that probably anything that would happen might be caught, but it wasn’t two seconds before Greg jumped up and yanked on the flowing mane of the larger male, almost shrieking that he’d better do something or he would be sorry. He was too occupied to see the lion wink and then being hurtled to the ground from a sudden impact to the side of his chest, leaving him gasping for air as he sprawled out on the ground.




\n “I take it as some of my words struck home with you eh, Tommy boy?” Trygan smirked, standing up straight from the punch and looking up at the lion’s amused expression. “Yeah,” Thomas said, “I’d rather not get my ass handed to me on a silver platter and to be honest, yeah, he totally slips me some bills to keep me around, I’m thinking to make his little group look cool. You know? Cause I’m the coolest cat around!” He chuckled at his own joke and threw a two fingered wave while turning around and heading out to his own vehicle. “Don’t need to worry about me, my face is just fine without a black eye or two.” He said before taking up a jog and leaving the two alone for whatever may come.




\n Trygan took the opportunity and pinned Greg down, growling up close to his face and starring him dead in the eye. “You better leave mean and Jake alone, as well as anyone else, or I’d gladly give you a repeat or today, only to your ugly mug of a face!” He near snarled to hopefully get his point across and stood up to dust himself off. “Yes or no, right now little man, yes or no?” He calmly said with those dark brown eyes piercing into the fox.




\n A splaying of his ears and defeated nod was all Trygan needed before taking his leave to go retrieve his school supplies before one of the not so greatest of school kids came by and made off with a new set off school supplies. “And take this to heart too, I mean everything I say and lemme tell you, that punch would have broken your neck if I wanted.” He finished, leaving a nice realization epiphany for the fox as he too got up and didn’t waste a second to take his own leave of the area.




\n Trygan just sighed and shook his head. “Man that kid is messed up…” He sighed again and made his way to his own car as another on the school road honked as it blatantly went over the speed limit and a light yellow paw did a short wave. Getting a chuckle out of it, he knew it was the lion and figured he probably made two new friends today under the most unusual occurrences. Well, got BACK a friend he thought while finally coming along to his car and again sighing while opening the door and plopping down onto the driver’s seat.




\n He rested there for a moment, letting the adrenaline kick subside before he started driving, a smile evident on his brown furred features. He pulled out his cell and with practiced skill, a text was sent to the smiling pup of a Husky that is his background in mere seconds. Trygan pulled out the key and started the car, rolling down the windows and blaring some rock music. A minute later, he was at the light to head out of the school, happy he hadn’t been caught by the torrent of kids in their own cars as well as parents picking their kids up from the neighboring middle school.




\n “Geeeez, this Monday turned out alright I think.” The wolf told himself just when the light turned green and like every other student old enough to drive, he gunned it, happy to leave the school grounds to make his way to a home that was not his own. A home of a silly canine who just so happen to be reading a text.




\n “Sure thing, I’ll be there in a sec! Man, do I have a story for you! Oh and…” Was what it said along with 3 short words, followed by numerous exclamation points, which made the feelings of a certain Husky, skyrocket.


























\n Holy French Toast! I hope you all enjoyed it, seeing as it took me forever to write! Gah! Inspiration be hard to come by I thinks, but I also think I am back on the road to writing again! Already have the 1st page of the next chapter done! Until next time, this furball is out! Oh, and Merry Christmas to you all! Haaaaaaaapppy holidays! Hehe
