Current Track: Blabb

CHAPTER 1 - Treter: Beached

Treter: Beached


Today was our day off and what a perfect time it was. With the morning sun shining down onto us and the sight of the tranquility peace hover head, things had been relatively quiet as for recently however. Despite it being peaceful, we were quiet bored with ourselves, that because of our own day off, we had nothing to contribute to the story plot at all. I exhaled a breath, realizing this however while all I could do was just shake my head from side to side. In ponderance of what should we had been doing otherwise, my ear flickered upon the gust of wind blowing against my own ear as I turned my attention to whomever was behind me. There I spotted, Wovan who seems to be behind me momentarily. His smile drifted from his snout the moment that his eyes met up with mine. He was silent for the time being, though his tongue was somehow sticking out for some reason. I only blinked at him suddenly; before shaking my head and just turn back to the horizon once more. Staring at the beautiful morning skies above us.


“Well Wyott, what are we doing today?" I heard Wivian responded through the silence, I choice to ignore him as I had no other plans otherwise. Though I exhaled a breath which was heard by Wovan whom was found tilting his head suddenly towards the right, I responded through the silence. Straight towards him apprently, “Nothing as of now however." “Nothing yet? Why not?" “We could go for a walk right now." Interrupted Wovan while he turned his attention behind himself, towards Wivian who blinked at him suddenly and raised his shoulders, responding silently to him “Yeah sure I guess." “We are going for a walk then?" I questioned the two; but they would not answer anyway and I kept staring onto them before glancing away otherwise.


We were still in Virkoal forest, the place where us and the Hunters lived in, in case you had not figured that out however. Yet we were surprise to find out that we were the only ones there; for the Hunters had departed to commit for something else. Like a client or something however that we would never understand. The sight of them leaving had indeed anger me; but  I had allowed that to go and just refocused upon my packmates while Wovan and Wivan just stared at me silently before I gave off a nod towards them. “Fine. A walk it is then. Where are we heading to?" I added suddenly and out of the blue as if I was curious about where was our destination at for the moment's time. Neither of them spoke for their heads were met with one another. They had maintained this hold for a few seconds it had seemed before Wovan responded out towards me, “We are heading up the road. Straight towards where the Hunters are heading." “We are just invading their privacy, you know that Wovan." I questioned him, but no response came after.


So with a sigh; I just gave a nod to them and turned around. “Fine, lets go then." “Immediately?" Responded Wovan, his eyes widened in surprise. “I never hesitated, do I?" I questioned them and nothing had came from their own snouts. Bowing their heads, nodding following after. They chose to follow me up the road before us as we suddenly depart from Virkoal Forest behind us with the morning sun still shining onto us, heating up our black or brown fur coats making us all warm and toasty however. Straight through the road; towards the crossroads that was ahead of us, we raised our heads. Glancing to the sign at the fork of the crossroads. It was brown or pale. Something I guess and we stared onto it. There were two pointy arrows pointing to both sides; left and right. Both leading into Canine and Reptile respectfully. We stopped at the fork of the road; glancing towards the two roads ahead of us as I turned towards Wivon and Wivan, questioning them. “Do you guys know where the Hunters had headed into then?" “Thought they had headed right at the moment." Commented Wovan, mostly whispering to himself upon this point however.


Wivian overheard it and growled at him; raising his paw into the air and place it onto Wovan, he responded “They heed left." “Were they not-" “left." Wovan demanded, I blinked at the two of them momentarily. Then shake my head, stating nothing while I just watch in silence. For the two continued hitting and slapping one another; with growls and harsh bites came from the two of them, I exhaled a breath before stepping forth towards the two of them. Separating them both and spoke, “We will lead right then. If they were not there, left it is." “...And if they were not left?" Questioned Wivon while Wovan growled at him suddenly, I just shake my head at him “Then we just depart to Virkoal Forest. This whole trip is just a mess." “ 'This trip is not a mess'!" Exclaimed Wivon while he stared at me suddenly, I just waved him off and just head towards the right instead. Leaving the two of them be.


The two coyotes behind me realized that I had departed; immediately sprinted into a run. Fleeing from the crossroads, straight towards my side as they joined me upon the right side of the crossroads. I glanced outward into the silence atmosphere before me, staring down onto the plains that were towards my side. I did indeed notice that a hillside was in front of me. The plains were a mixture of green and yellow. Flowers bloomed amongst the surfaces of the plains too it had seemed. But no one was around to witness it however. For perhaps everyone was a bti too busy minding their own businesses within their own realms. I just sighed for that reason alone and just turned my attention up front, towards the horizon before me whereas that hillside that I had saw earlier on. Walked forward along the trail until we reached it and climbed the hillside towards the apex.


When we reached the top, we glanced outward from us. Towards the plains that were towards the sides; the road that stretched from our feet. Stretched to the horizon where it had faded amongst upon our eyes. My ears rose to the tranquility silence hovering above me, that I turned towards Wovan and Wivan momentarily. Both of which just stared onto me in silence; even Wovan just tilted his head also while I nudged them forth beyond the hillside. I only exhaled a breath, wondering about the Hunters and what were they doing to catch the attention of my packmates however. As I had dreaded to think of the insanity that they had already came up with.


But shaking my head, I returned to the reality before us. We continued to work; Wovan and Wivan in front of me now as our eyes stared up front into the horizon where we gaze to the sunlight before us. We continued to walk forward in the following silence; hearing the ringing in our ears as we enjoyed the quietness of what our own surroundings had given to us. However, the ringing had faded then afterwards when something echoed upon our ears. I forced everyone to stop; raising my paw high while the other two turned towards me suddenly. Each of them having a concern look upon their faces suddenly. But dared not to say anything as I spoke, “You guys hear that?" “hear what?" Responded Wovan as his head was tilted to the side; gazing at me suddenly while I spoke answering him, “The hunters are closed by." “Where?" Questioned Wivin shifting his head rapidly around, looking to the surrounding around himself which he had saw nothing in the empty fields of plains. I only shake my head onto them, before raising my paw again. Pointing northward then slightly to the east.


There, we heard something. Yet it was faint upon our own ears. Wovan and Wivian blinked suddenly; turned to one another before looking to me to whom I gave a slight nod towards them. A smile drifted from each of them in response as we advanced forth towards the sources of that sound. To our surprise, it had came from one of the bushes out in the plains. Exactly Northeast as intended. We walked closed towards the sources and halted our feet while we peered out into the other side of the bushes. There, we had noticed a familiar looking set of wolves before us. The scent of them recognized by our noses however. I blinked, Wivian and Wovan pulled back their ears but remained silent as they never said anything else other than to listen to the conversation before them.


The conversation was long; but it hits some important points however. From what we had gathered, the Hunters were suppose to aid to the unidentified vixen that had just arrived into the intertwine realms from somewhere else it had seemed. “A vixen?" Whispered Wivian, tilting his head to one side before glancing to both of us. None of which we had any sort of answers for as we were just as confused like him. But despite our silence, we just returned our attention back towards the source before us. Just in time for them to depart, for the Hunters had gave their nod. Fleeing from our sights; eastward, disappearing somewhere else. To their disappearance; we stepped out from the bushes and fixed our attention to one another. Our voices low as to avoid getting any eavesdroppers from anywhere onto our own surroundings. Yet our conversation was crystal clear upon the tranquility silence of the atmosphere to which we heard the bushes behind me and Wivian visible shook, sporting out another jackal whom called out towards us.


For upon its voice, we were startled. Flinching, we unknowingly fled from his sights. Following the brown road ahead of us and setting in some distance between ourselves and whomever had stalked us until we stopped suddenly; fixing our attention over our shoulders. Noticing that no one was there following us from behind that we exhaled a breath, allowing ourselves to catch our own heavy breaths. However, thoughts about the conversation were upon our minds as we began to ponder about our counter-attack to our adversaries. For when we have a plan in mind, we quickly have capitalized upon it. For we sprinted off the road; sending ourselves straight into the plains and rolled down the hillside. Entering onto level grounds beneath us.


As we stopped our tracks upon the valleys of the plains, my ear flicked upon overhearing Wovan spoke out loud to both of us, “Quick, we must reach the blocks and stones before them. I am betting you that is where they will be heading into." “You sure about this?" Wivian questioned, glancing to Wovan momentarily who gave a nod in response. I stared onto their interaction in silence, daring not to state anything in response for them while I just exhaled a breath and commented to them “After that comes the high castle, closest to the abandoned village nearby it." “Wonder what happened to the inhabitants…" Commented Wivian despite both of us ignoring him completely. With the plan in place, we raced, cutting across the plain fields before us. Heeding straight to the forest a few feet away from where we were standing.


For by high noon, we had already reached our destination. Indeed there was four rows of blocks. All of which were stacked overtop of one another. We never knew if this was an attempt to make a bridge, building or castle or something. But I had pushed that thought out of my own mind already: for immediately, I had turned my attention towards the two other coyotes that were adjacent to me. Both of which just stared outward to the blocks standing before them. Both of them smiled faintly for a bit; though neither of them stated nothing in the tranquility atmosphere hanging above us. I spoke out towards them quietly; as they had snapped their glances from the building blocks before us, immediately turning to me. “Remember as to why we are here." “Overhear the further conversation of the Hunters with someone else or to straight up attempted stop them from succeeding their quest?" “The second one." I stated after a hesitation, both gave a nod to me anyway.


So just like that; the three of us split amongst ourselves. Picking a path and sticking through it into the end. I had completely forgotten where the other two had heed into; submerging themselves into the complete darkness that had awaited for them upon the inside as I too joined in to the darkness also afterwards. When we all faded from the outside daylight, my eyes blinked for a good second. Readjusting to the darkness that was surrounding me and taking a good look around upon what we were seeing. Immediately, I had noticed that Wivian and Wovan were already here. At a good distance from one another apparently. As I glanced towards them, Wovan was the first to give me a nod and a wave. One after the other apparently. I just exhaled a breath, shaking my head slightly before turning back to my surrounding again.


My surroundings were small; I had initially noticed. Additionally, the place was empty; considering that nothing was here other than ourselves and the darkness that filled up the surroundings. I spoke towards the others, “This may be a bag mistake." “Maybe." Agreeing Wivian, giving a nod to me as I fixed my attention to him. With my ears flickering in the following silence, I turned back around. Intended of heading out into the broad daylight. But just as I had submerged into the sunlight, my ears quickly heard something at the near distance and soon to be approaching towards where we are. Immediately I froze, but Wovan and Wivian grabbed my tail, pulling me into the fields of darkness again as I had disappeared. Glancing to them, Wovan spoke in a whisper “Seems like the Hunters are here." “That quickly?" I exclaimed although it was more of a lower volume than it was originally. At the nod from Wovan, I exhaled a breath and immediately spoke to them “Fine, get towards the sides of the darkness. We listen to them one way or another."


So we dashed to one side, hitting our heads against the hard walls. Imprinting upon the surfaces that exposes us from the outside. I felt dizzy somehow that my visions were tilting left and right. Groaning whether in pain or something else, I struggled to lay my ear upon the surface of the wall. Initially, I heard from the outside “Looks at this! There are imprints of coyotes here." “Think someone is watching us however?" Spoke another, a set of laughter came before a sudden silence. I frowned, awaiting for anything. But the pause was too long and much that I was starting to hear ringing in my own ear. A yawn came from my snout apparently, I tried to close it. But it was a bit too much for the sound carried through the silence of the darkness and light and was heard by the voices upon the outside. “You hear that? The rock just yawn!" “Your imagination, idiot." “Hey!" A smack followed and a scream and yelp followed after that. Then a short conversation before someone new came. His footsteps was heavy it had seem. A quick greeting was in order, before the conversation went right into it.


However, before the conversation could get underway, we heard something creaked. A block moved out of the way from its stem; seeping light into the small hole before it was covered up by something that resembled an eye. We hid ourselves against the stone wall to prevent ourselves from being seem. We were lucky that the eye never looked down or towards the right and left. Only staring to whatever was in front of him. We exhaled a breath, I grabbed onto Wovan and Wivan's snouts and threw them across the small room. Hitting against the wall brick onto the other side, I sprinted across the dirt ground, rejoining them as we split apart. Leaving through the two holes onto the other side of the 'house'. I think it was.


Till we are in broad daylight was the time only time that our hearts settled and eased. I only shake my head; frowning upon the tempting fate that we had just pulled upon our enemies as Wovan and Wivian stared on ahead, gazing to the horizon before us. Thus before we had knew it, our ears flicked upon the sudden movement that was behind us. That immediately we forced ourselves through the hole of the stone building behind us, half anticipating that 'they' would come after us. Apparently, no one had submerged from the corner of the building outside as the footsteps had then faded from our ears. Fleeing eastward; towards the horizon before us. When silence had settled, I immediately turned my attention towards the others just as they glanced to me.


We held a short conversation; onto the topic that they were talking about. However, throughout our conversation, we had indeed noticed that it was neither talking about the vixen at all. Rather, some sort of treasure chest hiding somewhere north of Reptile, within the realm of the Moon. My eyes blinked and shake my head once more, for I growled at the irritation that we were led to believed upon. Meanwhile, Wovan and Wivan fixed their gazes onto one another. Their thoughts pondering about some sort of treasure within moon. That they had turned towards me, I shake my head in answer to them and they frowned shortly afterwards. I reminded them, “We should focus upon finding out this vixen and why was she with the Hunters?" “No species of canine should trust a fox at all." Added Wovan while Wivan questioned both of us. “Since when did we get that motto or motivation at all?" Neither of us responded to him for we held that silence shortly before we had departed from the stone building. Southwest in hopes of catching up to the Hunters.


We had arrived long after. It was already evening, the sun sinks into the horizon sending its red and orange coloring to paint the blue skies. Birds squawk overhead, flying northward to Reptile as we journey our way forth towards the castle which is in front of us. Thus by chance, we had spotted the wolves adjacent to the castle, just about to enter through the doors indeed. I gave a smirk; my own tail wagging unknowingly as I sprinted across the fields. Straight towards the castle while the Hunters had entered right in. Fading from my sights with the door closing right behind them. I hit against the strong hard door in front of me; dizziness already taking over my own head while rapid footsteps approaches from behind, I knew automatically that it was them however. For I had immediately turned towards them, raised a paw and pointed to the door to which one of the coyotes began knocking onto it. Yet nothing had happened. Another knock before silence and this had repeated for at least some time, I counted at least five by the way before the door opened before us. I, Wovan and wivian sprinted right inside.


Immediately we were submerged into the fields of darkness. A straight path was before us; leaving to an arc that was on the other side. Wovan and Wivian immediately stepped forth towards the arc in front of us before I grabbed onto their necks with my paws. Dragging them into the door that was closest to us however. Entering in, we had found ourselves inside of a small room. It was vacant; a pair of beds. Overtop of them were a basket full of pistols and other weapons. Along with some melee weapons that we had grew to know of. We immediately grabbed onto some of them: an ax, an sword and some sort of swinging ball however. I was surprise to see such a weapon here however, considering that it was not made until late eighteenth century or somewhere around that time I guess.


Though shaking my head, I immediately pointed to the walls on either side of us for I had half expected there would be some shortcuts that would allow us to catch up to the Hunters as well. Both Wovan and Wivian nodded their heads, immediately heading into the wall in front of themselves. Hitting against the surface of it before they had became dazed from the impact. I was a bit surprise by it that my eyes widened, though they had returned to normal by now. For I frowned in response; fixing my attention towards the door in front of me. I grabbed onto it; yanking it out of its stem where a huge hole was left behind. Landing it inbetween of the two beds before us and Wovan opened it up and went inside the darkness that welcomed him in. Wivian followed right behind him. The door closed after wards. I returned the door back to its rightful spot and exited out of the door; back upon the halls, I sprinted across the length of it. Reaching the arc in less time at all until I bypassed it and ascended the stairs.


This had been repeated a few times before my ears flicked upon hearing something above us that I forced my head to tilt back, gazing to the high ceiling that was too far for me to see. I heard faint sounds coming from above; which perhaps I knew it was them. A smile drifted from my own snout; clenching my weapon at hand before sprinting up the remaining steps that stood in front of me. Now landing into the third floor to which my surprise was closed. A set of staircase was in front of it; adjacent to me however and I had turned towards it before resuming my run up the stairs. However as I was running up the stairs, my ears flicked upon something wailing above me. The entire atmosphere changed to brightest of red, combining with it were the shades of brown or blackness that had came from the walls adjacent to me. I blinked, tilting my head to one side in wonder. But my initial thoughts went directly forth towards wovan and wivian, wondering if they had anything to do with this.


As a result, I just found myself shaking my head and resumed my steps high. But a new sound vibrated the walls from below. A bellow roar shook the castle walls; I momentarily paused and leaned to the side, gazing down onto the abyss beneath me where I had noticed a pair of eyes staring back onto me. A burst of flame shot up from the abyss; illuminating the surroundings as I now realized that it was a dragon. I found myself screaming; whether in fear or excitement I never knew as I kept running up the steps. The dragon chasing me down from behind, yipping and smack its lips. Trying to get me into its stomach. We had continued this rodeo until I had decided to unknowing; jump out of the first window that I had seen for many minutes. For the dragon behind me just stopped; staring at me with its eyes while I illuminated myself upon the brightest of the sun shining down onto me as I now realized I was descending into the grounds beneath. It was indeed a high flight.