Current Track: Blabb

\n Alright, another chapter done! Woohoo! I hope all who are reading this series are enjoying it. I tried a new way of writing, instead of writing on paper then typing, I just typed it up and no it didn't take me this long to type it, I just had a ton of stuff going on and hardly could touch a computer so again, I hope you still like the series As usual, comments, votes, constructive criticism and advice are always appreciated. I can't tell you how much it makes my day to see new comments, but as usual again, try to keep it nice, not vulgar and such. I'm sorry if anything is spelled wrong or if there are any errors of any type, or if something is confusing, please tell me and I'll do my best to fix it and make it easier to read! Now, I hope you all enjoy the next chapter in the series, also, I had a ton of fun writing this when I could write and I hope you have fun reading Chapter 4, First Date With A Guy.


\n --------------------------------------------------------


\n Chapter 4. First Date With A Guy


\n Jake opened his eyes to a dark room, barely able to make out any shape of any object, the only thing he could make out was that shape of a fur that was just standing there. It took Jake a few moments to realize it was the form of a wolf he knew very well. Trygan was naked and in front of Jake, who while also naked, was also sitting in a chair in a house he could not recognize. The light was very dim and Jake could just barely make out the form of his boyfriend, he couldn't make out any other object in the room. There were candles that were lit and they were really the only light that cast a soothing glow. Jake noticed that the form, although clearly Trygan, was taller and older looking. Jake couldn't help but notice himself too, his legs were longer, his chest more broad and his maleness was much larger. He tried to speak but nothing came out. Trygan's eyes glinted in the light with passion in them, as did another object that caught Jake's attention. Trygan's left paw had a glint to one of it's fingers too as he just stood there and looked at Jake. Jake wanted to see what it was that gave off the glint, so he stood up and walked to Trygan, no hesitation in his stride in the dimly lit room. His left paw felt like it had an almost unnoticeable constriction on one of his own fingers. As he stopped in front of the brown furred wolf, Jake tried to look down at his own paw, only to be stopped by Trygan's paw on the side of his face. At the very edge of his vison, Jake saw a glint on his own paw too before his face was brought up to meet Trygan's eyes.


\n Their lips met as Trygan brought Jake's face up closer to his own. There was nothing wrong with the kiss, their tongues moving and wrapping around each other as though they had been kissing like this for years. Time seemed to stop as the two felt one another love flowing freely in the air around the two. The flicker of the flame from the candle stopped and the entire flame itself vanished. Jake didn't care that he was in the dark, he felt Trygan's presence and that's all that mattered to him right now. The kiss was broken and Jake opened his eyes to see nothing but the glint of the object around his and Trygan's paw as they interlaced. Jake could feel Trygan's head lay on his shoulder as the two held paws. Jake desperately wanted to know what it was on his and Trygan's paw, but his mind wouldn't register correctly.


\n "Jake." said the dark colored wolf as their paws were released and the two object struck one another. The sound was familiar to Jake, like a ringing to some place he couldn't remember, nor did he try. "This is the happiest day of my life, Jake." Trygan said as he put his paw with Jake's and the objects met and released again, making the same noise, only louder this time. "You were always so nice to me in every way, Jake." Trygan said in the same tone, a loving and emotion filled tone. He placed his paw with Jake's again and the noise was very loud now. They met in another kiss that lasted only so long before it was broken. Jake felt a muzzle against his head as their paws released and he closed his eyes. "I love you, honey." was whispered into Jake's ear as their paws met once more and the ringing sound finally popped into Jake's head. He remembered what it was and opened his eyes to a bright room and a brown furred wolf asleep in a chair, the sound was that of the release bell of his school.


\n Shielding his eyes, Jake tried to go over what had just happened. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed and was kind of surprised he witnessed it at all. "Haven't even gone out on a date yet." Jake repeated in his mind as he sat up in his chair. He felt a tingling sensation on one of his left paw finger where the glinting object was, but his mind wouldn't help him figure it out. He remembered where he was as he tried to go over the dream in his head, the nurses office. Trygan began to awaken as Jake felt where he had been hit and flinched as he touched the bandage. It still hurt but most of the pain and the entire headache was gone. As Jake slowly inched his way off the chair and onto his foot paws, the nurse came in and Trygan had mostly awaken too. The nurse had a somewhat surprised look on her face to see Jake up and walked over to him.


\n "Well, I'm surprised I didn't need to come in here and wake you up. You didn't wake up when I put a new bandage on your wound, or when I tried to wake you up before that. You are an incredibly heavy sleeper, Jake. You didn't even show signs of discomfort when I put the bandage on." The nurse said as she stood in front of Jake and Trygan. Jake looked at her in a confused way. "I'm not a heavy sleeper at all." Jake thought to himself as he stood up along with Trygan. Trygan walked over and hugged him fiercely. "You scarred me when you didn't wake up when the nurse came in and did her stuff, I thought you were in a coma or dead or something! " Trygan exclaimed as he hugged Jake. "Your lucky the nurse said you were ok, or else I would have jumped on you and preformed CPR! " He said as he broke the hug.


\n Jake couldn't help but notice the slight glint in Trygan's eyes, the glint of tears about to fall. "There is no way that he is about to cry." Jake thought to himself as he looked at Trygan and smiled. "I'm ok, Trygan. My headache is gone and I had a nice dream too." Jake said as the nurse came over and examined the bandage. "Good, cause I would hate to have seen you die and leave me with no date for tonight." Trygan said in a joking manner, clearly trying the hide his tears from Jake. The nurse stepped in front of Jake and Trygan took the chance and quickly wiped his eyes on his arm. Jake saw a little motion, but paid no attention as the nurse stopped examining the wound then stepped back. "Ok, looks like we beat this thing, Jake. You have a scab forming and the bandage isn't too bloody." She said as she reached into here nurse uniform's pocket, withdrew a couple bandages and handed him them. "Alright, these should get you through the weekend. Change them out every day and after every shower or activity involving water. Also, I called your mother and she wants you to call her as soon as you can. On another note, other than that, I told the AP's about Greg. They went and got him in one of his classes, I think Saturday school along with some ISS is what he got, I'm not sure." She said as Jake took the bandages and put them in his backpack. "School is over now too, so if you want to leave, you can, but if not, I'll be here for another hour or so." The nurse said as she walked over to the door and waited for his reply.


\n Jake looked at Trygan, then to the nurse before he put his backpack on and stretched a little. "I actually feel pretty good, I think I'm good to go." Jake said as Trygan also gathered his things. The nurse nodded and waited for the boys to be done gathering their stuff before she went through the door. She walked through first and held the door open as they walked through. She walked over to her desk and sat down, as the two entered the main room. "Thank you so much for all you've done for him." Trygan said as he took hold of Jake's paw while also opening the exit with the other. "No problem you two, go easy for a few days and Jake, can you come here Monday? So I can see how you're doing?" She asked as Trygan walked out the door. "Um... yeah sure, I'll try to remember. Bye, thanks for everything." Jake responded while waving as he exited the office.


\n Jake had his cell up to his ear after he went out of the nurses office and was calling his home to talk to his mother. "Hello?" said a worried filled voice on the other end of the call. Jake figured it was going to be hard to try and still be able to go out with Trygan if his mother was like this. "Hiya mom, it's me Jak--" He was interrupted by a loud and relief filled sigh from his mother. "Jake! Oh my gosh! Are you ok!? Are you still at the nurses office? Is Trygan there with you?" She asked in a flurry of words and exclamations. Jake stopped in the hallway, took a seat on a bench and let out a long sigh. "Yes mom, I'm ok, alright? No, I'm not at the nurses office and yes Trygan is here with me. This is something that is normal with high schools mom, I'm sure you and me both knew there would be something like this that would happen and it did. I'm ok and please don't take this out of control, mom. Please! " Jake said, not even bothering acting like it would be easy to talk to his mom about this. "Mom, I know you're probably going to ask, or better yet tell me to come home straight away, but I am fine! I have a date with Trygan and I would preferably not miss it cause of a little bump on my head. " Jake stated before his mother could even say anything.


\n There was a silence eon the other end for a few moments and Jake figured his mother was considering it. "Jake, do you know how much I worried? You know I love you so much, but please, just move the date to at least tomorrow, I want to see you here." she said, regret was in her voice. Jake just sighed again, loud enough so his mother could hear. "Mom! I have been waiting for this for the entire week and you just want to move it cause I got hurt? Mom, I... Am... OK! Alright?" He said, slightly aggravated at his mothers protective nature. "Do you remember what I said a few days ago? I'm not a kid anymore, this is life and I can get over it. I am so sorry I'm being like a real jerk right now, but you are making it difficult to actually get over it if you won't let me do it myself. I love you mom and I'm sorry, but I would come home if this was worse, but it's not bad at all, the nurse even said we beat it, so I'm ok." Jake said with sadness and anger in his voice. He hardly could wait for his mother to reply before he hung up, but he held out. "Jake, I know you're not a kid anymore, but I don't want..." She said and then sighed. "I... are you sure you're ok?" she asked. "Yes mom, I'm ok. Can I please go now? Trygan is waiting for me." he asked as he felt bad about talking to his mom like this. Janice sighed. "Ok Jake, if you're sure you are ok, it's fine with me. I'm sorry I made a big deal out of this, you're not my little husky pup anymore. Just be home as soon as you can after your date." she said and Jake felt better already, his mother finally came around. "Ok mom, thank you so much, I'm sorry for being mean." Jake said as he felt good and bad about getting through to his mom. He and his mother traded apologies a few more times and then said their goodbyes, Jake had tears in his eyes, but looking at Trygan made him feel better.


\n The two met in a hug and Jake felt even better at the touch of the wolf's fur and with a wipe of his eyes, the two quickly walked through the empty hallways and out the front doors the afternoon sunlight of pre-summertime. Jake figured it would be best to just forget this ordeal with his mother and try to enjoy the rest of his day. While paw in paw, they walked towards where Trygan had parked earlier that day, only to find his car gone and in it's place was a sleek sliver looking vehicle. Jake just stared in awe at the beautiful vehicle before he realized it was in Trygan's spot. "Hey! Isn't this where you parked? Did they tow your car or something?" Jake asked as he walked around the car the get a better look at it as well as marvel in it's beauty. Trygan couldn't help but giggle. "Well you were asleep for a long time and I decided it would be nice for a change of pace." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key chain, attached were two keys and a little device with it. He hit a button on the device and the silver car doors unlocked. Jake looked around to see who was coming to get in the vehicle due to the fact he didn't see Trygan hit the button.


\n The brown furred wolf burst out laughing at the confused husky who was looking around to see who drove the car. "It's a Jaguar Jake, stop eye humping the car." Trygan said with a laugh as he walked to the driver side door and opened it. Jake just starred at him in shock. "You have a Jaguar, Trygan!? How could you afford this!?" Jake asked as Trygan signaled him to the passenger side. Jake opened the door and took a seat on the silver leather seats as Trygan also took a seat and shut the door. The husky closed his too and Trygan started the car, it coming to life with a subtle but fierce roar and settling down to a nice purr. "It's my moms car. Believe it or not, but it was her idea for me to take it on our date! " He exclaimed as he turned on the AC and started driving towards their destination. Jake's eyes were darting around the dashboard, admiring the wide variety of electronics and gauges.


\n "Your mom drives this and it was her idea to let you drive it! ? Trygan, it's an awesome car, but you didn't need to get it or anything, your car was just fine with me." Jake said as he buckled up and sat back in his chair as he enjoyed the cool air from the AC blowing at him. "Yes, my mom drives this and there is no way my car was good enough, this is your first date with a guy and I wanted to make it memorable, starting with a nice car along with a nice ride to a restaurant. We're still going to Chili's right? Or is there another place you want to try and get some food at?" Trygan asked as he pulled up to an intersection with a light. Jake looked at him and his feelings seemed to grow more for Trygan and as usual, he blushed slightly at how nicely he was being treated by his boyfriend. "Um... yeah, we're still going there." Jake responded as his stomach made a noticeable growl and Jake blushed even more as he heard it and put a paw to his stomach. "Oh yeah, we are so going there. I guess I didn't eat lunch today, heh I am so hungry right now." Jake added as he groaned from his increasing hunger. "Alrighty then, I here these babies can get to like sixty in 3 seconds! Want to try it?" Trygan asked with that wolfish grin as the light turned green. Jake starred at him blankly and sighed. "I would prefer to get there with you not getting any tickets along with me not puking in your mom's car." He said as his paw was taken hold of as laughter filled the air.


\n Having driven for 10 minutes, the two reached their first stop of the night, the restaurant. The giant chili above the front entrance was a well recognized symbol for the two, due to the fact they both ate there with their friends and families on a somewhat regular basis and Jake wouldn't have it any other way. They got out of the vehicle, Jake more slower than Trygan and started walking towards the door. Trygan couldn't help but notice the husky being timid about this and he reached over, placing a paw on Jake's chest to try and comrfort him. Jake almost jumped out of his fur at the touch and let out a little yelp at the same time. "Jake, you are more nervous about this than you were five minutes ago. Nothing will happen to you ok? It's just a restaurant and everyone will just think we are friends or something. I don't want this to be a bad date, so we can just go to the movies and skip this since you don't really seem up to it, come on, Jake." Trygan said trying to comfort Jake and lessen the nervousness. Jake just stood there, right in front of the door and didn't move, but rather took hold of Trygan's paw and led him inside where an employee was waiting to seat them. "You forget I don't want to miss this for anything, the nervousness is something I like cause it means I like you a lot, Trygan. Besides, my stomach was creating mini earthquakes on the way over here, so there is no way we are missing out on this." Jake said as the two were directed towards an empty booth.


\n They took their seats on either side of the table, were given menus and told the waiter what they wanted to drink. After he had left to get their drinks, the two leaned back in the chairs, starring into each others eyes, Jake's tail wagging even while he was sitting. "So, you know what you want Jake?" Trygan asked as he broke the gaze and looked down to his menu. The husky looked at him and smiled. "You know I do, I get the same thing every time, go chicken crispers! " Jake exclaimed with a laugh. Trygan laughed and found what he wanted too. He closed the menu and looked back at Jake. "So, I guess as daters, we should ask each other questions and stuff, you know, get to know each other more." Trygan said, breaking the laugh and showing that wolfish grin of his. Jake loved looking at Trygan when he showed that grin and Jake's stomach did more than growl at him as he thought about how much he liked the brown furred wolf before him. "Um... heh... yeah, that would be cool." Jake managed to say as the waiter returned with their drinks.


\n After taking their orders, the waiter went to the kitchen, leaving the two daters alone. "Ok, sooooo where to start." Trygan said as he looked at Jake. The husky smiled and his tail wagged even more as his first date with a male fur went on. "Hmmm, I guess something easy will do for now. What's you favorite color?" Trygan asked Jake as he took a sip of his soda. Jake thought about it and figured it was ok to tell him his real favorite color. "Well, um... I like the color violet... heh... I always say I like red or something to my friends though." Jake said as he leaned forward and took a large chug of his soda. Trygan took the chance and leaned forward too, licking the side of Jake's face as he was drinking. Jake somewhat melted at the feel of the rough, warm sensation against his facial fur and blushed heavily at the same time. "Oh Trygan... heh... your tongue feels so good...." Jake shyly exclaimed as the both sat back in theirs seats with smiles plastered on their muzzles. "Well, you are too cute to just look at! " Trygan responded as the waiter came by and filled their cups up with more soda.


\n "Hey, Trygan?" Jake asked several minutes later as he drank more of his drink. The wolf looked at him, feeling like this was going to be a serious question. "Um... c... can we talk about Greg?" He asked while he felt the bandage on his head. Trygan knew this was going to happen and didn't want to talk about anything bad on the husky's first date, he wanted it to be an incredible and fun one. "Jake, this is our first date, I don't think we should talk about him, ok?" Trygan responded. "This is supposed to be a happy time in your life, we can talk later about him." He added as the waiter brought out their food and placed it on the table. Jake's favorite meal was in front of him and his stomach made a very noticeable growl. "Oh... ok." Jake said as he began eating ravenously. Trygan rubbed the husky's legs with his own and smiled as he placed his paw, padded palm up. Jake placed his paw on Trygan's and felt more at ease as he thought about Greg.


\n The two asked each other a dozen questions, from favorite foods to favorite memories, as they ate and after finishing their food and about 10 refills for Jake, along with several blushes, they paid the bill and got up to leave. After getting outside and near the Jaguar, Trygan wrapped his arms around Jake from behind and pressed up against him as he squeezed the husky. Jake could easily feel the semi hard bulge in the wolf's pants and he himself became aroused as he pictured losing his anal virginity to Trygan. "Oh, I am soooooo full Jake, carry meeee!" Trygan groaned as he and Jake walked together towards the car. Trygan licked Jake's cheek and Jake couldn't help but turn around and kiss the wolf. Their lips met and they kissed each other with such passion that when they broke the kiss, they both were panting slightly. "Wow..." Trygan said as his eyes stayed closed from the sheer bliss of the heated kiss. Jake giggled and licked Trygan on the nose. "Come on you furball. What time does the movie start?" Jake asked as he opened the door to the car. Trygan quickly snapped back to reality and ran to his side of the car and got in. He started the car as Jake got in and closed his door and he began driving towards the movie theater. "Hmmm, I think it starts at like seven or something. We're doing good on time. We were only in there for like an hour and some odd amount of minutes! Talk about great service." Trygan said as drove through the crowded streets. "Yeah, it was faster than I thought it would be, but that's cool." Jake responded as he stared out the window at the darkening sky. Trygan looked at the husky and smiled, he figured it would be best to tell him after the movie.


\n Jake rested his head against the side of the door as the two drove down numerous roads and closed his eyes, thinking about his feelings towards Trygan. "I can't believe I like him so much." He thought to himself as he remembered his dream earlier that day. "I... guess I l... lo... love him...." He thought as his paw was taken hold of. "Would he hate me if I told him my feelings? Would he hurt me... laugh at me... leave me...?" The possibilities increased in number and in more hateful and vulgar ways. Jake felt a paw on his shoulder and a little shake. "Jake, we're here, are you really asleep!?" Trygan asked as Jake opened his eyes and sat up straight. "Yeah, just needed a little nap. Ugh... im so fat! " Jake said as he rubbed his stomach and got out of the car with a groan. Trygan started laughing and the two started walking towards the theater. Jake surprised Trygan by taking hold of his paw instead of the other way and he gladly squeezed his date's paw.


\n While walking, the two stopped in front of an alley due to Jake almost face planting from his shoes becoming untied. Jake bent down and began tying his shoes as a bottle flew by his head and hit next to his paw, shattering on impact. Jake jumped from the impact of the bottle and landed on his tail, forcing out a pained yelp. Trygan didn't hesitate, reached behind him and pulled out a small knife while jumping to stand between Jake and the assailant. An at least 6ft 3 in. wolf stood in the alley way, reeking of alcohol, Trygan noted as he changed his stance to that of a lunging one. "Oh.... uugghh... ssssorrrry about that... I didn't... real... ize prossisute boys..... worked tttthisss... corrner... I gott" The wolf stopped talking as he braced himself against a wall and threw up. Trygan got a better look at the wolf as he bent into the light. Clearly a Grey Wolf, messy fur all over his body, scar at the base of his right ear going down under his shirt, pierced right ear with a silver ring, left ear was notched from birth or a fight, ripped jeans that were horribly dirty, a torn black T-shirt that was just as dirty and an object visible in his pant line, a gun handle. Jake had gotten up and was standing behind Trygan, nudging him to leave this guy alone.


\n "Listen buddy, we don't want any trouble." Trygan said as the two began walking away towards the theater that was so close. Another bottle flew by the two and hit in front of them. "Where you think... yor goin whores.... I got cash... and my balls are full.... of cum... get back here...!" The wolf said as he undid his pants, took hold of his weapon and let his pants somewhat fall to the ground, his growing meat glistened in the overhead lamp light. "F off you drunk." Trygan said as he picked up a shard of broken glass and chucked it at the wolf, striking his target. The wolf drunkenly dropped his gun while grabbing his face and drew his paw back to see it colored the scarlet red of blood in the darkness. The two started running down the walkway and as they ran, the wolf snarled at them and began walking after them while also pulling up his pants and picking up his gun. "You little bitches! I swear you're going to pay for this wolf! I don't forget scents that easily!" the Grey wolf yelled as the two entered the light of the theater and the view of the gathering amounts of furs in the vicinity. Trygan took a quick glance back to see the wolf and the teeth of a deadly snarl, walking towards the two. Jake was shaking beside him and Trygan didn't want him to see the wolf coming at them, so he went to the ticket booth, retrieved the tickets and hurried the husky inside.


\n Once inside, Trygan let out a long sigh."I'm sorry about that Jake, I think there is like a football game on and people like to get drunk at bars and that was an alley that had a back door to a bar. Sorry." Trygan said as Jake calmed down and was clearly unaware about the wolf looking for them. "Um... yeah it's cool... kinda scared me a little. But I'm good now, hon--" Jake stopped and realized he was thinking about his dream when he just talked to Trygan "--Trygan, heh, so can I go get a drink?" Jake asked as he tried to hide is evident blush. "Yeah, sure. We have a few minutes, though I figured you inhaled enough soda at the restaurant to fill the Grand Canyon or something " Trygan said with a chuckle and with that, Jake got in line at the condiment section of the theater. Trygan slowly walked to the door, taking a look through the glass. He saw the wolf looking around and growling at furs nearby, even raising his nose and sniffing the air. He started walking towards the theater and Trygan's heart sped up. "Trygan, come on! The movie is about to start! " Jake called to his date. Trygan started walking towards Jake, seeing the lights of security pulling up to the theater. A smirk spread across his muzzle and disappeared quickly as the two walked into the room that the movie they were going to see was in.


\n The two went to the top of the rows of seats and took a seat right in the middle as the movie started. The two took hold of each others paw and kissed each other. They didn't realize they were kissing for numerous minutes at a time and then watching a little of the movie, licking each other and then kissing for lengthier amounts of time as the movie went on. Their tongues exploring every inch of each others maw and muzzle with the amount of time during the kissing. Their paws rubbing each other and holding each others head as the two made out longer and longer, both enjoying the feel, taste and scent of one another. Only breaking the kissing to watch a minute of the movie, take a sip of the drink and lick the others cheek before their muzzles were together and the passion flowing back through them again. Moans, groans and murrs escaped each of their muzzles, Jake not caring one bit if anyone saw or better yet, heard him kissing a male. They giggled and laughed then kissed some more, Trygan even felt Jake's crotch and fondled the growing bulge. Jake murred loudly and fondled Trygan's as well, loving the feel of the wolf cock underneath the pants. They both stopped with a giggle and kissed again, breaking the kiss with a line of their saliva on either of their lips. No one paid any attention to the two daters at the top row of the room and Jake loved it. He was feeling better about being in public with this and although he still slightly felt self-conscious about it, making out with his date was just too passionate to let the eyes of others ruin for him, even if they were in a dark room.


\n An hour and forty five minutes later, the boys exited the movie theater and with Trygan cautiously, but unnoticeably looking around, seeing if the wolf was around. He saw no sign of him and the two walked, paw in paw, towards the local park and sat on the edge of one of the fountains. "Soooo, umm, what was that movie about?" Trygan asked with a chuckle due to the fact that neither of them had watched much of the movie itself. "Oh, you know, explosions here and there and a hot girl is banged by the main guy... I think... were there robots in this one?" Jake said with a full hearted smile and a giggle as his tail wagged in rhythm with Trygan's tail. Trygan figured this was a good time to tell. "I don't remember, I was kind of occupied with an incredibly cute husky, he kinda looked like you, Jake. Maybe you know him " The brown furred wolf tried to say without laughing only to fail with a burst of laughter. He started to fall backwards and Jake grabbed his wrist. Jake saw Trygan fall into the large fountain and then was pulled in himself, on top of the wolf. Along with a splash, there was no anger or discomfort, the water wasn't deep and Trygan only had water up to the very edge of the opening of his ears. There was no yelling and shoving to get out of the water, no struggling, but rather laughter filled the air around the two and the near vicinity of the fountain.


\n Furs of all species were in the park , but not close enough to have seen them fall in or hear their laughter. Jake laid on top of his date and felt like exploding with all of his feelings just welling up inside of him for his boyfriend that he just realized was more than that, but was rather his love and he was sure of it. He didn't care that they had only gone out on just one date. "Love doesn't need one date to show how much I do love him." Jake thought to himself as he figured it was better now than ever to tell Trygan of his feelings. Jake's clothing was beginning to get soaked and there was a slight chill to the air around him and Trygan. The wolf just laid there and starred at the husky, not showing any discomfort. "Trygan.... I... I... please don't hate me, but I--" Jake was stopped due to Trygan placing a paw finger on his lips, signaling him to be silent. "I don't want this to be hard for you, Jake and I have been wanting to tell you this for awhile now. I love you, Jake." Was what Jake believed he saw Trygan's lips mouthing. Time seemed to slow for Jake as he heard the words slowly, tears not even waiting, started forming and sliding down into his fur. "I'm guessing you were going to say that too, so I don't want it to be hard for you. Also, I will never hate you Jake and I don't want you to think I ever will. I know you're still shy about this, but I want you to know that you don't need to be shy about saying your feelings to me, I will always understand." Trygan said with a loving smile and as he finished, he licked Jake on the nose and happily sighed, feeling incredibly relived that he got to tell Jake his feelings, even if it was in a somewhat rushed manner. "I... love... you too, Trygan. I don't really understand why my body is feeling the way it is, but I love you. This isn't me just saying this either, I... I really do love you... heh..." Jake managed to say through the shyness as he turned a light pink and licked Trygan back, also letting out a semi choked giggle and sigh.


\n They laid there for what seemed like an eternity just looking into each others eyes, feeling each others love, before Trygan started to shiver. "Ok, I'm cold! As well as soaked to the bone!" Trygan said as Jake rolled off of him and stood up in the water. Jake helped the soaking wet wolf up onto his foot paws along with leading him out of the fountain. Leaving the fountain, Jake planted a quick, but passionate kiss on his lover's lips and with one last lick of his cheek, the two walked to the car. Jake's pants were only the really wet part of his clothing, and so he stripped out of his shirt and placed it on his seat so the leather wouldn't suffer. Trygan let his jaw drop in an exaggerated gesture at the look of his lover's broad husky chest. "Dang! Anyone ever tell you you're hot as hell! You could rub on me without a shirt on any day! " Trygan said as he retrieved a jacket from the back of the vehicle and placed it on his seat. Jake looked down and laughed as he got into the car and shut his door, soon followed by Trygan. "You would say that. I know you want to just rip my pants off and pound my adorable husky butt!" Jake said as he giggled and shook his rump in his seat. The two laughed as Trygan started the car and began driving. "Wow, this night seems almost unbelievable doesn't it, Jake? Ha! We love each other! How cool is that?" Trygan asked in an exclaimed and excited voice as he came to a red light and took hold of Jake's paw. "I know I... heh... I love you so much Trygan! I'm so happy to say it! I wuv my wolfie!" Jake responded in a more excited voice than nervous one and the car, once more, filled with laughter. "Come on you sexy stud of a husky, lets get you home, your mom is probably going crazy." Trygan said and Jake nodded in response just as the light turned green.


\n With a press to the gas peddle, the car drove down the street towards their neighborhood and with jokes being told and licks given to cheeks, the inside of the car was filled with more than just laughter, but rather also filled with the unconditional love of a husky and his "wolfie". "Heh I can't wait to see what our second date will be like!" Was what Jake said on the ride home, eagerly waiting the next time he gets to be with his lover.




\n Yay I hope you liked this chapter and as usual, no idea when the next one will be up, but I thank you all for reading
