Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Norson


“Can you believe the
breaking news today?" Exclaimed Horizoki while he raised his paws into the air
besides his head, gazing upon the other wolves in front of him who just met his
eyes, yawning upon the early sunrise morning. “Can this wait, Horizoki?"
Questioned Harkell, a bit of growling came from him as he kept eye upon
Horizoki who shook his head responding to him. “No. Wake up Hunter! We need to
find-" “I am already awake, mind you." I growled at him, eyes already opened
staring at the conversation at hand as Horizoki turned his attention towards me
and halted his voice for a moment, breaks into a uneasy smile before heading
towards me. More like waltzing over however.


He nudged my flank, I
rose to my feet and shook my head at him before responding “Still. It is early
morning. Why should you see this now?" “Because, I cannot wait to see him all
tied up like that." “Horizoki." Interrupted Harkell as both of us turned towards
him, “I think you are the only one who wanted to see that however." “Was it not
his kink?" Questioned Havlut while someone snored in the background. I exhaled
a sigh, closing my eyes and shake my head. Ears already flattened before
throwing my head back and howled into the dawn's early morning. The other
wolves flinched and shook themselves awake; yet Huzizu and Hayizo remained
still upon their respective patches of grass. While Harkell and Havlut walked
over towards me, Horizoki jumped the other two wolves. Tackling them forcefully
onto the ground, smacking their heads upon the patches of soft grasses
underneath them before arousing themselves awake. For their eyes shot opened,
glaring over to Horizoki who started laughing or chuckling. He fled with the
other two wolves chasing after him however.


Harkell and Havlut
watched them go; but I had decided to stop their little playdate by barking
upon the trio as they turned back towards me. Withdrawn from whatever they were
doing however. By the time we all gathered up, I turned around and led them out
of the forest grounds. Onto the plains and upon the entrance of Vaster. Where
which Horizoki questioned me suddenly with a tilt of his head as he glanced
upon me. “Why are we here?" “Well like Horizoki said, we have to find this
canine that is tied up suddenly." “To a light bulb according to breaking news."
Exclaimed Horizoki though he was ignored by most. As everyone shift their
attention ahead, I exhaled a breath before walking forth. Down the roads
towards the hillside that was in front of us where we ascended towards the
apex. Spotting already out guy suddenly.


I blinked in surprise; a
smile drifted from my snout while the others caught up towards me.  A wave of mixed expressions were upon
themselves, although silence was upon each of them however. They all turned
towards the canine in front of us. Indeed, he was tied up against the cross
behind him. Arms out wide; head hanged low with his eyes closed suddenly for
some strange reason. His entire body was exposed to anything unimaginable. Yet
we are not here for such a thing however. Upon the silence, I motioned everyone
and they turned towards me suddenly after a flick of their heads. “Alright. Let
just bring him out from that cross." “And how are we going to do that?"
Questioned Huzizu while he motioned with his paws towards the canine in front
of him, “He is stuck in there like glue." “Does not matter." Responded Horizoki
with a widen smile upon his face as he brought up a long thin tube. Huzizu,
Haizyo and Havlut widened their eyes, a bit surprise by Horizoki as one of the
three questioned him. “Where on earth did you get such an item?" “Stole it."
“Where?" “Can Mark."


Without any questions,
Horizoki stepped froth towards the canine tied to the cross and shouted at the
top of his lungs, more like screaming in case anyone had not guessed, threw the
tube straight onto the head of the canine which knocked him awake as such said
canine flinched before opening his eyes, gazed around in wonderance of where he
was. Shortly before lowering his eyes, hanging his head upon his lower body.
Struggling and screaming while kicking out with his legs; he shouted at the
other wolves beside me. White puffs of clouds came from either side of his
head; his entire face had grown red for some strange reason. Luckily, Horizoki
managed to knock him out again with such same tube and the quietness fell
looming overhead. “Well that was an earful." Responded Havlut with a frown as
Harkell clean out his ear with his paw, nodding in agreement with Havlut. While
Horizoki frowned and gaze at the tube momentarily, I walked up towards him.
Slapped his face with my paw and growled lowly, “That is not how you used the
tube, Horizoki." I muttered, low voice so no one else would be able to hear us
however while Horizoki glanced at me in silence, before handing the tube onto


“Then you do it then."
“Fine." I spat before shifting my position and aligning the tube to the canine
target himself. For this had taken some minutes before it was perfect and when
it was, I let go of the tube and allowed it suck the canine inside. However he
did not go all the way through as the legs were sticking out from one end of
the tube. The cross that the canine was tied to was blocking the way for him to
be fully inside while I turned towards Horizoki, asking him “Is there a 'high'
function?" “No. Just low and medium." He answered and I looked at him with eyes
brow raised, Horizoki in response, shrugged back towards me while Harkell
clapped his paws and spoke at us “Great. Now he tied and stuck inside the
tube." “Reminds me of that one episode in a certain monster game…" Trailed
Huzizu who was muttering to himself while eyeing the tube and the canine stuck
upon one end of it. I just shake my head, exhaling a breath before responding
to the others “Fine. Just get him out then." “Reverse engineer it!" Exclaimed
Horizoki with paws in the air although Huzizu just flick the switch and spat
the canine out from the tube itself.


He flung in an arc. Far
from where we are. Across the rooftops and building's apex; hitting against a
radio station and knocking that over. He changed his projection and heed
straight towards the northern side. Straight towards some building that was adjacent
to the Police station next door. We ran, following the canine until we ended up
upon the destination of where he was however. The building in front of us was
abandoned; lights shut off and darkened. The windows were dirty and foggy that
they had looked old suddenly. The rooftop above the building looked weak that
at any moment it looked like it could fall off; or collapsed into the building
itself. There was no door in front of us; just an open space that is shaped
like a door. Immediately, we all headed right onto in.


Darkness was what
welcomed us inside as we gathered around at the first floor's flooring beneath
us. Cold shot up upon our spines, only Horizoki and Havlut shivered in response
while the others just turned towards me. I waved them off and kept eye upon our
surroundings. Not even surprise that the building had lived up upon its name.
The entire floor was abandoned; nothing was here! Just a bunch of rats and poop
upon the grounds. Except onto the far side of the flooring, we had spotted our
guy there. Lying upon the ground, moaning or attempting to moan however. He was
faced up; gazing at the opened hole above him whereas the sunlight was shining
down onto him. We called out towards him, he raised his head and shook it
before flopping back against the cold hard grounds again. “Thank goodness we
had found you!" “How did you get out of the cross?" “I did not." Remark the
canine, glaring at us with narrowed eyes. We all fell silent after that. But
that did not last long however when I started, snapping my paw. Urging Horizoki
to stepped forth with that tube again as it dragged along behind him across the
cold grounds below. The canine in question gasped and scrambled to his feet,
attempting to raise his paws high and shake it to deter us. But it never work
when Horizoki shove that tube down his head.


At high power or so we
had think it was high power however, we heard a loud whining noise and
something else also. But we chose to ignore it and kept eye upon the canine
stuck inside the tube again. We watched while the canine legs started kicking
in midair, something muffled screamed inside the tube while I nudged my head to
the side, nodding straight towards Horizoki who nodded his head. Flicked the
switch at the side of the tube and aimed it at the wall in front of us.
However, things did not go as expected as the tube that Horizoki was holding,
flung out of his paws and hit against the sides of the opened doors behind us.
Creating a small thin hole there while Horizoki glanced behind himself, staring
straight onto the hole as he started frowning suddenly. For thus afterwards, we
heard a scream and we turned around immediately.   Watching as the wall crumbled surrounding us
which Huuzizu screamed out into our ears. “Run!" And so we had did however.
Everyone sprinted into a run; straight towards the opened door behind us where
we had immediately exited from the building, just as it had crumbled to the


“Well that smarts."
Commented Huzizzu while Haizyo nodded his head, frowning. None of us said anything
afterwards in silence. Although we turned our attention towards Huzizu, I
questioned Horizoki momentarily as he turned towards him suddenly, I spoke
“Whatever happened to that tube however?" “Oh. Got flung out. Breaks into a
couple buildings behind it. I just do not know what happened to it afterwards."
He started, looking back onto the thousands of series of buildings behind
himself, all crumbling after one another in succession as the dusts and clouds
formed above these crumbling buildings in silence. None of us answered or even
gave another comment while we just watched them. Harkell and Havlut however,
managed to facepalmed and groaned. “Idiot." They muttered at the same time,
though it was clearly for themselves and not for us however. Yet the quietness
fell above us while I nodded towards the others, issuing the orders “Well we
cannot use the tube again. Any other ideas?" “Do not use the sling shot, Horizoki."
Havlut warned horizoki who was about to bring out that sling shot that he had
brought in between the stories. But he whined, frowning at the wolf before
turning around and walked away.


As we talked about it,
Horizoki came back with the tube again and shove it into the canine once more.
Now that he was stuck inside, Horizoki raised the tube into the air and flicked
the switch again; shooting out such said canine into the air while the ropes
that tied the canine together to the cross was untied. A loud bang echoed
through the conversation which halted our conversation temporarily. We turned
towards Horizoki who started smiling; giving up a thumbs up with no hesitation
despite Harkell and havlut tackling him onto the ground. Poised to kill or rip
him into pieces if they have to. Yet they hesitated as at the corner of their
eye, they have noticed that the cross was lying upon the ground adjacent to
them. “Guess you did it however." I responded with a nod and a loud cheer
echoed through the crowds of canines. We celebrated for a moment; perhaps
shorter until the afternoon hours however where a single thought collectively
popped onto our heads as our eyes widened with the realization dawned upon us.
Thus, onto this; we ran to where Horizoki shot the canine from the tube.


We were northward. Upon
the grassy plains laid beneath our feet where we started searching for the
canine whom we had believed had landed here however. But in the hours that had
passed, straight into the evening hours, we had noticed that he was nowhere to
be found. For the plains came up empty and the nearby forest that we had
entered and searched throughout resulted the same. I scratched my fur with my
paw as we gathered around upon the cold breezes of the night. Stars shone above
us, twinkling upon the night where the moon hangs alongside of them. Though
only half of it was gone. “Well he is lost." Responded Haizyo as he sat down
adjacent to me and Havlut who nodded his head shifting his attention towards
him, “Indeed." “Where did you shoot him exactly?" Questioned Haizyo turning
towards Horizoki who shrugged, raising his shoulders frowning as he responded
to him “No idea. Just Northward I guess." “Was there a significant event that
was happening that we should know about?" I questioned, popping into the conversation
as every head shake denying everything.


A long quiet night loomed
overhead. I exhaled a sigh and flopped upon the patches of grass behind and
underneath me, raising my head high onto the night skies in silence while the
ringing and chirping sounded. Something cut through the night skies; forcing me
to blinked a couple of times. As I shook my head, my ear flicked upon hearing
Haziyo commented while pointing up onto the night skies “Look! A shooting
star!" “Wait a second." Remarked Havlut while he shot rightup. Horizoki and
Huzizu turned their heads towards me. I rose to my feet, nodding at Havlut
“Indeed. It is not a shooting star." “it is not?" “Do you guys not hear
screaming?" Asked Havlut turning to the other wolves when they shook and nodded
their heads at the same time. Exhaling a breath, Havlut closed his eyes while I
spoke towards everyone. “That must be the reptiles' significant event." “A
screaming rocket?" Tilted Huzizu while Haizyo knocked his head with his paw
growling, “No you idiot! That canine we blasted with is hanging onto that rocket!"
“How was that even possible!" Exclaimed Haizyo with paws smacking against the
side of his face. I shook my head and said nothing while motioned everyone
back, fleeing from the plains and returning back into Vaster.


We ran around town for a
little while; questioning the reptiles and dragons that were there enjoying
their solomon walk however. Although they looked a bit confused, some even
scared of us even, we all thanked them the same and ran in the direction of
where our destination was upon. It had taken some time before we had arrived
onto it. When we do, we were surprise to see that the building was half the
size of the normal buildings adjacent to it. It only housed like ten windows,
five on each row. There was a long stick above the building; glowing red upon
its tip. But we never cared of the unnecessary details however. For
immediately, we entered right onto in. Fleeing a cold breeze washed over our
fur making some of us shiver and Horizoki to grab some soap and started washing
himself. Huzizu snatched him from the main doors, dragging him along down the
halls where the pair regroup with the rest of us just as the doors to the
elevator had opened before our eyes. Inside, were scientist. All looking
surprise and shock upon seeing us. Although one of them tried to pressed
rapidly upon the button adjacent to him, we shoved ourselves inside.


The place was cramped,
let me tell you. There was no spot for either of us to maneuver or stretched
ourselves off. Though when we had entered in, I was a bit surprise to see that
the scientist themselves were a bit scared of us however. For fear was written
upon their faces; white cold something tickled against their necks as their
wings were fanned and paired together, gathering more space for themselves.
“Quick onto their heads!" Exclaimed Huzizu while he pointed towards the
ceiling. For the other two wolves; mainly Horizoki and Haizyo joined in onto
whatever game they were doing. Climbed onto the heads of the dragons and
reptiles inside of the elevator and hanged onto their horns. The results?
Chaos, just as you had expected audience. For upon the wolves hanging onto the
heads of the dragons and reptiles; they were in a uproar. Charging left and
right, into the walls. Creating bumps and bruises upon the elevator cube that
we were in as the ropes above us started thinning out suddenly. More ruckus and
more insanity that the elevator ding suddenly and all the wolves jumped out of
the doors just as it had opened. At the same time, however, the elevator cube
descended. Racing down onto the basement as screams erupted upon the darkness
of the void below us. Horizoki, Huzizu and Haizyo started laughing while me
Harkell and havlut just stared at them suddenly. But shrugged and turned around
with them tailing behind us.


A single dark hallway was
in front of us. Complete with lights that erupted from the lamps from them. Set
to the sides; lingering against the walls, we watched them glowed brightly
illuminating the walkway underneath them however. Immediately, we started
walking down the hallway. Picking up speed as we raced across. Heeding onto the
other side where another door awaits for us. We opened it immediately and
headed right outside. Dark clouds await for us as we find ourselves upon the
rooftops. We glanced around upon our surroundings. Searching for the canine
that we threw here. But it had seemed that the canine was not found here
however. I turned towards the others, they said nothing afterwards. But a
glance to me upon the sudden silence. Shaking my head, I turned myself back
towards the door behind me and just about to opened the door. Seeing that our
guy was not here however, made me think about the other destinations of where
he could had been. But before I could opened the door before me, something
rocketed by and Horizoki shouted, almost screaming at the top of his lungs
“There he is!" “Quick! Get the net!" Another responded in the silence while
Harkell questioned Huzizu, “Do we even have a net?"


For I turned around;
looking onto the crowd of wolves behind me. Jumping and waving their paws;
stretching out their arms and legs while they tried to grabbed onto the canine
whom was still tightly holding onto the rocket for some strange reason. Additionally,
upon noticing that rocket, I had noticed on how pure red it was. With a
firecracker behind it however. I blinked, tilting my head to the side.  Before shaking my head to the side, walked up
to the gatherer wolves before me.  They
all turned towards me suddenly; not one had said anything. As I reached out
towards the rocket just as it had made another passed through the building
underneath it; I snatched onto the canine's leg and pulled him down suddenly.
Allowing him to hit against the flooring of the rooftops from underneath him
while the other wolves just remained silent in the following.


Dusting my paws, I
smirked with pride while the other wolves cheered on. The door to our right
opened out and out came the VPD. “Great." I muttered in silence; spotting the
familiar faces staring back onto us. Although the VPD officers looked shocked
to see us, they all shook their heads and turned tail. Returning back inside,
disappearing afterwards while the scientists dragons all stared at the fleeing
officers then turned towards us in a moment. Though there was all anger and
something however; the canine behind us stirred and opened his eyes. We turned
around towards him in silence; though smiles had came from Horizoki, Huzizu and
Haizyo. The canine in question shook his head and frowned, before raising
himself onto his feet and turned tail and ran. “Here we go again." Muttered
Harkell as he frowned, I just rolled my eyes and said nothing while chasing
tail after him. Though everyone in the pack was shocked, they still complied
and ran off to follow me down.


Some music from a certain
hedgehog game started playing, although I was not sure where or even pinpoint
of where it was however. But I had indeed tried my best to ignore it however.
As we descended the long hillside, I stared upon the canine in front of me.
Noticing that he was a bit far away than where I was however. Upon which I
snarled, biting against my tongue before immediately stretched my paw towards
the right. Snatching onto something metal to which I turned around; It was a
scooter. My face immediately brightened upon noting it and I climbed a board
without any sort of hesitation. Setting my feet upon the wheel behind me and
another onto the stomach of the scooter as I ride it down hillside closing the
distance between myself and the canine before me. But before I could even grab
him; something was in the way which knocked me off as I gasped in shocked.
Rolled a few inches away onto the ground while the canine ran off from me. I
groaned; while the other wolves caught up to me with their own scooters bicycles
and among other transportation stuff needed.


“You alright?" “I be
fine." I waved Huzizu off, “Just go after him." Catcha." Nodded the wolf while
Harkell motioned everyone and they drive off. I remained where I was at least
for a moment, before setting back onto my feet once more and stretched my back
that is suddenly cracks. I groaned, shook my head and turned my attention to
where the action was. For a small smile drifted from my face as I regrabbed
onto the scooter that I had left behind, climbed onto it again and rode it down
hill. Trying my hardest to catch up with the others.