Current Track: Blabb

CHAPTER 1 - Venturing: Amake

Venturing: Amake


We hanged around at the entrance of VPD's police station upon the hour of midnight. None of us said anything at the moment however; yet we all stared to the horizon in the following silence. I exhaled a breath, closing my eyes afterwards. Opening my eyes and glanced back to the door behind me gazing in wonderance of where the rest of my unit was. I was together with Kyro and Ozkun; the latter two whom wanted to hang for a while before departing for the case Yang set for us at midnight. But sometimes I had wondered about the list of clues that were chosen to find upon this case. As I thought back onto my earlier conversation with Yang, I frowned and tilted my head to the side with Kyro and Ozkun turning theirs towards me. For they had wondered what I was pondering about; I just waved them away afterwards.


At the twenty minute mark passing midnight, the rest of the gang had surfaced from the buildings and formed up around me while Kyro shift his attention to everyone else. There was a short silence which was interrupted suddenly by Zander who coughed suddenly, shifting his eyes over to me which I gave a nod in response towards him before gazing away towards the others. Kyro and Natty turned towards me; everyone else had done so as well. I spoke forth to them all, explaining about the case imposed upon us and the weird hints and clues that were chosen. Onto this came my silence with wings flapping from Ozkun and Zander suddenly. With silence following, Natty and Kyro was the first to break from us. Following them came Ozkun, Zanunk and Maujur. Leaving me together with Zander for the moment.


As he stepped forth to me, I just gave a nod back to him. Our wings spread and we fled from the station which we left behind us. Thus in the cold night air where we had hovered; watching the others split themselves into different directions. We had realized soon we were alone in the midnight air as a result of things. Not that we had mind however. But as we continued Northward and bypassing the entrance of Vaster, both me and Zander came across the four roads ahead of us. Our wings had suddenly grew tired and aching from a long trip southward that we were forcefully landing upon the split path. Landing where the brown dust rose into the air and the ground beneath us shook when we had landed. Together with us was Ozkun and Maujur. Both of which were looking in different directions, pondering about something in their minds. As I walked to them; the two turned their heads over to me. Yet neither of them smiled as their stone hard gaze was their only greetings.


“Where are you two heading?" “That is the problem." Responded Ozkun, frowning “We do not know where." “There are four paths." I commented, gazing upon each of the available paths around us which both Ozkun and Maujur nodded to agreement. Then silence came from them which Zandere takes the advantage of while I started to hear his footsteps suddenly. For I turned towards him, he pointed to the right which was my left however and I  gave a nod to which he responded with his own. Flapped his wings before kicking up dust, running through the dirty roads ahead of himself until he had disappeared through the horizons above him. As I watched him go, I turned my attention back towards Ozkun and Maujur. The latter two had also disappeared from my sights which I blinked suddenly and shook it off; laughing for a while before tailing Zander afterwards.


I had reached our destination. It was not interesting nor had it ever impressive me with such. But when I had looked upon it, it just felt ordinary. Something that was common for me to see however through everyday life. What was I seeing? It was a rather small house; smaller than the buildings that we had seen back home. It was painted brown maybe pale with a white rooftop overtop of it. A single window was facing me; I had bet that the door was on the other side. I circled around the small house for a moment and stopped when I had reached upon the white silvery door that was in front of me. I clicked my tongue and smiled, only briefly however before grabbing onto the door; tilted it. But realized that it was opened. I just pushed inside.


The door creek; a sound that was loud enough to hear unfortunately. I frowned; but beared with it anyway as my attention was drawn to the surroundings of the room that I had found myself upon. Once more, the room was smaller than the house. With nothing around me except for pale or brown wooding about. Some of them were pile off towards the side of the room; others laid out onto the surface of the flooring underneath me. I called out towards Zander; his voice responded back to me. It was loud for me to hear which tells me that he was nearby. 'Upstairs or downstairs?' I sometimes thought to myself wondering where he could be suddenly as I drift forward, heading into the center of the room where a pile of woods was surrounding me.


All around I saw nothing but that. I had frowned and raised my head; scratching it with my claw. I tilted my head to one side with questions flooding my mind in wonder. Yet the voice of Zander had halted my own progressive pondering as his voice carried through the void of the silence around me. I had also realized that he was behind me somehow. For onto that I turned around; takes three steps back before finding myself back upon the entrance of the room which was the entrance of the small house that we were in and I turned towards the right; grabbing onto something that was there. I opened it up; revealing Zander as he held up a claw towards me. A big grin appearing onto his face. I just blinked at him, frowning.


“What were you doing in there?" I questioned him, he just shook his head and frowned suddenly “I do not know. But I did find this in here." He rose his other claw, revealing what seems to be glitter letters. I tilted my head to one side; and responded “I do not think that is part of the clue set you know." “Well its the results of all four altogether however." Answered Zander, I shook my head responding to him. Exhaling a breath afterwards and just turned around and stepped back; giving Zander some room for him to remove himself from the room he had found himself upon. As he stepped back; the pile of junk that he left behind suddenly rattled. I exclaimed “Run!" Yet we just stepped to the side instead as the pile flooded the room we were upon.


In the aftermath; I had noticed something glittering in the distance. I turned my attention to it and wadded through the sea of junk. Crouched down and snatch it from the pile or sea and raised it to my eyesight. I then responded to Zander who walked following behind me with curiosity expressed upon his own face. “Seems like we had found it instead." “Stuck inside there? How did that happened." Responded Zander as he frowned, but I just shook my head with no clue to the question that he had proposed. For those wondering, the object that I was looking for was something of the resulting glitter letter that Zander had found. Yes, it was glitter purple sparks. “Quick look around the place for any more-" But before I could say anything, Zander already popped out from the sea holding out what seems to be a pile of envelopes and glue stuck. “Never mind." I commented, laughing. Zander just smiled and walked towards the door outside. I followed behind him.


It was perhaps an hour already passed midnight when we had escaped from the house behind us. Where the moon's rays had illuminated the surrounding forest that we were upon. As me and Zander gathered about and stayed upon inches away from the house behind us, we turned our attention towards the letter; the glitter and the glue stuck in silence. After we rose and face one another, we nodded our heads and I grabbed onto the walkie upon my waist. Held it high against my mouth before clicking onto the side hearing something of a ding; I announced what we had gotten. “We found three items from this place; a glue stuck, glitter and a letter which is an envelope if anyone is wondering." “Great to hear." Responded Kyro after I had released the button, “We found something also. It was just one item only however." “A pen?" Questioned Kyro, there was silence on the other end. Short laughters and snickers had came from either me and Zander as we watched in silence about the playful jabs between the two dragons through the walkies.


Then just fell to silence when Maujur spoke out for the group; “Yes, we had found a pen. It still works however. So I guess someone had been using it religiously to get the messages out towards the public." “Or to flood our mailboxes with something." Commented Zander before clicking off the walkie, I just gave a sharp nod to him. He smiled only faintly. Saying nothing else other than his eyes hanging to face the walkie below him. A short silence had came, emerging from the atmosphere above us while neither of us had said nothing. I just exhaled a breath before raising my walkie up and pressed the button, responding to everyone. “Seems like we have our stuff. We will have it delivered to the station in the moment. We just need to check in with-"


And right on time came a response from Kyro and Natty. The two seems to panicked as the frantic of their voices were clearly heard from the surface of the walkie. Zander blinked as he turned towards me, I said nothing responding to him while still hearing the panicked voices from either of them. Static came afterwards; before it completely overwhelming them. Allowing the voices of the two to fade. With silence following; Maujur and Ozkun commented. But I denied it however and just ordered everyone to stay at the station while I head towards that destination of where the two dragons were at. For upon this, both dragons complained and protested. Zander, adjacent to me, was silent. Yet his black wings were already lifted and spread in the air behind him. As me and Zander gave a silent nod; he flew off. I radioed in Ozkun and Maujur. Both of which complied after a while, fleeing from whatever they were upon beforehand as the fades of the walkie and the silence, looms over me.


There were thoughts coursing through my mind. The majority of them were panicked as i had wondered frantically if the two were alright after all. The others were a mixed; few were joking perhaps a prank or something,  some were just frustrated with both Kyro and Natty for their intended jokes and not taking this any serious at all. Others were just neutrals. Nothing to say and no comment at all. It was weird that considering all of the sides within me were opposing one another; the neutrals were quiet without taking a side at all. But my head shake to rid of all of that upon my head and I just spread my wings; taking a deep breath before lifting myself up from the grounds below me. For I had fled North west from where I was, heading straight into a destination of where I had hope the two were alright.


Upon my arrival, I landed upon the ground immediately and lifted my hed high. I met with the huge door before me. Something that I had never saw ever before. But not minding about the awe struck that I tried to keep at bay, I rose my claw and settled it upon the surface of the door. Pushing it forward to hear a crack here and there, allowed the door to opened on its own which allowed me passaged through upon its close quarters however. I entered immediately and the door shut behind me. Lights popped out from overhead; illuminating the room that i now find myself upon. Yet the entire place was silent for I saw nothing and anybody which disturbed me at best however. But shaking my head and narrowing my own eyes, I walked forth towards the center of this huge room that I find myself upon. Glancing to the left and right; staring down onto the rusty old machines that stand before my presence.  I had noticed that the machines were a variety of sizes; most of them were smaller than me. Being able to fit them perhaps in my pocket somehow. Others were huge and more complex.


I continued waltzing through the fields of machines. Glancing back and forth through them while thoughts popped in and out of my own mind. For by the time I reached the other end of the fields; I halted my movements suddenly and turned around. I still faced the machines again; but had noticed something sparkling in the distance however. I squinted my eyes; blinking. Flapping my wings to make myself hover in midair and drifted forth towards where that spark was upon. Drawing close to it had me stopped where I had landed upon the grounds and stepped forward. The grounds shook upon my arrival; but remained intact afterwards. In front of me stood while I presumed to be is a plug. I tilted my head to one side and frowned; but curiously grabbed onto the plug and held it in my claws. It was solid, hard and metal. Perhaps the kinds of things to use for electronics however.


By the word; something clicked into my mind. I suddenly turned my attention to the machines and equipment that filled the room with the realization about the purpose of these machines. For I had turned my attention towards the horizon where a red door stands in front of me. A red glow of a button was above it; settled within its cage to prevent its escape. I gaze at the door; then upon the red glow of a button again before departing my gaze back toward the plug that was in my claw. Then towards the pair of holes in front of me. I had formed a hypnosis. Although I was not sure if it would produce the same results as I thought it would however. But never minding that now; I immediately shove the plug into its pair of holes and watched as magic had happened.


First, the vibrations ringing from the door. A loud buzzing sound had erupted the silence looming over this room and had immediately shift my attention towards it. I watched as the door underneath the red button clicked; then opened suddenly as the button suddenly turns into green. I watched it; but a cold wind bite against my scales making me shiver for some unknown reason. I never knew that reason too however. Whether it to be good or bad, I just ignored it and spread my wings again. Taking it to the air and floated forth to land in front of the door where I take a step forward. Stopping immediately upon the line imposed underneath me while I gaze around my surroundings however.


For somehow, someway; this entire case had turned into a nightmare. Something that I had been dreading at least for a while as my eyes stared upon what was in front of me. I noticed how the next room was bigger than the room I was previously. With water dripping from the sides; running along the walls of the room. Pooling along upon the edges of the flooring underneath me. I frowned while I stared at the room before me; shifting my attention towards the walls on the other side of me. Quickly noticing about three huge opened holes there and three more switches adjacent to them; but sparks were flying everywhere about making it impossible to turn them around. Yet ignoring my own thoughts, I dared to take a step forward. The door behind me closed off and locked me out. A rumbling came from it too as the door sinked through the grounds. Fading from my own eyesight.


I turned back towards the room I was upon. Gazing interested upon the three doors that were in front of me. I walked to the first; then looked inward for a moment. Quickly noticing how the tunnel was fogged up preventing me from seeing far however. I squinted my eyes hoping to see through that fog; but it was indeed no use however. Instead, I headed to the tunnel adjacent to it and repeated the actions therefore. Resulted in the same as the one previous. I frowned as a result; but shook my head to prevent any more thinking from clouding my own mind. For that I just headed onto the third tunnel and peered inside. This tunnel was somehow clearly than the previous two. Additionally; there were a line of letters upon the ground which reached the horizon before me. I stared at third tunnel for a moment; tilted my head to the side before casing my eyes over to the previous two tunnels. Then frowned a second time.


It had seemed, I was given three choices to head into. Each of these three leads into the same destination; or so I had assumed based on where they were facing however. But that thought leads me into pondering about the journey into heading to each of three tunnels. For the first two were fogged and prevented me from ever seeing what was ahead and the third was a line of letters. Despite the first two looking a little bit interesting, I had decided to just take the third tunnel instead. So immediately, I headed straight there and entered in with no hesitation. As I had entered; I realized something. The tunnel that I had picked was pitched darkness in reality. I also had realizing something too; the line of letters that I had saw previously were just a cover up for something sinister inside.


At that moment, I shivered and grew anxious that my legs would not somehow start working all of the sudden. Yet I turned my head up front into the horizon and resumed my walking then; at a much slower pace than I normally would.


Something about the third tunnel had given me the creeps however. Yet I cannot figure out what was making me disturb and fearful of this tunnel alone. For many questions popped onto my mind, suggesting about the things and kinds that may come up before me. But with the silence looming over my head and my own chattering of fangs glistering in the surrounding tunnel, I continued advancing forward. Thus, I had reached the end and submerged from the tunnels behind me. Stepping foot upon lands of where I had entered into. But to my realization, I had returned back towards Vaster for some reason. What was more; was that in my claws. I was holding piles of letters that delivered straight into the station of where I had worked for.


I had entered into the station; plopped the letters upon the surface of the table in front of me before staring down onto them afterwards and in the silence. I was pondering deeply to myself; wondering about the clues that hinted into the creations of these letters and, more importantly, why were they delivered to us at all? I frowned upon these questions, even finding myself scratching my head in ponderance. Yet nothing had came up. Onto that moment I did slammed my claws upon the grounds; eyes closed with wings folding behind me. I stood like this for a moment before hearing a door opened behind and in front of me somehow. For onto that moment had I turned my attention towards the door behind me. Noticing quickly a letter that was upon the grounds within the quarters of the station. Before I could pick that up, I turned my attention up front towards the horizon where I had noticed Yang walking towards me.


She was hanging her head; pondering about something while her claws were upon her waist. Firmed gripping apparently however. I did recall on how strong she was when we were in bed; even when we were play fighting one another at some parts during our time off from work. But shaking my head to rid of that thoughts; I suddenly called out towards her. She snapped her thoughts and returned into reality; gazing towards me while I waved her down. She had looked surprise somehow. Even when I had arrived late into the night just to delivery this right to her. As she drew forth towards me and stood by my side, she questioned me “What is wrong?" “Nothing at all. But rather this." I called, drawing her attention to the pile of letters in front of us as she blinked and gasped suddenly before responding to me, “Do you know who it was?" I shook my head. “That is hard to figure out. But…" I trailed off; grabbing onto one of the letters and turned it over.


There revealed a warning. A warning about a wave that was coming.