Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Hozord Wolves


Light sparkles in the
blue skies. We stand in the silence. Eyes outward to the horizon with the peace
hovering over our heads. Exhaling a sigh, I closed my eyes. Allowing a soft
smile to drift upon my lips before opening up my eyes again and shift back to
the horizon. For thus afterwards, in a short pause, I turned towards my
teammates: Wyott, Wovan, Wivina and Wissyon. All of which stood in the silence.
All eyes upon the front, avoiding eye-contact with me in every form. Getting up
onto my feet, I spoke breathing in the fresh little air that drifted from my
lips. Joining in the air of the outside as I walked a bit from the line of
canines behind me, “We move now. Straight to that forest ahead of us. Towards
the light that just shined brightly than the daylight." “What will we find
there?" Questioned Wovan with excitement drifting from his spiky fur as he
glanced over to me. I smiled briefly at me, shaking my head in response before
joining the cliff and heed the hillside presented to me. No answer came from me
as the other gasped in shocked. Surprise by my sudden action.


But no one complained or
gain any other sort of alterative routes to heed down the cliffside. For they
all followed me down the hill, straight upon level grounds that stand beneath
us where I lie in wait for them. With the dust settling behind themselves as
they slid down, I turned around and gaze upon them in turn. Watching as they
closed in onto me. For before long they reached the leveled ground and slid
bypassing me. No hesitation came from either of them and I turned around to
meet their eyesight as they grinned responding back to me. I joined them.
Walking side by side in an line, straight through the plains that stand before
us and the forest ahead of us.


You maybe wondering who
we are however. As if we were a bunch of wolves, creating our own spinoff story
like the recognized series before us right? No. We are not them. We are canine
Yes. But we are a different species than the Hunter's pack. We call ourselves
the Hourans. An amateur seekers coyotes. We claim that we are the best in
everything and to those that level with our skill are consider our rival. Wyott
is our strategist. The coyote of the hour. He loves to work out the bugs to
ensure the safety of our pack. Although he wanted to be alone with his
thoughts. Wyott is a red orange coyote with white underbelly fur. His ears
sharp like diamonds. Adjacent to him is Wovan. He is a rather hardheaded
coyote. He likes to dive straight into danger at times. Additionally, he had
told the rest of us that he is also a fighter as well. Having fought in
multiple conflicts that the realms had witness all this time. More than we
perhaps could count however. Due to his brave nature, he does take pride over
the things he take. Including wins and among personal stuff. Although he never
mentioned what those 'personal stuff' are however.


After him comes Wivina.
She is totally the opposite of Wovan. But despite this set back, she loves to
adventure out and eager over the 'exciting' facts and information that are out
there in the realm. Sometimes, we wanted to know if she was sheltered by her
parents. But she never mentioned it at all however. We had always dropped the
subject at hand and just continued on with our journey.


Anyway, enough
introductions. We had arrived straight upon the entrance of the forest. The
first thing we had noticed was that the entrance was never guarded at all. The
forest trees before us waved in one circular motion. Flawless were they however
which had awed some coyotes as well. The entrance to the forest does not have a
brown sign or a pair of poles that would support the sign as well. Nothing that
would make the forest unique and interesting for us that I just scoffed at it
and growled at the other coyotes who turned towards me, nodding their heads.
For as always, I led the team into the forest where the light fades and
darkness reigns over our eyesights. The trees covering the sunlit skies above,
preventing even a little ray from seeping through its cracks and enlightening
the way for us to continue forward. However, we never need such a thing. For
like the canines, we had night visions that allowed us to see in the darkness
or semi darkness like the forest was giving to us right now.


Our eyes flickered inside
the forest. Lighting our path forth which led us straight to the horizon before
us. I turned towards the sides. Gazing at the forest trees; but nothing else
was there. Empty. Except for us as we continued on the path through the forest.
Heading deeper. It was weird that the forest ground only had us in it as Wivina
and Wovan wondered about the other land animals that lived here. I saw them
shake their heads; glancing at both sides to the forest. Thinking about the
animals as well as others however. But I growled at them, breaking their
thoughts while their heads shift towards the front. Gazing at the horizon with
Wyott questioning me, “Think this is the place where we saw that light
earlier?" I said nothing to him. Keeping my eyes up front once more and head
leveled as the voices surrounding me faded allowing the silence to reign in my


It had been quite some
time waltzing in the forest ground that I was gradually growing bored of this.
I snarled as I stopped suddenly, allowing the other coyotes to bypassed me
continuing their walking forth. But stopped shortly afterwards and turned around,
looking upon me in silence. Even Wyott was looking quite confused too. For as
he questioned again, I shook my head and positioned myself leveled in line with
Wovan and Wivina. Both coyotes glanced at me. But I paid no attention to them
otherwise. My eyes were up front once again. But they dropped to the path
grounds beneath me. Staring somewhere upon the grassy patches of dirt that
sinks my paws upon. “Westli." Started Wivina as she reached out towards me and
I gave no response back. Only resumed forth once more as the other coyotes gaze
behind me. Then shortly afterwards pursuing me. For  they joined up seconds within the silence as
we entered deep into the forest.


We found small hole pots
upon the grounds. I had wondered if these pots were former trees that were once
planted upon. But turning over to Wyott, he shook his head. Either in
disagreement or something else that was in his mind. For as he averted his eyes
away from me, he turned towards the other hole pots scattered about at a
farther location away from us. I turned away from him. Gazing to Wovan and
Wivina, both of which stepped forth to the potholes and set their paws down
upon it. Filling the hole suddenly as their heads were hanged, gazing upon it.
I had wanted to bark after them. But my voice was caught up upon my throat.
Rendering me useless at the time being. Simply closing my mouth seals the
thought away and I shook my head again before walking. Passing by Wovan, Wivina
and Wyott. I continued passed the holes and also watching my steps too however.
I watched the holes spread themselves apart from me. Each of them at a
different length than the others and seeing this made me know where i should
place my paws upon. For then afterwards, I reach farther away than the other
coyotes in my pack and smiled faintly to myself as a result; but barked
following it causing the others to flinched and ran forth. Hitting potholes
underneath them, tripping themselves over whereas their heads hit the grounds.
I groaned. Averting my eyes to elsewhere to avoid embarrassment. But something
there caught my eye however.


There was a pack of
wolves. About six in total, the same size as ours. The other five wolves were
gathered around the sixth. For at first, it was just my natural instincts
telling me about the avoidance of wolves before they kill us all. But something
about the sixth wolf had me curious. Like something from the past brought back
towards light. Though I shook my head to rid that thought aside, focusing my
attention towards my own pack. I still find myself pondering about that wolf
pack in particular. Noting their excitement, adventure and among other things
had a pain of jealousy coursed through my body as it had started heated up. A
thought following the other had me wondering about the light as well. But the
other coyotes growled at me. Halting my advances as I turned back towards them.
Wyott nodded his head slightly which forced me to stop and resumed our advance
back upon the adventure through the forest which we had done however.


We resumed our way
through. The rest of the way was boring. For nothing interesting or excited
happened however. Sure we had talked for a while, but the topics of interest
were just about food, mating and such. 'Typical coyote behavior.' I thought to
myself with a growl and narrowed eyes shooting daggers straight towards the
talking coyotes beside of me. Sooner than we had realized, we had reached the
foothold of the center of the forest. For above us stands the spot where that
former beam of light hits the grounds. I grinned wide. Perhaps from ear to ear.
I would not know however. But disregarding any thought that was upon my head, I
howled to the others. Ordering them to 'climb' and with me taking the lead of
the pack, we would get there. I had forgotten to mention that the hillside was
steep. Though luckily we were able to find some hard large rocks scattered
about upon the side. All of which were larger the size of our paws however.


We climbed high. Jumping
from one rock to another and higher in elevation. Till we reached the top. The
peak of the hillside was where we all gathered upon a burned mark that we
encircled it. Wyott was a bit confused however. For his head was tilted to the
side, gazing carefully at the mark below us. Wovan and Wivina lowered their
heads, sniffing at the mark. Yet it was Wivina who spoke to us upon the silence
“I think this is all that we can find here. There is nothing more." “Nonsense."
Objected Wovan with a smile upon his snout, glancing over towards the female
coyote “There is something here always. Why else would that beam of light hit
here instead of any other forest grounds we know?" “Wovan does have a point."
Wyott started, agreeing with him as such said coyote grinned. I rolled my eyes
and shake my head while hanging it down and pawed at the mark below us. For
several seconds I kept pawing at it. Till it glowed brightly white and blinded
us temporarily. I heard screams coming from Wovan and Wyott. Yet Wivina said
nothing in response that I was kinda worried that she might be killed or worst.
But shaking that thought aside, I closed my eyes and awaited for the light to
fade from my lids as it 'changes' our scenery surrounding us.


Gone was the forest. No
more trees, birds and Wolves. For in its place was a ruined grounds. Something
that we were surprise to see and witness upon our own eyes however. “What is
this place." Wyott spoke aloud which Wivanan frowned, shaking her head in response
to Wyott. She kept her silence. Never speaking as I stepped forth from the
pack. My ears perked upon the creaking of the woods underneath us. I froze
suddenly, wondering with fear if the platform that we are on would break. But
lowering my head and gazing at the grounds below me, I saw that it would not.
The platform and the others were made of wood. The wood stretched far into the
horizon where it had suddenly disappeared from our sights. 'Was it gone?' I
pondered to myself, gazing at the disappearing woods before us 'Or was it still
there…' Lots of thoughts were upon my mind in witness of the place we had found
ourselves in. But never minding standing around. Loitering as if we had nowhere
else to be however. For with a howl that came from my lips, I led the team
forward and away from the first platform that was beneath us. Straight towards
the bridge next. It led us uphill for a short while. Sharply turning rightward
towards another platform adjacent to it where the two interconnects with one


We watched the
interconnection. But fell silent as we continued following it down where we
stepped onto the next platform. Creaks and chirps echoed upon our ears. Wivina
flattened her ears and hanged her head as she stared at the wooden platform
underneath her. Falling silence while the rest of us shift our attention
towards the surroundings of the wooden platform we were upon. Staring onto any
other sort of bridges that we could find. But the reeks of odd smell covered
our noses and caused us to flinched or gaged upon such a smell. It had smelled
exactly like someone old shoe or sock. Have not worn for a long time however.
As Wovan gagged, Wyott spoke out towards us and raised his paw outward to the
right side. Pointing to the next drawbridge that we are suppose to take. For
without hesitation, we rushed and entered upon the bridge. Climbing higher in
elevation as our attention was forth to the next platform that we had hoped to


However, I instead gazed
out to the horizon and stared out to the odd things that I had saw out there.
The pink and red organs pumping about. A line of red slithering down some
organs, moving away from whatever it was holding up. A couple of other lines were
slithering too. But in some other direction. To where, I was unsure. But I
never wanted to find out where however. My eyes closed upon watching them as
something stirred in my stomach. Wanting to come out from the shelter of my own
body. But I kept it down there instead. As Wyott spoke towards me, I turned
towards him in turn. He motioned for me. I heed up the remains length of the
bridge. Reaching the platform at last whereas Wyott stepped to the side and
allowed me through. The other coyotes sat and gaze upon me as I joined them


There was thoughts in my
mind. None of it were related to the surroundings however and the things that I
had seen. It had all seems that I just wanted to forget what I had saw here and
return back towards reality. Back to the forest grounds and watching… But my
head shook suddenly, my ears were flattened as I heard Wyott spoke out.
Pointing upward into the horizon. Curiously, I gazed following him. Spotting
something that was in the skies. 'Another platform?' I wondered noting its
large square shape. The other coyotes thought something differently. But had
kept it to themselves otherwise with the pure silence surrounding us. I exhaled
a breath, spoke towards Wyott who turned towards me. Getting up onto my four
feet, I move closer towards him and questioned, “How are we going to get up
there? There is no bridge or anything about." “He is right." Started Wovan with
Wivan agreeing with me. Wyott said nothing; though a frown appeared upon his
snout. For as he met eyes with me, silence was our only conversation.


However, shortly after
the silence. A thought popped into my head. I turned towards the other coyotes
as they met my own. I spoke, explaining about it. Though some were concerned
about this plan. Wyott and Wovan never cared. Seemingly eager to help out as
they could. For at thus, Wyott rushed towards Wivan. Tackling her onto the
ground then grabbing her legs suddenly. Hoisting her above his head, Wovan
rushed at the two. Leaping forth and grabbing onto Wyott as I followed likewise
towards the two. I reached out with my paws which was snapped by Wovan whom
hosted me above his head. I raised my head high; noting that the platform above
us was closer than we had thought. So with a smile, I stretched my paw outward
to the platform above me. Straining my veins in an attempt to reach it however.
But I found myself grunting and growling in frustration, seeing how my arms
were too short to even reach for it. As Wovan took note, his voice filled my
head as he hanged his head and shouted towards Wivan who nodded suddenly and
rose her toes high. Giving us a boost to reach the platform with ease.


For at that, we climbed
the edge of the platform. I hoisted everyone up. Upon the surface we reached,
we all had panted. Tired and exhausted by our adventure. But also pleased and
excited about our end goal however. For I got up again and shifted my attention
towards our surroundings again. I saw nothing around our reach. For the place
was all empty instead. Noting this, I had smiled faintly; seeing that our
journey was indeed at an end. 'Sad.' I thought to myself while Wyott, Wovan and
Wivan got up gradually from their spots. Gathering around me suddenly before
turning their attention towards the horizon ahead of us. Where a bright white
thing popped from the horizon, drifting straight towards us at rocket speed. We
had thought maybe that this was our reward for climbing. However as the rocket
drew closer towards us. We widened our eyes. Surprise as it blew up the
platform we were on. Rocketing us straight into the red and pink organs below
us. Disappearing from the realm altogether.