Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Entitened


I find myself growling.
Stomping my feet upon the solid ground wall below me. Eyes up front towards the
horizon, staring down onto the plains that stretched out in front of me. I
exhaled a breath, wondering why that the PD had requested us to stay here
guarding this useless building. 'And from what?' I thought with a growl, my
eyes narrowing in silence which lowered gazing at the plains again. I pulled
away my eyes and shift towards the other side of the walkway where Wovan and
Wyott were sitting upon. Both of them were silent. Neither of them talking to
one another or to themselves, with the silence looming over them however. I
exhaled another sigh and turned back to the horizon. Thoughts returning to my
head once again before I shook my head and turned around; heading down the
walkway to regroup with the others.


Yet it had seemed that
Wyott and Wovan already caught my steps, turned their heads towards me. But
only Wovan was the first to speak than the other. “Guess the boredom got to you
too huh?" “Yeah." I responded without any word while he chuckled and set his
eyes back up front. “Is there anything to do besides lingering around, staying
here. Watching for whomever to come forth from the horizon to take over this
building?" “Well this is not war however." Wyott responded, I just glared at
him and he smiled in response before adding, “Regardless. This is only short
right? Surely he will come and we will tail him and be done with this." “This
story or defending this building?" Wovan questioned Wyott who frowned and
stayed in silence before responding, “Both, I guess." “Surely." Wovan rolled
his eyes and shook his head, with me laughing at both of them.


Another silence fell
before us. Wyott yawned. Wovan licked his lips. I stayed silent for at least a
second or so before groaning, dipping my head and pointed to the grounds again
in silence. “So bored! Cannot we make the author stopped this and just move
onward? We are just biding our time to find something to do." “Rush the story?"
Suggested Wovan while Wovan shift his eyes towards the other coyote frowning,
“Why rush the story?" “Cause, Westli here is bored." “Just sent him out towards
Virkoal Forest or something." “You guys need to come with me." I complained to
them and they turned towards me. Shaking their heads silently while I pouted
frowning at them. “You guys are not fun." I started, moving away from them as I
heed towards my own spot again. Sitting down and glanced back to the horizon


Another half hour or so
passed by with nothing lingering onto the horizon. I continued complaining,
growling and snarling like a coyote would however. Before shaking my head to
retained my own conscious that I stand up once again and jumped from the rooftop
that I was sitting upon. Leap towards the grounds below, landing onto my own
four feet I glanced around at the place. “Why you jumped off?"Wovan
frowned,  “Ha. Told you that he would not
last long up here." Responded Wyott despite not being hard by either me or
Wovan as I continued to move through the streets of the town, glancing left and
right towards the buildings that were there. The town was abandoned. No body
lived here anymore which had made me wonder why the villagers had decided to
pick this place instead. 'Was it because of isolated living?' I pondered with a
shook of my head. Stopping once when I had noticed something familiar before
me. A building with a brown sign attached to it. Yellow words were written onto
it. Big and large that it was easier to read somehow however.


I stared at it for a
moment; shaking my head following after before returning to my walk once more.
For after an hour, I had already reached the end of the road where ae
surrounding of houses stand before me. It had felt like a council almost. But I
had no fear or if however because I had been through it so many times in the
past. Something that I would not be mentioning at all however. As I gaze upon
the building in front of me, I turned myself around and backtracked through the
road that I walked on. Returning to the building that we were suppose to guard


It was already afternoon;
the sun hanged above us. Heat baring down onto the roads and surfaces that it
can touch which perhaps included us however. I grounded my fangs upon feeling
the heatness below me. But chose to ignore it while I headed towards the wall
and knocked onto it with my paw. Gaining the attention of the other two while
they turned towards me. A mixture of smiles and frowns appeared upon their
faces just as Wyott let down the rope for me to climb. I grabbed onto the brown
thick rope and hoisted myself. Scaling the building until I reached the apex
where I released the rope and grabbed onto the edges of the building. While
Wyott pulled the rope up, Wovan grabbed onto me and hoisted me to level ground.
I thanked him before the silence fell once again.


“How was the adventure?"
Teased Wyott while I barked back onto him, “It was fine." “You were only gone
for at least thirty minutes." Commented Wovan, I said nothing. As the silence
fell and both coyotes groaning in whatever reason, I yawned and closed my eyes
for a bit. Opening them again to look at the horizon once more. Noting the
other villagers there; camping the ground minding their own business. “Why are
they there?" I questioned one of the two which Wovan turned his attention to
me, then towards the plains again and spoke shrugging “Guess they wanted to
help out." “How?" I asked, so suddenly and sharp that Wovan shook his head.
Unable to think of anything however and I just exhaled a breath before
returning to the plains again.


It was already evening.
The sun already settling in the horizon. Stars shone upon the skies, the moon
was faintly there. Yet perhaps it was a bit hard to see where it was however.
Disregarding the environment for at least a second, I shift my attention back
towards the plains. Then shortly afterwards, returned my sights back towards my
packmates. Wovan was minding his own business, staring down onto the ground
with his hang hanged. Wyott was staring at somewhere else. Towards another
horizon, I would not know however. But I just ignored them and shook my head
again, before setting my sights back towards the horizon once again.


For things had gotten
silence as time went on, that I was beginning to enjoy the evening transition
to nighttime however. Feeling the warmth leave my body, replacing it with the
sudden gust of cold air when night had fallen however, I closed my eyes and take
a deep breath. Exhaling when my eyes opened and set my sights back to the
horizon again. However, before the night falls and I could enjoy the peaceful
silence looming, Wovan barked through the peaceful silence forcing me and Wyott
to snap our attention towards him. “He is here! He is here!" He repeatedly
said, “Infiltrating the town, he is close by!" “What shall we do then?"
Questioned Wyott, turning his head looking all serious. I smiled confidently,
smirking even before nodding to both Wovan and Wyott. “Start with the first
initial plan." I barked to them, both of them nodded their heads as Wovan laid
down onto the ground, ears upfront and erected while me and Wyott jumped off
from the building's rooftop and ran along the ground.


“So this is the plan? We
act like ghost and chase after him?" Questioned Wyott, “There are only two of
us however." I stated, “Wissyon and Wivina should arrive quite soon however."
“When Will they be here?" “Just corner him already!" I demanded snapping the
conversation as he just bit his lip, growling at me before departing from my
sights. I exhaled a breath, I shook my head and muttered something. But due to
how low that voice was, I was unable to comprehend what I had just said and my
head shook again before I returned my sights back towards the horizon again.
The winds howled in my ears while I ran across the street and turned the corner
towards the right, following that road again. My mind mentally mapped out the
roads and streets that the town contains, knowing full well that the enemy
could reach the tower within any second. Bypassing our cracks of defense using
the roads and hiding road therein. I growled, my eyes narrowed so suddenly
before I halted myself. Skidding to a stop before retracing a few steps and
headed down another road again.


Surprise to my own
thoughts, I had encircled myself back towards the tower where Wivina and
Wissyon were located. The two coyotes were standing about; eyes up to the
horizon. But shortly took noticed of me as we exchanged a friendly yipped.
Before I spoke, “Wivina and Wissyon. Need you two to join up with Wyott. Poor
guy is chasing him all alone." Both of them nodded their heads, departing from
their post while I take their place. But before I could settle myself down upon
the hard grounds below me, I shift my attention back towards the entrance of
the tower behind me. A thought surfaced as I smiled in response then entered
through the door. Returning to the outside with a bucket of paint that matches
the color of the outside wall, I painted the door and its knob. Camouflaging
it. I stepped back from the door, gave myself a nod before shouting out towards
Wovan, “Change of strategy, Wovan!" Wovan heard me and got up onto his feet.
Next thing I knew, he jumped off from the rooftop and joined in onto the chase.


Yes I know. This is a
huge risk. Leaving the place defenseless with only the camouflage as it last
resort. It was a good plan, at least in my mind only. As I felt my heart racing
in my chest, I grounded my fangs and silenced my growl. Yet my eyes narrowed
with a hard pondering. Before departing my sight from the camouflage door that
I turned my attention back towards the roads again and ran. Following the road
and out towards the alleyway. From the series of barks and howls submerging
from the distance away from where I was standing, I could tell that we perhaps
had the guy cornered. If not cornered, driving towards a deadend. A confident
smirk reappeared upon my muzzle at the victory at hand and very close too if I
do say myself. But that smirk fade away as I had recalled that a smirk or smile
will give it away or allowed us to become sloppy towards the end. With it faded
however, I returned my sights back towards the front and the horizon of where I
was. Lifting my eyes, I gaze towards the alleyway that i unconsciously found
myself in. Running straight and ignoring all of the alterative routes that
stand on either side of me. For as I had reached the other end of the alleyway,
I halted my tracks and raised my ears to listen to the sounds surrounding me.


The mixture of barks and
howls still lingered, 'seems like the plan went as successfully.' I thought in
my mind, before shaking my head suddenly and growled 'do not think about that!
Focus.' Gaining myself the focus, I turned my attention to the road on my left
and the next alleyway on the opposite side of me. Judging from where those
mixtures of sounds were from, I had figured that they were not close by to the
building itself. 'Somewhere SouthEast perhaps.' I thought in my mind, before
racing towards the left. Heeding into the alleyway. I listened as the noises
faded in the distance, till it was nothing more than a sliver of sound. I
breathed a sigh and stopped my movements, walking through the rest of the way
into the alleyway. Buildings were towards my sides; covering up the evening's
sunlight and moonlight that hovered in the air. When silence had came to my
ears, I paused and turned my attention behind me.


I raced back. Hearing
nothing again. Worry and anxious surfaced upon myself as I had exposed myself
to the roads once again. Thousands of thoughts reappeared upon my mind in
wonderance of my fellow packmates of what they were doing however. But as those
thoughts filled my mind, I find myself gradually slowing down suddenly. I was
deep upon the roads itself, facing to the north where the moon hangs there in
the skies. The sounds of mixture were fading in and out of my ears, but they
were loud which perhaps meant that they were getting closer however. I frowned,
wondering 'how.' But even I shook that question away and growled, before racing
up the street. Entering into an alleyway shortly afterwards where the shadows
covered the light and enlarging my eyes' pupils as bit to aid me see in the
darkness that surrounded me however.


I raced across the
alleyway, Reappearing onto the other side where Wyott was found racing across
the road, heading into another alleway. He had completely ignored me and was
only focusing to the sounds of mixture in his ears. It was as if he was
entrance by them. Like a spell almost. With the sounds continuing, I frowned
dreading a thought as I slowly moved forth towards the source of that sound.
But no matter what I do however, it was always faint and distance away from me
as if it never wanted to do anything with me however. Upon this, it did had me
worried that I had decided to contact everyone with a walkie that the VPD had
given to us recently in case of emergencies however. As I pressed the button, a
series of flicks came from the walkie. Thus afterwards came Wyott's voice.
Followed by Wovan's, Wivina and Wissyon. “What do you need, Westli?" Wyott's
voice came first, he was breathing hard and panting a bit heavily. Wovan was
next, “Yes?" He was the same status as Wyott. Wivina and Wissyon were next, they
were the same status however.


This had me concerned.
'If the coyotes were breathing this much, we should not be howling or creating
noise for coordination.' I blinked for a while before slowly spoke into the
walkie again, “Call a slow case." “Slow case?" Questioned Wivina. Yet only she
was the speaker, everyone else complied with the order. Stating nothing else
other than the silence as my ears flinched upon hearing the mixture of sounds
again. I growled, biting my tongue now realizing what was happening. I chuckled
softly and shook my head before turning tail and ran back. It had taken me some
time, but I had returned to the building we are to protect and as I stay here.
I lifted my eyes towards the building's surface. Staring down onto it in
silence before exhaling a breath and shook my head. Thoughts appeared upon my
mind as I had wondered if someone else had entered in to the building with
another distracting everyone, Yet a thought had countered that, recalling that
I had ordered an chase advancement towards the target, 'which led to a trap.' I
concluded while I heard footsteps behind me.


I turned around, facing
my packmates. All of which were breathing heavily. None of them were able to
speak at all however. Yet their eyes were towards me, a longing in between
breath as I find myself nodding my head slowly onto them, exhaling another breath
before returning my sights to the horizon once again. Silence returned, looming
over our heads that I nodded towards the other coyotes and spoke before
stepping forward. “Leave this to me then." “Are you sure?" Questioned Wyott
while Wovan tapped his paw onto the shoulder of Wyott who glanced over to me,
nodding. “Give me a pair of headphones, Wivina." I added, causing some of the
coyotes to turn towards me. Eyes widened in surprise. But none of them said
anything more when Wivina stepped to the door. Opening it and closing
afterwards. Reappearing with the pair of headphone in her mouth while she
dropped it upon the grounds before me. I stared at it suddenly, bowed my head
and grabbed it with my maw. Raised to my hind legs, I grabbed the device and
hoisted it onto my ears. Flopping it into. For the next thing I noticed was
that I could not hear anything at all. A breath escaped my muzzle while the
others stared back onto me in silence. With a nod, everyone else nodded and I
turned my attention to the front before me and ran. Disappearing into the
horizon in front of everyone as the coyotes prepared their defense upon the
building behind them.


The noise was muffled. I
could not hear anything at all and that was a good thing however.  A smile drifted from my muzzle while I stared
up to the horizon in front of me. I ran across the alleyway, reappearing upon the
other side where I ended up upon the roads instead. I followed it down,
leftward towards a series of buildings that lied up before me and the moon
hanging high above my head. I stared at the horizon, the noises I still ignored
but were still muffled however. I grinned before resuming my walk again.
Heeding down the roads straight towards another building at the other end, I
can hear the noise breaking through my headset. 'It is close.' I thought to
myself, frowning in wonder while I stared at the building in front of me.


I glanced over to the two
alleyways that were on either side of the building. Both of which were parallel
to one another and both pointed straight to the horizon ahead. Since both of
them reached the same destination, I had figured about choosing one of the two
instead and sticked with it however. For thus, upon that logic, I had chosen
the right side. I went towards the right of the building and entered into the
alleyway in front of me. Ignoring the garbage that were found scattered about
however, I waved myself through it and headed deeply. It was pure darkness. I
knew I could not see at all however. But that usually never concerned me. As I
swiftly made it towards the other side, I stopped my feet when I had noticed
something in the distance.


A rectangular black
beatbox was in front of me. Yet no one was holding it however which had
concerned me. Staring at the beatbox for a second, I pulled my eyes away and
gazed elsewhere. Towards the surrounding walls and buildings about and
stretched my ears, to listen to the other sounds other than the noises created
by the box itself. For when nothing was there, I stepped out from the shadows.
Exposing myself and lowered my butt towards the solid dirty grounds below me.
Where clapping echoed my ears, I blinked and turned around. Noting the lizard
that was smiling faintly in front of me.