Current Track: Blabb

Eeeeeeeeeep! Holy fudge in a hand basket, it's another story! I must say, when you have nothing to do all day while house sitting and looking after some pets, the 7 or so hours come in handy when you want to be productive with story writing! I wrote 96% of this in one sitting, so that is always good! Hehe! I think I'll save the intro to be a little shorter than usual and hopefully you all like the rest of the story! If I have any fans left?! WAAAAARNING!!! This chapter is not action filled, or dirty at all really, it's just a simple pawful of hours in the life of the oh so lovely duo, Jake and Trygan! So don't expect anything nor let it deter you from giving a good rate! So, this is a boring chapter read for all of my possible fans! Hehe! Sorry I say! And now, onwards! To the story with you all as my intro is bigger than ever! I hope you all enjoy A Chosen Path, Chapter 10 – The Day After --





Chapter 10 – The Day After

"Dude! No way!?” Jake gave an incredibly surprised look  as Trygan told his story in Jakes room on a cool night. His expression made the wolf chuckle with how into what he was telling Jake actually was. "Dang! You are quite the awesome one! I didn't even know you knew how to fight like that?! And you took what... martial arts class in 6th grand?! Gah!” He exclaimed again in that cheeky tone of his while he eagerly listened for Trygan to continue.

"Heh, come on! You're telling me you're more impressed with what I did years ago than me kicking some fox arse  in the name of love?!” The room filled with that of loud laughter and Trygan tackled Jake to the bed in a passionate kiss that lasted mere moments to the world, but much longer to the two.

Once broken Jake looked into Trygan's dark brown eyes and smiled brightly. "Of course I'm impressed with it all! I never thought something like that would happen, I figured he'd get bored with taunting us before someone got involved.... But I'm glad you did! You didn't need to! He was just being a jerk and stuff, you know, ruffing me up to try and scare me or something.” Jake finished and planted a sloppy lick across Trygan's face to a rewarding  "Eeewwwwwwww!”  from the "doggy” kiss as the two boys wrestled around, both giggling like children high off of sugar.

The Giggling continued through the night as the two chatted it up and Jake apologized for not telling Trygan what had transpired before and of course another kiss was dealt to shut him up before he could even apologize. "No need to apologize! You can keep stuff from me, but if it's going to cause you harm or anything , please tell me! I'd hate for anything bad to happen to you! Ever!” Trygan proudly exclaimed, leaning in and nuzzling Jake's neck scruff as he held him close to hug him.

Jake of course nearly melted at the words and attention, sure it's cute when a guy says it to a girl, but what about a guy saying it to another male and giving him oodles of attention!? Of course, a bright blush shown through Jake's white facial fur so deeply that he turned slightly pink at the face and tried to hide it by nuzzling Trygan back.

"Ohhhoho! Did I say something? I mean it you know, I do you know... love you like no other and all!?” He giggled and lifted his head to sniff the air while his paws roamed over the Husky's body and tickled him senseless. The aroma of a variety of foods bombarded Trygan's nose and nearly made him drool with how awesome it smelled. "Oh my God! Your mom must have gone to like... a cooking school or something right?! The food smells incredible!” He happily proclaimed and looked down to see a heavily panting canine glaring at him.

"oh uuuuh.... Did I tickle you t....” He was cut off by a pillow to the face and the laughing and giggling picked back up in the room as he was sat on by the other boy.

"How dare you tickle me! The fluffy husky demands revenge! Heheheh!” He faux acted as if he were outraged by the tickling and went about attacking the defenseless wolf under him with his paws, eliciting giggles and thrashing around by the tickling.

Not long after the tickling had occurred, both boys laid there, Jake on top of a pillow on top of Trygan as the lips were pressed together and their tongues doing more than just staying around in their own muzzles. The kiss went on for one moment, then another and another and was eventually broken by the calling of dinner being ready.

A string of saliva connected between their lips as they broke and Jake took the time to wipe his lips and stand up, sitting back down hastily with an even brighter blush than before. Trygan noticed the reason and started laughing, hoisting himself up to ruffle at Jake's headfur. "Oh come on now, I think it would crazy if you didn't get a rager after that!”  He smirked and placed a paw on Jake's crotch, groping him softly through the fabric.

"Oh come on! Stop iiiit! Heh, We need to go eat remember?!” Jake exclaimed with a light moan between his words and opening of his legs to give off the most obvious nonverbal opposite response of his own words.

Trygan just burst out laughing at how the Husky was responding to his intimate paws and couldn't help but take his paws away and hold his tummy while starting to roll around with the giggles taking hold of him yet again, the sight of his boyfriend bring more emotions than ever before, the room had never heard such laughter, fun and other more private matters before.

"Come on ya horny pup! Your parents probably think we're like high or something from all of the laughter they probably can hear! Geeeez!” He hoisted himself up, almost panting from the need of oxygen from the constant supply of everything nice that makes him laugh. He pulled Jake up by his arm and gave a little pat to the dog's behind before kissing him one last time on the cheek and a little playful shove backwards before bolting for the food. "First one there gets all of the good foooood!” Trygan exclaimed as he exited the room and made his way downstairs through the house towards the heavenly smelling gathering of food that was, as usual, going to shock him from the abundance of it all.

He came to a skidding halt at the entrance to the kitchen with a still slightly flustered male crashing into the back of him to almost send the two sprawled out on to the floor, but a quick paw from Trygan saved the two as he held onto the side of the opening to the room. Some stifled giggles later and some rumblings sounds coming from both boys, they came to realize at the same time that they were actually very hungry and the sight of the "feast”, as Trygan came to call Jake's mother's meals, set their mouths to salivate.

A proud mother Husky finished up her placing of the many varieties of foods down in the center of the table, almost making a decorative design from how they were placed and it wasn't too many more seconds from the boys crashing into the kitchen that they were already seated next to one another on one of the sides of the table, eyes wide at the meal before them. "Well hello you two, having fun upstairs I take it?” Came the more male scruffy voice of Jake's father Daniel, who happened to come into the room right after the two had taken their seats, their faces smiling all the while.

"Yeah, I guess there is some laughter after I wrestled this guy to the ground and pummeled him senseless with a pillow, you know, the usual me being all awesome like that!” Jake exclaimed with a held back giggle, receiving a glare from his partner along with a huge grin from what had just been stated. Of course, Jake hardly had time to react when an arm wrapped around his head and a paw buried itself into his headfur to be a nice noogie from Trygan. A brighter blush than before came over his facial features and he had to squirm around for a little bit before a soothing womanly voice floated into their ears. "Okaaay, settle down you two! We're at the dinner table! Heh, Trygan you can embarrass my son at another time, but now, it is the time for eating.” She said with a bright smile and little chuckle to herself at the two before her, so young they were and knowing they cared so deeply for one another just brought back the usual motherly instinct to cry when literally nothing has been said to make something like that happen.

The two promptly stopped with the playful ness and set their napkins down on their laps, eyeing over the apparent meat friendly meal steaming  up from the plates so close to them. Janice took her seat, having a little inspiration from the boys, by her mate of countless years and gave him a little kiss on the lips to welcome him to the table.

The boys waited for everyone to be settled in before they partook in the greedy act of hoarding as much food on their plates that they thought they could easily munch down. "Take as much as you boys want, there is plenty for everyone and as I'm sure you've guessed, it's quite the anti-vegetarian meal! Hope you two like it!” The mother proudly stated before slowly filling up her own plate, putting the boys to shame with how gingerly and delicately she assorted her plate.

Tis true that there was quite the variety of meats for everyone to enjoy, in front of the four who sat at the table was a spectacle that might put some royal families to shame in itself. Pitchers of milk, orange and apple juice, water and of course soda for the boys littered the outside if the table while the inside housed the food. Subtly steaming plates full of brisket, ham, beef patties for burgers, and roast beef were the center piece of it all, not mounds of it, but enough to fill several plate fulls. The scent of the mixed meats sending everyone's senses sky high with how grand everything came out and how well it smelled. The crispest lettuce and steaming corn along with plenty of sauces to be drizzled or dipped in for the salads that could be made or for the meat as well and along with the veggies came also steamed carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and potatoes and cheese were among the many assorted plates in the middle of the table. Of course, the boys wouldn't dare miss getting a glimpse at what was lightly thawing on a covered glass container, a sight the two were indeed beholding at how the caramel and chocolate glazed turtle cheesecake presented itself in its container.

The parents looked on in an almost awe-like fashion as the two tried their best to be more or less "Gentleman like” with how they stuffed their faces full of the delicious foods and it wasn't long before they were slowing down, the wife and husband taking their time to enjoy the food. Age clearly was a factor as one half of the table stuffed faces while the other half just giggled in silence and held each other close while the munched on their own food.

Nearly an hour and a half passed between the more so not dignified too horribly much meal of hungry teenage boys and the chit chat of parents and kids to pass some time before the dessert came out which of course led to sticky muzzles on half of the occupants in the kitchen, the laughter from the boys seeming to have been caught by the adults as they chuckled amongst themselves from the spectacle and as time winded down, the left overs were wrapped tight and preserved before being put way and the dirty dishes were cleaned as well as put up before Janice and Daniel said their goodbyes and goodnights to Trygan and Jake before going side by side to their own bedroom for the remainder of the night.

"Holy fuuuuudge your mother definitely went to a cooking school...” A subtle burp of being full interrupted the Wolf's statement before he made his way to the front door. "Gah! Ignore the burp! Hehe, but yes, your mom is crazy good, she could cook for the whole neighborhood in her sleep I bet!” He exclaimed while taking a hold of his boyfriend's paw and pulling him close. "I guess I better get going then, you know, gots school and everything tomorrow, for the BOTH of us I hope!” He grinned at his own comment, being taken off guard after finishing by warm lips pressed up against his in a love infused goodbye and goodnight kiss that they both wanted so dearly to never end.

"Yes, yes I will be ready for school and everything! Don't be late now, or I'll have to pay you back for that beyond embarrassing noogie you in incredibly lovely jerk! Ha!” Jake replied after subtly breaking the kiss with his eyes closed, almost as if he still was imagining kissing his wolf. Him being brought back to reality with the opening of his eyes after feeling warmth from a tight hug and breath against his right ear, flicking it around softly as Trygan held him close.

"I love you Jake, I'd fight endless bullies if it meant keeping you safe...” He calming whispered into the motion filled ear before giving a gentle squeeze to the dog, letting him go before turning to the door and making his way home, throwing up that two fingered wave and yelling back his goodbye and goodnight to the love of his life.

Jake just stood there a little dumbstruck at the comment, knowing as usual he might just be making it bigger than he should, but it still made his heart race from joy all the same. With several minutes passing while Jake made a roundly inspection to see if anything needed to be put up or if something was missed, he shut all of the lights in the downstairs are and took his leave to his room, taking extra-long while going over what Trygan had told him about school and everything else in between, his emotions getting the better of him, making him wonder how well he'd fall asleep with his loved boyfriend on his mind for the remainder of him being awake.

A nice plumping of his pillows, opening all the windows in his room to make a steady constant cooling breeze of the more or less cool Texan air and a closing of his door, Jake happily stripped to his boxers and crawled into bed, his front resting on his bed while he kicked his legs up in the air gently behind him, giggling to himself as thoughts of Trygan ran through his head. The thoughts doing the opposite of what he thought they would do and before long, nothing but the wisp of air, some active crickets and the language of the trees being whispered could be heard in the room as the Husky drifted off to a much needed rest.

What seemed to be several hours to Jake of getting to some deep sleep passed within his sleeping mind before a stirring in his bed caused him to slowly awake, a feeling of warmth on his front and his chest fur being moved around caused little panic as the feeling and scent of the fur was all too familiar and with a bright smile, he opened his eyes to that of a bedroom alien to him, his desk was gone as he slowly moved his head around, noticing the arm that was wrapped around his chest and there were no windows in the same place as he vaguely remembered his own room, noticing the bed side table with a smiley face bacon and egg breakfast on it with head radiating off the surface. Jake noticed while eyeing up the room that the brown fur of the arm looked darker as well as the arm being bigger than the one on the wolf he thought is was, as if it were older before he felt a nuzzling behind his ear and a happy good morning sigh from the male spooning him from behind.

"Good morning honey, I thought I'd let you sleep in to enjoy your off day. I made you some breakfast, so don't tell your mother it was bad or she'll scold me even as a man!” The voice came into Jake's ears as that of an almost unfamiliar one, with a subtle hint of it being of that who he thought it was, the comment making it all the more certain for the dog as he turned around slowly, oddly not having any fear as his eyes came to rest on the face of the older male, that wolfish grin being prominent as ever while Jake tried to say something, the words not being heard. "Now get up you lazy furball, we have plans tonight!” The wolf said while sliding out from under the covers, his pajama bottoms sliding down his legs as he rocked his hips while walking along.

"I'll be in the shower if you can make it, Jake.” He said with a sly wink and shake of his bottom being partially covered by his tail before disappearing around the doorway that too seemed alien to Jake as he inched his way out of the bed, his footpaws coming into contact with the soft carpet laid under the bed cause him to stretch his feet as he stood up with a little buzzing sound coming from outside of his window, strangely in increments. It wasn't long before he was at the window front, the buzzing sound almost increasing to an incredibly annoying loudness as he reached for the blind to the window, a thin line of sunlight hitting his left paw and reflecting a light as it came up to the cord, and as if it were a laser beam of sunlight, his paw lit up like an explosion as the reflected light came close to his face, his other paw covering his face as his whole body was illuminated. His chest was thicker and more built up as well as the ground seemed to be farther down than he was used to, his footpaws poking out from under his pajama bottoms were different and bigger to him as well as the light intensified and he closed his eyes with that of an extended blink.

"Come on Jake! You need to get up! I can't wait around forever!” Echoed through his mind as he opened his eyes again to his bright sunlit room, a room of which he easily remembered being his own as he checked his dresser on the right of his bed, blushing almost at feeling he had drooled a little on his pillow. The clock he had set to not go off a few nights ago silently beeped and flashed the numbers he would have rather not seen, his phone buzzing around the top of the wooden dresser seemed familiar to the Husky but was hastily forgotten as he lifted his covers up and before they had hit his bed, he was halfway up his legs with a pair of pants, soon followed by a shirt and shoes and a slamming of his bedroom door, the sound echoing through the house almost.

Within several minutes, not even going over ten, the Husky was out of the house, crumbs coating the outside of his muzzle from a quick fix of poptarts and OJ. A Brown furred wolf greeted his approached out of the house; backpack in paw after going back up into his room to retrieve it, hardly and chitchat was made before the car almost peeled out of the drive way to race towards their school.

"Well well, it seems that I was actually worried you'd be all "Not feeling well” Again today! I might have had to come into your room and tossed a cold bucket of water on you or something! It's eight twenty seven man!” Trygan explained while trying his best to keep the speed limit a possibility, hitting Jake Gently on the shoulder to show that he wasn't mad or anything. "But! Glad you're here now! I think that was a world record for getting up outta bed and into the car!” He continued on while Jake pushed the paw away and tickled up under the arm with a smirk, making sure to keep Trygan on his own side.

"Oh har har! I was having a good dream I think and besides, you do realize getting up for school is more of a chore than actually wanted right?!” Jake returned the remark back with enthusiasm as the vehicle came to stop at a red light, the clock hastily ticking down the amount of time before both would be tardy in school.

With the car stopped at a 4 way intersection, it would be a few long moments before they were moving again, and Trygan took the time to placed his paw on Jakes leg and rub around slowly, the fabric feeling cool under his pads as he looked into those burning amber eyes, the sparkle of them, Trygan thought, could never possibly diminish. "Lemme guess, I was in your dream and you were giving me a stylish furdo while trying to noogie me?” He closed his eyes and grinned that wolfish grin of his again, a little giggle followed soon by as he semi-massaged his boyfriends leg in a soothing way.

Jake just leaned back in the chair and sighed happily, the feeling of the wolf's paw on him making him never want to be without that touch again. "Heh... well I can't actually remember the dream, I think you were in it, but I can't be sure. I'll have you know that you aren't swimming around in every single one of my dreams you know! Ha! There are video games too I think?!” He played back, trying his hardest to try and see if he could recall anything about his dream, the aspects of it annoyingly on the tip of his mind as if he could see it without being able to describe it.

"Oh I know that, silly! I think you'd get bored of me if you dreamed about me all the time!” He responded as the light turned green and they were on their way once more, making good time surprisingly as the "going to work” mob of cars had subsided due to the time being rather late now, the clock reading 8:34 made Jake fidget a little in his seat, the feeling of being tardy is never that of a good one.

"I could never get bored of you, I think our love counteracts the embarrassing moments you put me through too! Heh!” Jake happily responded and turned on the radio to blare some form of rock to make the last leg of the school drive that much more exciting, missing the touch of Trygan's paw as he pulled it away to take hold of the steering wheel.

The rest of the trip went fairly fast, the music making it all the less stressful for the two while pulling up into one of the remaining parking spots in the school parking, way in the back for the younger school drivers. There was hardly any minute to waste as the two jetted from the car, making their way to the school in a sprinting fashion, all the while giggling and pulling at each other's shirt to see who could get their first, the 1 minutes warning bell sounded as they made it up to the front entrance, a gathering of the "cool kids” Slowly made their way to their respected rooms, not caring to be tardy or not.

The two lovers hugged each other tightly, Jake leaning in to nuzzle Trygan affectionately, almost forgetting they were in public, but hardly having a care as he nosed around and sniffed lightly to get one last reminder of his boyfriend before they both split and hurriedly made it to each room before the final bell rang, both letting out a sigh and chuckle, Trygan rubbing at where Jake nuzzled and Jake remembering their hasty pre-school hug.

The day appeared to go on fairly quickly for the two, the thought of being able to be with each other for every passing period helped make the long classes seem that much shorter. The rumor of the school day, the Fox Jake had not the greatest fancy for, had been beat up by a freshman or someone younger than him because where he was hurt was in the lower grade parking lot, surprisingly for Trygan, he had not been called into the Principal's office for anything, seeing as he was the one who put a hurt on the little guy. The fact he'd not been called in showed that the Fox was either scared of him, respected him for putting a reality check in the form of pain into him, or that he just wants to be friends, etc.

The list of reasons went on for a while as Trygan made a lazy attempt at listening or even understanding what his teacher was lecturing about, Jake and his not being told on were the main thoughts in his head at the moment.

The day was fairly normal aside from the fact that it seemed to blow by and it only seemed to have come out of the blue, but the lunch bell rang and practically the same idea of getting to eat and hang out with each other entered both Jake's and his boyfriend's head at the same time, the two wasting not moment to race for the lunch room and give a more so dignified fist bump for each other while both being smiling fools in front of everyone before they made their way to some random lunch line to get their food.

Food in paw on one of those cheap cardboard like lunch combo food plates, they made a way to the table where their friends were already munching away, happily pushing out two chairs next to each other so the two "love birds” could sit together.

"Weellllll! Looky who it is, finally decided you're not cool enough to skip school I see?!” James commented from his side of the table that elicited some chuckles from the group, Karly making her eagerness to hug Jake all the more noticeable with her bubbly hyperness and shaking before running around the table and bowling into Jake to give him a big hug and almost knocking him out of the chair as he sat down, her rat style tail sliding across the floor as her whiskers and pointed nose, the common attributes to that of the rat species, tickled up the side of Jake's face.

A few tables around the commotion made a look at the events before returning to the usual hum of teenage chatter throughout the lunch room. "Well, I guess you could say that I wasn't feeling too good yesterday, so what can you do, am I right?” Jake replied back, figuring it would be a less hassle of a situation if the other furs at the table didn't know what Greg had done to him or that Trygan was the one who put the hurt on him.

"So Trygan, guess you know hot to put the hurt down on that little freak Greg.” Tomarius, aka Tom,  said in a leaned in whisper to the duo as he made his way to the table, the lion taking a seat next to Trygan and hastily hushing up the table as he was one of the common of that little group that caused so much for the two. Aside from the hustle of the others around the room, anyone could have heard a pin drop and ding off of the table with how everyone stared at the intruding individual.

It wasn't long before Trygan made the first move and introduced Tom to the table, taking a shot in the dark with saying 'I don't believe he'll be doing any more trouble making now, will ya, T-man?” The tension grew as the Lion huffed a little and help up his paw, being slapped fast by Trygan who pulled him in for a shoulder bump, a move not done between the wolf and feline for quite some time. The gesture loosening the tension at the table by considerable amounts as Jake pulled his boyfriend aside along with a worried look, the new male still striking a little fear into the Husky's body.

Jake made it clear that he didn't like the new guy at the table, stating it loud enough for everyone at the table to hear, protesting and saying that this jerk of a Lion is one of Greg's little group. The friends at the table joining in on Jake's defense as he went on, hushing as the golden manned feline gave him a little glare and an apologetic look at the same time.

"Look, Jake, you may not like it, but yeah I hung out with that B of a Fox, but if you recall, I never actually did anything, I just hung around because he paid me to stay with him in a way of making him look like he had big friends. I didn't like what he did, spoke up when I wanted, but money talks, so me needing some cash for my car, I just sat behind and got paid. Call me what you will, hate me if you want, but I won't be hanging around him anymore, kinda actually brought my popularity down and I doubt cash can get that back, just took Trygan here to kick his ass and show how pathetic he is to change my mind.” He concluded with saying that Jake made the Fox look like a sack of boring potatoes compared to him before taking his leave, a low paw slap from the wolf and lion was the last of it before the end of lunch rang out and the two had to stuff their faces once again just to leave in time to go to their classes.

With Jake seeing where Tom was coming from, he figured it wouldn't be so bad having him around if he truly wasn't all that bad, but until the next lunch time or whenever he'd see him, the lion was on the back of his mind, Trygan taking up the rest as they gave each other a hug before the classes started.

The last of the school day went by fairly quickly and it wasn't until that final bell of the day that Jake felt like skipping around, school just sucks the life out of you and gives you info back, what an odd trade he thought while getting an idea to beat Trygan to the car, he ducked out of sight of any of his friends as everyone hurried for the door and into the hallway, the chatter amongst everyone filling the hallway. He threw a "Race you to the car” comment back to his slightly bewildered boyfriend and pushed his way through the school goers.

With his clumsy way of holding his backpack with one paw behind him and gently pushing aside any groups just blocking the way, the Husky grinned to himself while opening the doors to the school and basically sprinted towards the place where they had parked, an almost triumphant giggle made its way into the air as he ran up to the car, jaw slightly dropping as he saw Trygan resting with his paws behind his head against the side of the car, showing off that  grin of his while wiping the one off of Jake.

"I Figure I would give you a head start seeing as you were so happy to get out before me!” He breathed out in a calm fashion while opening up the driver side door. "Why don't you hop in while I think of a prize for beating you eh?” Trygan chuckled softly, sliding into the oven like vehicle from it being out in the sun all day, Jake making his way around, still a little dumbstruck with how he was beaten. "Dang Wolf.... Beats me up hiking trails and then a crowded school, will it ever end?!” He breathed to himself as he made his way around the car, opening the back door to toss his bag in and promptly takes his seat in the passenger side.

With a little kiss from the two to act like the start of the engine, the loved-filled-mobile made its way from the parking lot, to the light at the end of the drive and then made its way home, the prizes Trygan was coming up with just kept growing and growing every mile of the drive, thinking of when would be a good time for it all.... Soon for sure.










Well! I hope you all enjoyed the latest installment of my story! I said it wouldn't take as long! 3 months faster than the last one?! Ha! Next one will be up in.....some time?! Along with some other goodies possibly?! Rate, fav and comment if you liked it! Eeeeeeeeeeeeep! Only one of my stories has a 4.5 rating, that's not bad for a beginner writer like myself?! Gah! Seems that I work best under time constraints, SO! As my story readers and what not, it is my request that in the comments below, you state a time that would be nice to have the next story up! It gives me motivation and helps me think my story is enjoyed by the masses! My goal, get 100 watchers soon enough! My 100th watcher, hmmm, I dunno! Think of good prizes or something for that numbered watcher! I'm wanting to write another story, so pitch me ideas guys and gals, I'm up for it all and anything